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    • Letter from the Bahamas 2024 #3 – Greg Allard

      Our sincerest thanks to Greg and Barbara Allard for once again sharing their thoughts and beautiful photography from their Bahamas cruises. These photos and descriptions will have you aching to follow in Meander‘s wake! For more of this excellent photography, type Allard in our Homepage search window for letters from previous cruises.

      Bahamas – 
      2024 – #3 May 21, 2024

      “I returned, and saw under the sun, that the
      race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the
      strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet
      riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to
      men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” –

      Ecclesiastes 9:11

      This is Percy Darville, the legendary bone fishing guide who lives on
      Great Harbour Cay. We have known him for over a decade. He has an
      international reputation as one of the most respected and successful
      bonefishing guides anywhere.

      A bonefish is a relatively small fish, and adults reach maturity usually
      around 17” and generally grow to no more than 30” in length. It is a fierce
      fighter, inhabits very shallow coastal waters and is considered one of the
      most sought-after game fish which are caught with fly or light fishing
      tackle. It is a catch-and-release fish, which means they are generally not
      eaten…likely because the flesh is…. boney.

      Percy has said: “I’ve fish Presidents, Movie stars, Writers, Golfers
      and many many others.”

      Jack Nicklaus used to be a regular visitor to Great Harbour, arriving
      on his large Westport yacht, named Bear, which carried four small
      shoal (shallow) draft bonefishing boats – named Cub 1, Cub 2, Cub
      3 and Cub 4 on its upper deck. Percy was Jack’s regular trusted

      Percy on the bonefishing flats, with what is likely a trophy sized fish. This
      photo is from Percy’s website

      Ten years ago at Great Harbour, while I was talking with Percy, he asked
      if we would like some fresh conch (already removed from the shell – a
      tedious process.) I said yes, and the next day he showed up at our boat
      with a bagful. I intended to pay for them, and asked him what he wanted.
      He said “nothing.” I said: “Percy – this is your business and I want to pay
      for them.” He said “No, I won’t take any money” and walked away.

      Spanish Wells’ north shore. To give you an idea of the scale of this beach, look for the three people farther down on the beach.

      Spanish Wells is a separate cay on the north of
      Eleuthera, a number of miles from Harbour Island. It
      is one-half mile wide and two miles long, with about
      1,800 people living there year-round.

      Spanish Wells and Man-O-War cay in the Abacos
      are the two main cays where the population is largely
      of white Bahamians. The locals speak with a curious
      lilting British accent overlaid with Bahamian
      elements. The majority of people on Spanish Wells
      earn their living from fishing for crawfish, the spiney Caribbean lobsters – the ones without the
      big claws of the New England lobster.
      The photo below is of sunset at Spanish Wells.

      You can see two of the big lobster boats in the distance. 
      Those boats are currently in port, being refitted and
      made-ready for when the lobster season opens on
      August 1 st . Cruising recreational boats in this
      harbour (such as ours) represent a clear minority.

      That’s why we like Spanish Wells – it’s an authentic
      Bahamian place.

      The other target of the fishing industry on
      Spanish Wells is the conch. These conch
      (above) are being held temporarily in a
      sunken boat and a makeshift pen. The tide is
      now out, so they are uncovered, but they will
      be covered with seawater again as the tide
      returns. This way they are kept fresh for
      market. They have a beautiful shell with
      prized meat inside. After the meat is removed, it is tenderized by pounding with a
      mallet, then breaded and deep fried. Similar
      to fried calamari, but the flavor is far
      superior. Yummy.

      We took a small ferry over to Eleuthera, rented a car with our friends Jim
      and Ellen, and toured the island as far south as Governor’s Harbour.
      We stopped in Gregory Town at our favorite shop, which specializes in
      baskets made on the remote island of Andros –whose residents are famous
      for creating the highest quality and most beautiful examples of Bahamian

      While at the little shop, we met these two delightful local women (above).
      The one on the right is Amanda, who works in the shop. The woman on
      the left is Shurlunda, who proudly described herself as the “Postmistress”
      of the tiny post office next door.

      Some of you surely will remember Kathy; years ago her husband became
      fatally ill, and wanted her to have a way to earn a living after he passed.
      He set her up in a small home with a bakery. We hadn’t been to her shop
      in five years (since we were last in Spanish Wells), so we were thrilled to
      see her again. One of her specialties is “Johnny cakes”, which Americans
      would recognize as similar to an English muffin, however it is a bit denser
      and more flavorful. Bahamians put jam on it, or a slice of cheese. 

      Warmest regards – Greg and Barbara

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    • Inclusive Swim Nights this Summer at Charleston County Waterparks and the West County Aquatic Center, Charleston, SC

      Cooper River Marina

      Click here for  Inclusive Swim Nights this Summer at Charleston County Waterparks and the West County Aquatic Center


      Sarah Reynolds
       Public Information Coordinator
      861 Riverland DrCharlestonSC 29412
       Office: +1 8437628089


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    • May OBX Park News: Meet Your Ranger, Adopt A Sea Turtle Nest, Pony Birthdays, and more!

      Your May E-news preview:

      Your Parks, Your Impact
      April was a month of celebration as we reflected on the impact you’ve helped us make in our Outer Banks national parks over the past five years.

      We are grateful to everyone who came out to Swells’a Brewing for our birthday party – it was great to see so many of our supporters together, and we officially kicked off our new partnership with Duck Donuts (more details coming soon)! 

      Last week, I attended the Friends Alliance spring meeting, a virtual gathering of national park partners from around the country. As we learned about topics ranging from environmental justice to how the National Park Service plans to commemorate America250 in 2026 by focusing on inclusive storytelling, I was reminded how special and unique it is that we have three amazing national parks right here in our backyards. 
      As I talked to my colleagues around the country one thing was clear – our national parks need our support now more than ever. We will continue to celebrate our fifth birthday this year and look ahead to what we want to accomplish in the next five years as our parks continue to face challenges ranging from budget cuts to environmental changes. We’ll be looking to you to learn what you want to see us achieve in our parks, and ways you think we can continue to grow our impact as we work to protect and enhance these special places. Stay tuned! 
      See you in our parks, 
      Jessica Barnes
      Outer Banks Forever
      Support Our Parks
      Meet Your Ranger: Mike Anderson
      Our Meet Your Ranger series introduces you to the many amazing people who support our Outer Banks national parks every day!

      This month, we’re pleased to introduce you to Mike Anderson, Lead Interpretive Ranger at Fort Raleigh National Historic Site!

      Mike’s days are busy as he gives ranger programs, assists visitors, and plans projects and events for the park.

      In his free time, Mike enjoys listening to tunes from Broadway musicals, watching “The Crown” and “Jeopardy!”, and 3-D printing movie prop replicas from Star Wars and Marvel movies! 
      Meet Mike
      It’s Adopt A Sea Turtle Nest Season!
      It’s our favorite time of the year – Adopt A Sea Turtle Nest season is here!

      Each year, hundreds of sea turtles make their way onto the beaches of Cape Hatteras National Seashore to lay their eggs.

      Through our Adopt A Sea Turtle Nest program, you can symbolically adopt one of these active nests!

      Here’s how the program works:

      • Donate: Give a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more to reserve your 2024 sea turtle nest. Your gift will help us fund important projects that protect and enhance the Seashore and the vital habitat it preserves. You will receive a confirmation email for your donation. 
      • Receive your nest assignment: Sea turtles typically start to arrive in May and June, and will continue to arrive until September. As nests become available, you will be assigned your sea turtle nest and receive an adoption certificate by either mail or digitally with initial information about your nest. Please keep in mind that if you reserve a nest in May, you may not receive your initial information until late May, June, or even later depending on how many early adoptions are received.
      • Wait patiently for your nest to hatch! When your nest hatches later this summer or fall, you will receive a personalized update in the mail with information park rangers collect about your nest including the number of hatchlings that made their way out to sea.

      A note about honorary/memorial gifts: If you choose to adopt a nest in honor or in memory of a loved one and provide an honoree’s mailing address on your donation form, a letter with nest information and a certificate will be mailed directly to your honoree. Your honoree will be notified of your gift and will receive a certificate when their nest is assigned, not at the time you make the gift. Please keep this in mind if your gift is time-sensitive 

      NEW in 2024 – digital certificates are now available! If you would like to receive an electronic certificate or send an electronic certificate to an honoree, click the box “send certificate digitally” on the donation form and provide an email address. 

      Read our frequently asked questions for even more information about our Adopt A Sea Turtle Nest program!

      Please note: No individual or group that participates in this program can claim ownership of a sea turtle nest, eggs, or hatchlings. Nature is also unpredictable. If your adopted nest is lost to a weather event or damaged by some other means, we will assign you a new nest that may or may not be shared with another individual or group. For the safety of the sea turtles and in alignment with National Park Service guidance, your nest’s exact location will not be shared until after it has hatched.

      Adopt A Sea Turtle Nest
      Celebrating Pony Birthdays
      Join us in celebrating the Ocracoke ponies who have May birthdays!
      Did you know you can help these beautiful and unique ponies by symbolically adopting one or supporting the herd? Your support helps cover the costs of their ongoing care and feeding. When you Adopt A Pony or support the herd with a gift of $50 or more, you will receive an adoption certificate and a picture of your pony or of the herd to keep!
      Note: Our park staff will host a public meeting about the Ocracoke ponies at the Ocracoke Community Center (999 Irvin Garrish Highway, Ocracoke, North Carolina) on Tuesday, May 21, from 1 to 2 p.m. At the meeting, our park staff will seek input on the development of a management plan for the ponies and assistance in identifying issues, concerns, and opportunities. For more information on the meeting, click here
      Winnie – May 3

      Winnie is the youngest member of the herd, born in 2018 to her parents, Sacajawea and Captain. She spends her time learning from mom and exploring her island home. The next time you visit the Ocracoke Pony Pens, come say hi!

      Jobelle – May 7

      Jobelle is the daughter of Ocracoke ponies Jitterbug and Rayo. She was named by the Ocracoke School students; “Jobelle” is the local name for the gaillardia flowers (commonly called “blanket flowers”) which are found throughout the Outer Banks!


      Captain – May 9

      Captain is a chestnut stallion who was named after the late Captain Marvin Howard, a local Ocracoke Island resident who founded the first — and only — mounted Boy Scout troop in the United States. The boy scouts were responsible for taming and caring for the wild pony herd in the 1950s.

      Maya – May 24

      Maya is a paint mare who was born in 2000. She has four siblings in the herd and is known to be the tallest and most vocal pony in the Ocracoke herd!

      Adopt A Pony
      Ways to Give: Memorial and Honorary Donations
      Remember or honor the special people in your life who shared or share your love of our Outer Banks national parks. When you choose the “Donation Dedication” option when you donate, we will send a special acknowledgment to the individual or family you chose notifying them of your thoughtful gift.
      Learn More
      Park Programs
      Want to dive deeper into the history and biodiversity of our amazing Outer Banks national parks? As a visitor to Cape Hatteras National SeashoreFort Raleigh National Historic Site, and Wright Brothers National Memorial, you can enrich your visit by attending our parks’ ranger programs!

      Ranger programs are open to visitors of all ages — from the young to the young at heart. No matter your interests, ranger programs offer something for everyone!

      To stay up to date with programs and events, check out our parks’ online calendars below:

      Save the Date: National Trails Day
      If you’re in the Outer Banks on June 1, come join our friends from the Dare County Trails Committee, Dare County Parks and Recreation, and Fort Raleigh National Historic Site for a walk/hike to celebrate National Trails Day!

      National Trails Day is an annual event that celebrates the importance of trails in our lives — bike trails, walking trails, multi-use paths, ADA trails, canoe and kayak trails, and more!

      • Date: Saturday, June 1
      • Time: 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
      • Location: Meet at the North End Parking Lot on Roanoke Island. Options for a 1.3 mile and a 2.5 mile walk/hike are available. For more details, click here to see the map. 
      Make sure to wear comfortable clothing and walking/hiking shoes and sunscreen, and don’t forget your water and bug spray! To RSVP for the event on Facebook, click here
      Photo Credits: Haley Heard – Outer Banks Visitors BureauCape Hatteras National Seashore, Mike Anderson, E. Moses – National Park Service
      Connect With Us!


      [Message clipped]  View entire message


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    • Albemarle Plantation – New Homes with Never Before Pricing! Albemarle Sound, NC

      Our marina is your boating access to Albemarle Sound, the largest freshwater sound in the country—55 miles long and 15 miles at its widest point. Placed strategically at the mouth of Yeopim Creek, the marina is just beyond the high insurance line saving boaters significantly on their insurance rates.

      Albemarle Plantation Marina,  a port on the Albemarle Loop and a CRUISERS NET SPONSOR, is located just off the AICW on the northern shores of Albemarle Sound on Yeopim River/Creek.

      9 New Dream Homes + Spring Incentives
      This is your moment…

      Imagine the excitment of being the first to discover something new…
      …and being richly rewarded for it.

      We’re welcoming the Chesapeake Homes Collection of gorgeous, new
      move-in ready homes by offering Spring pricing incentives so significant,
      we can’t share them in this email. Call to learn more.

      Nine beautiful homes with homesites of nearly half an acre are ready for you
      right now. Enjoy Albemarle Plantation’s waterfront lifestyle sooner than you
      ever thought, with pricing incentives that are true game changers.

      Be the first to tour these new homes with
      unprecendented Spring Incentives before they expire.

      Discover Albemarle Plantation | Book A Tour | Contact Us
      128 Lakeside Drive, Hertford, NC 27944 • (800) 523-5958 • (252) 426-4653
      The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and may change at any time without notice. AP Realty Company, LLC/Broker

      Click Here To View the Cruisers Net North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Albemarle Plantation Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Albemarle Plantation Marina

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    • LNM: AICW MM 536 Schedule Change, Comment Period Ending Soon,Ladys Island Bridge, Beaufort, SC

      This reminder from Ted Arisaka: Comment period ends May 20.

      Three and a half hours to accommodate “rush hour” vehicle traffic twice daily seems extreme, especially during summer months. Please see Comment Portal link below to submit your opinions. With a closed vertical clearance of 30ft, the Ladys Island Bridge crosses the Waterway at statute mile 536 on the eastern edge of Beaufort. Vessels capable of transiting without an opening may pass under the bridge.

      The Coast Guard is proposing to change the operating schedule that governs the Lady’s Island (Woods Memorial) Bridge across the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (Beaufort River), mile 536.0, at Beaufort, SC. SCDOT has requested a permanent change to the drawbridge operation regulation for the Lady’s Island (Woods Memorial) Bridge. This temporary deviation will test an operating schedule to determine if a permanent change is necessary.
      Under this temporary deviation, the Lady’s Island (Woods Memorial) Bridge shall open on signal; except that the draw need not open from 6 a.m. to 9:29
      a.m. and 3:31 p.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays, the draw need open only once an hour on the half hour. Public vessels of the United States and tugs with tows, will be passed through anytime.
      This temporary deviation is effective from 12:01 a.m. on March 25, 2024, through 11:59 p.m. on September 29, 2024. A request for comments will be published in the Federal Register. Comments may be submitted under docket number USCG-2024-0198 using Federal Decision Making Portal at If you have questions on this rulemaking, call or e-mail Ms. Jennifer Zercher, Bridge Management Specialist, Seventh
      Coast Guard District, telephone 305-415-6740, email LNM: 10/24

      Click Here To View the Cruisers Nets South Carolina Bridge Directory Listing For Ladys Island Bridge

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Ladys Island Bridge

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    • US Harbors Newsletter

      Here is an informative newsletter to which you may subscribe. Its abundant harbor information will be useful as you travel the East Coast this Spring, by boat or by car.


      Click here for  US Harbors Newsletter

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    • Mother’s Day Magic in Key Largo! Key Lime Sailing Club, FL

      Key Lime Sailing Club in Key Largo, 305-451-3438,

      Key Lime Sailing Club, A CRUISERS NET SPONSOR, always has very special offers for their visitors! Key Lime Sailing Club is a unique slice of KEYS ENJOYMENT…give it a try and let us hear about your experience.

      🌴Charm & Adventure in Key Largo🌴
      Celebrate the special bond you share with Mom this Mother’s Day. We have open cottages for Mother’s Day week!
      Surprise her with a stay at our charming Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages, where you can create unforgettable memories. Picture fun time in the water, lazy beach days, delicious Keys cuisine, beautiful sunsets, and quality time without distractions. It’s a chance to reconnect and show her your endless love and appreciation.
      Available Cottages and Dates
      When you book one of our cottages, you get more than just a great escape. You also get free access to water amenities. If you’re a qualified sailor, you can use a 22′ sailboat. You can also take a relaxing kayak ride, paddleboard on the bay side calm waters, or explore the clear waters with our snorkel gear. This is what the Florida Keys are all about, and it is why guests keep coming back to Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages. It’s a hidden gem that captures the true spirit of the Florida Keys, just like in Jimmy Buffet’s songs and Hemingway’s stories.
      Plus, if you’re interested in learning to sail, we have a sailing school right on-site. The American Sailing Academy offers a 2-hour Introduction to Sailing, a 2-hour refresher (for those with experience but needing a little refresher), and ASA beginner and advanced certified classes. 
      You can learn to sail in just 2 days with our in-house sailing endorsement class (non-certification). When you pass the endorsement class, you would have the use of one of our 22′ Catalina sailboats for FREE during the rest of your stay. (Non-guests can rent a sailboat for $300 a day but it’s free for our qualified sailor guests staying at Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages.)
      For more information on the sailing classes, call Capt. g at 305-896-5555, or send an email to
      And that’s not all! We’ve got more in store for you such as sailing and power boat excursions* which include captivating sunset cruises, immersive kayaking tours, and exhilarating snorkel adventures. Departing from the KLSC docks, these fantastic outings are easily accessible to all our guests. Don’t miss out on these extraordinary excursions, create unforgettable memories.
      *Booked through Morning Star Charters and guests staying at KLSC receive a 10% discount. Call or text 305-451-7057 or click here for more info.
      Upcoming Florida Keys Events
      28th Annual Key West Songwriters Festival
      May 1, 2024 – May 5, 2024 – Key West
      Join us for the ultimate 10-day celebration at the 42nd Annual Conch Republic Independence Celebration in Key West! From April 19, 2024, to April 28, 2024, experience the iconic Conch Shell Blowing Contest and Drag Races on Duval, the majestic Naval Parade in Key West Harbor, and the historic Schooner Wharf Wreckers Race Series. This event promises non-stop fun for all ages, with pirates, admirals, and island royalty coming together for an unforgettable celebration of freedom and independence. Don’t miss out on the chance to experience why “We Seceded… Where Others Failed.” For more information and event details, visit their official website and get ready to be a part of 42 years of FUN-Dependence at sea!
      Key West Key Lime Festival
      July 3-July 7, 2024 – Key West
      Join us on Saturday, July 20th, as runners, walkers, and paddleboard enthusiasts come together to showcase their abilities and pay tribute to Ernest Hemingway’s love for sports at the Hemingway 5k Sunset Run and Paddleboard Race. These thrilling athletic competitions are an integral part of Hemingway Days! For additional information, please visit their website.
      Hemingway 5k Sunset Run and Paddleboard Race
      July 20, 2024 – Key West
      Get ready for a burst of citrusy fun! Key West’s annual Key Lime Festival returns, celebrating the birthplace of the iconic Key lime pie. Join the party with a Key lime pie drop, zesty cocktail strolls, special brunches and dinners, and of course, the legendary Key lime pie eating championship on July 4th! Visit their website for the full scoop on this deliciously fun event.
      Win Stays at Key Lime Sailing Club
      To our past and present guests:  Here’s a chance to come back and vacation at KLSC for free!  Send us pictures of your stay here and win a free 3-night stay by participating in our 14th Annual KLSC Photo Contest. Check here for details.
      Got a talent for video making? Enter our KLSC Video Contest and get a chance to win a free 5-night stay! Check here for details.
      We at Key Largo Cottages at Key Lime Sailing Club love our guests and we would love to see you back again for another fun-filled and relaxing Florida Keys vacation!
      Reservations is standing by at or call 1-305-451-3438.
      Thank you and see y’all in the Florida Keys!
      Follow Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages on Social Media:
      Learn ASA Certified Sailing at American Sailing Academy. Call us at 305-896-5555.
      Enjoy a Snorkel or Sunset Cruise both bay side and ocean side as well as sailboat rentals from 22 foot to 40 foot through Morning Star Sailing Charters. Call us at 305-451-7057.
      South Dade Marina, Wet and Dry Slips Available. Call 305-247-8730
      Sommerset Sails, makers of excellent quality sails for your boat.
      Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages | 305-451-3438 | 99306 Overseas Highway, Key Largo
      Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages | 99306 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037

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