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    • IMPORTANT – Serious Shoaling on Jeremy Creek – McClellanville, SC (Statute Mile 430)

      Our contact at the US Army Corps of Engineers has just forwarded copies of an official USACOE survey of depths on Jeremy Creek taken 11/19/12. Take a look at the first three lines of soundings north of the stream’s mouth, in the enlargement of the survey below. You will quickly see why we have designated this posting as “Important” and have set an SSECN Navigation Alert for these waters.
      All depths shown on this survey are corrected for Mean Low Water. So, a quick glance will show you that, at low tide, you might be cruising through as little as 2.0 to 2.6 feet depths, RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHANNEL! Fortunately, channel depths improve farther upstream.
      However, until and if dredging can be accomplished on the southern portion of Jeremy Creek, entrance and exit at times near low water will be relegated strictly to shallow draft vessels!
      Now, why is this such a big deal. Well, Jeremy Creek provides the only water access to the charming village of McClellanville, South Carolina, and its recently improved marina, Leland Oil Company. The shoal depths at the entrance to Jeremy Creek are going to be a real obstacle to visiting both this marina and the adjoining community.
      Fortunately, there is a 5.5 to 6 foot tidal range in this region, so most cruising craft will be able to navigate southern Jeremy Creek near the time of high tide. Of course, having to time your travel around the tides can be a major inconvenience to cruisers.
      A telephone conversation with the dockmaster at Leland Marine on 12/28/12 confirmed the surveyed shallow depths, and we were told that deeper draft boats are indeed having to play the tides when entering and leaving. On the other hand, the dockmaster said he had accommodated several boats this fall season with 5-foot draft, but clearly, these vessels did not arrive or leave at low water.
      The dockmaster went on to say that everyone in McClellanville is hoping that the USACOE will dredge Jeremy Creek this year, but he has not heard of any definite plans to do so. Let’s hope this dredging happens soon!
      In the meantime, ALL mariners bent on a visit to McClellanville and/or Leland Oil Company, NEED TO TAKE THIS INFORMATION INTO ACCOUNT!

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To A “Navigation Alert” Position at the southern section of Jeremy Creek

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    • A Word From the New Director of Marker One Marina (Western Florida ICW, Statute Mile 142)

       Captain Steve Arndt, author of the message below, and the new dockmaster at Marker One Marina, gained a superb reputation for his welcoming, can-do attitude towards all cruisers during his former directorship at Bay Point Marina in Panama City, Florida. With Captain Steve at the helm, we feel strongly that things will look up very quickly at Marker One.

      Now you’ll be able to enjoy that same level of friendliness and service at a new location a few miles farther south! Marker 1 Marina, ( – my new home in Dunedin, FL) is located on the [Western Florida] ICW just north of Clearwater and is a wonderful stop along the Loop. With grocery stores, restaurants, banks and thrift stores just a few blocks away, you’ll find just about everything you need close by. Caladesi Island State Park (recently named the Best Beach in America) is just a short kayak or dingy ride away. Meanwhile the town of Dunedin is proud of their Scottish roots and has a diverse selection of bars, restaurants and shops that just beg to be explored. And with 300 feet of lay along transient dock, private showers and 24 hour security, your boat will feel right at home, too.
      I look forward to sharing my new hometown with many of you in the coming years!
      Steve Arndt
      Director, Marker 1 Marina

      Click Here To View the Westerb Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Marker One Marina

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    • AICW Shoaling South of Fernandina Beach, FL Confirmed – Captains Mark and Diana Report (near St. M. 717.5)

      On the Water GuidebooksFor some time now, the SSECN has had a “Navigation Alert” posted for less than expected depths on the AICW, south of Fernandina Beach, Florida, near marker #18 (see /?p=32494). Now our stratigic partners, Captains Mark and Diana Doyle, originators and owners of On The Water ChartGuides, give some fresh evidence that this shoaling is for real, Pay particular attention to the screen shot that comes from their very nifty recording sounder!

      Shoaling South of Mooring Field
      Although we recorded depths of 13 to 15 feet throughout the mooring field (at 3.6 above MLLW), we encountered extensive shoaling along the magenta line in the channel area southbound of the mooring field. You can see on the accompanying screenshot’s depth-annotated track some 10- and 11-foot soundings (at 3.6 above MLLW) in two areas. These humps roughly translate to about 6 feet at MLLW. They come up fast and are a bit breath-taking, given the largely deeper surrounding water.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To A “Navigation Alert” Position on the AICW/Amelia River

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    • Updates on Fernandina Beach Mooring Field – Captains Mark and Diana Report (St. M. 717)

      On the Water GuidebooksThe Fernandina Beach Mooring field lies almost directly west of the city marina, and within easy dinghy distance of the large dink dock at this facility. All the many dining, shopping and sightseeing attractions of downtown Fernandina Beach are within easy walking distance.
      Thanks to our strategic partners, Captains Diana and Mark Doyle, founders and owners of On The Water ChartGuides, we can present updated information on these facilities below.

      Moorings are inexpensive and convenient to town.

      Here are [two] important updates and reminders on the Fernandina Beach, FL area (STM 716.9):

      Payment in Person
      Some sources mistakenly report that you need to dinghy ashore to pay the mooring fee. In our experience (two visits), this is not the case. If you don’t have a dinghy, or don’t feel like launching your dink, simply phone Fernandina Harbor Marina at 904-491-2090. You can provide your credit card information over the phone.
      The rates have increased slightly, posted on their website as: $20/day for a mooring, $3/day for dinghy dockage, and $7/day for dinghy dockage with shower access. Weekly rates are available. More rate details ‘” including the marina’s tiered pricing for inside versus outside slips ‘” are here:

      Farmer’s Market
      And while you’re in the area, don’t forget the Fernandina Beach Market Place. It’s a popular farmers’ market a short walk from the dinghy dock, gathering every Saturday from 0900-1300 hrs.

      These moorings are great in mild conditions. When the wind howls against the tide it is a rough, rough ride. When the tide changes, we have seen boats using not very long bridles carried completely over the buoy pendant. I would not recommend leaving your boat unattended during tidal current shifts. That said, I we found pay by phone friendly and efficient.

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Fernandina Harbor Marina

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Fernandina Beach Mooring Field

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    • Great Account of Cruising Western Florida’s Big Bend Region, North to South

      I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating. Get a dozen veteran cruisers together, put forward the question about the best way to cross Western Florida’s waterwayless “Big Bend” region, and you’ll get fourteen different opinions. For those not familiar with these waters, it’s basically a question of whether to cut the corner, if southbound, and head directly for Anclote Key or Clearwater (this often involves an overnight passage), or, staying well offshore, follow the Big Bend coastline around, with the opportunity to anchor or moor on one of the regional rivers. Almost all of these are naturally beautiful, but all have long, torturous, and sometimes shallow entrance channels from the open Gulf.
      Captains Judith and Paul give one of the best arguments below I’ve heard in some time as to the good attributes of taking the Big Bend coastline route.

      We opted to travel The Big Bend from Carrabelle to Tarpon Springs. The distance is greater than the cross-Gulf trek, but well worth it. This area is of historical significance and is comprised of small/tiny fishing villages among marsh, cypress, fir, hardwoods, palm trees and alligators, not to mention dolphins and a myriad of sea/woods birds. Fishing is the name of the game here. There were large, deep draft boats in all the marinas, but one would have to watch the tides. This would be a much better trip if it were a bit earlier in the year before the northerlies arrive. The ubiquitous crab pots/fishing pots are easily seen and avoided
      as long as the seas are 1-2′ and the sun is not in your eyes.
      Our first stop was St. Mark’s (20 miles south of Tallahassee), staying at the new Shield’s Marina (showers/laundry/well stocked chandlery/full service) and a couple of anchorages in the beautiful St. Mark’s River. We lunched at the Riverside (Paradise) Cafe, walked the park, museum/fort, and the railroad converted to bike path. The area/fort has been significant historically since the 1500’s (and 12,000 yrs before) under the control of 9 different cultures. The area provided the most important salt for the Confederate troups. They have a post office and a limited grocery store and are the heart of the Stone Crab industry with a festival in October. A man came to talk with us for awhile and loaned us his car to go to the St. Mark’s Wildlife Preserve and The Lighthouse. We saw many alligators sunning. We found out later, the owner will loan you his car for Walmart or the lighthouse/nature preserve tour.
      Next we went to Sea Hag marina in Steinhatchee. There is a post office, good grocery store and several restaurants. Fiddler’s Restaurant will come to the marina, pick you up and bring you back. Delicious seafood dinner. We took our zodiac up the river for a few hours as the weather was not condusive for anchoring out.
      The wild and beautiful Suwanee River was next on the list, bypassing Cedar Key about which we had not heard good things. We stopped at Miller’s Marina for fuel and a pumpout. This is a very basic place on a lovely pool approached from the river by a leafy narrow canal. A short walk to The Salt River Seafood Company Restaurant provided us with a delicious lunch. We understand they will let you stay the night at their dock for free if you eat there. 350 people call this village home with 750 vacation homes–small is an overstatement. Predicted stormy weather prevented our anchoring out up the Suwannee which we very much wish we had been able to do–you know, the song and all!
      After a few hours of being hammered on the open Gulf, we slipped into the first marina on Crystal River, Twin Rivers Marina. They are 6 miles from town, but had a floating dock for us which we prefer, being so small. One
      could stay in town at Pete’s Pier. TRW is a full service marina, and we need a wiper repair and a stove repair after our Gulf ride. Crystal River is home to the largest herd of manatees in Florida. Photographing manatees
      is similar to dolphins–as soon as you focus, they are gone.
      We are waiting here for a window to get down to Tarpon Springs and back on the ICW. We have met friendly people and had quiet, secure havens and would highly recommend Florida’s “Forgotten Coast” to complete your Loop experience.
      Judith and Paul
      26′ C-Dory

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Shields Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Shields Marina

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Sea Hag Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Sea Hag Marina

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Millers Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Millers Marina

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Twin Rivers Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Twin Rivers Marina

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Pete’s Pier

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Pete’s Pier

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    • Skidaway Narrows Bridge OPERATIONAL!, AICW Statute Mile 592.5

      Our “onsite reporter”, Roger Long, gives us the good news that the bridge has been repaired. Capt. Long had been anchored in the immediate area waiting for an opening since early Saturday. Thank you, Roger! However, he warns that more problems with the old bridge may arise before the new bridge is completed. Skidaway Narrows Bridge crosses the ICW at Statute Mile 592.5. A new high-rise bridge is under construction immediately north of the old bridge.

      Opened Sunday evening 12/23/12. In view of the big head shaking gathering by a bunch of people who looked like they had been pulled from church and family activities, I expect there will be more uncertainty about this bridge in its short time remaining.
      Roger Long

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory Listing For Skidaway Narrows Bridge

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Skidaway Narrows Bridge

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    • Possible Shortcut From St. Catherine Sound to Walburg Creek Anchorage (St. M. 619)

      It might help to understand the posting below, if you were first to take a look at the portion of chart which depicts the northern entrance to the excellent Walburg Creek anchorage, from St. Catherine Sound. As you will see, there is a long shoal charted as “Middle Ground” which thrusts into the western flank of the creek’s entrance.
      The classic way to avoid these shallows has been to continue cruising east, as if you were going to follow the St. Catherine Sound Inlet to the open sea, and then curl back around to the south and west from a position east of marker #7.
      What Captain Long is attempting to do, as described below, is find a way to short-cut the long cruise east to get past #7. Looks like he may have found a way for the moment, BUT, as he notes, depths in this region are subject to rapid and uncharted changes. Cutting the corner may be a risky proposition, and the responsibility to take such a chance rests entirely with each individual captain!

      When coming across Saint Catherines Sound in a stiff breeze as I did yesterday, it’s tempting to cut across the long shoal that forms an extension of the north bank of Walberg Creek if you plan to seek shelter there. It’s also tempting at the end of a long run to this beautiful spot.
      BobT’s friends in Second Wind ran the magenta line which goes far out into the entrance of the sound to the ocean. This left them with a hard slog under power back up to the creek. It also could have left them in a dicey situation if their engine hadn’t started, being carried out to sea by two knots of current. It would have been tough in those conditions to set sail and beat to windward in the nasty chop.
      There have been a lot of changes in this area and the chart is pretty much fictional now. Since it was calm this morning and I planned a very short day, I decided to do a quick survey. My soundings are in red, corrected to MLW with the tide data in my Garmin chartplotter.
      The highlighted track shows my attempt to feel my way along the 8 foot sounding line. There are some 10 foot spots along that track but I was shy about pushing right in with a lot of current behind me. When I found the 5 foot spot earlier on, the depth change was quite fast.
      Roger Long

      And, here is some additional info from Captain Long:

      You should probably mention that I took the shortcut over the 9 foot, now 32 foot soundings and went very near the 5 foot sounding early this year and didn’t notice the depths being significantly different than the chart. I may not have been paying as much attention but this appears to be an area subject to fast changes.

      Click Here To View the Georgia Anchorage Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Walburg Creek Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Walburg Creek Anchorage

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    • A Word of Caution about Adverse Currents at AICW/St. Augustine Inlet, Statute Mile 777.3

      Marker #60 - Click for Chartview

      Capt. Burnham offers compelling words of caution which should be taken seriously during falling tides at the intersection of the Waterway and St. Augustine Inlet at statue mile 777.3, especially at marker #60 where the channel makes a dogleg turn. And, no matter how often it happens, as any displacement hull vessel operator will relate, it is a strange sensation in the pit of your stomach when Mother Nature, in the guise of a crossing tide, unexpectedly wrests your boat from your control! While Capt. Burnham’s remarks pertain to St. Augustine Inlet, such adverse crossing tides can occur at a number of inlet/Waterway intersections.

      We were cruising north from the Bridge of Lions in St. Augustine and planned a short daysail north up the AICW and back again. On a ebb flowing tide, two currents collide with the eastbound flow through the St. Augustine inlet. The southbound AICW ebb current and the northerly ebb current from Salt Run. A vessel traveling south on the ebb current of the AICW that desires to continue westward to the Bridge of Lions, will be swept past floating RED AICW marker `60’³ into the path of a vessel heading eastward from the Bridge of Lions toward the inlet. This is not a narrow channel but the eddies created on an ebbing tide will cause a southbound vessel on the AICW to momentarily lose steerage at this right hand turn UNLESS the Captain APPLIES SUFFICIENT POWER to maintain forward momentum. Exercise CAUTION if you are leaving St. Augustine and you see vessel traffic coming from the north on the AICW. If that southbound vessel turns westward away from the inlet into the ebbing current it will lose the apparent speed of the southbound current as it turns right around the floating RED AICW marker `60’³ and MAY be swept into the path of the eastbound vessel if caught in the eddies. This is especially true for displacement hulled vessels and vessels not at planing speeds. Give these southbound vessels ALOT of room to make their turn to the west.
      David Burnham

      Thank you Captain Burnham. We plan to be heading south through this area in mid-January.
      Brian Walter

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of St. Augustine Inlet/AICW Intersection

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    • Things Have CHANGED On Troup Creek, Georgia (Statute Mile 670.5, just north of Brunswick, Georgia)

      Just this past week, I was reminded of one reason why, several years ago, I made the transition from authoring paper cruising guides, to publishing all the data I gather on the world wide web. This tale begins when I received a very polite e-mail from the owner of Hidden Harbor Marina, a very nice facility on the shores of Troup Creek, just off the AICW, a short hop north of Brunswick, Georgia.
      A visiting cruiser had informed the owner that in my “Cruising Guide to Coastal South Carolina and Georgia,” I had less than nice things to say about visiting this body of water. Turns out the CGSC-GA edition in question was at least six years old, and, at that time, there was a seriously scuzzy, combination bar and marina perched on the shores of Troup Creek. Hence my less than glowing recommendation.
      Happily, those days are LONG GONE, and there is every good reason for cruisers to visit the facility which now occupies these shores, Hidden Harbor Marina. And, to bring this discussion full circle, that is one of the real problems with paper cruising guide. They often hang around far past their “sell-by” date.
      So, if you have old editions of my cruising guides or anyone elses, use them for a bon fire, and get the latest edition of all your guide books, or better yet, get your data on marina, anchorages and bridges right here, on the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net!

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Hidden Harbor Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Hidden Harbor Marina

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