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    • NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel Seeks Nominations for Members

      Notice of membership solicitation for Hydrographic Services Review Panel, due May 25, 2018

      Dear colleague,
      Can you please share this announcement with your organization and any other suggestions for possible candidates for membership on NOAA’s Hydrographic Services Review Panel (Federal Advisory Committee).

      This is a request and call for nominations on behalf of NOAA’s Hydrographic Services Review Panel (HSRP). NOAA and Rear Admiral Shepard Smith, the Designated Federal Officer, and the Director, Office of Coast Survey, and NOAA seek 5 new (and /or renewing) members for a four year term that starts January 1, 2019, and runs through 2022.

      If you have a very well qualified recommendation for an HSRP nomination for 2019, can you please share this information and encourage their nomination? NOAA is accepting nominations on a rolling basis at any time and no later than May 25, 2018. If selected, the term starts January 1, 2019. There are 2 public meetings each year as well as informational administrative meetings monthly.

      The Federal Register Notice (FRN) with information and instructions about how to apply, including a list of short answer questions, is attached and at . The nominee should make sure to satisfy the 5 questions and to submit a complete application with a short bio of no more than 350 words.

      The NOAA Administrator seeks and encourages individuals with expertise in marine navigation and technology, port administration, marine shipping or other intermodal transportation industries, cartography and geographic information systems, geodesy, physical oceanography, coastal resource management, including coastal preparedness and emergency response, and other related fields.

      To apply for membership on the Panel, nominees are requested to submit the following five items and respond to five questions. The entire package should be a maximum length of eight pages or fewer. NOAA is an equal opportunity employer.
      1) A cover letter that responds to the five questions listed below and serves as a statement of interest to serve on the panel. Please see “Short Response Questions” below.
      2) Highlight the nominee’s specific area(s) of expertise relevant to the purpose of the Panel from the list in the Federal Register Notice.
      3) A current resume.
      4) A short biography of no more than 350 words.
      5) The nominee’s full name, title, institutional affiliation, mailing address, email, phone, fax and contact information.

      Short Response Questions:
      1) List the area(s) of expertise, as listed above, which you would best represent on this Panel.
      2) List the geographic region(s) of the country with which you primarily associate your expertise.
      3) Describe your leadership or professional experiences which you believe will contribute to the effectiveness of this panel.
      4) Describe your familiarity and experience with NOAA navigation data, products, and services.
      5) Generally describe the breadth and scope of stakeholders, users, or other groups whose views and input you believe you can share with the panel.

      The nominee will receive an acknowledgement response after submitting the package. I am happy to answer questions or chat with possible candidates on the process, timing, and requirements. The process can take 6 months or more from the closing date of May 25 and applicants can expect to hear back in Fall 2018.

      Sincerely, Lynne

      Lynne Mersfelder-Lewis
      Program Manager, Hydrographic Services Review Panel, Federal Advisory Committee
      Office of Coast Survey, National Ocean Service, NOAA
      Cell: 240-691-6106; Work 240-533-0064 Fax: 301-713-4019
      HSRP public meetings
      The Nation’s Chartmaker

      2018-02969 final FRN HSRP call for nominations 2019

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