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    • Praise for Cape Lookout Bight Anchorage, near Beaufort – Morehead City, NC

      This lovely anchorage lies well off the AICW, and is accessed via Beaufort Inlet and the Atlantic Ocean. We have received many positive comments about this locale, and, in fact, Cape Lookout Bight may well be the single most popular anchorage on the waters of coastal North Carolina!.

      This is worth a special trip. Cruisers who by-pass this on their way south are missing one of the most beautiful places on the eastern seaboard. If you are headed to the Exumas, well here is a preview for you. Clean water, miles of undeveloped gorgeous beaches inside the Bight and outside on the ocean with world-class shells (it’s a National Seashore). Break out the dinghy and stay a few days! Only 12 NM from Morehead City. You are on open ocean, so mind the surf and current forecast for navigating the inlet and the trip over there. In good conditions you can cut straight to Masonboro Inlet 70NM from here and miss some of the less attractive parts of the ICW (in our opinion)
      George and Ann aboard Hatteras 56MY

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For Cape Lookout Bight Anchorage

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    • Good Advice on Entering Ocracoke Harbor, off Pamilco Sound, NC

      Captain Healy gives us a detailed description of his passage into Ocracoke from Pamlico Sound.

      The route across Pamlico Sound is, likewise, unremarkable. Follow it to the Big Foot Slough Channel from the sound into Ocracoke. Note here that the North Carolina State Ferry System uses this channel. Draft for pleasure craft is not a problem, but if you encounter a ferry in that channel, watch the prop wash! The prop wash is very, very strong, and definitely enough to set you out of the channel. There is a red-over-green junction marker just beyond R3 and G4. Watch for the correctly charted shoal there, and turn 120 degrees or so to port, into the entrance channel into Ocracoke harbor, called “Silver Lake” on the charts. In the harbor, inexpensive dockage with water and electric is available at the National Park Service docks adjacent to the ferry docks. In this harbor, there is also plenty of room to anchor; 20 boats or more. The harbor is very well protected from the strong periodic winds that frequent this island 20 miles into the Atlantic.
      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To Nine Foot Shoal Channel, Big Foot Slough Channel, Silver Lake and Ocracoke

      Click Here To View An Earlier Article on Ocracoke

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    • Sanctuary Navigates Roanoke Sound, Old House Channel and Pamlico Sound to Ocracoke, NC

      Captain Healy gives us a good description of the passage from Manteo to Ocracoke via the Roanoke Sound Old House Channel, and Pamlico Sound. Note that Old House Channel, which connects Roanoke Sound to Pamlico Sound, is very changeable, and markers are constantly being changed. And, that’s just what Peg and Jim discovered.

      We departed from Waterfront Marina in Manteo, turned south into the Roanoke Channel through Roanoke Sound, joined the Old House Channel into Pamlico Sound, southwest across the sound to the Big Foot Slough Channel into Ocracoke Island’s Silver Lake, and to the National Park Service docks. This is a transit of 67.1 StM which we did in 8.26 hours (so an average speed of 8.12 Stm/hr).
      Here’s a synopsis of the navigation between Manteo and Ocracoke. The Roanoke Channel, from it’s beginnings north of Manteo, carries as little as 7ft to it’s intersection with the Manteo Village entrance channel. South of the Manteo entrance channel, the Roanoke Channel carries at least 9 ft for it’s entire length; in most areas, 11ft to 14ft. There are no draft-related problem areas (at this time). In fact, the Elizabeth II, which draws 8 ft, regularly uses this channel. So, no draft problems, but the channel is quite narrow, probably 100 ft. And, it is not a “No Wake” area. Thus, our plan was to “take our half out of the middle,” which was OK at 0700 on a Monday morning.
      There were, however, two areas that caused some confusion for me. A couple of miles south of Manteo is the US64/US264, 65 ft fixed bridge. Southbound, as you emerge from under that bridge, there is a square “No Wake” sign on a post just on the east side of the channel. With the sun low on the morning horizon, I nearly mistook that sign, by shape, for a green marker. It’s not. The second area of confusion was another 2 – 3 miles south of the bridge, where there is a side-channel that runs off to the west, into the village of Wanchese (pronounced: WAN-cheese). In that area, the Roanoke Channel takes a small dog-leg left, and then another, back to the right. It took me a minute looking through the binoculars to actually realize there was a side-channel intersection there, and it was confusing; and narrow. Carefully pick out the markers for the Roanoke Channel.
      At it’s south end, the Roanoke Channel turns sharply west. In another mile, it intersects with the Old House Channel where the Oregon Inlet Channel comes in from the ocean. There are several new markers there that are not mentioned in the cruising guides and are only reflected on electronic charts that have recent LNMs incorporated. On the Roanoke channel, the new markers include 37A, 37, 36A, 36, 34A and 34. At the entrance of the Old House Channel (which is just a continuation of the route from the Roanoke Channel into Pamlico Sound) there is a new green-over-red marker, “OH.” The rest of the Old House route into Pamlico Sound is well marked and unremarkable.
      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary

      Click Here To View An Earlier Article on Entering Ocracoke

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Showing the Roanoke Sound Channel

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Ocracoke National Park Service Docks

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For Silver Lake Harbor

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    • Sanctuary voyages from Elizabeth City to Manteo, NC

      Manteo Waterfront Marina is now run by the Town of Manteo. It boasts 53 slips that can accommodate boats up to 140 feet. The marina is situated right next to historic downtown Manteo on a boardwalk As Captain Healy observes, there is much to see and do along this portion of the Outer Banks. And, of course, Sanctuary was moored at Manteo Waterfront Marina, a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      Sanctuary and crew made our first transit between Manteo and Ocracoke across Pamlico Sound yesterday, Monday, 10/25/2010. This route is 20 miles shorter than the ICW route from Coinjock to Oriental, but it is more exposed to open water. The portion of the Pamlico Sound crossing that is in truly “open water” is about 35 StM, so pay particular attention to the marine forecast when you do go. That said, Manteo and Ocracoke are neat little towns, and we learned things here that we never knew. This is a really excellent “side-trip,” and also a refreshing alternative to the same-old Alligator River, Alligator River Swing Bridge, and Alligator-Pungo Canal!!!!!!!
      We got to Manteo by crossing the Albemarle Sound from Elizabeth City to Croatan Sound. No problems; unremarkable navigation except for the trillions of crab pots in the Albemarle. From the Albemarle, we took the Croatan Sound Channel to the north end of Roanoke Island, and then the marked traverse across the north of Roanoke Island through Roanoke Sound to the Roanoke Channel. We stayed at Manteo at the Manteo Waterfront Marina, an excellent facility and staff.
      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary Monk 36

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Manteo Waterfront Marina

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    • More of Captain Jones’ Log on the Great Dismal Swamp Canal and Elizabeth City, NC

      Click to learn more about our Carolina Loop program Ted Jones continues his navigation of the Great Dismal Swamp Canal stopping in Elizabeth City, NC. The Great Dismal Swamp Canal route southbound departs the AICW south of Norfolk at Statute Mile 7.2 and begins officially at Deep Creek Lock at Mile 10.6. The Visitors Center is at approximately Mile 28. Elizabeth City is south of South Mills Lock at Statute Mile 50.7 and is A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      Log, October 21, 2010 ~ Dismal Swamp Welcome Center, NC to Elizabeth City, NC:
      There were seven sailboats tied up to the bulkhead, and one small powerboat joined us early. Most of the southbound cruisers wanted to make the 1100 lock, which meant leaving at 1000. Jim had not seen the museum located on the opposite bank of the canal, so we decided we could wait until the 1300 lock if need be, slipping out from alongside out host then taking his place at the bulkhead. Jim went off to cross over the floating bridge to the museum, and I went looking for Penny Leary-Smith, the welcome center manager. I didn’t have to go far, as she was on the dock, talking to cruisers. We chatted for a bit, then I went to the welcome center to sign the guest register and complete a survey the staff had prepared to indicate the importance of the center in the face of severe budget restraints by the state. It is MHO that this is an extremely important first (and last) stop for tourists entering the state by both automobile and boat. As far as is known, it is the only welcome center of its kind in the country serving, as it does, both boat and vehicle traffic.
      Jim returned well before 1000, so we decided to leave with the rest and go for the 1100 lock. We soon passed the slow pokes in front (at 5.9 knots) and were first to reach the lock. There was method in my madness, as that would put us in the lead into Elizabeth City and assure us of a place at the dock. And so it was. We were far ahead of the second boat and were accorded our own passage under the Elizabeth City Bridge. We were soon tied up in a narrow slip (to be preferred as that made it easier to reach the outer pilings for stern and spring lines. We were met by two `dockboys’ ~ both well over 70 who took our port and starboard bow lines while we made fast aft. It is not a great dock, as marinas go, but the price is right, and nowhere have we been met by two dockhands who welcomed us with all sorts of information about their town including an invitation to attend the `rose buddies’ free wine and cheese party later. Although both of the original rose buddies have gone to Heaven (guaranteed), the city maintains the tradition they started.
      I went off to the Farm Fresh supermarket, which had sent a car to pick up anyone wanting to shop there. When I got back, the wine and cheese party had already begun, sto I hastily stacked out provisions on the bow and went to join Jim, who the dock boy told me had already gone there. What a place! One could not ask for better hospitality, and the dock is located in the old part of town near many convenient services and stores. Fantastic!
      Captain Ted Jones, former owner of Coastal Cruising Magazine

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    • Captain Jones Navigates the Great Dismal Swamp Canal

      Once again Ted Jones regales us with his colorful descriptions of the waters of the AICW. The Great Dismal Swamp Canal route southbound departs the primary AICW – North Carolina, Virginia Cut, south of Norfolk at Statute Mile 7.2 and begins officially at Deep Creek Lock at Mile 10.6. The Dismal Swamp Canal Visitors Center is at approximately Mile 28.

      Log October 20, 2010 ~ Portsmouth, VA to the Great Dismal Swamp welcome center:
      Jim had never done the Dismal Swamp Canal route, so this was a refreshing experience for him. The impressive thing to me is that here we were on an ocean capable vessel on a canal lined with trees. The feeling is one of strange remoteness from the sea, akin to being in a foreign element which we were.
      Once through the Deep Creek Lock in Virginia, the canal stretches for 11 miles in a dead straight line. Portions of the former route 17 (now a four lane highway in Virginia, relocated away from the canal) have been converted into a hiking and bicycle path which parallels the canal. Benches and picnic tables have been provided, even trash cans which we wondered were emptied how often and by whom. It is a significant improvement to not have the peace and tranquility of the canal interrupted by the blatting exhaust notes of 18 wheelers.
      The canal bends 20 degrees to the left soon after it passes the feeder canal to Lake Drummond. Then the VA/NC state line is crossed, and U.S 17 reappears adjacent to the canal. Our plan was to spend the night at the Welcome Center, and when we got there the only space available was to raft up with fellow cruisers aboard a spiffy Caliber, and there we spent the night, not going ashore until morning.
      Captain Ted Jones, former owner of Coastal Cruising magazine

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Dismal Swamp Canal

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    • Phone Number for Camp LeJeune Firing Schedule, AICW Statute Miles 235-239

      From time to time, the US Marines at Came Lejeune in Jacksonville, NC, conduct live fire artillery exercises over the AICW between Swansboro and New River. During these periods, the AICW is closed to all pleasure craft and commercial traffic. Picket boats at both ends of the exclusion zone warn skippers to turn around.
      During the spring and fall migration season, these closures can place havoc with your cruising schedule. Now, thanks to Captain Fran, you can call the number below and discover whether any AICW closures are in the works, long before you actually arrive in these waters.

      Just found a number to call for Camp LeJeune firing schedule ‘¦ 910-451-3065
      Captain Fran Wolfe

      Click Here To View An Earlier Posting on Camp LeJeune Firing Range

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    • Shinn Creek an Alternate Entrance to Wrightsville Beach – Banks Channel Anchorage, AICW Statute Mile 285

      With the problems at the entrance to Motts Channel (see Alert link below), Captain Shick recommends Shinn Creek which is two statute miles south of Motts Channel at Marker # 129. This is also the AICW/Masonboro Inlet intersection.

      The recommended (by towboat operators) channel into Wrightsville Beach is via Shinn Creek (ICW G129) and Banks Channel. Exit ICW at G 129. Wide, and no shoaling at all.
      Captain Larry Shick

      Subject: Shoaling in Motts channel Wrightsville Beach NC
      Saw several boats aground in Mott’s Channel this weekend while walking the docks at Wrightsville Marina. Was close to low tide. Two sailboat and a 50′ motor yacht. Have to favor the green marker. Red marker is still missing. Use Shinns creek as an alternate route.
      Jeff Chauvin

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Shinn Creek

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For The Banks Channel – Northside/Wrightsville Beach Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For The Banks Channel – Southside/Wrightsville Beach Anchorage

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    • Positive Reviews of Midway Marina (Statute Mile 50)

      It is my own, purely personal, opinion that BOTH Midway Marina AND Coinjock Marina are first class operations, and that both their restaurants are well worth your time. Some feel one way, and some the other. I know of one very nautical couple who live in nearby Elizabeth City, who would not be anywhere else on Friday nights but at Coinjock Marina’s restaurant, And, as you will see below, Captain Claudia was equally impressed with Crabbies, the on-site dining spot at Midway Marina.

      Just returned from a dinner at Crabbies. It was delicious and the service was wonderful. Everybody talks about Coinjock Marina and how wonderful it is. I believe it is all hype. We were very disappointed the last couple of times we stayed there. This time we decided to give Midway Marina a try. I would urge everyone to do the same. The people here are very friendly and helpful and Crabbies Restaurant makes Coinjock look like a greasy spoon. We will definitely return and we hope you will too.
      Claudia Young

      We have stayed at both Midway and Coinjack and had dinners at both. Our experience has been great at Midway in that last spring we got there one day that Crabbies was not open. A few boats had arrived and the dockmaster came around asking if we would go if it was open. Well a number of couples said yes and they opened the restaurant and served us a wonderful meal. That is the great service all of you are talking about. Remember that Jeff????
      Dick and Elle Lassman

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Midway Marina

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Coinjock Marina

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    • A Rave Review of River Dunes Marina, AICW Statute Mile 173.5

      River DunesWe continue to receive such positive comments about River Dunes Marina, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR! River Dunes is located in Broad Creek off the Neuse River north of Oriental.

      Just spent two nights at River Dunes off the Neuse River in Oriental, N.C. and toured this fantastic facility with J.C. Cappelmann, Director of Marina Operations and our former Dockmaster in Oxford. Very upscale and well thought out.. if you’re traversing the ICW and are near Oriental this is worth checking out ‘¦ it’s definitely got my 5 star rating ! This is, indeed, the Ritz-Carlton of Marinas and will become your favorite stopover for a little quiet R&R in a most beautiful & protected setting ‘¦ give it a shot ‘¦ you can Thank me later.

      Captain John Wolfe

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For River Dunes MArina

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    • Good Review of South Harbour Village Marina (Statute Mile 311)

      Cloud IX continues its Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway journey southward through North Carolina from Oriental to Southport.

      Due to the limited number of anchorages, we have spent the last few nights in marinas, at Oriental Marina (recommend) and last night in South Harbour Village Marina (recommend). Today, we decided to take a down day and do a bit of maintenance, laundry, grocery, etc. The only thing that keeps South HVM from rating five stars is the lack of a courtesy car. It cost me $28 in taxi fare to get to Wally World for groceries and to a replacement for the coffee pot that went bellyup this morning. More to come as we continue South.
      Captain Donnie Young aboard Cloud IX

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Oriental Marina

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For South Harbour Village Marina

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    • Broad Creek Anchorage (Statute Mile 61)

      Broad Creek, one of many North Carolina bodies of water with this name, lies to the west off North River just before entering Albemarle Sound southbound.

      Our next stop was Broad Creek just north of Albemarle Sound. A lot of crab pots in the creek, but good holding and a quiet night.
      Captain Donnie Young aboard Cloud IX

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For Broad Creek

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    • Suggested Side-Trip near Oriental, NC, (Neuse River, AICW Statute Mile 173.5)

      This sounds like fun! Broad Creek is off the Neuse River north of Oriental. Click the chartlet below to view this area.

      When staying at River Dunes or anchored in Broad Creek, take a dinghy ride up the north side tributary at marker #4 to Paradise Cove (252/249-2025), a blue building with cupola at the end of the first or second side channel to your right. It’s a hoot. Rose, the proprietor will keep you entertained. Ask about the huge (12 ft long) dinosaur bones on the wall. No food served, but on weekends the locals do a pot luck there and boaters are welcome to join in.
      Alice and Phil Priemer, aboard M/V Wonderland, 49′ Gulfstar

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    • Groundings in Alligator River’s Northern Entrance (Statute Mile 80.5)

      Navigating the north entrance to the Alligator River continues to confound cruisers. That’s why we have established these waters as an “AICW Problem Stretch.” In this case, the groundings took place between Flashing Red #8 and Flashing Green #7 on the north side of the bridge.

      I came into the Alligator southbound two days ago with six other sail. One went aground on the Long Point shoal by turning too far to starboard after passing Fl Green 7. The shoal to port( southbound) does not seem to be there or is at least further east than charted. My chartplotter showed 5 feet while I was actually in 11.
      Captain Brian Walter

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Section” Listing For Northern Mouth of Alligator River

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Northern Mouth of Alligator River

      Click Here To View An Earlier Posting on the Northern Alligator River

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    • Great “Radio Check” Service in North Carolina Waters Provided by Sea Tow

      Wow, what a GREAT service. Maybe it will cut down on all those “radio checks” on channel 16!

      Roy & Elvie on Roy El’

      Roy and Elvie:
      Thanks for that! What a fantastic service to get all the radio checks off channel 16! Wouldn’t it be great if SeaTow could duplicate that technology all over? And it would put any organization who duplicated the capability in a good light. Maybe the Coast Guard? Or BoatUS? Or…

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    • High Praise for River Dunes Marina, AICW Statute Mile 173.5

      River DunesRiver Dunes Marina, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, is located off the AICW’s run along Neuse River, in Broad Creek between unlighted daybeacons #1 and #2.

      We just spent another wonderful afternoon & evening at River Dunes Marina, ICW Mile Marker 173 up Broad Creek about a mile. Where can a cruiser find such a hospitable marina that for $1.25 per foot you can enjoy the outdoor pool & Jacuzzi’s, exercise room, laundry, two courtesy cars, bikes, and I’m sure other items I have yet to experience. If you’re there on the weekend you can enjoy the fantastic view from there top-notch restaurant. Since stopping there last spring, J.C. and his team have installed outdoor fire pits that are sure to be a hit this fall & winter! If you find yourself thinking about stopping in the Oriental, NC area, give River Dunes a try, you won’t be disappointed! And no, we have no affiliation with River Dunes…other than satisfied customers!
      Todd & Brenda Lanning aboard Life’s2Short, 1985 40′ Oceania Trawler

      When staying at River Dunes or anchored in Broad Creek, take a dinghy ride up the north side tributary at marker #4 to Paradise Cove (Tel
      252/249-2025), a blue building with cupola at the end of the first or second side channel to your right. It’s a hoot. Rose, the proprietor will keep you entertained. Ask about the huge (12 ft long) dinosaur bones on the wall. No food served, but on weekends the locals do a pot luck there and boaters are welcome to join in.
      Alice and Phil Priemer, aboard M/V Wonderland, 49′ Gulfstar

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For River Dunes Marina

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    • A Visit to Oriental, NC AICW Statute Mile 182

      Long a major center of North Carolina sailing, the weak economy seems to be taking its toll on this wonderful old town on the Neuse River.

      Oriental is getting sadder each day, for boaters. Whittaker Creek we hear no longer sells fuel. Inland Provision Company is out of business due to personal reasons, and locals are not so sure about its re-opening. Oriental Hotel and Marina still sells fuel. Oriental Harbor Marina no longer takes transients unless you stay for a month or more. They do have an arrangement of some sort with Oriental Motel, we are told, for overflow on occasion. Fortunately, M&Ms and most shops are still there along with the neat Boating Consignment shop on Broad Street.
      John and Sue Winter aboard Just Relax

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Oriental, NC

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    • Good Words for Ocean Isle Marina, AICW Statute Mile 336

      Ocean Isle Marina, formerly Pelican Point Marina, 2000 Sommersett Road SW, in Ocean Isle, NC, is seven statute miles north of the NC/SC state line and can be reached at 910-579-6440.

      Ocean Isle Marina (old Pelican Point Marina – same phone #) at MM 336 (Marker 98) has done some dredging and we had 6′ inside the slips. Nice docks and they are still adding and making their facilities better. Nice folks too. BOATUS, but still a little pricey at $1.75. Room for about 6 transients.
      John and Sue Winter aboard Just Relax

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Ocean Isle Marina


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    • Praise for River Dunes Marina, off the Neuse River, AICW Statute Mile 173.5

      River DunesRiver Dunes Marina, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, is located west of the AICW on the southeastern shores of Broad Creek between unlighted daybeacons #1 and #2.

      River Dunes, near Oriental that has been advertised and posted on many sites does have the $1.25/ft, and all the amenities that everyone mentions and is a must stop for R&R. HOWEVER, they told us this deal is only temporary in order to get more people in to look at property. Look for them to raise prices to the $1.75 range next year if they sell more lots/build houses. So, I caution your readers to call for pricing before making reservations and then be surprised. But, even at $2, if one wants hot tubs, swimming, etc. first class, then, the $2 would be worth it. After you go up the Broad Creek, turn sharp to port up a small canal. You will not see the marina from Broad Creek as you would think, and could possibly end up traveling a couple more miles to another private facility that you can see from marker 4 by accident.
      John and Sue Winter aboard Just Relax

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For River Dunes Marina

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    • A Visit to New Bern Grand Marina off the Neuse River in New Bern, NC

      The New Bern Grand Marina lies just inside the intersection of the Trent and Neuse Rivers, along the Trent’s northern banks between the low-level Trent River highway and railroad bridges.

      The marina at New Bern is now called “New Bern Grand Marina” if I remember correctly, hopefully they will not change their name anymore (Was Sheraton Grand). Still a fantastic place, but they no longer sell fuel, but do have pump-out. BOATUS. The hotel will take you for shopping for $5 each way. Dockmaster’s phone is 252/637-0318 (versus the hotel desk number in the book).
      John and Sue Winter aboard Just Relax

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For New Bern Grand Marina

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