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    • Port Royal Landing Marina Announces Cruisers’ Thanksgiving Dinner (Statute Mile 540)

      Boaters are our business and our only business. We are located directly on the ICW, and offer Exceptional Lowcountry facilities and hospitality. The Beaufort/Port Royal area is a beautiful and historiWhat a wonderful, wonderful service by an excellent marina, and these good folks are a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!!

      PRLM will have its annual Thanksgiving Dinner for Cru38-port-royal-landing-marinaisers. Dinner will be at 1:00 Thanksgiving day.The marina will furnish smoked turkeys,bring your favorite side to share and eating utensils. PRLM is offering a fall special; stay 2 nights get the 3rd one free. For more information contact Capt Bill Mote; 843 592 3344.
      Capt Bill Mote
      S/V Eclipsse

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Port Royal Landing Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Port Royal Landing Marina

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    • Use East Pass Inlet (near Dog Island and Carrabelle, FL), Not Government Cut Inlet (near Apalachicola, FL) When Cruising to or From the FL Panhandle

      Here’s an important message for all cruisers plying the waters of the eastern Florida Panhandle, and especially for those looking to the cross Florida’s “Big Bend” section. I agree wholeheartedly with Captain Tom that East Pass is far more reliable than Government Cut, and his recommendations about the WONDERFUL anchorages along the northern shores of Dog Island, are right on the money!!!

      Each year I give the recommendation of using the East Pass to enter the Gulf, not Government Cut closer to Apalachicola. Government Cut is a man made access to the Gulf and Mother Nature keeps laughing as she pushes the sand back the way she wants it. After a dredging, the Cut is deep enough but sometimes it doesn’t stay that way for very long. The second major reason for recommending East Pass is that anchorages are nearby, on the north side of Dog Island. A good strategy is to come across Apalachicola Bay, stick your bow out to the sea buoy at East Pass to create a GPS track line, then anchor for the night. By following the track line in the dark, you can feel assured you have a clear line to get into the deeper waters of the Gulf. Lastly, the distance across the Gulf is the shortest from East Pass and your vessel will be closer to land for some wave protection. Even for those boats going around the Big Ben, enter the Gulf at East Pass,
      Stay safe,

      We came southeast from Apalachicola to John’s Pass (just N of Sarasota) on 11/8-9/2011. We were following a deeper-draft sailboat out Government Cut (had not read this posting, and they do this every year’¦), when they slewed strongly to starboard and came to a stop. They were able to power off and continue. We are a catamaran, loaded for cruising, with a draft about 2’11’³ and WE also bumped in that spot. It was well within the channel, not in the riprap-protected part of the cut, but farther in toward the bay, where it’s sandy. Position was 29 37.25’N: 084 57.768’W and depth registered at under 3 feet.
      So stay much closer to the greens than the red markers when transiting the sandy `inner’ extent of this cut, and when we go back, we will probably give East Pass a try! Thanks, all.
      Heather and Derek
      S/V Parallax

      I was fishing in Government Cut this past Sunday, Nov. 13, and can attest to the fact that the channel there has shoaled just inside (bay side) of the cut, as it often does. A large recreational boat ran aground briefly at close to low tide, but was able to get underway again promptly. As an aside, it was very rough in the cut due to a rapidly falling tide and southerly winds. Using East Pass provided a much more sheltered passage and, I imagine, an easier time exiting the bay into the gulf.\
      John Watson

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of East Pass Inlet

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Government Cut Inlet

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    • Anchoring/Mooring Field Editorial From Captain Jay Bliss, St. Augustine Port Commissioner

      The following article is reproduced by special permission from both Captain Jay Bliss and

      Letter to the Editor
      St. Johns County and Vilano homeowners have reached an accord, DEP and Army Corps of Engineers have permits in place, and significant dredging will take place this winter in the StAugustine channel entrance and off Porpoise Point. Massive federal funds, $20M plus or minus, will pay for dredging and renourishing StAugustine Beach sands. The inlet channel will be twice its width and as deep as 30 feet. Turtles have nested and before they return to lay eggs in Spring 2012 the dredging should be done.
      Boaters will be able to access the inlet in relative safety. An onshore wind and an outgoing tide will still create a rollercoaster ride. Once inside, StAugustine’s unique waterworld offers scenic wonders whatever your course. Boaters can look for a new floating dock off the Vilano fishing pier by Spring 2012, providing free short-term docking and ready access to Publix’ new supermarket at Vilano Beach. B&B guests downtown might embark by water taxi at the City dock to shop the Vilano Publix. Certainly boaters at anchor or on moorings will enjoy the convenience of a market close to the water.
      City Commissioners and staff are intent upon maximizing revenue from the mooring fields. There are bills to pay, debts to amortize. Their Pilot Program ordinances increase `no anchoring’ zones. Moorings are convenient, and at $20 a night, not a bad deal. Anchoring does enjoy a following, however. Picky boaters place their trust in their own equipment. Boaters who read fine print might not sign off on the liability release on the mooring contract. One proposed ordinance limits time at anchor. Similar time limit laws have been declared invalid in Federal courts in Stuart and Naples. Navigation laws, anchoring precedents, predate even StAugustine’s history.
      More importantly, we (County, Port, City, residents) need to ask: what has the placement of mooring fields done, and what can we project with the Pilot Program ordinances?
      Putting the mooring fields in place required energizing enforcement: we discovered that about ten boats had been long abandoned. The mooring fields then displaced some 28 boaters/boats from the downtown area and from Salt Run, and they’re part of the anchored fleet S of the 312 and N of the Vilano bridge, beyond City limits. Google `StAugustine city limits’ for a map.
      Imposing the Pilot Program ordinances will further displace about 15 boats beyond City limits. Those boaters will join others who cannot afford to be part of the mooring system. The ordinances will demand more time from City and County and FWC law enforcement. Increasing their duties, adding to the laws, will not improve enforcement of laws already on the books. Overboard dumping, derelicts, are already covered by laws on the books. (Call FWC 407 275 4150 to report on-the-water problems). Those very real challenges do not justify further Pilot Program ordinances. The challenge is enforcing what we have. Will revenues increase significantly?
      Every motorist expects to be duly notified with a yellow line, or ` no parking from here to corner’ sign. It’s difficult to imagine how we will legally notify our boating guests of all these prohibited anchoring zones, and still generate goodwill.
      Our image with the boating public is at risk. We disregard the effects and consequences of anchoring sprawl, and add more fine print, more laws. We court failure in Federal court. We need to make mooring fields more appealing, affordable, rather than make anchoring more prohibitive. When boaters cruise in the StAugustine inlet, they should be greeted with hospitality and choices.

      Fantastic even handed commentary from a government official. Yes indeed there are already laws against dumping sewage and against derelicts. Yes you will drive anchorers away including me. I know what my anchor will hold and what condition my rode is in. I sleep better on my own tackle. Looking forward to trying the free dock to shop at publix in the spring of 2012.
      Bill Dixon

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    • Reported Anchoring Hassles Near Anna Maria Island (near St. M. 92, south of Tampa Bay)

      This is the first report we’ve had here on the Cruisers’ Net that mariners dropping the hook just south of Tampa Bay, near Anna Maria Island, are being hassled. Can anyone else give us a report on a similar or dissimilar experience in these waters?????

      Sarasota is working with boating community, which is good. A place boaters want to avoid is Holmes Beach on Anna Maria Island, just noryh of Longboat Key. The code enforcement officer [there] will harass boaters for anchoring in waters around the island. Bestt o bypass Anna Maria Island and go to anywhere where boaters are treated with
      Captn Steve

      We utilize the anchorage off Bradenton Beach on Anna Maria Island southwest of the Cortez Bridge for our `homebase’ during the summer. This summer we had a skirmish with the City of Bradenton Beach. The had enacted a requirement for an `anchoring permit’. When approached by their police boat I informed the officer he was violating state law and he hit the throttle and left. Another cruiser received a citation. I contacted FWC, they responded and called the city attorney to `educate’ her, city commissioners repealed their illegal ordinance and dropped the case against the cruiser who was cited!
      We are now south for the winter but I recently hear that the city police, coast guard, border patrol and FWC did a `lights out’ raid on anchored boats there and in Longboat Key! Supposedly for `Homeland Security’ looking for drugs, outstanding warrants, and sewage handling. Nothing of significance found or cited according to news reports. No question there are a few unsightly boats anchored there inhabited by some colorful `characters’. As a result the police chief in Bradenton Beach demonstrates an attitude of no respect for federal or state law regarding anchoring, or the constitutional or civil rights of boaters!
      Please don’t avoid anchoring off Cortez, Anna Maria Island or Longboat Key because of this. If you are legally anchored and meet all safety equipment and MSD regulations they can’t `run you out of town’! This is not the old wild west, it is still the U.S.A!
      Larry Sherman

      No, it’s best to point out to this guy that he is acting illegally and to advise them if he doesn’t go away, you’ll call the police to deal with him. He has no business bothering boaters whatsoever and needs to be told.
      You should send a copy of this issue to, he’s their [Florida Marine Industries Association] lawyer and will send a rude letter to the offending municipality.
      Wally Moran

      A correction to my post above ‘“ Dickerson is with the National Marine Manufacturers Association ‘“ not sure what my fingers were up to typing that note. And what Dick sends won’t be rude, although it might be a rude awakening for the municipalities involved.
      Given the publicity the state’s anchoring law has received, it’s hard to believe that Bradenton Beach had the nerve to put up an ordinance in direct violation of the law. Seems to me that the City of BB should be up on charges itself ‘“ their lawyer absolutely HAD to know the ordinance was illegal, if not, he should be fired. And the fact the officer sped off when challenged is proof that the city knew the ordinance was illegal.
      What IS it about Florida? How can their elected officials be so ‘“ so ‘“ someone help me, what is the word we should use here?
      This is why it is so important that every boater becomes involved in the fight against the Pilot Program ‘“ because if you don’t, you can expect to see your anchoring rights taken away in Florida. Join Charmaine’s group on Facebook, check out the facts at my blog,, but get informed and get involved.
      Wally Moran

      I am sorry to read all of this. We anchor out on a regular basis at Jew Fish Key (where Long Boat Key ends and Anna Marie Island starts). We dinghy into Moores Stone Crab and Mar Vista restaurants all the time.
      We anchor there at least 1 or 2 weekends a month and NEVER have been bothered by any law inforcement at all.
      Matter of fact if they see me on the swim platform they come over to just chat for a while.

      On our way to FL for first time. Want to tour east side, Keys and westside before we’re shut out. Could be our one and only trip to the totalitarian state of FL.

      My wife and I are getting ready to go cruising full time in 2012 and we are wondering. Don’t government agencies need probable cause for searches of your boat. I get the Coast Guard inspections and have gone through that, and I understand about stopping and searching boats at sea for drug and immigration enforcement. I don’t understand it being conducted in anchorages on properly registered boats. Can anyone explain?
      Peter Treiber

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Anna Maria Island


      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Jeremy -  December 25, 2015 - 6:51 pm

        I’ve got 13 bogus tickets from officer Eric hill. Who gave us anchor light tickets, when We live in a special anchorage with amenities. I got anchor lites, led. He gave me more tickets. Been to court our lawyer got 5 of 7 thrown out. He then chased us all around the island trying to give me a nav lite ticket. 20 minutes before Sun down. We have written several letters to police chief and mayor. He stopped harassing us for a week of Christmas. I’m very disappointed in Bradenton bch for not firing this prick. He has been so unprofessional. Rammed our boat several times. Causing hundreds of dollars in damage. I’m fighting for not just my rights. But all boaters rights. We are Americans. We are strong together United. Seperate we fall.

        Reply to Jeremy
    • What Cruisers Truly Bring to Tourism – An Editorial by Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd

      I have been saying for years and years that the state of Florida is playing with FIRE, when it comes to anchorage regulations, MSD boardings and midnight safety inspections. Let’s all remember that the marine industry is the second largest in the Sunshine State, second only to tourism (and the success of Florida’s “Tourist Industry,” it can be argued, is somewhat tied to the success of the “cruising industry” as well).
      Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd, our very special Florida Keys Correspondent, shares her thoughts below on this very issue!

      November 4th, 2011

      What Cruisers Truly Bring to Tourism
      by Charmaine Smith Ladd
      It just dawned on me that I’ve never seen a glossy magazine cover showing a mooring field. It’s the magazine cover that piques the interest of a potential consumer, it is there to draw them in to buy it. With that said, there is no vicarious romance with mooring fields. LOL
      Boaters and cruisers are always shown having a wonderful time. Or if only a vessel or vessels are shown, the depiction is usually that of in an idyllic, exotic locale that makes the landlocked wannabes’ mouths water. That is the romance of cruising.
      All cruisers have friends and family who live vicariously through them. My website has more landlubbers who profess to me their envy at we who lead such rich and rewarding lives. It’s not a monetary stash of riches, but riches that money cannot buy: freedom, or the semblance of freedom. This is why during the winters, cruisers have no shortage of friends and family (and often just mere acquaintances) who wish to visit them. And visit they do!
      Most cruisers have blogs or websites that narrate a lot of their travels. We introduce others to places they had not thought about visiting. With us there first, we open the door for others to visit these places as well. This is an overlooked fact that landlubbers who think cruisers are just, well, cruisers sitting in their waters, do not realize. We bring more tourism to their areas each time we visit. Others love destinations to explore, especially when relatives and friends are already there and tout the friendliness, warmth, and beauty of a new-to-them community.
      Our guests fly or drive to meet up with us. They stay aboard with us a day or two, if that, and the remainder of the time are guests at local hotels and motels. We entertain them and they entertain us. We frequent local establishments and enjoy the sights. We are cruisers and tourists, yet the tourism from cruisers brings in more tourists to the area.
      Areas in Florida are contemplating placing regulations on cruisers. This truly should been seen in the bigger picture as we actually do more for these areas than is commonly perceived. In all of the continental U.S. there is no place quite like Florida in the winter. Our northern friends and relatives relish the thought of we cruisers sitting down here where it is warm and flock to us. They come where we go.
      Sitting in a mooring field is not the romance depicted on the magazine covers, and with good reason. There is a place for mooring fields as they serve a very useful purpose. However, there’s nothing quite like swinging from the hook and enjoying cocktails at sunset with those who have never experienced it. It is a romantic impression they do not forget. So much so, that many come back on their own to the areas where they first climbed aboard our vessels. We may have cruised on to another destination, but they will fly in and stay at your hotels and remember “when.”
      May those making regulatory decisions about the future of anchoring in Florida’s waters also remember “when.”
      Charmaine Smith Ladd
      SSECN Special Correspondent, Florida Keys
      “Bringing you the low down from down low!”

      Well said Charmaine! Over the course of many years of visiting Florida we have often had guests fly in to visit us aboard, while often staying at hotels ashore for part of their trips too. In fact, we too have stayed in hotels, rented cars, eaten at restaurants, gone to amusement parks, visited museums and zoos, purchased things in stores, and spent money on all sorts of `normal’ tourist attractions while being based on our boat in Florida. However, we prefer to anchor out and we don’t go to places we can’t anchor. It is not just the mooring field that will not get our money if they force us away.
      John Kettlewell

      Well said, Charmaine. Keep it up.
      Steve and Sheila Kamp,
      S/V Carolina, Southbound

      Well said and true. I am lucky enough to own a home on a canal in Key Largo. I purchased this home so that I could sail whenever I wanted.
      As a resident, taxpayer and boater I think we are lucky to have such a vibrant live aboard community.
      I frequently stay at different anchorages and 99% of boaters are respectful and kind. They are outgoing and would give you the shirt off their back.
      Let’s never treat them (me) as second class citizens in any way, shape or form.
      Jason McPeak, S/V TwoCan, Key Largo, FL

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    • Why Anchorage Restrictions and Random Boat Searches Are Hurting the Florida Marine Industry

      We have been asked, and will do so, to protect the author of the article below as a “confidential source.” All I will say is that the author is a fellow journalist, and her/his remarks deserve the most serious attention of both the cruising community and Florida governmental authorities.
      It’s sentiments like these that are driving people, particularly cruisers, away from the Sunshine State. All of us at the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ continue to be concerned about the reputation that Florida is garnering in the cruising community and beyond. I guess all that any of us can do is to keep fighting the good fight!

      For several decades we have worked with the goal of retiring back to our native state of Florida. We have purchased a home in the Sarsota area with plans to move our boat there from the Chesapeake. We have read with some dismay about the mooring fields issue that seems to be pervading the state. But we were shocked to read about the “Lights Out” boarding by a cadre of federal,, state and local law enforcement officials invading the privacy of boaters in the Sarasota area, apparently under the pretense of “Homeland Security.”
      What gives them the right to invade someone’s home just because that home floats? Doesn’t the U.S. Constitution forbid entering someone’s private residence without a search warrant? Doesn’t a boat qualify as a private residence? After all, you sleep and eat there.
      Didn’t our founding fathers stake their lives and thousands of American military personnel die to fight against such government abuses?
      A police officer cannot stop a vehicle at random just because he or she feels like it.
      It seems that Florida politicans, and law enforcement agencies, are declaring a defacto war on people who cruise that state’s waterways. Perhaps this needs national attention to let Americans decide what’s really happening to the freedoms boaters once enjoyed.
      Name Withheld by Request

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    • “Why Live in Doubt”

      Well, I picked up this little item from the T&T (Trawlers and Trawlering) mailing list. CAPTAIN BADHAM’S WORDS SPEAK TO ME LATE IN THE AFTERNOON!!!

      I don’t know about you—- but after a few cosmopolitans I start to have serious doubts regarding the ice machine’s ability to keep up. Stand up, and take few steps, and peek in the ice maker you say? Not necessary any more– The Ft. Lauderdale Boat show has a better solution—I saw a large digital display that indicating in real time the amount of ice in the ice maker and alarmed at the 1/4 level. Now I wonder how I ever lived with out such a device.
      Why live with doubt any longer?
      Edmond Badham
      Wilmington, NC

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    • Watch for the No-Wake Zones at Pungo Ferry! AICW Statute Mile 28

      Fair warning and a word to the wise! Pungo Ferry lies along the North Landing River, just north of the VA – NC state line.

      Cruising News:
      A word of warning…yesterday traveling from Norfolk to Coinjock at Pungo Ferry we were stopped by skiff manned by three VA police officers. Our offense? Violation of a no wake zone. We are running a 55 ft. Fleming weighing 70,000 lbs. We had just done a slow pass of a small sailboat. The no-wake sign was buried in a marsh. Our wake was probably 6 inches. We were stopped and detained for about 45 minutes, while they also stopped other boats, mostly sailboats. They were “guilty” of doing about 6 knots…imagine that!! What huge wakes!
      Bob Scalia

      Came through today (11/2) no one in site. Could this have been a holiday prank?
      Ken Christian

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Pungo Ferry

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    • Cruisers Voyaging Through Beaufort, NC – Don’t Miss the Latest Artifacts from Blackbeard the Pirate’s Ship (St. M. 201)

      Be sure to follow the link below and read the article which appeared in the “Jacksonville Daily News.” This will clue one and all into why this is an exciting prospect, and how to view the artifacts!

      For those of you heading south still – stop in Beaufort, NC and see the artifacts from Blackbeards ship – salvage underway!!! Check out:

      Frank Erwin

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Beaufort, NC

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    • Great Pizza at Port St. Joe Marina (St. Joseph Bay, Florida)

      The Port St. Joe Marina is at the heart of Florida's Forgotten Coast, on the eastern shore of pristine St. Joseph Bay on Florida's northern Gulf Coast. Located between Panama City and Apalachicola, FlThe “Gulf County Canal,” which intersects the Northern Gulf ICW, lies between Apalachicola and Panama City, leads fortunate cruisers to the waters of St. Joseph Bay, where they will discover SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Port St. Joe Marina. Sounds like GOOD pizza is available nearby!

      We stayed in Port St. Joe last year by boat and we are here with our motorcoach again this year. IF you love pizza, you must go to “Joe Mama’s” and have their wood=fired pizza… is amazing! AND please save room for the “Joe’s Pot of Chocolate” dessert….!! Being a TRUE chocoholic it is a MUST! There are other good places to eat, but if you are craving great pizza, this is the place!
      Safe travels to you all!
      Dorene/Jeff DeVine
      “30 Below”

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    • Visiting the Dry Tortugas – Captain Charmaine Reports

      Below you will find a SUPER article authored by our very special Florida Keys correspondent, Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd. This story concerns some recent changes you will need to be aware of if you plan to visit the Dry Tortugas from Key West!

      October 29th, 2011

      Dry Tortugas – Mooring Balls at RNA & Park Permits Required
      by Charmaine Smith Ladd

      The Dry Tortugas is so named due to the combination that none of its islands have fresh water, and that there are many differing species of sea turtles found in its gorgeously turquoise waters (including loggerhead, leatherback, green, and hawksbill). Only 70 miles west of Key West, it’s a fabulous passage whether under sail or power. However, just be sure to have an optimal weather window during the time of your trip. Of course, the faster the vessel, the less time needed for this ever prudent caution. If you’d rather not invest the time or travel to sail there on your own, one can always opt to use one of the Dry Tortugas’ Official transportation services out of Key West:

      Yankee Freedom II

      Sailboat Charter

      Key West Seaplane Adventures

      The Dry Tortugas National Park has changed its rules since the last time I visited. Currently:

      All vessels (except those in transit merely passing through without stopping) visiting the Dry Tortugas National Park must now have a free-of-charge permit (including kayaks and dinghies). Once there, permits can be obtained a number of ways. 1) Hailing a Park Ranger on VHF channel 16, or 2) appearing in person at the Garden Key Visitor Center [Fort Jefferson] or 3) appearing in person at the Park’s Headquarters Office. Park Rangers will patrol and monitor vessels for permits. If you do not have one, there is no penalty–instead, the Ranger will fill one out for you on the spot. Nice!

      Six mooring balls have been installed for use at the Dry Tortugas’ Research Natural Area (RNA). Anchoring is no longer allowed in the RNA area. Those who wish to anchor within the National Park can do so only in sandy bottoms (sea grass is protected) located within one nautical mile of Garden Key Harbor Light.

      I have written about the Dry Tortugas for SSECN in the past, but our server didn’t carry many items over when things were recently updated. I’ll be sure to resubmit that article so you can familiarize yourself again with the beauty and tranquility of the Dry Tortugas and its many unique attractions. In the meantime, here are some photos from my last visit there:

      Charmaine Smith Ladd (SSECN Special Correspondent for the Florida Keys)
      “Bringing you the low down from down low!” or

      Where is the dry toryugas’ research natural area?

      Below are two follow-up notes from Captain Charmaine:

      GPS Coordinates for Moorings at Dry Tortugas:

      RNAMB1 (Windjammer) N24°37.413 W082°56.548
      RNAMB2 (The Maze) N24°36.600 W082°56.914
      RNAB3 (Davis Rock) N24°41.209 W082°54.440
      RNAB4 (Texas Rock) N24°40.082 W082°53.125
      RNAB5 (Off Ramp) N24°40.156 W082°54.506
      LMBSE (Loggerhead SE) N24°37.833 W082°55.187
      LMBSW (Loggerhead SW) N24°37.8031 W082°55.546

      I believe the Windjammer was the original one and may be reserved for private use. The six that follow are those put in for public use.
      Hugs, Charmaine

      Remember, this is a National Park. Even though much of it is comprised of being part of the RNA, that simply means it is a no-fishing zone and no-take zone of its natural wildlife and flora. But it IS a `People-Zone’ for others to enjoy it!
      Please reference:’s%20a%20RNA%20-%20edit%205.pdf
      The Research Natural Area is a 46-square-mile area in the northwest portion of the park. It is the area enclosed by connecting with straight lines the coordinates of 82:51:00 W and 24:36:00 N with 82:58:00 W and 24:36:00 N, and with 82:51:00 W and 24:43:32 N. Not included in the RNA is an area one nautical mile in diameter around the Garden Key Light, and the developed areas of Loggerhead Key. Before boating in the park, please key these points into your GPS system.

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. 24thesea -  December 7, 2014 - 4:21 pm

        GPS N24°37.413 W082°56.548 is directly on top of a wreck and the rest of the points are in shallow or near shallow water… Copy and paste to Google maps and take a look.

        Reply to 24thesea
    • Titusville Municipal Marina Announces the Opening Of New Mooring Field (St. M. 879)

      451 Marina Rd., Titusville, FL 32796, Phone: 321-383-5600, Fax: 321-383-5602, Contact: Joe Stone General Manager, Hours: 8:00 am - 1:00 am, Groceries within walking distance , Restaurants nearby , 5 minutes from Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge , 10 minutes from Canaveral National Seashore , 20 minutes from Kennedy Space Center , 1 hour from Orlando Attractions , Titusville City Marina is a very valued SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR. This facility has been working on a new mooring field for sometime now. An earlier article here on the Cruisers’ Net reported the field was nearing completion, but now, IT’S OPEN! This welcome addition will make it even more convenient to visit this charming port of call.
      Please note that the Titusville Mooring Field is NOT part of the Florida Pilot Mooring Field Program, so there is no rankling about anchorage regulations on adjacent waters!

      Cruising News:
      The Titusville Municipal Marina is excited to announce our new MOORING FIELD is
      now OPEN.
      The mooring field consist of 50 moorings accommodating vessels up to a maximum
      of sixty feet. Wet slips, fuel and water are also available.
      Daily rate is $15.00 plus 6% sales tax. Rates include: trash removal, use of restrooms, showers, laundry facilities, holding tank pump out, vehicle parking
      and dinghy dockage. Please click the link below for additional information.
      Moorings will be assigned on a first come first served basis. Boaters wishing
      a mooring are asked to contact the Titusville Marina on VHF channel 16 or phone

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Eastern Florida Marina Directory Listing For Titusville Municipal Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Titusville Municipal Marina

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    • Quite A Crowd At Deep Creek Lock (AICW Alternate Dismal Swamp Canal Route!

      Just in case anyone didn’t think the fall 2011 transient season wasn’t well underway. Take a look at this photo!

      Robert of Deep Creek Lock squeezed 18 boats in the lock yesterday – we were like sardines in a can. I found the whole thing quite hilarious!
      Arnold Parkinson

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    • GREAT Article About Florida Anchorage Regulations and Mooring Fields

      By special permission from the author, Captain Bill Bishop, the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net is proud to present, “The Mourning Field,” one of the wittiest, wry-est (is that a word) articles ever written concerning Florida anchorage regulations and mooring fields. IF YOU HAVE EVEN THE SLIGHTEST INTEREST IN EVER DROPPING YOUR HOOK IN SUNSHINE STATE WATERS, or just want to read very well written prose, follow the link below. YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY!!!

      Click Here To Read Captain Bill Bishop’s Article, “The Mourning Field”

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    • Camachee Cove Yacht Harbor Lies Outside of St. Augustine City Limits (Statute Mile 775.5)

       Welcome to Camachee Cove Yacht Harbor! Located in America?s oldest city- St. Augustine, Florida- Camachee Cove is a fully protected marina adjacent to the ICW, and less than a mile from the St. AugusThanks to Captain Sean McKenna at Camachee Cove Yacht Harbor, a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, for taking the time to let the cruising community know his facility lies outside of St. Augustine’s city limits. As some of you know, St. Augustine is creating controversy with its proposed 10-day anchorage limit outside of the city mooring field. Another nautical web site has called for a boycott of St. Augustine because of this. The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net sincerely regrets and strongly disagrees with the city’s decision to seek the FWC’s approval for a 10-day anchoring limit, BUT we do NOT join in the call for a boycott of this historic port of call.

      Hello Claiborne:
      We have just heard that some are calling for a boycott of St. Augustine due to the proposed 10-day limit on anchoring within St. Augustine’s corporate limit. First, we are glad that the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net is NOT joining in the call for a boycott, but we do understand that you are opposed to the 10-day limit. Let’s hope the FWC does not approve that regulation.
      We do want the cruising community to know that CAMACHEE COVE YACHT HARBOR IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN ST. AUGUSTINE CITY LIMITS, and the waters of Tolomato River, adjacent to our facility, offer free anchorage for all cruising craft. Furthermore, all captains and crews can be assured of a warm welcome at Camachee Cove, and we will do all in our power to assist all members of the cruising community.
      Cruisers might also like to know that our marina offers not one but two courtesy cars for its dockage customers, which facilitates an easy trip into the St. Augustine historic district, including the old Castello, and nearby shopping. Furthermore, a new Public supermarket is currently under construction just across the Vilano Beach Bridge from our facility, and will be open in a few months. Of course our dockage customers will be able to use the marina courtesy cars for provisioning here as well, as soon as the opening takes place.
      Thanks for helping us get the word out that Camachee Cover is CRUISER FRIENDLY!
      Sean McKenna
      Camachee Cove Yacht Harbor

      It has been many years, but I can heartily recommend Camachee Cove as a comfortable and convenient marina stop, that offers far superior weather protection compared to the city marina. It is great to know the folks there are cruiser friendly too. Is there a dinghy dock that anchored cruisers can utilize temporarily?
      John Kettlewell

      Kudos to Sean for supporting cruisers, I’ve added Sean’s post here to my blog, (Claiborne, hope you don’t mind, and I did attribute you) and Sean can expect to see me there this winter on my way south.
      Wally Moran

      In regards to Captain Alan’s message below, please note that Inet Marine is a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS NET SPONSOR!

       904-547-2219 Inlet Marina sits on the site of the old Sea Love Marina, along the AICW/Tolomato River's eastern shores, north of St. Augustine Inlet, and hard by the Vilano Beach Bridge, will be a full fledged marina. Inlet Marina just opened with new fuel tanks installed for unleaded 89 octane gas with no ethanol and of course diesel. They currently are just a fuel stop but they are supposed to have their new restaurant opened on May 15th, called Beaches. This marina used to be the old Sea Love marina which was closed last year sometime then bought and is now permitted for 60 slips (not yet built), but they do have two floating docks, one concrete and one wood and a fuel dock. There is also a boat rental operation already there. They have a nice beach area near the dock office also. There is a lot of area behind the marina office which is planned for development with a Publix grocery planned as part of the complex and they are supposed to have a grocery delivery operation for the marina if folks want to get provisions while fueling..that is to come. The new owners are taking it slow but are committed to the new operations success. The Marina is very close to the St. Augustine inlet and on the AICW. So it is very convenient for cruisers to stop in for fuel.Other facilities that are just outside of St. Augustine include the `inlet Marina’, Vilano Pier, and the public landing between them, just accross the waterway from Comachee and complete with Evinrude dealer, and just to the South of St. Augustine, near the 312 Bridge, is Fish Island Marina, and Intercoastal Marina as well as the Douglas Crane public boat ramp at mark #16. The last 2 are within walking distance of big box stores like K-mart, Sears, and Wal-Mart, plus Home depot, though the last is just inside the city line.

      Cruising News:
      I keep a boat at Commachee Cove and without a doubt any cruiser would be smart to take a slip there rather than anchor. In every respect it is a first class operation and if you are in the vicinity it would be foolish not to avail yourself of their facility. To NOT support the anchoring regulations is irresponsible. Too many people just leave unattended boats that eventually become someone elses problem. The city is requiring that every 10 days the cruiser move for 1 night to a mooring and then they can move back at anchor for another 10 days. Also, they require that twice a yr the boat motors to their dock to prove their vessel is sea worthy. The city is bending over backwards to keep the area pristine and what they are asking is more than reasonable and to be honest anyone who doesn’t respect the city’s efforts; well, kindly put , I wouldn’t want them boating in my backyard.
      Ies Glasser

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Eastern Florida Marina Directory Listing For Camachee Cove Yacht Harbor

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Camachee Cove Yacht Harbor

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    • Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net Welcomes Our Newest Sponsor,

      This website hopes to better inform you of the causes of the blistering of fiberglass boats and the proper repair of them.SSECN’s newest sponsor is an experienced, well informed, expert a repairing that dreaded bottom condition called BLISTERS !! Captain Phil Turner has have been serving boaters and boat yards on the Northern Gulf for 15 years. His new website is now linked to “The Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net” in his effort to connect with boaters in his expanded service area, serving West and North East coast of Florida. Click on the sponsorship panel to the left to visit BoatPeel’s site.

      Phil’s practical down to earth discussion informs potential customers about the problem and his services. Phil’s website hopes to better inform vessel owners of the causes of the blistering of fiberglass boats and the proper repair of them. Much has been written about these subjects and there is nothing to be gained by repeating them here, but he will give you some links that should be helpful. We hope you will visit Boat-Peel’s website to better inform yourself about this serious maintenance issue.

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    • Casual Passage of the Rock Pile, AICW Statute Mile 355, Myrtle Beach, SC

      The “Rock Pile” is a three mile section of a man-made canal, officially known as the Pine Island Cut, used by the AICW to run between Little River and the Waccamaw River. Capt. Marquet was wise to heed the “dire warnings” about the Rock Pile, but misses the point of those warnings. The channel is narrow and lined with submerged concrete and rocks. Cruisers are urged to announce their presence on VHF in case large commercial traffic is approaching which could force you out of the channel’s mid-width and onto the “rocks”, especially at high tide when the rocks are fully submerged. Capt. Marquet is correct in stating that the passage is easy “if you stay well within the channel”, but that becomes a “big if” when facing an approaching barge in the narrowest sections.

      Cruising News:
      Because of dire warnings, we slogged through here @ 6 knots, but if you stay well within the channel there is no problem going faster.
      Carolou Marquet

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    • Shoaling Reported at Hell Gate, AICW Statute Mile 602

      The dredging of 2009 is slowly being overcome by shoaling through this perennial problem stretch, making Hell Gate another section that requires mid-to-high tide passage for vessels carrying 4ft or more draft. With his 6.25ft draft, Capt. Pascal is very alert to depth changes and his is the kind of vessel you would hope to be following through these trouble spots!

      Definitely more shallow, by a couple of feet, again on the same lines I usually run thru there.
      MM602, Hell Gate, 8′ to 9′ MLW thru most of the cut but some readings as low as 5′ to 6′ MLW around R90 and G89. Had 8′ of tides so I tried poking around for better readings, no luck. I usually pass about 40′ from R90, and about 30′ from G89; this time around it s definitely shallower by about 2 to 2.5′ compared to earlier this year.
      Capt. Pascal Gademer

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For Hell Gate

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • More Praise for Charleston Harbor Marina, Charleston Harbor, AICW Statute Mile 465

      Seaside Luxury at its best Always a pleasure to hear such good words about A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR! Charleston Harbor Marina is located on the eastern banks of the Cooper River downstream of Patriots Point between Horse Reach’s flashing buoys #34 and #36.

      My husband and I made Charleston Harbor Marina our 1st stop in a month long cruise out of Southport. Capt. Stan, the Harbormaster, and his crew made our stay carefree and he even offered to make reservations for our destinations along our route. The breakwater out front does its job to deaden the wakes of boat/ship traffic and lessens any current, which makes the boat happy. The showers and bathrooms were clean, laundry on site and the hotel amenities and a shuttle to Charleston are available. We enjoyed our stay and look forward to stopping again on our return.
      The Callemyn’s aboard
      M/V Turning Point,
      320EC World Cat

      Cruising News:
      We are staying at Charleston Harbor Marina and find it an excellent facility. It’s really windy (20-30knots) but we are comfortable in a slip. Shuttle serve to Charleston was convenient. Enjoyed a nice light supper at the Reel Bar. Definitely recommend this marina if you can’t get in to the City Marina.
      Eve-Marie Lacroix

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Charleston Harbor Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Charleston Harbor Marina

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