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    • LNM: AICW MM 536 Schedule Change, Comment Period Ending Soon,Ladys Island Bridge, Beaufort, SC

      This reminder from Ted Arisaka: Comment period ends May 20.

      Three and a half hours to accommodate “rush hour” vehicle traffic twice daily seems extreme, especially during summer months. Please see Comment Portal link below to submit your opinions. With a closed vertical clearance of 30ft, the Ladys Island Bridge crosses the Waterway at statute mile 536 on the eastern edge of Beaufort. Vessels capable of transiting without an opening may pass under the bridge.

      The Coast Guard is proposing to change the operating schedule that governs the Lady’s Island (Woods Memorial) Bridge across the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (Beaufort River), mile 536.0, at Beaufort, SC. SCDOT has requested a permanent change to the drawbridge operation regulation for the Lady’s Island (Woods Memorial) Bridge. This temporary deviation will test an operating schedule to determine if a permanent change is necessary.
      Under this temporary deviation, the Lady’s Island (Woods Memorial) Bridge shall open on signal; except that the draw need not open from 6 a.m. to 9:29
      a.m. and 3:31 p.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays, the draw need open only once an hour on the half hour. Public vessels of the United States and tugs with tows, will be passed through anytime.
      This temporary deviation is effective from 12:01 a.m. on March 25, 2024, through 11:59 p.m. on September 29, 2024. A request for comments will be published in the Federal Register. Comments may be submitted under docket number USCG-2024-0198 using Federal Decision Making Portal at If you have questions on this rulemaking, call or e-mail Ms. Jennifer Zercher, Bridge Management Specialist, Seventh
      Coast Guard District, telephone 305-415-6740, email LNM: 10/24

      Click Here To View the Cruisers Nets South Carolina Bridge Directory Listing For Ladys Island Bridge

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