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    • Healy Report: the Okeechobee Waterway East to West, Central Florida

      Once again, Jim Healy graciously imparts his experience in response to a Looper’s questions on AGLCA’s Forum with an excellent description of the Okeechobee Waterway. Jim is a true cruiser helping cruisers! Thank you Jim.

      1) How many days should we anticipate to cross Florida going west at 9 knots. Currently thinking 1 day to Pt Mayaca, day 2 to Clewiston or Moore Haven, then day 3 and 4 from Moore Haven to Alva, FL (WP Franklin Lock).
      “It all depends.” This trip is “Old Florida.” This is orange grove and sugar cane country. On the St. Lucie Canal, there are marinas at Stuart and Indiantown. There is a Corp Of Engineers dock at St. Lucie Lock with is $15/day with a Golden Age Pass. There’s not much/nothing to see at these stops, so one night overnights are typical for cruisers. A place to shower and sleep. So, typically, what we do is stop at the anchorage in Stuart. Then, Stuart to Clewiston. Then, Clewiston to Ft. Myers. I recognize that is a longer day than some people may want, but we do this trip twice a year, and as I said, very little to see. We stay at Roland Martin’s in Clewiston. Very nice Tiki Bar, and a relaxing place. Sammy the dockmaster is a wonder to enjoy. There are nice public docks in Moore Haven with power and water for $1.00 per foot. There are public docks at the library in Labelle. First come, first serve; Med Moorings. Good wifi. It’s the only place in the canal system to actually see a town. There is also a COE dock at the WP Franklin Lock; also $15/day with power and water. There are two locks on the St. Lucie Canal and three on the Caloosahatchee end. The highest lick is St. Lucie; around 16 feet vertical lift.
      2) Where best to dock/anchor along the route?
      You are permitted to anchor in the canal after closing at 1700. No one does [anchor] on the St. Lucie end except at the lock, on the north side.. You cannot anchor in the canals during the daytime hours of lock operation.
      3) Is it better to cross the lake (route 1) or go the rim route (route 2)? What criteria to decide?
      DO NOT TAKE THE RIM ROUTE WITH A 5′ DRAFT. PERIOD. We have never taken the Rim Route. The cross lake route is shallow enough, and even more so this year. The Southwest Water Management District has been holding the lake level down to avoid large water releases of the vile Lake O water into the canals. Not sure it’s doing any good, but check the Route 1 water depths. In the spring, we crossed when there was only 5′ of water, and the place that will affect you is the 5-mile channel from the lake into Clewiston.
      4) What water level reading do we need from COE for our 5′ draft?
      Five feet, of course. There are two places where the control depth is measured. One is in the channel out into the lake at Port Mayaca, the other is the channel from the lake into Clewiston. STAY IN THE CLEWISTON CHANNEL. The lake bottom is limestone, not sand. The Clewiston channel is dug, so the edges are rock. Much like the “Rock Pile” in South Carolina. There is no tide in the lake, but winds can change water levels at the north and south by as much as a foot or more. Watch winds that have been blowing for many days…
      Bonus Question: What the current status of the Red Tide?
      Yes. Red Tide is a problem on the gulf, not in the lake. IT IS A NATURAL PHENOMENA, NOT RELATED TO POLLUTION. It’s blue/green algae that you have to worry about in the canals and lake. Both conditions are problems in Florida. DO NOT SWIM IN THESE WATERS. They do contain nasty bacteria, but there are larger reptile hazards here, too. Big lizzagators live here. We wear nitrile exam gloves when handling lock lines.

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      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Gail A Byrd -  October 28, 2019 - 9:34 pm

        Heading East to West consider 1) sunset bay marina & mooring field @ Stuart ( 2) transient docks at Indiantown Marina (3) Clewiston Roland Martins transient docks or Clewiston City Docks (4) Moore HAven City & (5) stop at Ft Myers City Marina at downtown There might be newer facilities since I have not crossed in many years. Enjoy.

        Reply to Gail

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