There are two Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoffs, north and south. Either can be a problem stretch between dredgings due primarily to shoaling, but this report concerns the area around marker 177 at the northern end of the southern cutoff, which has earned the Problem Stretch designation. The two cutoffs connect the Ashepoo and Coosaw Rivers and have a 5-7 ft tidal range. Our thanks to Blades Robinson for this good-news report.
NO PROBLEM – Depth Report from Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff AICW Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 517 We just transited over the five foot “blue shoal” depicted on the chart and the shoal is GONE! Our water depth was 27’ where the shoal was located on the chart and came up to 13’ before and after the indicated shoal. Apparently it has been dredged. Blades Robinson
This leg of Peg and Jim Healy’s voyage through South Carolina takes them through Charleston Harbor and south to Beaufort, home of CRUISERS’ NET SPONSORS, Downtown Marina and Port Royal Landing. The infamous Ashepoo-Coosaw Cut at Mile 517 is a Problem Stretch notorious for shoaling and channel shifting. And, as always, Cruisers’ Net is grateful to these experienced cruisers for sharing their observations and advice.
Sanctuary and crew cruised from Mt. Pleasant, Isle of Palms, to Beaufort, Port Royal Landing, on 10/18/2017.
Mt. Pleasant Range – The area from StM 460.0 to 460.5 is shoaling. We passed this area mid-channel at about 07h10, near high tide (+6.0), and saw 11.5 feet of water. The control depth would be 5-1/2 feet at low tide, less on a celestial low.
Dawho River, North Creek, Watts Cut – We transited this area between 11h50 and 12h15 (+3.0 –> +2.7 ft) and saw areas at 8.5 ft. The control depth for this area is about 5.5 feet at low tide, less on a celestial low.
Ashepoo-Coosaw Cut – This cut is in two parts; the north section that connects the Ashepoo River and Rock Creek and the South section that connects Rock Creek to the Coosaw River. The North cut is not a concern at this time. We transited the South section at 13h15, 1-1/4 hours before low tide (+0.5 ft). Favor “G181,” the outside radius of the curve there, and then favor red at the entrance, floating R”184.” Do not cut the corners here; follow the centerline of the cut out into the deeper water of the Coosaw River. There is a 5-1/2 ft sandpile at the entrance. We slowed for our passage, and never saw less than 5-1/2 ft.
Hope this is useful. Jim
Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary, currently at Rock Creek, Pasadena, MD Monk 36 Hull #132 MMSI #367042570 AGLCA #3767 MTOA #3436
Our thanks to Captain Hospodar for this report which is good news for all 5ft+ keels through this Problem Stretch. However, last year, depths of less than 5ft were reported via ARGUS readings at the south end of the Cut. Tidal range is 5-7ft here and is certainly a factor in deciding to take the Cutoff or use the longer alternate route, see /?p=141157. Be sure to click the ARGUS option at the top of the ChartView page.
My wife Pat and I traveled through the Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff into the Coosaw River on 10/25/16 one hour and 40 minutes after low water, staying wide of G “177” then traveling through the middle of the waterway and then slightly favoring the northwestern side of the channel between R “184” and G “185”, we found no less than 7 ½ feet of water throughout the area. Captain George Hospodar
Skipper Hale’s passage is what we can all hope for through this Problem Stretch. However, as recent as this past October (/?p=145007), depths of less than 5ft were reported via ARGUS readings at the south end of the Cut. Tidal range is 5-7ft here and is certainly a factor in deciding to take the Cutoff or use the longer alternate route, see /?p=141157. Be sure to click the ARGUS option at the top of the ChartView page.
Ashpoo Coosaw cut off. We are north bound and arrived at the south end 1.5 hour after low water. We were carrying +1.5′ as we entered. The lowest we saw was just inside G185 we had over 6 feet but we might have been too far to the right. At G177 we had 20 feet of water. Clearly it is quite dependent on where you are, and there were times we were hunting a bit to find the best water. 30 or 40 feet to either side of our track could have been quite different,I think you can still take 4″ draft through at low water. There were three trawlers ahead of us the largest one was 50 feet and she was almost half an hour head of us. I think this passage is doable for most of the tidal cycle. Certainly the 4 hours before high water and 2-3 hours after high water. A sailboat half an hour behind us followed our track and instructions. They saw nothing less than 8.5′ Cheers, Tom Hale Northbound on the ICW Charleston SC
This report comes to us from Dan and Jaye Lunsford’s log of their voyage through South Carolina, see /?p=145002. And, as reported by our good friends Mark and Diana Doyle: For those transiting South Carolina, Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff continues to be a problem area and carries LESS THAN 5 FEET MLLW. For an alternative to Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff, see /?p=134342
SM 517 Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff: Stay at least a couple of boat lengths off G177 at the entry (“square the corner”) for 10′ MLLW. At the exit, R184 was reported destroyed; a new temporary drop aid (floating can) was placed there on Friday — we met the Coast Guard small boat that was doing the work on their way back. Slightly favor that NW side between R184 and G185, but time the tides if necessary, we saw 5′ MLLW here briefly. Dan Jaye Lunsford
An earlier report recommended an alternate route to the Ashepoo Cutoff, see /?p=134342. Skipper Ross also reports on this slightly longer, but deeper water, with a warning about the southeast end of Combahee Bank.
Because we would have been at the Ashepoo Coosaw cut at low tide, we decided to take the alternate route out St Helena Sound before heading up the river beside Fenwick island. There is a spot where the chart is incorrect. Just off the ocean end of Combahee bank, there is a place charted as 21 to 22 ft deep. It is actually 10 ft at low tide. The rest of the charted depths are close to correct. Although this route is 5 miles farther, it is an excellent alternative to `The Cut’ Richard Ross MV Chez Nous
I second the above. You do not want to pass closer than 1/2 mile south of the Combahee Bank marker, and even then keep a wary eye on the depth sounder. A much less stressful alternative to the cutoff at less than high tide. Larry Shick
I should have realized when we first published the initial message above from “Chez Nous” that these good people pilot an ARGUS research vessel. As you will see below, ARGUS project leader, John Hursey, forwarded us this very useful chartlet, showing the soundings taken by Chez Nous. Note the color change in the sounding circles at the two spots indicated by the red lines. This shows soundings around 10 feet were taken at these locations!
Hi Claiborne, This just in from M/V Chez Nous, passing southeast of Combahee Bank in St. Helena Sound: Just off the ocean end of Combahee Bank, there is a place charted as21 to 22 ft deep. It is actually 10 ft at low tide.’ John
In reponse to an earlier SSECN posting on an alternate to Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff (see /?p=120938), Captain Mullins and crew took the Round-your-elbow route into St. Helena Sound to avoid the Cutoff and did so successfully.
On our trip south on an Ocean Alexander 58, 4 ft. draft, we determined that we were going to transit the Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff at low tide so we decided to turn left, heading south, after we passed through the cut at Fenwick Island. The Ashepoo river had 20 to 25 ft. of water in the middle and we followed it to the mouth, exited and went out in the St. Helena sound, turned north and bypassed the problem stretch all together. I would recommend this route for anyone with a 4 or 5 ft. or deeper draft heading into that area.
Our good friends, and SSECN strategic partners, Captains Mark and Diana Doyle, founders and owners of “On The Water ChartGuides” (, give us an updated, graphic report below, relaying what they discovered as they navigated through the AICW – Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff Problem Stretch on 11/16/13! Note that the Doyle’s soundings were taken near mid tide, so to calculate MLW depths, you must subtract 5.5 feet from their soundings depicted below. Applying this correction, Diana and Mark noted “multiple soundings of LESS THAN 5 FEET IN THE AICE CHANNEL NEAR MARKERS #184 AND #185. CLEARLY all cruisers piloting vessels larger than row boats should transit this AICW Problem Stretch at mid to high tide ONLY! Incidentally, Diana and Mark have recently published a new edition of their immensely popular “ICW CruiseGuide.” Click on the book graphic to the above left for more details, and to place an order!
Hi Claiborne, For those transiting South Carolina, Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff continues to be a problem area and carries LESS THAN 5 FEET MLLW. I’ve attached a printable high-resolution file of our November 16th survey report and depth-annotated track. Hopefully, SSECN readers cruising this area will find the report useful. Best, Captains Mark & Diana Doyle m/v Semi-Local
The Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff section of the AICW consists of a man-made canal which connects the Waterway between Rock Creek and the Coosaw River. Some two weeks ago, the SSECN posted an IMPORTANT “Navigation Alert” about severe shoaling at the northeastern end of the Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff, near marker #177. (see /?p=119918). Now, our good friends, and frequent SSECN contributors, Captains Jim and Peag Healy give some very useful advice below as to how this hazard can be avoided.
There is advice in many places to take G’177′ very wide. That correct advice is not new; it has been the case for years. That particular post drys at low tide, and always has. That danger is very easy to see at low tide, but it would be easy to ground near that post at high tide, so as is the case with all daymark posts in the southeast, stay away from them. They mark shoals, not channels. That G’177′ problem is very easy to see at low tide. The post is dry! It jumps out at you! But at high tide, it would be very deceptive. That’s what the problem is at that particular daymark. I “take my half out of the middle.” 🙂 Be well, my friend Peg and Jim Healy
Our good friends and frequent SSECN contributors, Captains Peg and Jim Healey, have sent us up-to-the-minute depth findings on the southwesterly section of the Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff AICW Problem Stretch. This man-made canal connects the AICW between Rock Creek and the Coosaw River. On 7/31/13, we published one of many reports by fellow cruisers that soundings had deteriorated at the southwestern tip of the Cutoff (see /?p=120036).
Sanctuary draws 4-1/4 feet. We transited the Ashpoo-Coosaw cut on Novenber 2, 2013, at 13h15, which was 1h20 before low tide, +0.9′ datum on the tide almanac. This was not a period of celestial high/low tides. The Ashpoo-Coosaw cut consists of two parts. The problem part is the southern cut, located between Rock Creek and the Coosaw River. The very worst part is at the point where the cut joins/enters the Coosaw River. In the southern Ashpoo-Coosaw cut, however, we saw actual depths of 4.9′ mid-channel at G’179.’ Then again, maybe 4.7′ just south of R’184′ G’185.’ The most current advice we found was to favor the red center-quarter of the channel at R’184′ G’185.’ We took that advice, and we got through. Very skinny water. Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary
For the last eight weeks or so, the Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff (canal) section of the South Carolina AICW (north of Beaufort, SC) has been the subject of an ACOE survey (FIRST seen here on the SSECN), multiple SSECN postings, and a joint call from the SSECN, the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association, and the South Carolina Marine Association, suggesting members of the cruising community contact the SC US Congressional delegation, and ask them to support a special appropriation to dredge these waters. (see /?p=119918, /?p=120036 and /?p=121335). Now, our good friends, and SSECN strategic partners, Captains Mark and Diana Doyle, founders and owners of “On The Water ChartGuides” (, give us an updated, graphic report relaying what they discovered as they navigated through the Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff’s southwesterly mouth on 8/26/13. NOTE THAT THE DOYLE’S SOUNDINGS WERE TAKEN AT MID-TIDE, MEANING THAT YOU MUST SUBTRACT 4.4 FEET FROM THEIR SOUNDINGS TO DISCOVER WHAT MLW DEPTHS WOULD BE. As you will discover, there is at least one spot along the southeastern flank of the Waterway, a short hop northeast of marker #185, that would be less than 3 feet at low water! YIKES!!!!!! We need to get these waters dredged NOW!!!!! Incidentally, Diana and Mark are just about to publish a new edition of their immensely popular “ICW CruiseGuide.” Click on the book graphic to the above right for more details, and to place a pre-order!
Captain Constant’s (dockmaster at SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Port Royal Landing Marina) report below is yet another confirmation of the many reports we have posted on the SSECN about AICW shoaling in the Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff Problem Stretch (see /?p=120036). And, just last Friday we appealed to the Cruising Community, for help in lobbying the South Carolina US Congressional delegation for a “supplemental appropriation” that would allow the US Army Corps of Enginners to dredge the Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff, and the AICW, north of Charleston, where it passes behind shallow Breach Inlet (see /?p=120893). Captain Constant’s suggested alternate route to avoid the Cutoff seems valid, and his is Local Knowledge – always good to have! Cruising south, the “bypass” would begin by turning southeast on the Ashepoo River (downstream), at the southern end of Fenwick Cut, then continuing downstream to Combahee Bank in St. Helena Sound. After CAREFULLY bypassing the “Combahee Bank” shoals, this route then turns northwest and heads for the Coosaw River, rejoining the Waterway near statute mile 519.5, west of marker #186. Unfortunately, both the route around the “Combahee Bank” shoals, and the AICW route near the point of rejoining the Waterway west of #186, are very sparsely marked, and the open waters from St. Helena Sound could kickup with an outgoing tide and easterly wind. THE USE OF A WELL FUNCTIONING GPS CHARTPLOTTER IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED WHILE TRAVERSING THIS ALTERNATE ASHEPOO-COOSAW CUTOFF BYPASS ROUTE! In spite to these challenges, until and if dredging is accomplished in the Ashepoo – Coosaaw Cutoff, this alternate passage may be preferable to the shallow depths in the Cutoff, particularly at low water. SSECN would like to hear from ANY other cruisers who have made use of this Ashepoo – St. Helena Sound – Coosaw River alternate route. PLEASE share your experiences with our fellow cruisers. You can use the “Comment” function below, or send e-mail directly to Thanks in advance!
I’m the dock master at Port Royal Landing Marina in Port Royal, SC. The shoaling going on just north of Beaufort at the Ashepoo-Coosaw cutoff is too low to navigate at low tide now with most trawlers and virtually all sailboats. How the dredges get through I don’t know. One alternative to dredging this area is to move the ICW one inlet closer to the ocean. If you go east out the Coosaw River to the Ashepoo River you will see its inlet at Otter Island. This inlet is a natural river with fresh water influx and is about 20′ in depth at the mouth at one point is about 15′ then back to 20′ at the Fenwick Cut. If traveling south you would take a left when clearing the Fenwick Cut and travel close to Otter Island into the Coosaw River. I live across the sound from this water and it is the way us locals travel now. Tony Constant
Captain Constant offers further advice on the Ashepoo/Coosaw Rivers junction at Combahee Bank.
When entering the Ashepoo River From the Coosaw River you should be closer to the beach at Otter Island than to the port channel marker. The shoal is shoaling there as well but not near as hard. As a rule I use, when north bound, if I see 12′-15′ of depth I will steer to starboard until I see about 20′. The Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff’s bottom is V shaped, meaning the channel is in the middle of the cut. 6-8 months ago it was much deeper with 9′-10′ of depth last year. Capt Ted took a 45′ trawler through about a month ago and only found 3′ of depth. Tony Constant
Well this is a bad thing with the cut off! But, it would be nice if reporting vessels would post the state of the tide in their reports. If Capt. Ted had 3′ at low water very bad, but if there is 5′ at high water, not so bad. Cygnus ll draws 3’4’³ Capt. Mike Wright
We did take this alternate route a couple of years ago when heading north at low tide. We decided to avoid the cutoff and go the long way around. It worked well with our 6′ 3’³ draft. The only advice I would give is to give the Combahee Bank plenty of respect. It would appear to be shoaling further southeast. Captain Richard
Does this alternate route turn up the coosaw river north of combahee bank or do yu have to go around the bank on the southeast end? Jake Smith
In answer to Captain Smith’s question above, we recommend rounding Combahee Bank, by carefully passing to the east and south of this shoal, staying well south of the one unnumbered, but lighted marker which denotes its position. Then, set a course to the northwest, passing southwest of marker #12. Use your chartplotter to keep to the wide channel while continuing northwest to rejoin the AICW, west of marker #186. Hope that helps to answer your question!
On 7/28/13 (a weekend no less), the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net received a telephone call from Captain Mike Verdolini, (Civil Engineering Technician, Navigation Branch, South Atlantic Charleston), at the Charleston, SC branch of the US Army Corps of Engineers. Captain Mike informed us that the Corps had just finished an official survey of the AICW from Charleston, SC to Beaufort. Two patches of severe shoaling had turned up, which he thought (quite rightly) should be brought to the IMMEDIATE ATTENTION of the cruising community. By the way, before going further, let me just say how honored we are that the US Army Corps of Engineers turned to the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net as their FIRST MEANS to get this important information into the hands of cruising captains. One patch of NEW shoaling appeared at the NORTHEASTERN tip of the Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff, near marker #177. We have put up a separate posting/Navigational Alert, about these shallows at /?p=119918. The other area of concern appeared on our old friend, the “AICW Problem Stretch,” at the southwestern tip of the Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff (Statute Mile 517), between markers #180 and #185. As you will see in the below graphic, supplied to the SSECN by the USACOE, low water depths on the southern-southeastern side of the channel, from the interior reaches of the Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff, to a point southwest of marker #185, run from 5.6 to as little as 2.6 feet. SOMEWHAT BETTER DEPTHS CAN BE MAINTAINED BY FAVORING THE NORTHERN AND NORTHWESTERN SIDES OF THE CHANNEL, but even with this plan of action, low water depths of as little as 4.7 feet are quite possible. WE NOW STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT ALL CRUISERS WHO PILOT VESSELS DRAWING MORE THAN 3 FEET, TIME THEIR PASSAGE OF THE AICW/ASHEPOO COOSAW CUTOFF STRICTLY FOR TIMES OF MID TO (PREFERABLY) HIGH TIDE! WE ASK THE HELP OF THE CRUISING COMMUNITY TO HELP US DISTRIBUTE THIS VITAL INFORMATION TO OUR FELLOW CRUISERS. If you belong to other nautical lists or forums, please direct members of such associations to this posting at /?p=120036. Both year round Palmetto State cruisers, and those cruising south on the AICW this fall, need to be well aware of this new hazard long before they actually arrive on these waters. The entire Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net team promises to keep a very CLOSE EYE on this developing situation as we move into the fall, 2013 transient season. We will bring you fresh info just as soon as it is available. In the meantime, everyone take care on these waters, and, again, please let us hear about your experiences at #177!!!!
Sir, In response to your call for feedback from cruisers who recently traversed the Ashepoo Coosaw cutoff:On Monday, 24 June 2013, I traversed this area southbound at dead low tide. I encountered very shallow water, around 3.5 feet, all the way from marker 180 to 185. My sailboat with a wing keel is aground when my sounder reads 4.3 feet, but the bottom seemed to be soft mud and I was able to plow through it, although at severely reduced speed because of the viscosity. (I had increased the engine speed to maximum rpm.) My position was the “magenta line” which travels down the middle of the cut in this area. Having passed marker 185 and into the Coosaw River, the water deepened and I was out of trouble. The tide tables predicted water depths to be 1 foot below mean low tide on this day. Peter Denoncourt S/V Kite
Earlier reports have indicated depths of 5.8 feet at dead low in this perennial “AICW Problem Stretch” north of Beaufort, SC. Captains Cordello, Horowitz and Raynor all confirm our recommendation to take this passage at mid to high tide.
June 1, 2013 Ditto to the above comments. Arrived at Asheepoo Coosaw Cutoff at dead low tide on June 1, 2013, and plowed into mud with a depth under 4′. Waited for 2 hours and got through with 6′. Wish I’d have looked at the alternate route down the Coosaw River and up the Asheepoo to Fenwick Island. It adds 4 miles but would have been a lot faster and less nerve-wracking. Bill Raynor
April 20, 2013 We just came thru Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff on 4/20/2013 and the reported shoaling has gotten worse. We consistently saw 4.5 feet at MLW and one 3.9 foot at MLW. There appears to be an easy by pass by going down the Coosaw River toward St Helena Sound and up the Ashepoo Rv. We have not tried this route but will on the trip south next fall. John Holmes
Oct 12 we also transit the Ashepoo/Coosaw Cut on a falling tide, just 2.5 feet above mlw, what we saw was exactly what was reported between markers 184 and 185 there would have been only 4.5 feet of water, strongly suggest going at mid to high tide. Doug Cordello
Southbound, 3 November 2012. Exited the Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff (`185’³) at 1735. Low tide at 1818, +1.27′. Saw depths as low as 6 1/2′, so when you do the math there is not a lot of water at MLLW +0.0. At 1600 +2.8′, 1700 +1.8′, 1800 +1.2′, so check the daily tables and plan your passage accordingly. Mike Horowitz ALTAIR
Earlier reports have indicated depths of 5.8 feet at dead low in this perennial “AICW Problem Stretch” south of Charleston, SC.
Abeam of “186” at 1137 and followed the magenta line around to abeam “185”, entrance to the Ashepoo-Coosaw cutoff, and depth dropped to as low as 8.1′, then bounced between 8.1′ to 8.5′ abeam of “184”. Low tide prediction: 1339, +0.14′-probably have at least 6′, + or -, at LT. Dredging would help. Michael J. Horowitz aboard ALTAIR
With his 6.25 ft draft, Capt. Pascal keeps a very sharp eye on the Waterway’s trouble spots and we can rely on the accuracy of his reports and the depths recorded here coincide with earlier reports of 5.8 feet at dead low in this perennial “AICW Problem Stretch” south of Charleston, SC. Penny’s report of Jan 23 suggests that the channel is shifting with the renewed shoaling.
I found shoaling to have worsened significantly over the summer in the southern section between the Coosaw and Rock creek. I follow the exact same path and found depths to be almost 2 ft shallower than back in May. I had planned to arrive with 3′ of tides remaining and ended up squeaking by with just a ft under the wheels (6.25 draft). This is definitely a play-the-tide stretch for most and close to Lil Mud River level. Everything else so far is pretty much unchanged since spring. Here are my notes: MM516 Ashepoo Coosaw Southern section, 6′ to 7′ MLW most of the way but some 4.5 to 5′ MLW spots just north of R184. This is down almost 2′ from this spring on the same line. Make sure you come in or exit the southern end of the cut at an angle as shown on the charts (by R184/G195). A new can G177 has been added by the FL G 177 to mark the shoal. Note that the northern section of the cut off bet R166 and R172 is no problem, over 12′ MLW. Capt. Pascal Gademer
Cruising News: Claiborne Just came through the Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff roughly two hours after high tide, +5.8′, and the lowest depth readings were 10.8′, suggesting there would be only 5′ at low. Looks like severe shoaling; suggest transiting with this in mind. So far, in our transit south this year from Sandy Hook to Delray Beach, this is the first serious shoaling we encountered. Mike Horowitz aboard ALTAIR
Just came through the Ashepoo Coosaw cutoff 3 times in the last 6 weeks. At the southern end near the Coosaw river, I saw 6 ft. at dead low tide. Favour the red side going south. The other two times I came through at mid tide rising and had no trouble. My vessel draws 5 ft. Hope this helps. Phil Mullins
Just cleared the Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff 1 hour after high tide with a 5 ft draft. Lowest water reported was 12 ft. near red 184. The new green can 177A is off station. Currently in the grass about 100 feet south of green day marker 177. Dick White aboard M/V Emerald Lady
These updated reports are pretty accurate except showing even more shoaling as green markers 169 and 177 are standing in grass with 20-30 feet of sand/mud on the bank at just before low tide. Depth sounder went off more times than I care to count. stay exactly between R 184 and G 185 then hug south bank to avoid extending shoal just after before heading to R 186. Favoring red as mentioned in another report put us in the mud for a quick thrill. Penny aboard Penelope
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