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    • A GOOD Idea – Why Not Let ARGUS Define the “New” Magenta Line

      As reported earlier on the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net, as well as many other nautical web sites and forums, the NOAA charting folks have decided to discontinue the “magenta” fairway line, which was supposed to indicate the best depths while navigating the AICW, and many other USA Waterways. There was some discussion about this decision coming about due to budgetary considerations, but all of us at the SSECN collectively feel the real reason was that, far too often, the magenta line simply did NOT properly indicate where the best depths were to be found. NOAA no longer, if they ever did, has the resources to adequately survey the Waterways to find out where the channels have wandered to lately.
      Then, we received an e-mail and subsequent telephone call from ARGUS founder, John Hersey of Survice Engineering, with what sounds to us like a really GOOD idea. The ARGUS project is already gathering millions of soundings on the AICW and other coastal waters. Why not let the ARGUS data determine where the magenta line really SHOULD be placed on the appropriate NOAA charts?
      Wow, talk about an improvement. Instead of having the magenta line’s position based on surveys (sometimes) from the 1930’s, now its position would be determined by the millions of soundings undertaken by ARGUS cooperating research craft. And, this sounding data is about as timely as you can get!
      John informed us that his company is taking a look at proposing this idea to NOAA, the USCG and the US Army Corps of Engineers.. However, with the current budget climate in Washington, Survice Engineering is not optimistic that the effort would be funded, even though the cost would be a small fraction of a complete Federal resurvey. But wait, there may be an intriguing alternative.
      Captain John made us aware of a program we had never heard of before, known as “Kickstarter” ( Quite simply, Kickstarter proposes what seem to be worthy projects to the public at large, and solicits small donations from private individuals. If enough people contribute to a “kickstarter” project, then this seed money may very well bring worthwhile efforts to fruition, that would otherwise have just lain dormant forever. If there is not enough interest, and a project does not receive enough financial pledges of support, no-one has lost anything, and the project is simply cancelled, and any pledges that were received are cancelled and never collected. An interesting concept, and a very interesting idea, all rolled together in one!
      Would you be willing to make a small contribution to Kickstarter to have an ACCURATE magenta line appear on NOAA charts? What do you think of this entire concept? Good idea, bad idea, or just don’t know.
      THE SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM AS MANY MEMBERS OF THE CRUISING COMMUNITY ABOUT THIS CONCEPT AS POSSIBLE. We will then pass along your “words to wisdom” to both ARGUS and Kickstarter. Please send your thoughts to
      We look forward to hearing from you!

      Magenta line, misplaced or just plain missing has one thing ARGUS doesn’t ‘” `sovereign immunity.’ NOAA cannot be sued. Without this protection, ARGUS could be playing `you bet your company.’
      What about chart plotting software companies? They simply convey government charting and geodesy products in a `pass through’ and are very careful to keep their value added layers away from the C&G data. In ARGUS’ case they would be the C&G data provider.
      Explorer charts and a few others may have a liability protection model worth looking at, but until that aspect of this idea is nailed down, I’d say it’s a bit early to fund it.
      Chris and Janet

      Using ARGUS in lieu of the magenta line is a great idea. It enables a skipper to just follow the route that others took.
      No one should mis-interpret the meaning of ARGUS data. It is a rendition of `I took this route, and this is what I found.’ It does not absolve a mariner of the responsibility to navigate in a safe manner.
      Already ARGUS data includes soundings for many places where there never was a magenta line, and other places where prudent skippers deviated from the recommended route. Using ARGUS data points is just a natural extension of this existing program.
      Richard Ross MV Chez Nous

      Generally a bad idea. The magenta line was never intended to indicate the `best depths’. Instead it was intended to indicate to direction of the ICW at crossings, forks, and so on. The folks who insist otherwise and then complain are the reason that NOAA is dropping the line.
      Gene Fuller

      I agree about the liability issue but think this is worthwhile. In the meantime we are building a shallow draft boat.
      Dawn Moore

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    • Bikini Basin Anchorage Recommended, Cape Coral, Okeechobee Waterway Statute Mile 142

      Harney Point - Click for Chartview

      Well, thanks to Captain Jeff Moore, we may have just uncovered a real Western Florida “anchorage find” near the city of Fort Myers, and on the Caloosahatchee River’s shoreline. Bikini Basin is not named on most charts, but it is located south and west of Cape Coral fixed bridge and almost due west of Okeechobee marker #70.
      Based on Captain Moore’s comments below, this is not the most navigationally simple anchorage on the Western Florida coastline, but it sounds like it may be one of the most secure! If anyone else has anchored on these waters, PLEASE let us hear from you. Use the “Click Here to Comment on This Posting/Marina/Anchorage/Bridge” link below, or send e-mail directly to

      A great anchorage in Cape Coral, Florida is in Bikini Basin, inside Harney Point and a few yards down river from marker 70 in the OWW. Unlike Bimini Basin there is no power line guarding the entrance to the anchorage. There is only room for a few boats (3 or 4 at most) but since it appears on no lists of anchorages there is rarely anyone there. I live on Bikini Basin and regularly take my Westsail 42, OSPREY, 5’8’³ draft, in and out at mid-tide rising. The holding is sand and mud. Wind protection is 360 deg.
      Enter the rim canal to the north between mkrs. 1 and 2 a few hundred yards down-river from OWW mkr 70. When the channel forks, take the right fork and hug the green side until you are at Harney point. From there on split the reds and greens until you are abeam the first channel to port and head to port, into the channel. Anchor in the middle. There is no place to dinghy to shore as the basin is surrounded by private property. I have anchored there hundreds of times, waiting for the tide to rise enough to get over the sand bar at the entrance to my slip at the end of the basin. BTW, if coming down-river from Ft. Myers, Don’t be seduced by the first channel to stbd., that parallels the Cape Coral Bridge on the down-river side. It’s 3 ft. deep at MLW.
      Jeff Moore

      After further thought, I would replace the mid-tide rising comment with “1.0 ft. above MLW with a 5’8″ draft, when wind is not a factor.” A strong wind with any north or west in it drains the basin significantly.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Harney Point

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    • “The Cone of iPhone Shame”

      Ok, admittedly, this has very little to do with cruising, but I couldn’t resist. I just swiped this image, posted by fellow nautical writer, Mark Doyle, off the St. Augustine Cruisers’ Net ( It brought on a serious chuckle from this fellow. May it have the same effect for you!

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    • Florida Pilot Mooring Fields Program Being Challenged in US Federal Court

      Port of Call, St. Augustine This story is potentially one of the most important ever published on the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net in regards to anchoring on Floridian waters. It has the potential to change EVERYTHING! That may not happen, but there is some reason to believe it might.
      This news begins with a challenge in US Federal court to St. Augustine, Florida’s anchoring and mooring policies, as set forth under the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program. However, this entire matter actually goes far deeper than a challenge to the Mooring Fields Program. In fact, it is a challenge to the rights of any state, county or local government to regulate anchorage on “navigable waters” in any way, shape or form. As I understand Captain MacDougall’s argument, only the US Federal government has this authority, and this right is guaranteed by Federal law and at least hinted at in the US Constitution!
      Going back to the 1990’s, and the old, now long defunct, “Coalition of Concerned Boaters,” many have said, including attorneys within this old group, that the real key was to challenge ALL Florida state and local anchorage regulations in Federal court. The problem was that no-one has had both the will and/or financial resources to undertake such a challenge, AT LEAST UNTIL NOW!
      All that has changed, with the Federal suit brought against the city of St. Augustine by Captain Michael `Wolfy’ MacDougall. By following the link below to a well written story in the “St. Augustine Record,” you can find out much, much more about this still unfolding drama.
      And, before giving you this link, let me just note that one of the SSECN’s newest SPONSORS, Port of Call, St. Augustine ( is also heavily involved in trying to have all Florida anchoring regulations negated via Federal authority. You can read more from Port of Call St. Augustine concerning this issue at:

      And, to peruse the HIGHLY RECOMMENDED article in the “St. Augustine Record,” please follow this link:

      As we’ve said above, this is VERY INTERESTING news, no matter which side of the Florida anchoring rights debate you occupy. We would like to hear what YOU, the members of the cruising community, think about this US Federal court case. Please make use of the “Comment on This Posting/Marina/Anchorage/Bridge” link below, or send e-mail directly to

      I’d like to remark on this article, since I was quoted in it and now having read it and the comments accompanying it, can add the following:
      Had the Pilot Program’s actual intent been as stated, a lot more cruisers such as myself would have supported it. However, its clear intention was to move boaters from areas where they have historically anchored if such activity bothered wealthy homeowners.
      Another of its unspoken goals was to generate income where none was before, by ‘˜monetizing’ the act of anchoring. Unfortunately, and this can be born out by the experiences of the largest mooring field in Florida, Marathon, anchoring fields do not pay ‘“ they cost the municipality. That has been a long established fact. Marathon has sunk hundreds of thousands of dollars into its mooring field, all taxpayer ‘“ not boater ‘“ funded.
      But the main goal for most municipalities was to get rid of their derelicts ‘“ people with drug and substance abuse problems, mental issues, or simply poverty. Such lovely folks you are ‘“ instead of choosing to help these folks, who truly need it, you just shoo them on to the next jurisdiction. Proud of yourselves I trust?
      However, you’ve also lumped myself and thousands of other cruisers in with your social welfare problem, by laying the same rules on us. The fact is, even the FWC noted that the real problem with derelicts was as I’ve just noted ‘“ poverty, substance abuse, etc.
      I’m so sorry that so many people in Florida cannot see the difference.
      Wally Moran

      I sailed in the Navy then the Merchant Marine for over 30 yrs. I learn 2 to sail a sailboat! Now that so much attention has come to our sport and lifestyle because of a small percentage of nasty kooks, I am at a loss as to how I’m supposed to perceive myself! Thanks Capt Wally, we will be seeing you around!Merry Christmas!
      Captain Jerry Robbins

      I agree with all above and would like to add that the Fwcs list of goals for their pilot program includes `Promote Public access to waters of the state’ so how does limiting anchoring in some areas do this, it seems contradictory. I am sorry but derelict boats will always be a problem in our society. Just because someone abandons or wrecks a car on the side of the road or throw trash we do not prohibit cars from driving on the road do we. Our waterways need the Fwc to start looking at the real dangers to the Waterways of this state, pollution from agriculture including golf courses. We need to regulate runoff from land based sources. I have already spent close to 1000 dollars retrofitting my small sailboat for a legal holding tank system while I sit in my townhome in Broward County and watch all the chemicals sprayed on the golf course behind me end up draining into a canal that goes out to sea. Wake up Fwc and start doing something about this.
      Dave C

      Thank you Captain Wolfey. I will be sending a donation for your court costs and encourage others to do so. There are laws to deal with derelict vessels and the money is there. Its just a matter of priorities. I feel its really scary when the people who are supposed to be enforcing laws are involved this deeply in creating the legislation,ie.. FWC especially when theyre breaking higher laws. Who are the real criminals?
      Steve Roth

      Compliments of the Season to you also Claiborne.
      All these regulations we cruising people have to put up with are mainly on behalf of marinas trying to fill their slips in a poor economy – and towns trying to get income to augment their budgets. The net result is a far lower number of cruising boats on the water than was the case some 6 years ago.
      Many owners are trying to sell their boats – though only if prepared to accept low offers. Others have decided best not to cruise and save the money for whatever else might be coming down the pike. And still others are sick and tired of being boarded by all kinds of agencies trying to find a reason to give us a ticket. The irony is that many marinas today are finding it hard to make a living let alone a profit. They should be REDUCING their prices not increasing .
      Glad you have added charts etc for the St Johns River. You might recall that I am the person who first built Green Cove Springs Marina – which I sold out my ownership some 20 odd years ago under precisely similar conditions – that is a Recession which always badly hits anything to do with boats. We also had to deal with Environmental Agencies which at times was a nightmare.
      Now that too is much worse – very difficult for a marina to expand or even make improvements – always some official from some agency holding up approval etc.
      Oh well – we are possibly a dying breed – at least until the American economy improves.
      Best wishes to you

      If you would like to donate $100 or more to this legal fight and get full credit of $100 toward a Vacation in the Tropical Florida Keys, that includes a cottage and a 22’ sailboat send a check to Key Lime sailing club & Cottages 101425 Overseas HWY #922 Key Largo Florida 33037 and in the memo put Anchoring Rights Fight. I will forward the funds raised and credit each Person back $100 to a future stay at Key Lime Sailing club & Cottages. Note: Credit is Limited to $100 but Please send more if you can. Lets keep our waters Free for us to `Roam about’.
      Paul, Key Lime Sailing Club

      It is a shame that the promoters of this anti-anchoring law ignore the actual words written into the law that say it must promote access to the waters of the state. Outlawing people from anchoring in places they have always anchored does not promote access. And, as Wally points out, the derelicts have not disappeared’“just been forced elsewhere, which in some cases I suspect is ashore in the same community but now sleeping on park benches and in shelters. And too it is interesting how certain well-connected political interests have benefited from the injection of public tax dollars to create mooring facilities that then create private profits. The cost of installing a Florida mooring field is many times what it costs in other parts of the country, and then the revenues almost never cover the long-term costs. The taxpayer pays again. Meanwhile, cruisers head elsewhere.
      John Kettlewell

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    • Hearty Endorsement of Carolina Yacht Care (Southport, NC – Statute Mile 309)

      Carolina Yacht CareWow, what a great endorsement of SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Carolina Yacht Care, based in Southport, NC! If you are anywhere near Southport, and you need yacht services, NOW YOU KNOW WHO TO CALL!!!!

      While transiting to Miami from the Chesapeake on MV The Gator, my Outer Reef 65, I had the good fortune to stop in at Southport, NC. Southport is a quaint, friendly town with excellent marina facilities. We stayed at Southport Marina. While there we needed a ride to a laundry facility and were referred by marina staff to Hank Pomeranz of Carolina Yacht Care (cYc) who, in addition to other services, runs a shuttle from area marinas. The shuttle is on demand and inexpensive and we used it several times.
      During our shuttle runs we learned that cYc provides a host of services for transient boaters. One of those services is monitoring boats when owners are unavailable. So, when weather interrupted our plans to continue south and with Thanksgiving drawing close, I left The Gator in their hands for 10 days over the holiday, during which time they monitored the boat daily, made adjustments and kept me informed of her status. We were in touch almost daily and I had the sense that they were looking after The Gator as if she were their own.
      As happens, the delay also impacted my crews’ availability and I found myself without crew to finish the trip. I called Hank and asked if cYc might be able to provide crew. While this was not an advertised service, Hank adjusted his schedule and crewed for me himself. His competency and professionalism underway during the four day transit were typical of the same levels of service he applies to the other aspects of his business. I suspect his 30 plus years in the Navy and experience as a cruising sailor contribute a great deal to his expertise, level of detail and professionalism.
      It is rare when you can truly find a single business dedicated to every need of the transient community and with a singular focus on customer service.
      In short, I would strongly endorse Hank and his crew at Carolina Yacht Care to any transient boater needing services in the Southport, NC area.
      Jim Hammel
      Owner/Captain, The Gator
      Outer reef 65

      As the Marina Manager at South Harbour Marina in Southport I also heartily endorse Hank @ Carolina Yacht Care. Our laundry is right at the end of the dock but we have also used Hank for his shuttle and other services. He is dependable, professional, and his extra customer service efforts certainly makes my marina look good too! He can be trusted to give my customers good value.
      Bill Gregory

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Southport Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Southport Marina

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    • Watch for Crab Pot Buoys South of St. Augustine, AICW Statute Mile 778

      St. Augustine - Click for Chartview

      While Captain Lee doesn’t specify a particular stretch of the Waterway, his admonition to keep a sharp lookout for crab pot buoys is a good one to heed, as all you cruisers from the Chesapeake will verify! From St. Augustine Cruisers Net,
      Just a reminder to anyone cruising south of St Augustine on the ICW. The locals have been putting crab pots out in the channel. Be careful you don’t foul a prop.
      Stan Lee

      Call FWC and have them removed. Pots in the marked channel are illegal state wide.
      Dave Bell

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of St. Augustine

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    • Praise for ARGUS and Its Use

      Captain Reeves comments are in response to earlier postings on shoaling waters, such as Little Mud River: /?p=128659, and many other such reports. ARGUS is a great tool in those areas already documented to be shoaling, as well as those where a captain might suspect a shift in the channel.

      If the prudent navigator compares the new ARGUS soundings on all problem areas, there is a clear path to take and it is not the red line. I like the ARGUS soundings, because I can zoom in and see the depths and where they are. I don’t cruise the world now days, but I do enjoy the ICW on the Georgia Coast and it is nice to have accurate information and lots of different views.
      I do hope cruisers can continue to enjoy the ICW by using the excellent resources here and pay attention to their charts, depth sounders and common sense.
      Sonny Reeves, Jekyll Island

      As a long time fan of Argus, we have had the system installed on Beach House for the last year as we cruise. We are happy to contribute to the database and find this an invaluable tool for boaters. Thanks for making the information available on Cruiser’s Net.
      Chuck and Susan, Trawler beach House

      ARGUS Readings through Little Mud River - Click for Chartview

      On any SSECN chartview, simply click the ARGUS box at the top of the screen to bring up the ARGUS symbols.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • “Best” Margarita in St. Augustine

      Hurricane Patty's Bloody Mary (Yummmmmm!)

      For everyone who is a fan of Margaritas, not to mention other “adult beverages,”there is a really good discussion about the “best” spots on the St. Augustine Cruisers Net Facebook page at:

      Sounds like I (and everyone else) needs to check out “Hurricane Patty’s”! Did a bit of research, and discovered this contact info:

      Hurricane Patty’s
      69 Lewis Blvd
      Saint Augustine FL 32084 US

      Once I looked at the map on Hurricane Patty’s web site, I realized this is the restaurant/bar/really fun dining attraction that’s located on the grounds of River’s Edge Marina (see /oyster-creek-marina/). This facility and restaurant are located on the western side of the San Sebastian River. That means that those docked at the city marina, or in the city sponsored mooring fields, will have to walk a good six or seven blocks to reach Hurricane Patty’s, but after reading the discussion on the St. Aug. Cruisers’ Net, the effort sounds more than justified!!!

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    • Caution Needed if Anchoring in Jekyll Creek, AICW Statute Mile 685

      Jeykyll Harbor Marina... a Cool Place to Beat the Heat

      Jekyll Creek ICW Marker #24 - Click for Chartview

      The shallow waters north and west of marker #24 are not, AND NEVER WILL BE, an SSECN recommended anchorage, but as Captain Reeves observes and documents, they are getting a lot of use. Given the narrow, constantly shifting channel that barges must navigate in Jekyll Creek, cruisers choosing to anchor north of marker #24 will be wise to put out a short scope and to stay well west of marker #24. Our thanks to Captain Reeves, from Jekyll Harbor Marina – A SALTY SOUTHEAST SPONSOR! – for pointing out this potential hazard.
      The Anchorage at Red 24 south of Jekyll Harbor Marina is getting a lot of use this season. My concern is when boats anchor to the east of the marker R24 and are in the ICW. You know we have a lot of BIG barge traffic on this part of the ICW. I am attaching pictures from last night that show a boat anchored in the ICW east of the marker. One boat did not have an anchor light. We had a boat hit 2 years ago by a barge, just the corner! The owner was saved but lost his boat. He was anchored near the public dock east of R24.
      Cruisers are welcome to anchor and visit the Marina in their dingy for shore access or to use the public dock. Of course they are always welcome at the Marina. Call Tow Boat US or the Marina for local knowledge.
      Stop by and visit with us we will be in The Office.
      Sonny Reeves

      Anchored Vessels South of Jekyll Harbor Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Georgia Marina Directory Listing For Jekyll Harbor Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Jekyll Harbor Marina

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    • Albin Rendezvous at Twin Dolphin Marina, off Tampa Bay on the Manatee River

      Twin Dolphin Marina, 1000 1st Ave. West, Bradenton, Florida 34205-7852, 941.747.8300 - fax 941.745.2831, e-mail:

      Twin Dolphin Marina - Click for Chartview

      Twin Dolphin Marina, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, sits perched on the southern shores of Manatee River, just short of the Highway 41 Business bridge. In addition to the many recent positive reviews (see /?p=128780), Twin Dolphin Marina will be host to the 2014 Albin Owners Rendezvous.

      The 2014 Albin Owners Group rendezvous will be held April 1 to 4 at the Twin Dolphins Marina in Bradenton, Florida. All Albin owners and enthusiasts are welcome. Contact Joe Milbauer at or 239.652.1101.

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Twin Dolphin Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Twin Dolphin Marina

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