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    • Resolution to Tax Woes in Hanover County, Cape Fear River, Wilmington, NC

      “Death and Taxes”…what can you say? Our sympathies Captain Chappell. Fortunately, this situation was resolved.

      RE: New Hanover County (Wilmington, NC)
      They not only are zealous but are quite bloody minded in the way they deal with People. They continued to bill me for two years after the boat was sold, and just will not accept the fact the boat was not in their County during the next year after I made the mistake of staying over January 1st the Year before.
      As I was cruising south’¦.and did not take up a slip or mooring anywhere and thus had no Marina Bill to show’¦they continue to insist I owed them for the full year despite not being there.
      They freely admit the Marina documented my departure date but despite having that information’¦.continue to ignore what that statement said’¦.’Departed!’
      My advice to all’¦.pass right on through New Hanover County’¦.do not stop’¦do not buy a single thing in New Hanover County’¦.go on into South Carolina where you are welcome and do not have the burden of dealing with the New Hanover County Tax Office.
      Their comment to me, `Tax has to be paid every year on your boat!’ sums up their attitude. They refuse to accept that Boaters only have to comply with the laws for the Tax Jurisdiction they find themselves within. Which for them means a great many of New Hanover County boaters cross the SC State Line for a couple of weeks, pay for a Slip and escape paying taxes to New Hanover County’¦.which saves a lot of money for the Boater.
      If I had known the Tax problems I would have with New Hanover County (Wilmington, NC)’¦.I would never have stopped there. As people have noted’¦.New Bern Tax folks are quite pleasant and helpful in the way they conduct their business of collecting taxes’¦.which is not the case in New Hanover County.
      Ralph Chappell

      Cruising News:
      I posted earlier about dealing with the New Hanover County Tax Office re Tax issues on my boat. My earlier post was not very favorable about that organization.
      Upon reaching a Supervisory level staff member we quickly worked out a resolution that was quite fair and not at all problematic.
      Perhaps there is hope after all.
      I believe the secret is as always….only deal with a person who has the authority to actually make a determination and not the low ranking clerks who have no decision making authority.
      My comments about the North Carolina Tax law re Cruising Sailors remains unchanged. The State drives off way too much business and thus creates a great hardship on businesses that would otherwise enjoy trade with those traveling about on their boats.
      The other advice unfortunately remains….be a pack rat with receipts, bills, logs, notes, journals, photographs, and bar tabs….to prove exactly where your boat was at any given day, date, and time. Seems a pity it has to be that way.
      Ralph Chappell

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