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    • South Carolina AICW Bridge Opening Woes And Schedule Changes

      Bridge opening schedules can be confusing even with the best wording and with the frequent changes that seem always to occur during the busiest seasons; Chris experienced two of such changes. We have confirmed and listed below the most up-to-date schedules of openings for three of the busiest bridges in SC.

      We are very late this year in our trip south. One thing we have encountered is “on signal” bridges which are no longer such. Socastee and Ben Sawyer have new restrictions. Socastee was on the half hour and BS was on the hour on a non-holiday Friday.
      Chris aboard Brilliant Star

      Socastee Swing Bridge
      Opens on Demand with closures required every 15 minutes when vessel traffic is heavy.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Directory Listing For Socastee Bridge

      Ben Sawyer Bridge:
      Opens on request Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Does not open at all Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. On Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, the span opens on the hour from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Opens on demand after 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and after 7:00 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Directory Listing For Ben Sawyer Bridge

      Wappoo Creek Hwy 171 Bridge:
      From April 1 to November 30, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (last opening at 3:30), and on Saturdays and Sundays, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, the bridge opens on the hour and half-hour. From December 1 to March 30, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, the bridge opens on demand (last opening 3:50). From April 1 to May 31, and from October 1 to November 30, Monday through Friday, the bridge does not open at all between the hours of 6:00 am to 9:00am, and from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm. From June 1 to September 30, and from December 1 to March 30, the bridge does not open at all between the hours of 6:30 am to 9:00 am, and from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Directory Listing For Wappoo Creek Bridge

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    • Cruisers’ Letter to Sarasota County Sheriff’s Dept. Concerning Blackburn Bay Anchoring Incident Pays Off

      Earlier, we posted a letter copy here on the Cruisers’ Net of a missive sent from Captain Arthur Richard, to the Sarasota County Sheriff’s department, concerning a less than happy meeting with a deputy, while anchored on the waters of Blackburn Bay (see /?p=76631). As you will see, Captain Richard’s note got a favorable reply, and it undoubtedly clued everyone in the sheriff’s department to the latest Florida state laws concerning anchorage.

      Reference my earlier report on Anchoring in Blackburn Bay, Sarasota County, FL. It seems that our anchoring rights in Sarasota County, FL are in accordance with
      Florida law. Apparently I experienced and ill-informed, overzealous part time deputy Sheriff.
      I received the following response from the Sarasota County, FL Sheriff’s Office”

      From: Richard Mottola
      Subject: RE:Anchoring in Blackburn Bay
      Date: December 19, 2011 10:31:25 AM EST
      Mr. Richard,
      This is Captain Mottola from the Sheriff’s Office. The Marine Unit is one of the
      areas under my command (Special Operations Bureau). I checked with our two
      full-time boat captains and neither recalls speaking with you about this. It
      could very well be that you spoke with one of our part-time captains. I could
      most likely determine this if you could provide a date and time of the contact.
      Despite that, it appears you are correct in your interpretation of the statutes
      I can only surmise that the captain you spoke with, for some reason, believed
      you were actually living aboard your vessel and therefore assumed that county
      ordinance 130-42 may have applied. Otherwise, it would not be applicable.
      County Statute 130-42. Mooring of Vessels used as dwelling units:
      Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions (861-4049) – Or you
      may contact Captain Shipp with the Florida Wildlife Commission (Southwest Region
      Thank you.

      Arthur Richard

      And, with the comments below received after publication of the above article, the plot thickens CONSIDERABLY! Looks like the Sarasota Sheriff’s Department is using their own version of what constitutes a “live aboard vessel,” and, by the way, this definition is in contravention of Flroida state law!!!

      I would like to make a comment and pose a few questions pertaining to this important subject and more specifically my recent experiences anchoring on Blackburn Bay. I have been visited by the Sarasota county Sheriffs Dept. Marine unit on 3 occasions once when my vessel was not even actually present for apparently violating the 24 hour time limit for live aboard vessels, this most recent warning requires that I move my vessel by December 22 2011 or be subject to fines of 250 to 500 dollars a day. The Deputy asked me with issue of this most recent warning if I understood the reason why he had delivered it, to which I again replied something to the effect that, and to the very best of my knowledge and understanding of the applicable Florida State Statutes regarding anchoring outside of approved mooring fields and the definition of a live aboard vessel, that I have actually never been in violation of any of these law’s. He became visibly agitated and spoke to me as if I were an insubordinate child indicating that it had absolutely nothing to do with the Florida State statutes, I thanked him and said goodbye, I am very thankful that he left. My sailboat is in fact anchored outside of any mooring field and is a fully navigable vessel with all required safety gear. Can anyone comment on the enforceability of these muni-codes in light of the Florida State Statutes regarding anchoring?
      Cap’n Ron

      The county code referenced, strictly interpreted, is favorable to people who live in houses and cruise for extended vacations. For those of us for whom our boat is our home, the code invites us to leave in 48 hours.
      Nice of the Sheriff to be civil, though.

      Below you will find more from Captain Richard, with his reply to the Sheriff’s department, and their subsequent message to him:

      Captain Mottola,
      Thank your for your response to my inquiry. A Sarasota Sheriff boat visit to my vessel in Blackburn Bay occured on the afternoon of November 30, 2011. The Sheriff’s boat remained at least 10 yards from my vessel, and I was not boarded. The operator of the Sheriff’s boat did not give his name, nor request mine.
      I am pleased to find that my anchoring in Blackburn Bay was not in violation of county ordinances. It would be beneficial to the boating community if all of your officers were made aware of this.
      Thank you,
      Arthur M. Richard

      From Captain Mottola (Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office):
      My pleasure, and yes we are ensuring that ALL boat captains are made aware so that we do not have any further misunderstandings. Happy Holidays!

      Chris: That is incorrect. It doesn’t matter whether or not you are living aboard for more than 48 hours. As long as you vessel is used for navigation and not solely as a residence you are not a liveaboard by Florida law, which trumps any local ordinances. Florida statute says this:
      327.02 Definitions of terms used in this chapter and in chapter 328.’”As used in this chapter and in chapter 328, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning, the term:
      (17)`Live-aboard vessel’ means:
      a) Any vessel used solely as a residence and not for navigation;
      b) Any vessel represented as a place of business, or a professional or other commercial enterprise; or
      c) Any vessel for which a declaration of domicile has been filed pursuant to s. 222.17.
      John Kettlewell

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    • St. Marys Town Dock (off the AICW, on St. Mary River, near St. M. 713)

      We have another recent posting here on the Cruisers’ Net concerning anchoring off the St. Marys waterfront, and the strong currents you might encounter while doing so (see /?p=75937). Captain Jack’s message below pertains to a “town dock” which facilitates dinghy landing from the anchorage in question. Even if it’s only “a hunk of concrete,” I’m very glad there is indeed a ready place to come ashore and visit this delightful village!

      We tied up at the town dock [St. Marys town dock] last winter on our way down. It is really just a floating hunk of concrete, with no electricity or water. It says that there is a limit of 6 hours, but it does not appear to be enforced. We talked to people to stayed for a few days, and no one seemed to bother that we were overnight. BEWARE!!! On a falling tide the current (truly impressive!) runs perpendicular to the town dock. Getting off the dock is challenging, and we ended up with notable gelcoat scars! But I’d go back.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Georgia Anchorage Directory Listing For the St. Marys Waterfront Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To St. Marys GA

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    • GOOD News – St. Augustine No-Wake Zone To Be Extended – Southern St. Aug. Mooring Field to Benefit (Statute Mile 778)

      On 12/13/11, we posted a thoughtful message here on the Cruisers’ Net about vessels in the southern St. Augustine Mooring Field, being bothered by the wake of crabbers and other local fishing people (see /?p=76385). In response to that posting, we have excellent, late breaking news out of St. Augustine, courtesy of Captains Tina and Scott, that there is help on the way in regards to this situation. Good works city of St. Augustine!!!

      Dinghy Approaches Tender Dock at St. Augustine City Marina

      We stayed at the Anchorage Inn Marina across the river from St Augustine municipal marina for a few weeks and agree with the complete lack of enforcement of the current No Wake zone, which ends prior to the mooring field anyway’¦Good news, the Harbormaster informed me when I called to complain that they had received approval to have the current No Wake bouy moved 500 feet further south of the Bridge of Lions in early January 2012. This will not cover the entire South Mooring Field, but should help some, especially those closer to the marina. I hate to say it, but the worst offenders were the local fishermen and big 4-engined CBP boats from the new CBP National Training Center at SAMC.
      Scott & Tina Ligon

      Agree with the Good News. The new CBP boats only add to the reckless boats of law enforcement. The local Sheriff’s office has a couple of stolen go-fasts and apparently no training on how to safely operate them.
      Jason Martin

      How does an unenforced zone being expanded accomplish anything?

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Eastern Florida Anchorage Directory Listing For the St. Augustine City Southern Mooring Field

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the St. Augustine City Southern Mooring Field

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    • A Fond Look at Oriental, NC (Statute Mile 181)

      Sign just opposite the free dock in Oriental

      The heart warming story below comes to the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net from our dear friend, and fellow nautical writer, Captain Wally Moran, and from his LiveBloggin the ICW ( Anyone who has ever visited Oriental will quickly discern the truth of what Captain Wally has to say!
      Wally seems to be lingering in North Carolina waters a bit longer than most, before heading south to warmer climes. We’ll keep following his travels here at the Crusiers’ Net as he heads his sailcraft towards the Sunshine State.

      Toucan Grill and Fresh Bar in Oriental, NCA drinking town with a sailing problem…
      That’s how Oriental bills itself…well, actually it calls itself the sailing capital of North Carolina, but the t-shirts and coffee mugs all tell a different story.
      It’s a friendly town – people wander to the dock to chat after getting their coffee at the Bean, which is across from the free dock (free is good!â„¢).
      The town is also the most dog-friendly place I’ve ever been. You’ll frequently see dogs roaming the street, and if one of them decides to lie down in front of the Bean (happens often actually), drivers slow down and move around the pup. It’s really quite a hoot to see – anywhere else it would be honk the horn and get upset time, but not in Oriental.
      There is a West Marine, but no other box stores in Oriental. That’s because the locals voted it that way – talk about a great sense of values. West Marine good – Wal Mart bad!
      This is a town that, on New Year’s Day when everyone else in America is watching football, is having their New Year’s Regatta. The last time I was here for it, 26 boats were competing. I was heading out that day and darn near became the 27th boat!
      Villagef Food Emporium 252-249-FOOD Delicious Carry-out Meals The wind today turned strongly into the southwest, and since I hadn’t yet gotten groceries, I chose to remain one more day at the free dock (free is good! â„¢), rather than bash down the canal at the end of Adams Creek on the way to Beaufort. Winds go light tomorrow, so morning will be an excellent time to head out.
      Like I said, a great sense of values.
      Wally Moran
      LiveBloggin the ICW

      We love Oriental and always make a point of stopping there. However, the lack of pump out facilities is a concern. Oriental Marina has none. The public free dock has none. The marina to the west has two portables but they are often out of service. There are way too many boats in Oriental that should be pumping out and obviously do not. The worst part is that no one we talked to about this problem cared. One marina owner said `I don’t have to have a pump out, so why would I want one?’
      Ginny Caldwell

      River dunes, sailcraft marina and deaton’s marina all have pump outs. Possibly more marinas close by.
      Cliff Kisby

      Cruising News:
      Let me remind Ms. Caldwell and other cruisers passing though Oriental that most of our marinas and other waterfront facilities here are still very much in recovery mode from hurricane Irene, the worst storm we’ve seen here in recorded history. There are adequate pumpouts if you know where to find them but but some of the regular places are still out of service. Everything should be online and operating when the snowbird migration heads north in the spring.
      Captain Andy Denmark
      Lower Broad Creek
      Oriental, NC

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Oriental Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Oriental Marina

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    • Georgetown, SC Dining Review (Statute Mile 403)

      Georgetown County Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 1776, Georgetown, South Carolina 29442VHF 16 & 68 Located on the Sampit River, Harborwalk Marina is only a boardwalk away from Georgetown's Historic District, great food, shopping, etc. A safe harbor from bad weather and located in calmNormally, I confine my role here on the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net’s “Cruising News” sections to comments and introductions to fellow cruisers’ messages. However, last week, Dec. 5-9, 2011, I undertook another one of my land yacht trips of the South Carolina coastline, calling on every marina and repair yard between Georgetown and Beaufort.
      As part of this sojourn, I had occasion to review several of the restaurants along the way. Restaurant reviews are a really dirty part of my job, but someone just has to do it!
      The thought occurs to my tiny mind that the cruising community could really benefit from a fuller understanding of the outstanding dining choices available in Georgetown. This medium sized community has an embarrassment of riches when it comes time to slake a healthy appetite!
      All the dining attractions mentioned below are within walking distance of the marinas set along the town waterfront/Sampit River, including SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Harborwalk Marina. If you choose to coil your lines at Georgetown Landing Marina on the Pee Dee River, your walk to the downtown dining attractions will be longer, or you might choose a quick taxi ride.
      If it’s breakfast time, spare no effort to make your way to Thomas Cafe (703 Front Street, 843-546-7776), a Georgetown institution for as long as I can remember. Everything here in the breakfast line is good, but the Blueberry pancakes are particularly worthy of honorable mention! Thomas is also open for lunch, and while there is nothing fancy about the mid-day bill of fare, I’ve never had anything I wouldn’t call quite tasty!
      Another advantage of breakfast at Thomas Cafe is the local color you will enjoy. This is where ALL the locals meet for the first meal of the day, and every time I’m there, some interesting tid-bit of local news comes my way.

      Subject: Coffee Break Cafe, Georgetown, SC
      Cruising News:
      We really love this place, as well as Morsels across the street. Breakfast at CB is to die for, soup and sandwich for lunch is excellent and we take their soups along for the trip. Same with Morsels. In spring their tomato pies cause my eyes to roll back with joy.
      Cap and Linda Munday

      Georgetown Waterfront

      Come lunch time, or just time to restock the on-board larder, run, don’t walk to the Kudzu Bakery (120 King Street, 843-546-1847). Don’t let the name fool you. This establishment is more of a delectable bistro that just a bakery. Sure, you can (and I always do) purchase some of the best chocolate chip cookies on earth and fresh breads, but there are also outstanding sandwiches, a full selection of wines and many, many other gourmet type grocery store items to be had. I’ve talked with more than one cruiser who stops at Georgetown specifically to facilitate one or more visits to Kudzu. May I be so bold as to suggest you join that gastronomically happy throng!
      When it’s time for a good evening meal, after a long day on the water, there are at least two totally outstanding choices waiting to greet you in downtown Georgetown. In fact, we often try to time our stay in Georgetown for two nights, so that we can give our full appreciation to both the Rice Paddy (732 Front Street, 843-546-2021) and the River Room.
      Neither yours truly nor my first-rate, first-mate, Karen Ann, have every had anything at the Rice Paddy we did not consider absolutely outstanding. However, the Snapper Picatta with Capers and Lemon Butter, served with Creamy Grits, and the Rice Paddy’s Lump Crab Cakes served with Creamy Grits, are the stuff of legend. Beef lovers are not forgotten either. Trip before last, I was in bliss partaking of the Rice Paddy’s Filet of Beef, with Shiitake Mushrooms and Madeira Cream Sauce! Yummmmmmm!
      Just diagonally across the street from the Rice Paddy, Sid and Sally wait to greet visiting cruisers at the River Room (801 Front Street, 843-527-4110). Try to get one of the tables overlooking the Sampit River. That way, you’ll not only enjoy great food, but a superb view as well!
      Again, it’s hard to go wrong with the River Room’s selections, but the grouper stuffed with crab meat and topped with hollandaise sauce, as well as the 8 oz. Chargrilled Duck Breast with Chorizo sausage and finished with veal demi-glace, are both particularly worth of note!
      There are other dining choices in Georgetown, to be sure, but this article is already becoming lengthy, and you are now clued in on our favorite dining choices in this historic community.
      Have you had similar/dissimilar dining experiences in Georgetown. If so, please click the “Click Here to Submit Cruising News” link on the upper right of this page, and share your experience. Bon appetit!

      Subject: Coffee Break Cafe, Georgetown, SC
      Cruising News:
      We really love this place, as well as Morsels across the street. Breakfast at CB is to die for, soup and sandwich for lunch is excellent and we take their soups along for the trip. Same with Morsels. In spring their tomato pies cause my eyes to roll back with joy.
      Cap and Linda Munday

      Thomas cafe right near the clock tower is the quintessential down home breakfast spot. I judge these spots by the quality of their home fries. Formica tables, folksy waitress, big table occupied by the local debating society lingering over coffee, this cafe has it all.
      Gregory Han

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Harborwalk Marina

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carlina Anchorage Directory Listing For the Downtown Georgetown Waterfront Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location the Downtown Georgetown Waterfront

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    • Anchoring Hassles on Blackburn Bay (Statute Mile 61.5)

      The note below was copied to the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net, and shows a letter written by Captain Arthur M. Richard, to the local sheriff’s department. The “Blackburn Bay” anchorage referred to in Captain Richard’s note lies between Venice and Sarasota, directly on the path of the Western Florida ICW.
      If I may indulge in an editorial comment here, it’s a real shame that incidents of this type are still taking place in Florida waters. The 2009 Florida Anchoring Law has been on the books for some time now, and you would think that county sheriff’s departments would have gotten the word long ago!!!

      Recently, I anchored my sailboat in Blackburn Bay. I was approached by a deputy sheriff (in a Sheriff’s Department boat), and politely informed that anchoring in Blackburn Bay is restricted to 48 hours. He said that the local residents did not like boats anchoring for longer periods. Please send me a copy of the County statue which authorizes such anchor limitation.
      Are you aware that under state law, boaters who use their boats for navigation (even if only occasionally) will not have their anchoring restricted by a local city or county outside of permitted mooring fields. Cities and counties are expressly forbidden to `enact, continue in effect, or enforce any ordinance or local regulation … regulating the anchoring of vessels other than live-aboard vessels outside the marked boundaries of mooring fields.’
      Although local governments are allowed to regulate anchoring within the marked boundaries of properly permitted mooring fields, Blackburn Bay is not a permitted mooring field.
      The following laws apply:

      (FL law) 327.60 Local regulations; limitations)
      (2) Nothing contained in the provisions of this section shall be construed to prohibit local governmental authorities from the enactment or enforcement of regulations which prohibit or restrict the mooring or anchoring of floating structures or live-aboard vessels within their jurisdictions or of any vessels within the marked boundaries of mooring fields permitted as provided in s. 327.40. However, local governmental authorities are prohibited from regulating the anchoring outside of such mooring fields of non-live-aboard vessels in navigation.
      (from Chapter 2009-86, section 14)
      (3) However, local governmental authorities are prohibited from regulating the anchoring outside of such mooring fields of vessels other than live-aboard vessels as defined in s. 327.02.
      Therefore, your deputy was in error when he informed me that I could not anchor in Blackburn Bay for more than 48 hours. I recommend that you make yourself and
      your deputies aware of the Florida State Laws on anchoring by boats other than live-aboard and commercial vessels.
      Arthur M. Richard

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Western Florida Anchorage Directory Listing For the Blackburn Bay Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Blackburn Bay Anchorage

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    • Thoughts on Florida Anchoring Space

      Captain Feiges is responding, in her message below, to a posting which appeared here on the Cruisers’ Net some time ago, about the victory in St. Augustine, when the city proposed ten day anchoring limit outside the mooring field, was shot down, and changed by the FWC to a thirty day limit.
      Her point in this missive is very different, and very much worth the cruising community’s thoughtful consideration. Beverly speaks of a lack of anchoring “space” in Florida due to the proliferation of private moorings!

      We are cruisers, plain and simple, and seldom stay in one spot for even a week. Even in Georgetown, in the Bahamas, where we may spend a month or more, we switch anchoring spots every so many days, depending on wind or activities ashore. Putting in mooring fields in very popular spots has the advantage of allowing many more boats to safely anchor, but it is also nice to have some room to anchor left over for those of us who may be too big for the spacing and holding power of the moorings, or too high off the water to easily pick up the mooring. Having permanently anchored boats in what is a limited area, even if they must move them every thirty days, does not help the honest to god cruiser who is passing through and wants a spot for a night or two. Even worse seems to be the unregulated dropping of private moorings everywhere it used to be possible to anchor.
      I want the right to anchor, but there must be room to do it, and in allowing people to set their private moorings all over the place, (in Maine some people have as many as five in different harbors), or to stay anchored more than 5 days without a valid reason, then this room does not exist, and you just as effectively have cut off my right to anchor. We had this experience in St. Augustine this fall, almost impossible to anchor.
      Beverly Feiges

      Virtually all anchoring regulations being promoted by FWC are in violation of Florida Statute 370.04 in the wake of two Florida Supreme Court decision favoring boater’s (almost) unrestricted anchoring rights. There is nothing to be applauded here as FWC seems to be forging ahead unempeded with its greed and rise of power with little or no sound rationale or legal foundation.
      Make your resistance known against this flagrant arrigance and disregard for formal constitutional decisions.
      Bruce Bingham

      Perhaps a private mooring can now be considered `the owner is anchored’ and falls under the new regs ?? Interesting possibility’¦
      Dennis McMurtry

      I agree with Beverly. Sure, Florida’s mooring fields are busy in the winter, but for most of the year there are many vacant moorings that eliminate huge areas that used to be available for anchoring. St. Augustine has effectively eliminated all of the best anchoring areas by covering the harbor in moorings, most of which remain vacant most of the year. Same thing in Marathon. I have squeezed into the remaining anchorage there during the off season when half the moorings were empty.
      John Kettlewell

      Laws continue to be changed. FL Statute 370.04 I could not find. Overriding everything is our Federal Navigational Servitude and the Public Trust doctrine which provide, among other things, that navigation includes the right to anchor in all navigable waters.
      FL Statute 327.44 states `no anchoring’¦in a manner which shall unreasonably or unnecessarily constitute a navigational hazard.’
      Jay Bliss

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. David Burnham -  October 30, 2015 - 8:51 pm

        More than a few of St. Augustine’s north mooring field buoys remain empty because of shoaling of the bay bottom. This prevents the marina from being able to assign boats to these buoys because a falling tide MAY have the boat on the hard bottom.
        Because this is a designated mooring area, a shallow draft cruiser that COULD anchor in this space is denied anchoring as allowed by FS 370.04.

        Reply to David
    • Latest on Florida Keys Anchoring As of 12/1/11

      The report below from our very special Florida Keys correspondent, Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd, sounds very hopeful. This is an important issue as all of the Florida Keys have been selected to be included in the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program. Sites selected for inclusion in this program have the power to regulate anchorage outside of mooring fields, but only after gaining input and approval from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC).
      The Cruisers’ Net, BARR (Boaters’ Anchoring Rights & Responsibilities) and Boat/US are working hard to insure SENSIBLE anchorage regulations are adopted by all participants in the Pilot Mooring Field Program.

      Last night’s meeting of the MPAC held here in Marathon, went exactly as planned. Prior to the meeting, I spoke with Senior Administrator Rich Jones via telephone and informed him though I would not be there personally, I had sent him a letter. He said he would read the letter at the meeting. Mariner’s Barr and SSECN both are very happy with how Monroe County has handled the responsibility of meeting the objectives of the Pilot Program. All with a carefully thought out plan so as not to displace or burden those in the cruising or local liveaboard communities. There are very caring people here, that is wholly apparent.
      We’re still quite a ways before the actual ordinance is written and approved by the BOCC, but we’re getting there. The areas discussed last night are Boca Chica and Sunset Cove, where longterm liveaboards have a community. The ordinance will NOT affect cruisers and transient boaters in those areas. This was a way to keep from displacing those who live there. It’s not really in the realm of the Pilot Program, per se, as there is no mooring field associated with either area. However, Monroe County could do it under protection of the marine sanctuary…so it’s all good. We’ve worked very hard here in Monroe County to protect all boaters and cruisers from over-regulation. No time limits and a way for those who live aboard and do not navigate to still feel welcome…but making them own up to responsibility. I applaud the efforts made to accommodate and represent ALL boaters who enjoy the waters of the Keys. – On another note, the vendors in KW Harbor can have their floating structures as long as they are licensed otherwise to do business. That’s a huge thing for those whose livelihood depends on such.
      Key West Harbor was never in the loop of the regulations that were outlined for Boca Chica Basin and Sunset Cove, Michael. It’s easy to get them confused. KW Harbor was only to have a buffer area around their mooring field, of which no one has any complaint. Most anchor on the other side of Fleming Key or off Wisteria. With Wisteria out of the picture, things look very good to stay the same in Key West Harbor.
      The “approval” is only for language to be drafted into an ordinance to be presented to the BOCC in January; now that everyone is on the same page with what the ordinances should state. The BOCC will then take a look at it with the Public’s input, and it could still need tweaking. Once it is approved by the BOCC it will then be submitted to the FWC. Still a long way to go before there are ordinances of any kind in place. No surprises here of any kind, this has been the path Monroe County has taken from day one. A good one: LESS IS MORE.
      Charmaine Smith Ladd (SSECN Special Correspondent & Representative)
      Executive Director, Mariner’s Barr (Boaters’ Anchoring Rights & Responsibilities)

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    • Bumps in the Night in St. Marys Anchorage, St. Marys River off the AICW

      St. Marys River flows into the northern tip of Cumberland Sound and the path of the AICW, just north of Fernandina, FL, and serves as the coastal state line between Georgia and Florida. The town of St. Marys is an easy trip up the St. Marys River, departing the Waterway at flashing green marker #29, statute mile 713.

      We anchored off of st Marys town dock in march 2011. We chose a spot towards the south shore across the harbor from the main dock. After we anchored a guy in another boat came over and suggested we actually spend the night at the town dock as the current was so strong in that area. This sounded nice but I did not believe that was allowed by the town and chose to stay at anchor. The current through there was really unbelievable. Very fast. The sound of debris hitting the boat as it passed by and under us kept me up all night. Things going bump in the night. Our dingy has no engine. It rows very well but I did not dare leave the boat with it. I estimate 5 knots of current at times. The morning found wind and tide giving us a very slow drag to the west. I would not anchor here again. The downstream anchorage shown is where I would go. At least if you drag there is no one to hit and a soft landing. You need a motorized dingy though to safely get to and from town.

      We tied up at the town dock [St. Marys town dock] last winter on our way down. It is really just a floating hunk of concrete, with no electricity or water. It says that there is a limit of 6 hours, but it does not appear to be enforced. We talked to people to stayed for a few days, and no one seemed to bother that we were overnight. BEWARE!!! On a falling tide the current (truly impressive!) runs perpendicular to the town dock. Getting off the dock is challenging, and we ended up with notable gelcoat scars! But I’d go back.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Georgia Anchorage Directory Listing For the St. Marys Waterfront Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To St. Marys GA

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    • Dismal Swamp Canal AICW Alternate Route vs AICW – North Carolina, Virginia Cut Route

      Friends Doing the Dismal

      Fellow nautical writer, Wally Moran, does a very nice job below of summarizing the attributes and demerits of these two alternate AICW passages that lead from Norfolk, VA to North Carolina waters, or the other way around. And, by the way, the text below is copied from Captain Wally’s new “LiveBloggin’ the ICW” site at:

      Will asked me about the two options heading south – the Virginia Cut and the Dismal Swamp. Great question.
      Friends doin’ the Dismal
      I prefer the Dismal Swamp – it’s wonderfully scenic, as you can see. Good protection from wind, and the stop at Deep Creek Lock to visit Rob, the lockmaster, is always a treat. Leaving the Dismal, you stop by Elizabeth City for a free night’s dockage and the cruisers’ welcome party each evening for a drink, and a rose for the ladies, a tradition started by two locals and now kept up by the city’s Chamber of Commerce.
      The only drawback is that the Dismal takes longer to run, and isn’t really feasible for boats drawing over six feet.
      The Virginia Cut brings you to Virginia City and the Great Bridge Lock, a marvel to see in and of itself, plus lots of fascinating tugboat and commercial traffic.
      I usually do one route on the trip down, and the other on the return, just to enjoy the best of both worlds. The one other proviso is if the exit from the route will permit me to sail on the Albermarle. There is enough distance between them to make a difference in how you trim your sails.
      Wally Moran

      Hi Claiborne ‘“ my blog showed dozens of unexpected hits today ‘“ so I looked at my stats and, sure enough, they were coming from here [SSECN]. Maybe you can encourage your readers to add to the list of the World’s Greatest Boating Songs ‘“ there will be prizes, such as copies of my video, Sailing South ‘“ First Timer’s Guide to the ICW, or Forbidding, Forbidden Cuba. Maybe I can get you to toss in a copy of one of your books? I refuse to give up my copy of your Florida guide, it’s a fun read.
      If anyone is curious, they can get a peek at the trailers for both videos at or /cuba.
      Thanks again Claiborne. Tomorrow, off to start the ICW for the 18th time.

      2 Facebook Likes, 0 Facebook Reactions

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

    • Possible Height Discrepancy at Wabasso Bridge, AICW, Statute Mile 943

      Wabasso Bridge-crosses the ICW at Statute Mile 943, southeast of unlighted daybeacon #80. Has anyone else noted less than charted vertical clearance as noted by Captain Mathias below. If so/not,please click the “Click Here to Submit Cruising News” link to the upper right, and share your information!

      This bridge is not 65′. We are sitting at high tide and the board shows 63 1/4′ with a .48′ total tide.
      Pete Mathias

      We passed through Wabasso 8 November 2011 with no problem. Our mast is 64.5 with another 3′ for the VHF antenna. The board indicated 64.4, the antenna didn’t touch.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Eastern Florida Marina Directory Listing For Wabasso Bridge

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Wabasso Bridge

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    • Why I Do What I Do!

      It’s letters like this one from Captain Carr that make all this worthwhile!!!

      I would have really enjoyed traveling with you on that car trip from Wrightsville Beach to Georgetown. It’s amazing that when I met you at the first AIWA meeting Wrightsville Beach about 8-10 years ago, I had no idea as to the exacting up-to-date information you provide to the water travelers on the east coast. I enjoy reading your emails every [time] I get them.
      I especially appreciate the time you called me and explained about the rock hazards in the waterway from Little River to Socaste SC. I had just bought
      my boat and when I went to a Power Squadron meeting, the secretary told me to be careful in that part of the waterway. When I asked him about them at the next meeting he was unable to tell me where the hazard started or ended and I was really scared about damaging my boat…You actually
      called me after I emailed you, it was a godsend to get the correct information. You also told me a little about your Southport history which was interesting.
      Claiborne…if you need an assistant or traveling companion, I would certainly be willing to help you out. I would enjoy helping you out. You should write a book about the people you have met and your experiences with your endeavors…It would definitely make for some very interesting reading.
      Sam Carr
      “Southern Stars”

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    • HUGE VICTORY FOR THE CRUISING COMMUNITY – Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission Sets St. Augustine Anchoring Limit at 30 Days (NOT 10 Days!)

      At approximately 1:00 pm today, 11/17/11, we received a telephone call from our very special Florida Keys Correspondent, Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd. Charmaine passed along a detailed report on today’s FWC meeting in Key Largo, Florida, which had just adjourned. This gathering was called specifically to consider St. Augustine’s request for a 10 day anchoring limit on their corporate waters, outside the city mooring field.
      The only people to speak were Captain Charmaine, representing both BARR (Boater’s Anchoring Rights and Responsibilities) and the SSECN, Bonnie Bashem, representing Boat/US, and a representative from the city of St. Augustine.

      According to Captain Charmaine, the St. Augustine representative, as you would expect, requested approval of the already much discussed 10-day anchoring limit for the waters outside of the city mooring field, while both Bonnie and Charmaine argued for a longer time limit. In fact, Charmaine asked for a 90-day limit.

      The final result of the meeting was a DENIAL OF ST. AUGUSTINE’S REQUEST FOR A 10-DAY LIMIT, AND, INSTEAD, A THIRTY (30) DAY LIMIT WAS APPROVED. Vessels which want to anchor in St. Augustine waters for longer than 30 days must leave the corporate waters for at least 24-hours, and they can then return for another 30 days.


      I might also add, that this decision shows me that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission IS keeping the needs of cruisers in mind, at least somewhat, as the process of approving local anchorage regulations for those communties (or counties) involved in the Pilot Mooring Field Program, goes forward!

      The cruising community owes of a HUGE debt of thanks to Boat/US and Bonnie Bashem, Captain Charmaine and the hundreds and hundreds of cruisers who have bombarded the FWC and the St. Augustine City Government with e-mails.

      However, the fight is most surely NOT over yet. There are still details to be worked out in St. Augustine, and there are four more Pilot Mooring Field Program sites for which anchorage regulations are yet to be approved.

      So, the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net’s advice is STAY VIGILANT! In the meantime, though, let’s all bask in this victory, for at least a few moments!

      As you might imagine, comments have been POURING in to the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net since the above article was published. So many, in fact, that we have had to establish a separate page so that everyone’s words can be displayed. Please click on the link below, and discover what your fellow cruisers have to say on this HOT topic:


      I have been contacted in the past month by a group whom are trying to stop the anchoring in Sarasota Bay. So heads up and look out for the next boom of protest to prohibiting boaters their rights.
      Captain Kat Luchene

      I agree that having to move your boat once every 30 days is a small inconvenience for boats cruising Florida waters compared to having to move it once every 10 days.
      For sailboats it is even less of an inconvenience. I am thinking that the captain who is anchored waiting to get a part shipped for his engine so that he can continue cruising his powerboat is at a disadvantage unless he can get a friendly tow.
      I too am fed up with abandoned boats sinking in our anchorages. Boats need to be stored on land and used on the water. Just as automobiles are not stored on public highways.
      My Cal 2-29 is on a private mooring in the St Johns River. It is moved at least twice a month but seldom for a 24 hour period. That is the one aspect of this that has me in disagreement. I am more concerned that an anchored boat is being used by its owner than how long it has to be moved from its anchorage. If the owner is aboard once a month, leaves the anchorage and returns, problems may be corrected before the boat becomes a hazard.
      David Burnham

      Thank you for this very important and needed update!
      helmut g. kramer MD,MSc

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    • No Free Pumpout at Jarrett Bay Marine Industrial Park, AICW Statute Mile 197

      Jarrett Bay Marine is located on the eastern shores of ICW-Core Creek passage, south of flashing daybeacon #19.

      Cruising News:
      Buyers beware! We were in need of fuel, water & a pump out on our way south on the ICW. We checked our BoutUS Member Services Guide for a convient location our our way to Beaufort, NC. We found that the Jarrett Bay Boatworks offered a free pump out and it was right on the way. Since we had been there several time on our way north & south, we decided to pull in for the works. Well, the works is what we got! They were busy hauling a large yacht and were told we wanted to pump it out ourself, that would be OK. We did and went to the fuel dock for diesel and water. When I went into the office to pay, I then found out that the charge for a pump out is $30.00!!!!! When my wife called them they said they never offered a free pump out and the book is incorrect. Needless to say, I got the “works” that day. But, they have also lost me as a fuel customer. Buyers Beware!
      Capt. Mike

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Jarrett Bay Marine

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Jarrett Bay Marine

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    • North Yacht Basin Basin/Vinoy Basin Closed to Anchoring (Tampa Bay, Western Shore – St. Petersbrug, FL)

       Slips are now available!! On the brand new Dock 5. For information please call (727) 893-7329 or 800 782 8350

      St. Petersburg was selected some time ago as one of five sites for the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program. And, it was previously announced their mooring field would be located in the North Yacht Basin/Vinoy Basin, which borders on the northern side of the huge St. Petersburg Municipal Marina (A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR) and just south of the Renaissance Vinoy Resort Marina.
      It appears that construction is about to begin on this mooring field, and, consequently, the city of St. Petersburg is asking all the anchored vessel in the Vinoy Basin to leave.

      Cruising News:


      Of course, one alternative is to dock at the St. Pete Muncipal Marina. This is one of the largest, and best managed city facilities it has ever been my privilege to review, and, as mentioned above, they are a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR.
      There are some other anchorages available on central Tampa Bay’s western shores. I have listed links to those havens below. HOWEVER, none are anything like being as convenient and as close to good shoreside support as the Vinoy Basin.

      Little Bayou Southerly Anchorage:

      Little Bayou Northern Anchorage:

      Big Bayou Anchorage:

      Coffeepot Bayou Outer Anchorage:

      Coffeepot Bayou Inner Anchorage:

      Smacks Bayou Outer Anchorage:

      Smacks Bayou Mid Anchorage:

      Smack Bayou Inner Anchorage:

      Smacks Bayou South Side Anchorage:

      Well, I can answer one of Captain Bill’s questions below. To my knowledge, the ONLY ONE of the above described anchorages with dinghy dock access is the Big Bayou Anchorage. At the back of Big Bayou is a public launching ramp, where you can tie your dinghy off temporarily. And, as a plus, several GOOD restaurants are to be found within walking distance. In particular is Munch’s Restaurant (727-896-5972), one block south. Both breakfast and lunch (open 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) are terrific.
      Now for the bad news. I would not even begin to try and navigate a 7-foot draft vessel into Big Bayou! Captains piloting vessels drawing 5 feet or less, however, may find these waters a a good, or at least acceptable, alternative.


      The FWC Pilot Program is supposed to improve water access ‘“ I fail to see how limiting anchoring is ‘˜improving’ access. This is another of the Florida anchorages we are losing due to this program.
      Wally Moran

      Sam Warr

      Thanks Sam the South Basin has the depth but is the airport closeness a probem? i’ll try it. Thanks

      We have anchored in the Vinoy Basin on and off since 1986 when we first came to Florida. We used to dinghy ashore to visit the museums, shops, and grab a bite to eat about 20 or 30 times a year. Frequently, our stays were just for the day allowing us to spend our money in town. Regretfully, we will now have to find a different favorite place to go.
      Eileen Colon

      There is a small anchorage just south of the mun marina at the Harborage Marina in downtown St. Pete at the location on this link:
      No mooring balls; use your own ground tackle and dinghy to the marina or to a sand bar at the USFSP campus and walk to town. We live aboard at the marina. Good protection and depth and easy access to Tampa Bay and the ICW.
      M/V DEWLAP
      DeFever 49 CMY

      What will the rules and rates be upon completion?
      Bruce W. Watters

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    • Happy Words About Smokehouse Bay Anchorage (Marco Island, Florida – south of Naples, FL)

      To successfully enter the excellent anchorage on Marco Island’s Smokehouse Bay, you must make your approach via a well marked, but exacting channel which cuts off from the southern approach to Capri Pass Inlet and runs through the easterly reaches of Collier Bay. Some low water depths on this approach run as thin as 4 1/2 feet (in one spot), but if you can get past these shallows, your reward will be one of the most sheltered anchor down spots in southwestern Florida, with good shoreside access! Follow the links below to learn more!

      Whole heartily endorse the anchorage in Smokehouse Bay on Marco (this is where the Esplanada is. Dinghy under the bridge and Winn-Dixie has a dingy dock you can use. There is also a great Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays – we always plan to hit there on our way through.
      Marty & Jerry Richardson

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Western Florida Marina Directory Listing For Smokehouse Bay Anchorage

      Click on Chartlet Below to Open a Chart View Window,
      Centered on the Location of This Anchorage:

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    • Reports of Shoaling in Little Mud River, AICW Statute Mile 655

      Little Mud River is almost universally acknowledged to be the worst section of the AICW, some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia. We have several reports of depths in this problem stretch.

      MM655, Little Mud River, I found similar depths as on previous runs.
      9’MLW north of G193
      8’MLW 100′ off G193
      5’MLW by the charted wreck
      7’MLW 100′ off R194
      5′ to 6′ MLW half way between G195 and the range marker
      Once on the range depths increase rapidly to 10+MLW
      MM683, Jekyll Creek, 7′ MLW is as shallow as I saw mostly near G19 and along the range. I passed about 150′ off G19 then turned on range (was northbound). Stayed on the range till past R16 ( passed about 75′ away) then split R16 with the southernmost range marker. No change from previous trips
      MM704, Cumberland Dividings, all Markers have finally been moved and are marking the shoal on the red side. 12 to 15MLW throughout.
      Capt. Pascal Gardemer

      Thanks to CruisersNet and Captain Pascal, who reported on the Little Mud River just a few days ago. We anchored at the South River to wait for a rising tide, proceeding through at 2 hours after low tide. We saw very low water (no more than 5.5′ before R 196; did touch bottom with our 5′ keel. Also saw very low water (5′) just before #198.
      Eve-Marie & crew of s/v Flash

      I passed through the Little Mud River in early October at dead low tide with no current. Stayed in center of channel and never saw LESS THAN 9.3 FEET; Crawled through at 3.5knots because of all the reports of shallow water and shoaling. This is the best I have ever seen it!
      Skipper Bill Lucas

      Transited (11/14/11) Little Mud River 1520-1540, 1 1/2 hour before low tide, +1.8′ (low tide at Rockdedundy River, daymark 185 @ 1700 +1.0′). Lots of skinny water. Best water appears to be on the green side, left of center going south. Saw depths as low as 7.2′ (5.4′ @ low). One sailboat aground just on right side of center channel about midway between R194 and range light QR. We made 7.5 mph with opposing current and let the boat steer toward the best water, which was close to the bank. One plus with low water is that you can make out the edge of the channel.
      Michael Horowitz (M/V ALTAIR)

      Just came thru Mud River today 11/14/2011 starting at the north end about 8:am with 6 ft of tide. Prior to starting thru I noticed on AIS that the passanger ship Independence at over 200 feet in length and 8.5 feet in draft was entering the river from the south end. We decided to wait for it to come up thru and while we did I watched it on AIS and learned where to find the best depth.
      The ship came up the river staying well to the green side all the way.
      On our passage we did the same in reverse and found 6ft MLW between 192 and 193. Then 6 to 7 ft MLW between 193 and 195. Then 8 to 9 ft MLW from 195 to 198. All on the green side of the channel. This appears to be quite a bit more than some crusiers have found.
      Dennis Lawrence aboard S/V Thate Wata
      Catalina 42 Mk 2 Hull 758
      Draft 6ft 10in

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For Little Mud River

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • Confirmation Received of Marker # Change At AICW/Bogue Inlet Intersection (Statute Mile 227)

      On 11/20/11, I asked for help from the cruising community concerning the report below by Captain Jerry, that the Bogue Inlet channel aid to navigation, hard by the AICW/Bogue Inlet intersection, has changed its numbering from #21 to #20. I’m glad to report that Captain Eilenn has responded!
      This is a BIG DEAL, as the Bogue Inlet/AICW intersection has long been an “AICW Problem Stretch.” Not only is perennial shoaling a problem here, but the inland-most marker on the Bogue Inlet channel is often mistaken for an AICW aid to navigation. This mis-identification often leads to groundings.
      And, the important point is that this newly numbered marker #20 is NOT an AICW navigational marker. Ignore it, and follow ONLY the Waterway buoys and daybeacons!

      The mark to be ignored at Bogue inlet is `20’³, not `21’³. It floats between `45’³ and `45A’.
      Jerry on Suncatcher

      Cruising News:
      Definitely a red nun #20 between 45 and 45A
      Admiral Eileen

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For the AICW/Bogue Inlet Channel Intersection

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • Off Season Rates at Key Lime Sailing Club

      Key Lime Sailing Club in Key Largo, 305-451-3438, www.keylimesailingclub.comSALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR Key Lime Sailing Club is offering GREAT off-season rates. Check it out at their website by clicking either their sponsorship panel to the left, or the link to their web site below:

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