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    • Why You Should Visit Elizabeth City, NC (Dismal Swamp Route. St. M. 50.5)

      Click to learn more about our Carolina Loop program The excellent report below from Captains Sonny and Nancy is NOT a surprise to this writer. Seldom will cruisers ever find a more welcoming port of call than Elizabeth City. And, these good people are a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      Hello, Mr. Young,
      My wife and I recently cruised up to Virginia from Florida. Our route north included taking the Virginia cut in lieu of the Dismal Swamp Canal route. On our return, however, some fellow cruisers told us it would behoove us to take the Dismal Swamp and make a stop in Elizabeth City, NC. They said the city is boater friendly and we should have an enjoyable visit.
      We followed their advice and took the Dismal Swamp route, arriving in Elizabeth City on Monday night, September 14th. We met two other cruisers at the Visitors Center on the Dismal Swamp canal and arrived with them at Elizabeth City simultaneously. We checked in with the tourism center and were given a rousing welcome. They catered to our every need, including offers for rides to grocery stores. laundromats, to purchase ice and pretty much anything else we needed. The dockage was COMPLIMENTARY and they also provided Wi Fi computer service. Later in the day, a representative came by each boat and advised that they were hosting a wine and cheese reception for the visiting boaters. We decided to attend and were greeted by a member of the “Rosebuddies”. This is a group that was started many years ago for the purpose of making cruising boaters feel welcome in Elizabeth City. Part of the reception was giving a rose to each female member of a boating party. In addition, the Mayor of the city was in attendance at the reception and made it a point to greet each boat owner and their respective families personally. I don’t believe I have ever visited another town anywhere in the United States in a boat and had the mayor come out and greet us. Mayor Steven Atkinson told us about the many services and programs that are available to us cruisers as well as their many attractions, especially the Albemarle Museum. Lastly, the rosebuddy who spoke to us advised us on additional areas of interest to boaters together with local knowledge of the water which enabled some of us to shorten travel time and several miles on our way south after leaving Elizabeth City.
      I have to say that as one who has been cruising for over twenty years, never have we been received so warmly as we were in this small town waterfront town in North Carolina. They are currently promoting “The Carolina Loop” for people in North Carolina, Virginia, and other areas. They have a brochure on their website that provides a detailed explanation of the trip.
      I am sure you have probably been made aware of this city, however, I felt I would be remiss in my duty as a fellow cruiser if I did not tell you what a great time we had on our visit. My wife Nancy and I would highly recommend spending time there. Also, we wish to congratulate Elizabeth City Tourism on the splendid job they did making all of us cruisers feel welcome. We will visit this charming city again.
      Arlington(Sonny) and Nancy Lambert
      S/V Sonrae 79 CSY 33 Hull #10
      Fleming Island, FL

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Elizabeth City’s Mariner’s Wharf Docks

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Pelican Marina

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