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    • More on Grounding in Northern Fields Cut / Wright River AICW Intersection Problem Stretch,Statute Mile 574

      Northern Fields Cut - Click for Chartview

      The “AICW Problem Stretch” at the intersection of northern Fields Cut and Wright River was dredged three years ago and was more or less clear through the end of 2012. However, as recent reports confirm and as Captain Lawrenson experienced, shoaling is once again a real problem at this intersection.

      We grounded badly on May 24, 2013 about 30 feet short of the north exit of Fields Cut running northbound (about where the line runs through the chart next to the N on the insert chart). I had 4.0 to 4.5ft MLW about 10 feet to the red side of the center line. As it was a negative 1.0 tide and I draw 4.5 ft., we sat for 1 1/2 hours in 3.5 Ft of water and swatted flies.
      After we came free (about + 0.5 ft from MLW) I went back towards Savannah a short way. A trawler passed us and despite my warnings promptly went aground just past where we had been (they also drew 4.5 ft.). I then turned back and went north again, strongly favoring the green side ‘“ about 75% (half way between mid channel and the green shore) and had 7.0 ft. or better past the grounded trawler and all the way out of the cut splitting the markers outside the cut.
      The shoal is like hitting a brick wall from the Savannah side. I had 11 ft. and then stopped abruptly, aground. It was so sudden I thought I had snagged something ‘“ no warning. All the locals including the Bloody Point Ferry (Savannah to Daufuskie) that passed us three times strongly favor the green side.
      On the other end, (Savannah River Side) we came through just fine favoring the red side (1/3 from red bank, 2/3 from green bank) at the entry where the cut bends right after the northbound entry from the Savannah River ‘“ 7.5 ft or better at about MLW. Stay away from the jetty on the green side and don’t follow you plotter line.
      I am a sailor, not a marine professional, and this is what I recall happening to us. Hope this helps others.
      William Lawrenson

      July 8, 2013
      Every time I went through S.C. Field’s Cut this weekend there were sailboats aground in the middle of the north entrance of the cut at low tide. Either they don’t read anything don’t know anything or don’t believe how far to the east side of the cut you have to go. I know people are afraid to try this but to go through the north end of the cut you have to stay all the way to the east side of the cut: that means 25 feet from the dirt if you cannot reach out and touch the grass you are not close enough. Do not worry if your GPS or Chartplotter shows a covered and uncovered place here. Look at the water and the mud bank. You will find a channel here where all the water goes out of the cut and it is 10 feet deep at dead low tide.
      Captain Kevin R Quinn

      Did have serious problem with north side of Fields Cut, went aground in middle part of channel before turning south into Fields. Hard grounding with quick stop.
      Carter Hopkins
      M/V Amazing Grace

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For Northern Fields Cut

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • More on Great Mobile Marine Mechanic in Tarpon Springs (off Anclote River and Anclote Key)

      Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net first heard about Frank Dudley three years ago, /?p=25501, and we’re glad to know he is still in business. From minor work to major installations, Captain Dudley obviously knows his business. If you need repairs anywhere near Anclote Key and Tarpon Springs, give him a call at 727-741-0775.

      Agree with positive comments about Mr. Dudley
      We were stranded as transients in tarpon springs on our cruise to orange beach AL and needed complete repowering.
      Two new engines were installed perfectly and Frank Dudley saved our boat.
      Way too involved for this message but would be glad to elaborate at above email:
      Thanks again Frank!!!!!
      Michael Chandler MD

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    • BEWARE Mariner’s Disease – Mycobacterium Marinum

      Jim Bertch is a founding member of MTOA and has been around boats all his life. If you handle boat lines or clean fish tanks, please heed the caution Jim gives below. This all sounds just plain scary!

      Update 7/4/13
      Fifth surgery Tuesday 7/2. The infection continues to erode the bones in my hand and even though I have been on a strong anti-biotic regimen for a year the doctors are prescribing a new anti-biotic this week.
      This continues to be a terrible, insidious infection so protect yourselves accordingly. Make sure you clean and disinfect ANY wound you have if you have been exposed to wet lines or wash down water. The bacteria will enter through a pin prick or an abrasion. I got the infection in the Chesapeake but it is becoming prevalent throughout the East Coast. So far, I know of incidents in MD, VA, NC, SC and Florida and I am sure there are others that I have not heard of.
      Take care!
      Jim Bertch
      And this from Wikipedia:
      Mycobacterium marinum is a free-living bacterium, which causes opportunistic infections in humans. M. marinum sometimes causes a rare disease known as aquarium granuloma, which typically affects individuals who work with fish or keep home aquariums.

      My husband had this infection last winter. It wasn’t easy to diagnose because it’s very difficult to get a culture. He had surgery in Savannah and again in Vero Beach when it still wasn’t healed. In hindsight, I don’t think the infectious disease doctor in Savannah was on the ball. If she had treated him with the correct anti-biotic, it may have healed faster. He spent a week in the hospital on IV anti-biotics. The doctors in Vero Beach were familiar with this type of infection and recognized it right away.
      It didn’t manifest itself as what you typically expect with an infection. There weren’t any red streaks. His hand was just swollen and red. It’s good that you published your story. Everyone on a boat should be aware of this infection and get treatment right away!

      As a cruiser, often days away from medical interventions, I read this note with interest. I am still in the dark about what type(s) of antibiotics were or could be successful treatment for this rather nasty infection. As with siguatera, forewarned is definitely forearmed. Quick action, a reality dose of prevention and having the proper medication handy is always called for. Some of us would call this being medically prudent.
      cap’n denny

      I am most curious as to how does this manifest itself ‘“ a wound that does not heal or something that looks like a spider bite that heals very slowly or not at all etc.
      Obviously I have a reason for asking as I have a spot on my hand that looked like a spider bite- went to bed with no mark and woke up with an area on my index finger joint that was red and swollen. That was at least 4 weeks ago and it is still `trying’ heal with the Sulfa anti ‘“ biotic that I have been taking.
      Again, really interested in how it manifested itself on you.
      Thank you
      Pat Kenefick
      S/V Cynthia Gale

      The two cases that I’m familiar with resulted is such severe swelling that the skin literally burst. One was below the knee, one was a hand. In each case the swelling `stopped’ at the joint (knee and elbow). The second case was treated promptly by an MD in Reedville VA, at mouth of Potomac with good results. The other case lingered terribly, and I have lost track of the person so I do not know if it was successfully treated.

      My husband originally cut his knuckle on a hose clamp (rebuilding the head, of course!). The cut took a long time to heal because he kept hitting it on things. The infection started as a red spot on his palm about 3 weeks after the original cut. His middle finger became swollen and painful. The first hand surgeon treated his with IV antibiotics and also reopened the original cut and removed some small pieces of metal that didn’t show up on the X-ray or MRI. We thought that was the end of it. After the swelling returned the second hand surgeon opened and drained the swollen finger. The infectious disease dr treated him with Clarithromycin (500mg) and Doxycycline Hyclate (100mg). What an ordeal! So glad it’s finally healed (except for some slight stiffness.). This took place over 4 months so we never made it to the Bahamas last winter. This experience made us realize what a challenge it is to get medical care while cruising. His first visit to urgent care was a place that didn’t file insurance claims so we paid out of pocket. Still waiting for Medicare to reimburse but not hopeful. Our only other recourse was an ER visit in Savannah on the day after Thanksgiving. What a nightmare! At least the hand surgeon they called in was excellent. The medical care in Vero Beach was excellent too once we got a referral from urgent care.

      I have had an interesting experience with bacterium marinum In 2009 my wife and I bought Grace, a 34 ft Gemini Catamaran, and sailed away into the sunset from Brunswick,Georgia too the Keys. It was on November 11th, Veterans Day that I was cleaning the hull, and cut my middle finger on a live oyster shell. In December, just after Christmas, my finger became swollen. A visit to the emergency room and I began the first of many visits to many doctors. No one could figure out what it was’¦I was in Maine. First it was visits to be treated for gout, then the wrong antibiotics, while my hand became swollen, and my arm, up to my elbow. A culture showed up as an `acid fast’ bacterium. Finally one infectious disease doctor diagonosed `bacterium marinum’. It was now March, and surgery was required to save my hand. And 6 months of 3 different antibiotics. The surgery scraped my tendons, too clean as much infection as possible. I have lost much of the use of my right hand, but the infection finally was removed. Also while being treated for the infection, it was discovered that I had kidney cancer. This was removed, and no more kidney or cancer. I am positive that the bacterium marinum led to the cancer discovery, as I almost never get sick or visit a doctor, which saved my life.
      My second experience with bacterium marimum is still underway. I have had two tissue clutures, and nothing positive yet. I was changing an engine mount, and cut my knuckle in January. Same symptoms, swollen finger, (different hand), swollen elbow, arm, but the cultures are very very slow to show results. So I have been mega-dosing with liposomal Vitamin C, with some positive results. The swelling in my arm and elbow is gone, and my finger and knuckle are almost normal. It has cleared up a nasty sinus infection that I had for a month in just a few days.
      Jim Duhamel

      This infection was brought to my attention by another member of our yacht club, who included the address of a very medically informative article, as follows:
      Pete Schulz sv Selamat Jalan

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Michael Tallman, California -  February 9, 2016 - 6:39 am

        I used to work in a water lab. One of my jobs was setting up the fish test for water toxicity. After working with the dead fish and cleaning containers, a small scratch on my finger became infected. It wouldn’t heal for six months and constantly produced pus. The dr. couldn’t diagnose or heal it. I was finally sent to a dermatologist, who correctly diagnosed mycobacterium marinum !
        By then two nodules of the infection had traveled upward to my wrist and arm. I was told powerful antibiotics which may cause liver damage,may heal it, but the best treatment was surgical incision. Which was done for the two nodules and original infection site. This horrible bacterium lives in water, so beware of the smallest cut getting infected. Michael Tallman, California.

        Reply to Michael
    • The Good and the Less Than Good About Jekyll Harbor Marina (Statute Mile 684.5)

      Jeykyll Harbor Marina... a Cool Place to Beat the HeatAfter reading the interesting listing of pros and cons below, we think you will agree that the positives of SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Jekyll Harbor Marina, far outweigh the negatives!
      This first-class facility flanks the AICW passage through Jekyll Creek, immediately south of the Jekyll Island high-rise bridge.

      Cruising News:
      What we like about being on our boat at Jekyll Harbor Marina:

      The Hot tub is Hot! Thanks Terry!
      The pool is always shaded by beautiful Live Oaks adorned with Spanish moss and is always Cold!
      The showers are clean! Thanks V! The new renovations are nice. Thanks Randy!
      The docks float and are concrete, the potable water is clean and each slip has a connection with a dock box.
      The WiFi is strong enough for NetFlix! Thanks Doc!
      The facedock is always full of interesting transients.
      The Parking is close by and shaded by the beautiful Live Oaks!
      The new bike trail is safe and goes over to the old mansions and “The Club” or the beach connecting to 25+ miles of bike trails.
      The market, post office and other stores are a short bike ride away.
      The fishing is great! Especially aboard the “FatBoy” Thanks Alex and Brian!
      The dock hands are experienced and helpful. Thanks Wes!
      The staff are respectful, professional and helpful. Thanks Megan!
      Our neighbors are wonderful friends.
      The Marina host potlucks and cookouts! Thanks Scott!
      Angie makes the best BBQ Ribs ever!
      The Jekyll Bubble actually exists! We have watched storms go around us. Last major storm was 1898.
      Riding bikes through the Historic District early in the AM. Nice because there are almost no people. Riding on the beach early, nice because you see turtle tracks and the Sea Turtle Center marks the nests.
      The marina is scheduled for dredging soon! Thanks Scott!
      We have a onsite surveyor and delivery Captains! Thanks Frank and Lynn!
      We have Boat US onsite! Thanks Rich!
      Music and drinks on the dock for Sundowners.
      Our boat insurance rates are lower here than 60 miles south in Florida.
      We don’t smell the paper mills in Brunswick.
      Shark tooth hunting. Shelling. Watching the Bald Eagles and seeing Deer, Alligators and Raccoons on the bike rides.
      We have the most awesome sunsets over the marsh.
      The State park is a gated, state trooper patrolled community.
      The beautiful beaches are mostly deserted during the week days.
      Drift Wood Beach is remarkable in it’s beauty.
      Cumberland Island and other great anchorages are a short boat trip away.
      We are safe and secure at our homeport.

      What we don’t like about being at Jekyll Harbor Marina:
      The no see ums that swarm when the wind dies down. The good side is they keep the “Disneyland” type tourists from visiting!
      The water in the ICW is dark brown from the silt and tannin. The good side is If the water was clear and there were no bugs then the place would be developed worse than any tourist trap in Florida.
      One of the Live Oaks fell and crushed a car we were fond of, but the insurance paid off so we could buy another. Thanks State Farm!
      Idiots that speed on the island!
      Idiots that speed on the water!
      Idiots that don’t stop or slow down for people on bikes even in the crosswalks.
      Fishing and catching stingrays.
      We fear that developers will some how get control and their greed will destroy this Jewell of the Golden Isles.
      It is 30 miles to downtown Woodbine Georgia the home of Capt. Stan’s Smokehouse. This restaurant needs to be onsite. We all have to die from something and I choose BBQ and fresh oysters! The onsite restaurant just does not get the message.
      The new traffic gate seems to slow the trip back on to the island instead of making things more efficient.
      Tourists that walk the dock looking into the boats and generally being annoying.
      Tourists that throw their trash out on the roads, beach and the water.
      There is no music on the docks since Andy and Diana have gone to the Chesapeake for the summer.
      Captain Sonny

      In regards to the note below from Jim Smiley, PLEASE BE SURE TO READ THE REPLY from Jekyll Harbor Marina dockmaster, Scott Todd! We think this clarifies the entire situation, and, may we add as an editorial comment, that the entire Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net team is very impressed with Captain Todd’s management of this fine facility!

      I agree with most of the positives, but need to add a couple of negatives . . . several years ago we were at the dock when a tropical storm was approaching. At that time (and maybe now) the marina had a contract with a large river cruise liner. On the morning of the storm the cruise ship decided to return to the marina to ride out the storm. Three boats (included ours) were . . . told to leave. The result was that we were kicked off the dock in 30 kts of wind. No fun crossing GA sounds in that kind of wind. After a very trying day we anchored safely in Cattle Pen Creek. Since that incident we have not stayed at the marina unless the tides were unfavorable for doing Jeckyl Creek.
      Jim Smiley

      To All Boaters:
      My name is Scott Todd, the new manager of Jekyll Harbor Marina. I want to thank Sonny Reeves for the very kind words about Jekyll Harbor. Jim, I would also like to comment on your concern however, I can’t speak for what happened prior to my arrival. Let me start off by saying we do NOT nor will we ever have a standing contract with any boat or company that would supersede any other vessel or owner. However, we do protect vessels that have reservations at our Marina. The cruising company that you are referring to makes their reservations in November each year for dockage during the Spring. When those ships arrive for their reservations we honor that reservation. Likewise, if we gave any transient boater their reservation, we view that as a contract. Unfortunately some times boaters decide to stay longer at our marina due to weather, when that happens I still have to honor reservations made prior to the bad weather. It really puts us in a delicate situation but rarely are we put into that position. Furthermore, we won’t ask boats that had reservations to leave, we would be forced to ask the vessels that stopped in due to weather first. Having said that, it is also our policy now to warn vessels when they check in during inclement weather if it appears there may be a potential issue similar to the above. Jim, I would love to talk to you further regarding this matter so if you would please call me at your convenience at (912) 635-3137 so that I could make this right in your eyes. Once again Thank You all for your positive feedback but thank you even further for the opportunity to answer your negative ones.
      Scott Todd
      Jekyll Harbor Marina

      Hi Jim,
      Sorry to hear that story. Please do come by and meet the new dock master Scott Todd. I will know you and others will be impressed with this young man. He is vast improvement over both of the other DMs we had here. I have been here off and on for the past six years and I would not stay if I had to put up the other dock master.
      Thank you,

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    • Little Alligator River Anchorage – Captains Susan and Chuck Report (Statute Mile 82)

       We are very pleased to present the article below, authored by our good friends, Captains Chuck Baier and Susan Landry, owners of Beach House Publications, publishers of “The Great Book of Anchorages,” ( They provide a really in-depth look at the strategically placed, but navigationally challenging Little Alligator River Anchorage.
      In fact, Little Alligator River is the northernmost AICW anchorage, short of the often choppy (read that as “downright rough”) Albemarle Sound. Of course, you can always choose to berth at Alligator River Marina, just north of the bridge (a. k. a. “Miss Wanda’s place), or, on the opposite banks, “South Lake” is a real possibility as well.
      Many cruisers, however, make the same choice as Susan and Chuck and set their bows for Little Alligator River. Read the article below, and learn a LOT more about what you are likely to discover!

      The Little Alligator River anchorage is an excellent spot to wait out weather for either crossing the Albemarle Sound or heading south on the Alligator River. Either of these can be very unpleasant if the winds are high and from the wrong direction. Turn east into the Little Alligator anywhere between red “10” to green “11” and you will find 10 or more feet of water at the entrance. One other thing that requires caution is the number of floats around the entrance and in the river itself. Although there are quite a few, there is also plenty of space to pass between the floats, but vigilance is required. Once inside the Little Alligator River, the floats disappear. We aren’t sure why this is, but we have seen this in several rivers in North Carolina.
      We found the depths in the river to be about two feet deeper than charted. Keep in mind that winds can affect the depths in the Alligator River and all connecting waters. The depths we found may be the norm, but may not be what other boaters find. Using the chartplotter, follow the deeper water behind Sandy Point or the wider and deeper water past Mill Point if winds are out of the east. Wind protection from any direction can be found for boats of almost any draft under seven feet. Pull in towards the shore, based on protection needed and as far in as draft will allow. There are visible stumps in some areas and the remains of an old wreck to the south between the entrance and Mill Point. Continuing in the river past Mill Point is a wide, deeper basin south of Rock Point that gives all around protection.
      Because there is the possibility of stumps and snags on the bottom all along the rivers of this area, a trip line on the anchor might be a good idea. This will be helpful to pull the anchor out in reverse if it becomes seriously snagged. Be sure the trip line is strong enough to take the strain of pulling the anchor loose and long enough to get it up on deck and attach it to the windlass or a winch. We found this to be an excellent anchorage and sat out several storms in complete comfort and security.
      Chuck Baier and Susan Landry,
      Trawler Beach House

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Little Alligator River Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Little Alligator River Anchorage

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    • Our IMPROVED Statute Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search Widget Is READY!

      The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net is proud to announce the completion of the promised improvement in our recently premiered (see /?p=117421) “Statute Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search Widget.” Now, navigators can easily and quickly enter a Latitude/Longitude position, and, with the press of one button, an interactive Chart View page will open centered on the specified location.

      What remains UNCHANGED is the method by which our users can open a Chart View page centered on a particular Statute Mile of any Southeastern USA Waterway. To do so, simply choose your Southeastern USA Waterway of interest, enter a Statute Mile, press one button, and, “presto-chango” an interactive Chart View page will open centered on the specified Statute Mile.


      Here’s how it works. Locate the red, vertically stacked menus on the upper, right sidebar of any (except Chart View) SSECN page. Pick any coastline. For example purposes, let’s choose “Eastern Florida.” Click “Eastern Florida” and a drop down menu will appear. In this drop down list you will see a menu item entitled, “Stat. Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search” indicated by the red, right pointing arrow, in the graphic to the right.

      Now, click on “Stat. Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search” and a dialog box will appear like the one pictured below:

      In the bottom portion of the dialog box, under the “SEARCH BY LATITUDE/LONGITUDE” title, click the button to the left of the label, “Degrees/Minutes/Decimal Minutes Format,” as shown by the right pointing, red arrow above. Now, under “Latitude” in the “Deg:” field, enter “36” (without the quote marks), and in the “Min/Dec. Min:” field enter “19.311” (again, without the quote marks).

      Under “Longitude” in the “Deg:” field, enter “76” (without the quote marks), and in the “Min/Dec. Min:” field enter “10.601” (again, without the quote marks). Your dialog box should look like the one shown below:

      Now, click the “View ChartView At the Specified Lat/Lon” button, at the bottom of the dialog box. After a few seconds, a Chart View window will open, centered on Lambs Marina, north of Elizabeth City, NC. Neat, huh!

      Please remember, these Chart View pages are NOT STATIC. You can place your pointer anywhere on any Chart View page, hold down the left mouse button, and drag/pan the chart as far to the east, west, north or south as you desire. You can drag all the way north to Maine or south to Key West, Florida.

      Another thing you can do is activate the incredibly helpful Chart View ARGUS layer by simply clicking the “Argus(MLLW)” check box, above and to the left of the chart image, as pointed out by the red arrow in the graphic to the right.

      Once the ARGUS layer is activated, you can peruse all the voluminous water depth data gathered by the ARGUS project. Talk about an on-the-water ADVANTAGE!!!!

      And, of course, all our clickable Marina, Anchorage, Bridge, Info, Navigation Alert and AICW Problem Stretch icons will also be fully visible and functional on the Chart View pages you open using our new locator widget!

      Alternately, you can click the button to the left of “Degrees/Decimal Degrees Format” and enter your Lat/Lon position in this format. This works almost like the example above, and is pretty self explanatory!

      Please give our improved widget a try, and let us know what you think! Send all comments to!

      Good luck and good cruising to all!

      The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net Bunch

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    • Fascinating “Antique Shop” Within Walking Distance of Titusville Harbor, AICW Statute Mile 879

      Westland Marina is located on the Intracoastal Waterway in Titusville, Florida. Near Cape Canaveral, Port Canaveral, Merritt Island and Cocoa BeachFor a small to medium sized Florida municipality, Titusville has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to excellent marina facilities, particularly including SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Westland Marina.
      Once the lines are coiled, take a stroll to the “antique shop,” described by Captain Sonny below. It sounds absolutely fascinating!

      I have docked at the marina many times on trips to the Keys or Bahamas and it is always first class. There is a special place you may not know about. Up the main street there is an antique shop that is run by a retired Air Force gentleman. It is his Dad’s garage with all the old tools and equipment from before WW2. He is an interesting character and worth the visit. The shop is full of antiques that were his Dad’s and not for sale. My problem was I knew what each tool does and how to use them:)
      On up the street (south) is a sandwich shop that makes a good Ruben. Nice place with a park next to the marina.
      Sonny Reeves

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Titusville Municipal Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Titusville Municipal Marina

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    • You Know It’s a Good Cruising Day When . . .

      There has been a really entertaining discussion underway this week on the American Great Loop Cruisers’ Assocation Forum (AGLCA, about what makes for a really great cruising day. Anyone who has ever taken to the water can readily appreciate the messages below:

      Finish this sentence.
      You know its a good cruising day when…
      .. a dock hand calls you “captain” for the first time.
      .. the harbor hosts are awesome!
      .. a marina’s wifi is so good you can watch Netflix.
      .. you time your passage through a series of drawbridges and they are all open when you arrive.
      .. your best cruising buddies are waiting for you dockside when you arrive at a marina.
      .. you join a cruising flotilla that is more fun than what you planned to do by yourself.
      .. friends on jet skis come out to meet you as you arrive.
      .. the weather is better than the forecast.
      .. a fellow boater tells a nervous dock hand to not worry because, “he knows how to handle his boat.”
      .. the jerk that waked you terribly is pulled over by the water patrol.
      .. you are heading to a free dock and its empty when you arrive.
      .. the skipper of a passing boat radios you and tells you that your boat looks great!
      .. there is just enough of a breeze to keep things cool and to keep the bugs away.
      Darrel Grob

      .. no one got hurt!
      .. your best friend was by your all day side.
      .. something you saw made you go, “Wow!”
      .. everything worked, and nothing broke.
      .. the Erie Canal was open.
      .. the River System was at normal pool.
      .. the Atlantic Basin was quiet.
      .. the sun and the moon rose and set at their respective appointed times!
      .. no one got hurt!
      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary

      The yard bill is less than four figures.
      Bru & Sandy Brubaker

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    • New Report from Hell Gate, AICW Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 602

      The AICW follows the narrow, man-made canal known as Hell Gate between the Vernon and Ogeechee Rivers. These waters have been an “AICW Problem Stretch” for years.
      Cruising News:
      I transited Hell gate on 6/22/13 enroute from Thunderbolt Marine to my home at Ft McAllister on the Ogeechee River. I have made this passage many times in the past as I’m a “local” and it is part of my cruising area. I have a Bristol 29.9 CB which only draws 3.5 feet, so I was not concerned at transiting at low tide. However, this time I was mistaken. I made the passage at 1500 hours which by my estimate was low slack water. Tide tables indicated a very low -0.9 tide. I always follow the same “established route” on my GPS, so I know that I am always on a route that has been successful in past. As I traveled south between G89 and temp R90 my depth sounder went from 5 feet to 3 feet and I slowed from 6 knots to 3 knots. I estimate that I was plowing a furrow for 200 feet or so, before I started to get more water under my keel. Fortunately, I didn’t go hard aground as the bottom was obviously silt and loose sand. Everywhere else on that trip through Hell Gate the minimum depth that I saw was about 5 feet. Hope this post helps some cruisers.
      Richard Brown

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For Hell Gate

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • Report on Depth at AICW Passage Through Southern Ramshorn Creek, AICW Statute Mile 570, June 19, 2013

      Ramshorn Creek - Click for Chartview

      Last year’s shoaling near marker #40 at the southern foot of the Ramshorn Creek, north of Fields Cut, prompted a Navigation Alert and this area remains one requiring keeping a keen eye on your depth. The addition of another marker, as Captain Bell reports, should help.

      Cruising News:
      A red buoy has been added opposite G39. I found that the water depth between the two was less than six feet MLW. I was mid channel when I pass the two markers that are less than 100 feet a part.
      Dave Bell

      We just came thru here at near low tide and quite frankly, I think this spot is worse in some respects than many of the others that get more press (Hell’s gate, Mud River). The red buoy mentioned above is correct, however, at low tide, this buoy was setting on dry ground. As you approach from the south, yo can easily drift too much to the east at `G39’³ and be on bottom, meaning as you pass `G39’³ and think you need to turn to the right (starboard) as you enter the creek, then you are stuck on bottom. But, if you are at above low tide and see the red marker floating there and get too close to it, you are on ground and if a falling tide, then `oops’. This is especially tricky if the winds are blowing either easterly or westerly. We tried to help a boat get off, but it was too windy, but fortunately for him, it was a rising tide. We passed within 5′ of him (yes, five feet) and had 7.5 feet. only a few feet away is the red marker (nun).
      John Winter

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To A “Navigation Alert” Position at the AICW’s Route Through Southern Ramshorn Creek

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    • Useful Visual Account of Trip Across Okeechobee Waterway

      Long time SSECN contributor Captain Mike Dickens of Paradise Yachts ( has put together the combination still photo/video/text account, linked below, of cruising Flordia’s Okeechobee Waterway, from the western to the eastern coastline of the Sunshine State.
      Just one word of caution. This account was composed several years ago, and while still quite useful, depths and conditions may now be very different. Nevertheless, this presentation is definitely worth a look!

      If you decide to cross the lake on your way across Florida, I have produced a web page that will give you a feel of what to expect.

      Mike and Mary Dickens
      Paradise Yachts

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    • Photos of Morehead City, NC Public Docks (Statute Mile 205)

      Long time SSECN contributor and correspondent, Captain Jane Tigar, has just sent us these two recent photos of the Morehead City Public Docks. This facility is found on the western end of the Morehead City Waterfront channel, west of Captain Bill’s Restaurant.

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For the Morehead City Public Docks

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Morehead City Public Docks

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    • Flashing Red Marker #36 on the AICW/Waccamaw River REPLACED

      Click Chartlet Above to Open Chart View Page Centered on AICW/Waccamaw River Marker #36

      At Bucksport cruising visitors will discover all new docks, new power pedestals, a newly reopened on-site restaurant, clean '“ climate controlled showers and laundromat, as well as a warm welcome for the cruising communityWe have just heard some GOOD news from Captain Dan Virga, onboard his vessel at SALT SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Bucksport Marina, Flashing marker #36, whose destruction caused us to issue an urgent SSECN Alert on 6/5/13, HAS NOW BEEN REPLACED by the USCG.
      Hooray, all is back to normal on the AICW’s run through beautiful Waccamaw River!
      We have cancelled the SSECN Navigation Alert for these waters!

      Mr. Young,
      Just wanted to post an update regarding the missing marker in Bucksport SC. Marker No. 36 . The Coast Guard has replaced the temporary marker with a permanent marker now.
      Capt. Dan Virga

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To Marker #36 On the AICW/Waccamaw River

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    • Introducing Our NEW Statute Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search Widget

      The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net is very proud to announce a really neat and very useful, new feature, which will make it easier than ever to access our interactive “Chart View” pages at just the location you need. Now, by using our new “Statute Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search Widget” all you need do is choose a Southeastern USA Waterway, enter a Statute Mile, press one button, and, “presto-chango” an interactive Chart View page will open centered on the specified location. What could be better!

      Here’s how it works. Locate the red, vertically stacked menus on the upper, right sidebar of any (except Chart View) SSECN page. Pick the coastline of your choice. For example purposes, let’s choose “Eastern Florida.” Click “Eastern Florida” and a drop down menu will appear. In this drop down list you will see a new menu item entitled, “Stat. Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search” indicated by the red, right pointing arrow, in the graphic to the right.

      Now, click on “Stat. Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search” and a dialog box will appear like the one pictured below:

      First, select your Southeastern USA Waterway of interest from the drop down list in the “Select Waterway” field. For this example, let’s select “Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway.” Now, notice that UNDER the “Statute Mile” field, the dialog box/widget provides the minimum and maximum Statute Mile values for the particular Waterway you have selected. In the case of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, it runs from Statute Mile 0 (near Norfolk, VA) to Statute Mile 1095 (in Miami, Florida).

      Now, let’s say that you wanted to look at the AICW near Statute Mile 878, which happens to be hard by the community of Titusville, Florida. Enter “878” (without the quote marks) in the “Statute Mile” field. Now, click the TOPMOST “View ChartView At This Location” button.

      The first thing the widget will do is round off your requested “Statute Mile” to the nearest five mile position. That’s because NOAA charts display Waterway statute mile markers in five mile increments. In the example we are following here, “Statute Mile 878” will be rounded to “Statute Mile 880.” If you had requested “Statute Mile 876” your request would be rounded to “Statute Mile 875.”

      Of course, all this “rounding” takes place invisibly, and in the blink of an eye. What you will see, continuing with our example, is a Chart View page that will open to the position of Statute Mile 880. Pretty neat, huh!

      Now, please remember, these Chart View pages are NOT STATIC. You can place your pointer anywhere on any Chart View page, hold down the left mouse button, and drag/pan the chart as far to the east, west, north or south as you desire. You can drag all the way north to Maine or south to Key West, Florida.

      Another thing you can do is activate the incredibly helpful Chart View ARGUS layer by simply clicking the “Argus(MLLW)” check box, above and to the left of the chart image, as pointed out by the red arrow in the graphic to the right.

      Once the ARGUS layer is activated, you can peruse all the voluminous water depth data gathered by the ARGUS project. Talk about an on-the-water ADVANTAGE!!!!

      And, of course, all our clickable Marina, Anchorage, Bridge, Info, Navigation Alert and AICW Problem Stretch icons will also be fully visible and functional on the Chart View pages you open using our new locator widget!

      Finally, you will notice the bottom section of the dialog box which opens when you invoke our new “Statute Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search Widget,” entitled “Search by Latitude/Longitude.” The idea behind this function is to allow you to specify a Latitude and Longitude position, and a Chart View page will open centered on this specified position.

      For information on how to use our new “Statute Mile/Lat-Lon Chart View Search Widget” to open a Chart View page, centered on a specified Lat/Lon postion, please visit:


      Please give it a try, and let us know what you think! Send all comments to!

      Good luck and good cruising to all!

      The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net Bunch

      5 Facebook Likes, 5 Facebook Reactions

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    • Good Words for Mile Marker 0 Marine Supply, Portsmouth, VA

      Mile Marker 0 is a full-service marine supply business at One High Street Landing in Portsmouth VAMile Marker 0 Marine Supply, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, moved the beginning of this year. PLEASE drop by and visit these fine people in their new location. And, PLEASE, SUPPORT THEM, as we always ask, whenever possible, that you support all our SSECN sponsors!

      We cannot say enough good things about Bob McBride and the excellent customer service he provides to boaters’¦those in transient, and those about to be transients! If he doesn’t have what you need, he will find it for you, and will bring it to you!

      Click Here To View An Earlier Posting on Mile Marker O’s Recent Relocation

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    • Blimp Factory on Pasquotank River (near Statute Mile 59)

      Below is a posting copied from the AGLCA forum about one of the really striking sights to be seen from the AICW/Dismal Swamp Canal Alternate Route’s passage down the Pasquotank River, south of Elizabeth City, NC.
      Southeast of marker #5, you will catch sight of a huge rooftop sitting back from the shore; its location is noted on chart 12206. This immense structure was built during World War II for the manufacture of dirigibles. In times past, cruisers could actually catch sight of two mammoth buildings at this location. The larger of the two’”one of the biggest wooden structures in the world’”burned in spectacular fashion during 1995; at that time, it still served as a blimp factory, while the smaller of the two structures was leased to a furniture company. Now, the blimp plant has been moved to the surviving building, and dirigibles are once again being constructed in Elizabeth City. If you’re lucky, you may spot one of the mammoth balloons being tested as you pass.
      Below, we hear from a former employee of the Blimp factory, in a reply to a question which originally appeared on the AGLCA forum.

      It is 1 of 8 blimp hangars still remaining in the US. I worked in the hangar in the early 70’s where we built wood kitchen caninets.
      Westinghouse owned that hangar and a huge, all wood hangar that housed TCOM who built blimps for overseas telecommunications. The wood hangar burned to the ground in 1995.
      John & Cyndi Esch

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Blimp Factory on Pasquotank River

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    • Good Words for Sunrise Bistro on Johns Island, Charleston, SC

       Charleston City Marina Dockage SpecialsSunrise Bistro will require automobile transportation to get to, but it definitely sounds worth asking a favor of a friend or the cost of a taxi. The City Marina courtesy van does not go out to Johns Island.
      Please note that Charleston City Marina is a VALUED SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      Cruising News:
      As we continue our voyage north we had the occasion this weekend to dock at the City Marina in Charleston. As a frequent visitor to Charleston and its fine eating establishments, we are always eager to uncover another favorite.
      Our escorts for this foray were Ed and Cindy Kridler of Charleston. Ed is a great guy and the District Commander of District 26 of the United States Power Squadrons.
      Our destination was the Sunrise Bistro at 1797 Main Road on Johns Island. The building is not much to look at but just wait until you go inside.
      You are warmly greeted by Brittany or the co-owner Jessica Welenteichick (the spelling is correct).
      Sunrise Bistro is normally open for breakfast and lunch but on Friday and Saturday they are open for dinner also.
      We started with hushpuppies wrapped in bacon. Holy Moly Claiborne, Hursey’s and the Mayflower restaurants would really be jealous of these gems which are served with Cajun honey butter. You just can’t stop eating them.
      For my entrée I chose one of the few remaining braised pork shanks with mashed potatoes, asparagus and Newcastle sauce. Quite simply Claiborne it was one of the finest meals I’ve had in and around Charleston.
      Other selections prepared by Chef Brian Appelt include Chef’s Home-Style Meatloaf with scalloped potatoes and asparagus in a carmelized onion demi glaze.
      Bistro Short Ribs over grits and wild mushroom demi glaze was a great hit with another of our party.
      Other offerings include Shrimp and Pepper-Jack Grits, Honey Buttermilk Fried Chicken, Pan-Seared Grouper (in garlic olive oil), Candied Rosemary Salmon and Creole Pan-Seared Pork Chop.
      The rest of the menu may be found at Claiborne, this one is really special.

      Click Here To View the South Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Charleston City Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of

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    • Another Update – 4-Foot Shoaling Reported (6/1/13) at AICW/Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 515

      Earlier reports have indicated depths of 5.8 feet at dead low in this perennial “AICW Problem Stretch” north of Beaufort, SC. Captains Cordello, Horowitz and Raynor all confirm our recommendation to take this passage at mid to high tide.

      June 1, 2013
      Ditto to the above comments. Arrived at Asheepoo Coosaw Cutoff at dead low tide on June 1, 2013, and plowed into mud with a depth under 4′. Waited for 2 hours and got through with 6′. Wish I’d have looked at the alternate route down the Coosaw River and up the Asheepoo to Fenwick Island. It adds 4 miles but would have been a lot faster and less nerve-wracking.
      Bill Raynor

      April 20, 2013
      We just came thru Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff on 4/20/2013 and the reported shoaling has gotten worse. We consistently saw 4.5 feet at MLW and one 3.9 foot at MLW. There appears to be an easy by pass by going down the Coosaw River toward St Helena Sound and up the Ashepoo Rv. We have not tried this route but will on the trip south next fall.
      John Holmes

      Oct 12 we also transit the Ashepoo/Coosaw Cut on a falling tide, just 2.5 feet above mlw, what we saw was exactly what was reported between markers 184 and 185 there would have been only 4.5 feet of water, strongly suggest going at mid to high tide.
      Doug Cordello

      Southbound, 3 November 2012. Exited the Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff (`185’³) at 1735. Low tide at 1818, +1.27′. Saw depths as low as 6 1/2′, so when you do the math there is not a lot of water at MLLW +0.0. At 1600 +2.8′, 1700 +1.8′, 1800 +1.2′, so check the daily tables and plan your passage accordingly.
      Mike Horowitz

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For Ashepoo/Coosaw Cutoff

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • Report from AICW Problem Stretch North of Ben Sawyer Bridge to Isle of Palms Bridge, Statute Mile 460

      Statute Mile 460 - Click for Chartview

      The AICW is shoaling badly along its southern and southeastern flank between the Ben Sawyer and Isle of Palms Bridges. MLW depths of as little as 2 feet have been noted by an official November, 2012 US Army Corps of Engineers survey.

      I came through this stretch at exactly low tide on June 2, 2013. I stayed to the preferred north side, but bumped bottom and plowed mud almost continuously from G119 to just before Isle of Palms bridge. I draw 5.5′ and made it, but don’t recommend it.
      Bill Raynor

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    • Rialto Harbor Marina Closed, Okeechobee Waterway, Near Statute Mile 120

      A phone call to Rialto Harbor confirms that the owner has retired and this unique marina (see link below) is out of business. The spokesperson was unaware of any plans to re-open in the future.
      This is indeed sad news for the cruising community. In my 30+ years of personally visiting marinas all over the Southeaster, I can say without any fear of inaccuracy that Rialto Harbor was one of the most enjoyable and unique marina facilities from Southern Virginia to New Orleans. Tucked in an almost secret-like stream off the Okeechobee Waterway, and set in a lush botanical setting, Rialto Harbor was much akin to a little piece of undiscovered paradise. Everyone who had the good fortune to visit here in the past, will deeply miss Rialto Harbor.

      Cruising News:
      It with much sadness that I report Rialto Marina on the Caloosahatchee has closed. We passed through east bound on the way to the Bahamas in late March and Bus was in business and full up. When we returned in late May, there was a banner across the sign at the oxbow entrance saying Marina Closed. This was always a favorite stop with great hospitality and beautiful grounds. Hopefully it will re-open in the future.
      Bert Jones


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