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    • Update on Sunset Lake Anchorage Battle – Miami Beach

      Last June there was a HUGE row here on the Cruisers’ Net, begun by reprinting a letter fellow nautical writer, Captain Wally Moran, sent to the Miami Beach Chief Mayor (check out – /?p=59515). It seems that one property owner in this area objects so strongly to boats being anchored behind his house, that he shines bright spotlights out over the water, and plays loud music. Captain Wally even experienced a local law enforcement office stopping by his boat, and, after acknowledging that he had no right to do so under Florida state law, Wally was asked asked to move his vessel elsewhere.
      Since then, the battle between cruisers and the property owner in question on Sunset Lake has continued! Captain Kettlewell’s comment below refers to the original posting on this subject.

      Dennis, by all accounts the abuse has been solely on the part of one property owner, to the point that his shenanigans have been reported toe police numerous times by his land neighbors. He is the one who blasts loud music, shines spotlights, throws wakes, etc. The cruisers just anchor there and get this treatment. Cruisers are fighting back by reporting his illegal actions, like creating excessive noise that disturbs everyone. It is clear that this fellow thinks he owns the water behind his house. He does not. It is a public waterway for all to share.
      John Kettlewell

      And, the latest from Captain Wally Moran, as of 1/27/12

      I’ve received an additional email from m/v Refuge since the above. There are now an additional five small boats anchored out behind Karlton’s property. The local police and, I understand, the FWC, have been around.
      I’ve contacted the mayor’s office several times now and requested that the situation be dealt with, since Karlton is not only breaking the law, he is denying to others their rights. The city has not responded directly to me (yet), but I’ll wait a bit yet to see what they might do. They just might not want to speak with me ‘“ I seem to antagonize them, if you can imagine that!
      Interestingly enough, Karlton is also proving that boaters DO have the right to anchor in Sunset Lake by his actions with his little boats. The irony is palpable, as Claiborne might say.
      Karlton has had 8 visits from municipal code enforcement officers in the past 18 months or so, and two tickets. A $250 ticket remains unpaid as of today according to MB records.
      My suggestion? Anchor behind Karlton’s place, and when he plays his rap music, call the city. Make sure you give them a valid celphone number, because Karlton is bright enough to turn down the music before they arrive, hence only two tickets out of 8 calls.
      The fines run up to $5000 for subsequent offenses. Perhaps after this idiot has paid a few thousand dollars in fines, he might smarten up. Or maybe not. I know how I’ll bet.
      btw, look for the red sailboat anchored there in a couple of weeks. I’m heading into Florida now and plan on stopping by to wave hello to Karlton and spend a couple of days at least ‘“ it’s a nice anchorage. Would hate to miss it, and I’ve got some great noise cancelling earphones I want to try out.
      Wally Moran

      With some misgivings about anchoring in Sunset Lake today and dropped the hook.
      It’s our first time here and were surprised to see at least a third of the anchorage taken by a fleet of small sailboats. I’m assuming it was the homeowner, confused about our rights to anchor, who has anchored a fleet of used `Pico’ sail boats (total of 19), apparently behind his property. Each boat has been carefully anchored and fitted with a short PVC mast with a lawn LED light.
      It would appear he has succeeded in making it impossible to anchor behind his house. The boats are under 16’ with no motor so don’t require Florida Registration, but I’m not sure the lawn LED lights meet the USCG requirements for 2NM viability.
      There are two boats anchored to the south of `the fleet’ with us and there is room for may one or two more. There is also still room to the north for a couple more boats. It’s just kind of sad.
      Here is are the links to a couple of photo that show the `fleet’.



      Pete Peterson

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