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      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (252) 217-2204
      Lat/Lon: Near 35°52.004 N / 76°45.230 W
      Location: located on the southern banks of the Roanoke River, near the western end of the Plymouth waterfront
      Depths: 4.5 ft.
      Address: W Water St
      Plymouth,  NC   27962

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available.
      Transient Dockage Rate:free dockage for 10 days, including power and water connections
      Type of dockage:fixed concrete decked slips
      Total number of slips/berths:9
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      30/50 Amp Notes:Some slips have 30 amp hookup, some have 50 amp hookups
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Restaurant:Two within a 3 block walk
      Restaurant Recommendations:Roanoke Oyster Bar, 252-793-1039, Stella’s, 252-791-1020
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. Call Swain Gas Co. (252-793-2564) and they will come to riverside for LPG tank refill or exchange
      Waste pump-out:Available.
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Free WiFi Available
      Fuel Availability:No Fuel Available

      Reviews from Cruisers (4)

      1. Doyle Evans -  November 5, 2015 - 11:36 am

        Plymouth is a well kept secret and is the jewel of the Albemarle Loop. Plymouth is reinventing itself and has more plans for their waterfront. Their new docks are the best on the loop. And, Brenda who manages the docks is a wealth of local flavor and history. She is very accommodating as is everyone in this town. Three museums to visit plus Civil War History make Plymouth worth the short ride up the Roanoke River off the Albemarle Sound. And, the cruise up the river is full of wildlife and color in the Fall. We spotted an Eagle during our recent trip. Add to this the free two day dockage with power and what more could the cruising boater ask for?

        Reply to Doyle
      2. Harry Burns -  June 7, 2013 - 10:06 am

        Plymouth is a great town to visit for it’s Civil War history and all the good things mentioned here. My great grandfather served with the Union army and became a prisoner of war when the town was retaken.
        However, there is a charted fixed bridge of 50′ vertical clearance between the town and Albemarle Sound that will keep most sailboats from visiting. We have anchored just before the bridge and used our dinghy. I think we were lucky to not hit a snag with the anchor since the Roanoke River is dense with cypress on both sides.
        Harry Burns
        S/V Two for the Roads

        Reply to Harry
      3. Jean Thomason -  May 30, 2013 - 4:02 pm

        Because our marina (Cypress Cove, formerly IYC) is at Columbia, we often cruise west on Albemarle Sound. Plymouth on the Roanoke River has just opened new town docks. We hear they are nice and free. Plymouth has shops, a museum (with replica of the Abemarle, a Confederate ironclad) and a lighthouse in the historic part of town along the waterfront.
        Jean Thomason

        Reply to Jean
      4. Danny and Jan -  May 30, 2013 - 4:00 pm

        I would like to tell everyone about the new town docks in Plymouth NC. Very nice slips (10 slips ) with power and water at no charge. They have very nice rest rooms and showers with a washer and dryer. There is also a pump out with just a 5.00 charge.
        We stayed there in April and was very pleased. Oyster Bar short walk away was great. Breakfast at Stella’s down the street was very good. There was also three Museums in easy walking distance.
        The east end where the larger slips are the water 12 to 14 feet and the west end on the T we marked 4.5 feet. These slips are not where the old slips are. These are at the west end of town in front of the Light House. Very nice.
        Danny and Jan on the Mosey on

        Reply to Danny

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