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    • [EXPIRED] More Advice on Recent Shoaling at AICW/Browns Inlet Intersection Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 237

      Browns Inlet/AICW Intersection - Click for Chartview

      The intersection of the Waterway and Browns Inlet, south of Swansboro, NC was last dredged in December of 2012, but, as with most SSECN designated “AICW Problem Stretches,” shoaling usually reappears sooner or later. Captain Smith’s advice agrees with earlier reports (see /?p=123290) that favoring the red side of the channel is your best bet to avoid grounding through this intersection. And, especially with rapidly shifting channels, seeking local knowledge, as Captain Smith confirms, is good seamanship and always a smart move.

      We were to transit Browns Inlet [AICW/Intersection] yesterday and called Boat US, Swansboro for local information. The advice we were given was spot on and is as follows: Favor R60 (about 20′ off) until you are PAST G61A and then head back to mid channel towards daymark G63.
      Walter Smith

      Not sure if anyone on this site has been through [the AICW passage behind – editor] Browns Inlet lately at markers 61A, 60 and 63. It is FAR from adequate depths. Severe shoaling exists. On 10/13/13 going North I favored RED side per advice on Active a Captain’¦found 3.5 ft of water 1.5 hours past HIGH TIDE. On 10/16/13 I was following a 90 ft yacht heading SOUTH. Captain was advised to favor OCEAN side of the inlet. At 1 hour prior to HIGH TIDE yacht was hard aground in 4 ft of water 10 Ft right of GREEN markers. This inlet is NOT navigable for large vessels!
      Capt. Rick

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For the AICW/Browns Inlet Intersection

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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