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    • Frederica River Anchorages (off the AICW on Frederica River Near St. M. 666 – Northern Entrance)

       Frederica River flows east and south from the AICW marker #229, and re-intersects the AICW at marker #241. Over the years, we have received MANY conflicting reports here on the Cruisers’ Net about shoaling at both the Frederica’s southern and northern intersections with the AICW. Many have gotten through without a problem, while others reported thin water.
      I suspect that the tides have a lot to do with what’s going on here. The tidal range in these waters is greater than 6 feet, so it’s easy to see that if your vessel and enters or leaves the river at mid to high tide, chances are you will not have a problem, as interior depths are generally good, except possibly on the inside shores of some bends in the river.
      The reason for spotlighting attention to this river is the real possibility of anchoring within sight of the Fort Frederica National Monument. As of two years ago, there is dinghy access from the anchorage to the National Monument, and, I can tell you from personal experience, this historical attraction is well worth your time. By all accounts, don’t miss the little movie presentation. It’s surprisingly well done.
      So, the best advice is to time your entry and egress for mid to high tide. With this plan, you should be able to visit the Frederica River anchorages (follow links below) with a minimum of difficulties.

      Has anyone recently anchored in the Frederica River opposite the Fort? Also has anyone traversed the entire length of the river? Comments on indicate some shoaling on the North end. Other comments indicated this as a good anchorage but are not too recent.
      Maureen Mezei

      No problem in the Frederica River if you follow the channel. Like any “soft bottom channel”, DO NOT GO DOWN THE CENTER OR FOLLOW THE MAGENTA LINE! Take the outside of the turns as the tide flows “out”.
      We went through the Frederica River at near low tide three weeks ago. In the “channel” no less than 12′ of water, in the center many dry sand bars. If you run the ICW through marsh channels of northern Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina in the center or on the Magenta line you will also run aground at low water, read the banks, study the tide chart and determine if the current is coming up “in”, or going down “out”, then you can determine what side of the channel you want to be on, works every time.
      Chuck Gorgen

      Chuck’s advise is excellent. the last time we were in there the northern entrance was about 3 1/2 feet at low tide. Don’t know about the southern entrance.
      Chuck Baier

      Stay to the SW side of channel, outside curve, as you leave or enter ICW at north end. You’ll find shallow water in center to inside of curve. Steep drop off on outside curve, so find 6-8′ of water and come back towards center and follow curve. Should be able to follow 6-8′ depth at the radius of curve shown on your chart. There’s probably more water further to the outside of the curve, would expect near 12′ based on depths we found in the rest of the river, but quickly goes to nothing, which you will see at low tide and not at higher tides. 6-8′ of water is plenty for any of us to get through.
      Chuck Gorgen

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Frederica River Anchorages

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Frederica River Anchorages

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