Ruddy Duck Tavern (Morehead City, NC, near St. M. 205)
The menu is extensive, food is prepared impeccably, and the taste is definitely palate-pleasing. If you’re in the area, you simply must sample their fare.
However, despite several sites’ comments on free dockage and power with a meal purchase, this is not necessarily so. I made the mistake of calling ahead for “permission” and was told that was for small boats who’d be in and out and not for a stay of several hours nor over night. I now realize that it’s better to act first and ask forgiveness second! When we arrived, there was a large sailboat tied to RD’s dock so we were happy to go to Sanitary’s dock for $10. 24 hours later when we departed, the sail boat was still there. I called, spoke with owner, Bill, who asked that I disseminate the information to all that the offer for overnight dockage is valid during his off-season. I never did get an explanation of the sailboat’s “special privilege”.
And again, their food is a gastronomic delight!
Laura Bender
M/V Kindred Spirit III
Grand Banks Classic 42
I am a big fan of Ruddy Duck and stayed on the float a month back. We stayed Thursday night and were planning a second night when we were asked very nicely to not stay since Friday was a busy night. Every night we have been there the place is packed. I guess the reasoning is that several small boats can fit in the spot we occupy and bring mucho customers and we are only two. We asked when landing about using the power and were told NO but later we were allowed to connect.
There are junior staff that one runs into and they really do not know what to say. I spoke to Fabian the owner or the woman who seems to be in authority and they gave me a straight answer. Small boats have several temporary docking opportunities close by and we have the Sanitary dock. I would offer to let small boats raft to me if I notice them. As a rule I would not expect to stay more than one night.
I am such a fan of the place that I often route people going into Sanitary Rest. (an awful place) to RD. I pointed to one big group (who asked my advice) that the great smells they were smelling were coming from RD and not Sanitary. Sanitary is the one restaurant that whenever its name is mentioned people volunteer that the food is awful. The owner thanked me for the recommendation later since the group mentioned my comments to him. BTW the combo fish platter is hands down the best seafood I have eaten and the leftovers fuel next nights dinner.
Greg and Susan Han
Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Morehead City Yacht Basin
Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Morehead Gulf Docks
Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For the Morehead City Docks
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