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    • Martins Marina

      Roland Martin Marina - Fishing Resort & Guided Fishing Trips We continuously strived to make our service and resort better for you. Our Lake Okeechobee bass guides continue to set industry standards, our resort accommodations are the best on the lake and you will never find a fishing destination like ours.

      Roland Martin Marina – Fishing Resort & Guided Fishing Trips. Since 1981 Roland Martin Marina and Resort has been family owned and operated and has been the # 1 Florida bass fishing location in the world. Lake Okeechobee is the most famous Big bass lake in the country and for many years, it has produced the best largemouth bass, blue gill and speck fishing in the world.

      Since opening their doors they have helped thousands of anglers catch there “bass of lifetime”, and have been featured on many different Bass fishing TV shows and in fishing magazine articles. Roland Martin Marina and Resort continuously strives to make their service and resort better for you. Their Lake Okeechobee bass guides continue to set industry standards, and their resort accommodations are the best on the lake.

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