Hank Pomeranz of Coastal Yacht Care and host of navigation/weather briefings at Southport Marina reports this missing ICW marker. Hank had discussed marker 48A in his Oct 30 Pomeranz Report. The intersection of Wright River and Northern Fields cut is a Cruisers Net Problem Stretch noted for shoaling and channel shifting.
Hi all, I had two on scene reports yesterday that R”48A” is missing at the northern entrance to Fields Cut. I have photos from within the last 10 days that it was there. It was not mentioned in the 46/18 LNM. As you know, this mark forces you towards the green shore for deeper water.
Bob, I downloaded your GPX track through there and have attached a screen shot- which may help show them the deepest path. Navionics also has a good handle on it and I just drew a faux track to make the point. Perhaps an announcement something to the effect that if R48A is not on station, suggest closely following the green (port southbound) shore for deepest water.
This is basically how I started briefing it last night.
Northern Fields Cut is always an area to approach cautiously and at mid to high tide. Our thanks to Mike Cam for this marker warning.
Sat. 4 March 17 Fields Cut just into SC. At 0850 about 1h 50m after mlw and 1.5ft above mlw northbound N48A LOOKS like it’s out of place, too close to the SE shore. It is not! Honor it but hug it. Saw 7ft. Our catamaran was very close to shore to starboard [northbound].
Northern Fields Cut is always an area to approach cautiously and at mid to high tide. Our thanks to Captain Hospodar for this update.
My wife Pat and I traveled through Fields Cut on 10/26/16 one hour after low water favoring the outside of each curve and found no less than 12 feet of water from the Wright River to the Savannah River. Captain George Hospodar
Northern Fields Cut, which was listed as a hazard to navigation (see /?p=143997) in Local Notices as recently as August, is always an area to approach cautiously and at mid to high tide. Our thanks to Skippers Lawrenson and Steeves for these updates. For a recent depth report from Captains Mark and Diana Doyle, see /?p=144010
Came through Fields Cut on the 21st and 23 Nov. No problems as I hugged the East side. There is a new red in the water. 48A I believe, so the channel, which is very close to the shore, is easier to find. There was a large trawler in the channel when I returned, and so I chose to wait as I did not want to try to pass in that narrow channel. Had 15 feet or better at about half tide. Bill Lawrenson, SV Serenity.
There is now a red marker marking that shoal at the location as shown by the Doyles which is quite close to the southern shore. Honor that marker and stay about midway between it and the shore. Went thru at the low and saw no less than 7 feet but running so close to shore may be a bit nerve wracking for some. Wayne Steeves
Northern Fields Cut at the intersection of Fields Cut and Wright River has been designated a Problem Stretch for some time and we are grateful to Skipper Schmidt for this information re the navigation aids in the area. For a depth survey by Mark and Diana Doyle from August of this year, go to: /?p=144010.
Came through Fields Cut today. There is no green buoy. There are 2 reds. One is beacon 48. The other is a red nun apparently locate on the south side of the “mound” in the middle. I made a straight line from red beacon 48 past the new red buoy carefully compensating for the strong cross current. Was in good water all the time. Ray Schmidt
Many thanks to our good friends, Mark and Diana Doyle, for sharing this depth survey of northern Fields Cut, which was listed as a hazard to navigation (see /?p=143997) in this week’s Local Notices. Please let this survey and our Nav Alert serve to guide you through this major Problem Stretch.
Hi Larry, Just saw your recent SSECN report on Fields Cut. You’re right, it’s getting uglier and uglier there. Diana and I went through yesterday so I thought I’d send you a depth-annotated track and survey report for your readers. That end of the cut was always interesting but now it’s got a three-foot MLLW speed bump right in the middle of the ICW channel! Best, Captains Mark & Diana Doyle m/v Semi-Local www.OnTheWaterChartGuides.com
Captain George Hospodar- October 26, 2016 - 3:25 pm
My wife Pat and I traveled through Fields Cut on 10/26/16 one hour after low water favoring the outside of each curve and found no less than 12 feet of water from the Wright River to the Savannah River.
The intersection of Northern Fields Cut and the Wright River lies north of the intersection of the Waterway and the Savannah River. Shoaling there has always been an issue and even with last year’s dredging, shallow depths might be expected. However, Captain Mullins offers good advice for a clear passage.
Just helped take a Ocean Alexander 58 through Field’s cut at low tide.(4 ft. draft) Entering the cut from the north going south, you must stay close to the green markers on the left for the first 150 yds, then edge over to the red side until you approach the Savannah River and exit close to the Red side. We had a fish finder screen aboard and when we entered the cut, we could see how the bottom jumped up about 100 yds from the north entrance. There was a sailboat in front of us that tried to stay on the Green side all the way and had run aground 4 times by the time we caught up with him. Phil Mullins
The intersection of Northern Fields Cut and the Wright River lies north of the intersection of the Waterway and the Savannah River. Shoaling there has always been an issue and even with last year’s dredging, shallow depths might be expected. However, Captain Poovey’s report brings more good news about recent depths.
I came through here today(10-8-13) from the North at 1:15 PM (two hours past high tide). I stayed very close (25′) to Green “47” and stayed to the green side for over three hundred yards into the canal. I saw nothing less the 17 feet of depth. I learned the hard way last year when I strayed to the Red side and found the bottom and $1,200 in prop repairs! Tough lesson. Bob Poovey m/v Threadbare
The “AICW Problem Stretch” at the intersection of northern Fields Cut and Wright River was dredged three years ago and was more or less clear through the end of 2012. However, as recent reports confirm and as Captain Lawrenson experienced, shoaling is once again a real problem at this intersection.
We grounded badly on May 24, 2013 about 30 feet short of the north exit of Fields Cut running northbound (about where the line runs through the chart next to the N on the insert chart). I had 4.0 to 4.5ft MLW about 10 feet to the red side of the center line. As it was a negative 1.0 tide and I draw 4.5 ft., we sat for 1 1/2 hours in 3.5 Ft of water and swatted flies. After we came free (about + 0.5 ft from MLW) I went back towards Savannah a short way. A trawler passed us and despite my warnings promptly went aground just past where we had been (they also drew 4.5 ft.). I then turned back and went north again, strongly favoring the green side ‘“ about 75% (half way between mid channel and the green shore) and had 7.0 ft. or better past the grounded trawler and all the way out of the cut splitting the markers outside the cut. The shoal is like hitting a brick wall from the Savannah side. I had 11 ft. and then stopped abruptly, aground. It was so sudden I thought I had snagged something ‘“ no warning. All the locals including the Bloody Point Ferry (Savannah to Daufuskie) that passed us three times strongly favor the green side. On the other end, (Savannah River Side) we came through just fine favoring the red side (1/3 from red bank, 2/3 from green bank) at the entry where the cut bends right after the northbound entry from the Savannah River ‘“ 7.5 ft or better at about MLW. Stay away from the jetty on the green side and don’t follow you plotter line. I am a sailor, not a marine professional, and this is what I recall happening to us. Hope this helps others. William Lawrenson
July 8, 2013 Every time I went through S.C. Field’s Cut this weekend there were sailboats aground in the middle of the north entrance of the cut at low tide. Either they don’t read anything don’t know anything or don’t believe how far to the east side of the cut you have to go. I know people are afraid to try this but to go through the north end of the cut you have to stay all the way to the east side of the cut: that means 25 feet from the dirt if you cannot reach out and touch the grass you are not close enough. Do not worry if your GPS or Chartplotter shows a covered and uncovered place here. Look at the water and the mud bank. You will find a channel here where all the water goes out of the cut and it is 10 feet deep at dead low tide. Captain Kevin R Quinn
Did have serious problem with north side of Fields Cut, went aground in middle part of channel before turning south into Fields. Hard grounding with quick stop. Carter Hopkins M/V Amazing Grace
The “AICW Problem Stretch” at the intersection of northern Fields Cut and Wright River was dredged three years ago and was more or less clear through the end of 2012. However, as Captain Colburn relates from personal experience, shoaling is once again beginning to occur. This posting at first created quite a ruckus here at the SSECN, as Captain Colburn originally recommended favoring the “red” side of the channel. Heretofore, the shoaling at the northern end of Fields Cut, always seemed to build from the northwest side of the passage, between the northern mouth of Fields Cut, and marker #48. We wondered if the new shoaling was coming in from the southeast, rather than its traditional direction from the NW, and sent out a special “Alert” soliciting more information from the cruising community.
Yikes! What was I thinking?? I can’t say I’m sorry enough, but I meant to favor the GREEN side of the channel. Please amend my recent report on the intersection of the Fields Cut north end with the Wright River. Patrece Colburn
April 7, 3:30PM North end of Fields Cut ‘” stay way over on the GREEN side of the channel coming out of the cut (northbound). After spending the last hour or so aground in the center of the channel at low tide, I could recommend staying close to the [GREEN] side of the channel. A sail boat was also aground with us. We waited for the tide to come up and both freed ourselves under our own power. Patrece Colburn
Claiborne, I transited Field’s Cut in late Jan. 2013 and found the shoal dead in the middle of the channel on the north side. I was pulled off by Boat U.S. Savannah, very expertly may I say. We entered the cut right in the middle of the channel and about 100 yards or so, ran aground. The tide was ebbing, but not dead low. We were on the bar about 30 minutes before a boat passed us near the south side of the channel and shouted the deep water is to the “green ” side. Unfortunately, we discovered a fuel leak from a corroded injector and had the Boat U.S. captain take us to Thunderbolt Marina where we spent 2 weeks getting it and one other injector fixed. Instead of continuing on south, we decided to return to Charleston, SC and lick our wounds. On the way back north, we paid particular attention to Field’s Cut and stayed on the “green” side and had no problem. Our Boat US captain said a new shoal had been forming for a couple of months. Then northwest side of the channel is not the side to transit. There is some deep water on that side of the shoal,but finding it may be difficult. Captain Phil Mullins S/V Katash Isle of Palms, SC
We were the sailboat aground at the north end of Fields Cut during low tide April 7, 2013. We had followed the advice to favor the red side and ran aground. The trawler that ran aground with us was close to the center of the channel, on the magenta line. The deepest water was while hugging the green side of the north end of the channel and going close to G47 going into the Wright River. We were traveling northbound. Roger Globig
AllEZ! MT50 with 5 ft draft. Transited Hells Gate on 4-14-13 at 2 hours into a rising tide. Transit time 4 minutes. Water 8-10 ft. (5 ft under our keel) Fields Cut Transited on 4-14-13 @ 12:25 Noon Entered from South going North 5 ft draft we had 10 feet under the keel. We were 1 hour into a falling tide. Just stay in the middle and do some cruise planning. Follow you Depth sounder. No Drama, just planning. Capt. Bob
We just passed thru Fields Cut on 4/19/2013 and found no problems. We carried over 10 feet MLW for the entire cut. As a point of interest we changed sides (going north favoring Red to favoring Green) at about 32 04.611N and 080 56.836W. John Holmes
Here are my GPS tracks going and coming last December. My draft is only 4’-3″ but I start paying attention whenever the depth gets under 8. I don’t remember any particular concern on either transit. There are lots of other stretches that seemed worse. Roger Long S/V Strider
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