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    • transient-dock power fresh-water showers laundry food gas diesel ValvTech propane/natural gas waste wifi

      Basic Marina Information:

      Phone: (904) 277-4615
      VHF: Monitored: 16         Working: 72
      Statute Mile: 720.5
      Lat/Lon: Near 30°37.882 N / 81°28.646 W
      Location: entrance to the marina’s 5ft depth approach canal lies along the AICW’s easterly banks, south of marker #13, and just north of the Kingsley Creek Bridge
      Depths: 3 ft.
      Address: 251 Creekside Dr
      Fernandina Beach,  FL   32034

      Service Details:

      Transient Dockage:Available. Rate is calculated per foot, based on boat length over all (LOA) or length of slip, whichever is greater. LOA includes engines, swim platforms, bow pulpits, etc.
      Transient Dockage Rate:$3.00/ft/day, $27.00/ft/month, $22.00/ft/annual
      Live Aboards Allowed:yes
      Monthly Dockage Rate:$27.00/ft/month, $22.00/ft/annual
      Monthly Dockage Rate Notes:Rate is calculated per foot, based on boat length over all (LOA) or length of slip, whichever is greater. LOA includes engines, swim platforms, bow pulpits, etc.
      Dockside Power Connections:30/50 amp power hookups available
      30/50 Amp Notes:15 amp: $5/day, $30/month; 30 amp: $10.00/day, $70.00/month; 50 amp: $16.00/day, $88.00/month
      Dock. Fresh Water Connections:Available.
      Restaurant:One on site, another within walking distance and many others available in downtown Fernandina Beach via taxi ride
      Restaurant Recommendations:The Galley Bar and Grill (on-site, 904-261-7447), Barbara Jeans (across street, 904-277-3700)
      Provisioning Possibilities:Take courtsy car to Publix or Winn Dixie supermarket 2 miles away
      LPG (Propane) Availability:Available. Walk to Ace Hardware right across street
      Waste pump-out:Available.
      Wi-Fi Internet Access:Available
      Fuel Availability:Gas & Diesel Available
      Fuel Notes:ethanol free

      Fuel Prices (All Taxes Included)

      Reporting Date:March 10, 2025
      Fuel Notes:ethanol free
      Gasoline Price:$5.10 (All Taxes Included)
      Diesel Price:$4.00 (All Taxes Included)
      Any Quantity Discount:Available. 5 cents off over 100 gallons or more
      Any Boat/US Discount:Available. 5 cents off over 100 gallons
      ValvTect Dealer:Yes ValvTech

      Reviews from Cruisers (11)

      1. Alex Bryant -  April 5, 2017 - 11:31 pm

        Good things happening at Amelia Island Marina. Refurbishment of the bathrooms is underway, docks damaged by hurricane Matthew are scheduled to be replaced, and best of all dredging is underway. I draw 4 1/2 feet and have been solidly aground at low tide. That will soon be a thing of the past. The entrance canal and the entire basin are being dredged to at least six feel at low tide. Finally, hamburgers and beer at the galley restaurant while watching sunset can’t be beat.

        Reply to Alex
      2. Charles Ridley -  April 5, 2017 - 1:13 pm

        Spent night- 4-1-17- here. Came in about 1/2 tide- could not get in (or out) at low tide. Draw only 2 1/2′. Docks in great repair – E dock. Easy docking as no current. Strong wifi. Easy access to showers, and walk dog. Did not go to Galley grill but able to grill on back of boat. At low tide in slip had no water under keel. When left 4-2 had to wait about 1 1/2 hours after low tide and still kicked mud till got into entrance channel. Will have to be dredged before we return. Other than that issue, is a vary nice marina.
        Charlie and Jackie on Traveler

        Reply to Charles
      3. AIYB Staff -  June 30, 2014 - 10:22 am

        Come help us celebrate Patriot Boating Days! July 5th from 11am until 6pm. We are raising money for a great cause, The Folds of Honor Foundation. 87 cents of every dollar raised goes to scholarships for families of fallen and wounded soldiers. Hope to see you there!
        Amelia Island Yacht Basin Staff

        Reply to AIYB
      4. John Wild -  April 26, 2013 - 1:22 pm

        Spent 1 night 2 years ago – friendly, helpful staff. Nice docks. Walking distance to great crab place. Entrance channel was very shallow, but we were there at an exceptionally low tide.
        John Wild

        Reply to John
      5. Joe Blanchard -  April 26, 2013 - 9:13 am

        Amelia Island Yacht Basin, there is a sill at the entrance that at low tide is less than two feet. The entrance channel is no deeper than 5.5 at mean high water. The marina has a ship’s store that is stocked by West Marine and their diesel fuel has an anti foaming agent that facilitates fueling. Management is friendly but water depth is the main problem. There is a small grill on the property but anything more is at least ½ mile away.
        Joe Blanchard

        Reply to Joe
      6. Jeff Moore -  April 25, 2013 - 4:03 pm

        Stayed there in November. First class! Jeff and his crew were professional and helpful and the marina was clean and neat. Good restaurant on site, clean laundry and fuel. I had five feet at low tide in the entry channel.
        Jeff Moore

        Reply to Jeff
      7. Terry Bieker -  April 24, 2013 - 5:46 pm

        We visited the Amelia Island Yacht Basin in the spring of 2010. The entrance depths were 3.5 to 4.0 ft at MLW. The marina was nothing to write home about, but adequate with nice people. Amelia Island was fun exploring via auto.
        Terry Bieker

        Reply to Terry
      8. John Winter -  April 24, 2013 - 9:00 am

        It is shallow going in and if you draw over 5′, then check it out. We loved the place, first time we stayed there ever. Owner is on top of things. If you go to fuel dock in a larger boat (say 45’+) and there is another boat tied up to the face dock as you enter, and the wind is blowing, be aware that turning around can be difficult. Fortunately there is no current. Price is a little high, but this place is first class.
        John Winter

        Reply to John
      9. Lawrence Zeitlin -  March 12, 2013 - 2:41 pm

        Amelia Island is just like New Orleans without the sin. Worth a stay for members of the Moral Majority. Bring your own sin.
        Lawrence Zeitlin

        Reply to Lawrence
      10. Amber -  November 23, 2011 - 10:14 am

        I’m sorry to hear of your grief. The marina has switched management, and is now owned by Suntex. Our prices have changed, and so has our staff.
        Daily: $2.00 per foot $7.50/10.00
        Weekly: $10.00 per foot $40.00/60.00
        Monthly: $17.00 per foot $52.00/72.00
        Annual: $14.00 per foot $52.00/72.00

        Our fuel prices are: Gasoline-$4.56 Diesel-$4.15

        Our new gerneral manager is Tom Moore; you can email him at

        I’m Amber, one of the newer members employeed by this company. We’ve refashioned the ship store, we’ve painted the fork lift, we’ve added scenery to the front enterance, and soon we will be remodeling the bathrooms, fixing the docks completely, and creating a much livelier ambiance over all. I can assure you that if you ever decide to give this marina another shot, you will be more than pleased.

        Reply to Amber
      11. Peg and Jim Healy -  March 30, 2010 - 1:14 pm

        Sanctuary and crew did not care for Amelia Island Yacht Basin. It is well protected, but the basin is very shallow. We stayed there Sunday, 3/29/2010, and we were in the mud at the tee head at low tide. They charge $1.60/ft for the boat, which is competitive for the area, and $20 for 50A electric, which is theft. Anyway, we couldn’t use the heat pump because of the low water levels, and they griped but finally gave back $5.36 for that. And, you’re a very long walk from the office, too.
        Net is, for comfort and convenience, you’re better off at Fernandina Beach.
        Just Jim’s opinion…
        Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary

        Amelia is very protected, but you are a distance from town. Fernandina is not as protected, especially if you are on the outside dock, but you are right in the middle of town with many great restaurants and quaint shops.
        Glen Moore
        Last Dance

        Reply to Peg

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