Capt. Ben Explores the Upper Neuse and Trent Rivers, New Bern, NC
Took a couple days off work to move the boat out of Earl’s way. So I moved our “Sand Castle” way up the Neuse River into the Trent [River] and found “River Bend Marina”. This is a nice, pleasant establishment off of marker #18 on the Trent River hidden way, way back via canals in a neighborhood. Nice tavern there just getting started by friendly owner George. Good very helpful and accommodating staff. A few convenience/grocery stores in walking distance, and another sports-bar/tavern “Attitudes” which is pretty nice. I took our boat this deep inland to avoid any run-ins with Hurricane Earl, and thoroughly enjoyed the laid-back atmosphere of the marina and it’s surroundings.
If you want that “Heart of Darkness” feeling (NARROW waterways) of cruising and can tolerate the occasional – and unpredictable 5-foot depths of the Trent River, River Bend Marina is a nice place to stop on the way up the Trent however far you choose to go.
One more note about the Trent – depths average 8-20 feet most of the way, but early on, there are variable changes down to about 5 foot of water. I never kicked up mud in our 3-1/2 draft trawler, but got a little concerned a couple times nonetheless. You will also find some 30 foot holes. Not a river for 6+ drafts, but definitely out of the way, and probably best after bug season. Look hard at chart 11552, check fuel (no diesel past New Bern) and have a good idea how far you want to go. It’s remote. Enjoy.
Captain Ben
Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Trent River Marker #18,
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