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    • How To Cure the Windows 8 Blues

      Now, strictly speaking, this is not a cruising topic, BUT many of us cruise with Windows based computers aboard, so when I plucked the info below off of the T&T (Trawlers and Trawlering) mailing list, I thought it well worth repeating here.
      I may write further sometime about what I consider the single, most stupid corporate decision made since the millennium, namely, the introduction of the “Metro interface” in Windows 8. For now, though, please allow me to share a few, vastly over-simplified thoughts.
      Yes, there was a need for Microsoft (Windows parent company) to introduce a new interface that works well with tablet computers and smartphones. However, to introduce an operating system that simply will not work with a traditional keyboard and mouse arrangement, thereby abandoning the millions of existing desktop and laptop computers that do not have touchscreen capability, is, without any question in my tiny mind, one of the biggest bonehead moves that could possibly be conceived.
      If you don’t already know, Windows 8 and 8.1’s interface is designed to work with touch screen technology. It doesn’t work worth a whit with a traditional keyboard and mouse. Why didn’t Microsoft simply introduce one version of Windows 8 for, what I will call, traditional desktops and laptops, that boots directly to the desktop, and another for tablets and smartphones that boots to the metro interface, I guess we will never know.
      Oh no, Microsoft made the decision that they were going to ram the metro interface down the throats of every Windows user! The result has been nothing short of chaos in the PC industry.
      Oh, and by the way, Microsoft added to the stupidity factor when it introduced Windows 8.1. Yes, this version does let you boot directly to the desktop, but guess what happens when the user presses the “Start” key. You guessed it, the computer immediately returns to the dreaded Metro interface. Again, truly, truly DUMB!
      My local computer hardware person has made a cottage industry from businesses that buy new Windows 8 computers, never turn them on, and take them directly to “Brian” to have Windows 8 wiped off the machine, and Windows 7 installed! “Brian” says he does not have a single business client that will even allow a Windows 8 machine in their offices.
      So, with that off my chest, when I saw the exchange of information below, I realized that there is a less expensive alternative than having a computer professional replace Windows 8 with Windows 7. This is information WELL WORTH KNOWING! Read on:

      This exchange began with this message:

      I don’t understand why people call Windows 8 garbage. It is just Windows 7 with a different user interface. That user interface is easily disabled and you can return to the standard Windows 7 user interface, including Start button and menu. I set it up that way for all of my customers.
      Ken Tischler
      DeFever 49RPH
      Bay St Louis, MS

      I replied:

      Sorry Ken, cannot agree with you. Windows 8 and 8.1 is pure garbage. My local computer hardware person is cleaning up by way of businesses that buy new computers, and then immediately bring them to him, have Windows 8 or 8.1 wiped off the hard drive, and then install Windows 7. He says not a single business that he serves will have an 8 or 8.1 machine in their offices, under any circumstances!
      And, please explain how the metro interface can be “easily” disabled. Even 8.1 takes you straight back to this seriously stupid interface whenever the user clicks the “Start” button!
      Thanks in advance!
      Claiborne S. Young

      And, Captain Ken’s important answer:

      I will agree with you wholeheartedly that Microsoft did something incredibly stupid when they told users they would give the Start button back in 8.1, then have it just take you to the start screen everyone loves to hate. Including me!
      However, under the hood, Windows 8 is on the same kernel as Vista and 7. Just open a command prompt and type winver. You will see the version as Windows 6.3. Vista was 6.1 and 7 was 6.2.
      The easiest way to get the Win 7 UI back is to run one of free utilities at will do this for you. My two favorites are Classic Shell ( and StartMenu8 ( for free. If you want a bit more polish, then you can spend $5 and get Start8 ( I now make it standard policy to install one of these programs (usually Classic Shell) on every Windows 8 computer I deploy. It does not remove all of the Win 8 eccentricities but certainly makes it more familiar and user friendly.
      Microsoft had a beautiful and stable operating system in Win 7. I wish they would have built upon its success rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
      Ken Tischler
      DeFever 49RPH

      So, now all of us Windows users have a plan of action. THANK YOU Captain Ken!

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