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    • Dowry Creek Marina (Statute Mile 131.5)

      Dowry Creek Marina has the reputation as one of the most cruiser friendly marinas on the AICW. Captain Pat’s message below will do nothing to hurt that enviable reputation.

      Dowry Creek Marina is my home tonight. Nice facilitises and staff. Not Cable but wifi works great. Captains lounge with nightly get together. They also have courtesy car for trip to Belhaven for food or booze or….Channel depth coming in was between 8 to 10 feet. Docks are fixed with about 15 foot finger piers so some lines will have to be hung on pilings. Southeast to south, souteast is exposed but other directions are protected. They also have a pool and seem to have tennis courts. Chairs and patios for lounging in the sunny weather. Small ships store. Easy in and easy out from ICW.
      Take it easy have a nice evening.
      Pat Banyas
      s/v Marguerite

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    • River Dunes Marina (off Neuse River and Broad Creek, Statute Mile 173.5)

       The development and marina known as River Dunes, sits in an ultra-sheltered harbor off the particular Broad Creek which cuts into the Neuse River between Bay River and Oriental. In North Carolina, you have to be careful to spell out which Broad Creek you are speaking about, as there are at least a half dozen “broad creeks” on the state’s coastline.
      Anyway, back to River Dunes. This is, quite simply, the most impressive development I think I have ever seen. You have to see the eloquence and charm here for yourself to have a full appreciation. And, the marina is first class in every way. I would urge all cruisers to check out River Dunes. You won’t be sorry.
      And, lest I forget, these good people are a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISRERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      Subject: River Dunes, NC
      Cruising News: We recently had the pleasure of docking at River Dunes, North Carolina. River Dunes is a sheltered harbor located a few miles east of Oriental, just minutes off the Neuse River and the ICW. Our sailing club the `Carrot Island Yacht Club’ recently held a rendezvous there. I have to say the experience was top notch from the moment we radioed that we were entering their channel to the day we departed. The staff was outstanding, helpful, friendly and accommodating. The facilities are second to none, including all new floating docks, fuel & pump out stations, hospitality center, restaurant, pool, hot tubs, cabanas, laundry, grills, fire pits, courtesy car, and bikes. If you need to sleep in a real bed on dry land, they have beautifully decorated and equipped cottages to rent.
      We have cruised extensively on the Eastern seaboard and can highly recommend River Dunes to anyone cruising in the area.
      Wayne & Vanessa Stryker

      Click Here For More Information On River Dunes Marina

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    • Oriental and Toucan Grill (Statute Mile 181)

      Toucan Grill and Fresh Bar in Oriental, NCCaptain Pat’s gives us some excellent info concerning the charming river village of Oriental below. Not only is this place the sailing capital of the North Carolina coastline, but, with its location directly off the AICW, Oriental is a very popular port of call for AICW cruisers. And, lest I forget, Oriental Marina and Toucan Grill (located on the community’s innermost harbor), mentioned very favorably in Captain Pat’s note below, is a valued SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      I know from my last visit [to Oriental] that there are several restaurants within walking distance, the best being Toucan Grill at Oriental Marina. A grocery store is about 1 mile away from
      Oriental Marina. Oriental Marina is very animal friendly. Limited number of slips, maybe 10? There are 2 ‘Free’ docks adjacent to Oriental Marina but they have always been occupied and they are shallow. The basin Oriental Marina is in is easy to access and their slips are very well protected. There is also a well equipped ships store and provisioning store 1 block from Oriental Marina. Oriental downtown is small revitalized 3 or 4 block section with some gift, antique, and knick knack shops and some restaurants and snack shops. Fresh seafood available in season otherwise fresh frozen.
      Pat Banyas
      s/v Marguerite

      We spent a week at Oriental Marina. Very nice and helpful marina personnel. The only negative I find is the lack of pump out capability. Especially in light of a week’s stay.
      We enjoyed a meal at M&M while enjoying a lovely sunset. Also, there’s a very nice art store, Down East Canvas & Gallery, located just across the main road (at the bridge) from the other Oriental marina. Lovely original watercolors. Additionally, the store owners do marine canvas work.
      One item of note. We needed to get to a pharmacy as well as having the desire for a larger grocery store. A lady heard me asking the marina personnel how far a walk it would be. After learning the trek could be at least 10 miles, she offered to drive my wife and I, strangers to her, to handle the errands. One of the many examples of the great people we’ve met along our way.
      Perry & Kathy Sellars
      M/V Marsh Mellow

      Click Here For More Information On Oriental Marina and Toucan Grill

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    • Proposed North Carolina Legilsation Would Mandate Pump-out Logs

      Here's one I had not heard about before, and right in my back yard.

      Subject: Proposed Legislation in NC
      Cruising News: House Bill 1378 has been filed in the NC General Assembly. The proposed legislation would require boaters to document every pump out and keep the log for random inspections by various government agencies. Furthermore, the proposed legislation would require marinas with 10 or more wet slips, sells fuel and provides water must have a pump out station by July 1, 2010.
      To see the proposed legislation in its entirety, go to
      and click on the latest version under "TEXT".
      Van Perryman

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    • Caspers Marina and Swansboro (Statute Mile 229)

      Nice summary of the features to be found at Caspers Marina, and what is available in the downtown Swansboro business/histroic district. I would just add that if you like fried seafood, don’t dare miss Captain Charleys Seafood Paradise.

      Stayed at Caspers Marina ($1.25 a foot) tonight, April 11, 2009. Dock hands were quick and knew how to tie a line. Docks exposed to fetch from west or WSW. Fixeed wood docks in good repair. As with Dudleys this marina is also exposed to passing boat traffic but seems to die off after dark. I personally would not stay at either marina for severe weather if it could be helped. Fairly new power pedestals with cable that works. Wifi worked right off the bat with no issues, fast and stable. New building
      for bathrooms and shower, one shower and one mens/one ladies restroom. Small shipstore on site.
      Town is 5 minutes walk, around 3 blocks. 6 or 7 restaurants serving deli stuffs to cooked Prime Cow and seafoods. Also, Ice cream and snacks. Downtown is a small revitalized 5 block section with some gift, antique, and knick knack shops. They have a courtesy car which you can use to drive about 3 miles north to a Lowes grocery store which has a very good selection.
      Pat Banyas
      s/v Marguerite

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    • Harbour Village Marina (Statute Mile 266)

      The last info I had on Harbour Village was that transients were being accomodated at their fuel dock. Wone if they’ve expanded their transient space?

      Anyway I left and tonight am in Harbour Village Marina in Hampstead NC. I normally stay in Beach House Marina but what with the Easter weekend Beach house was full.
      Harbour Village Marina also is a nice protected marina with good cable and wifi. The only issue with them is that you normally need to contact them by phone and VHF will not get them a lot of the time. The only food delivery places are Dominos pizza and a Chinese place. The entrance channel is well marked and was dredged (12 feet mid tide) and new docks since last I was here in 2005.
      Pat Banyas
      s/v Marguerite

      Click Here For More Information On Harbour Village Marina

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    • Seapath Yacht Club Marina (Wrightsville Beach, off Motts Channel, Statute Mile 280)

      Interesting review of Seapath Yacht Club Marina. I especially like that they have a courtesy car.
      This facility is located just off the AICW, by way of Motts Channel, which cuts east from the Waterway, south of Wrightsville Beach Marina.

      Hi Claiborne
      I am indeed headed north. I spent last night at Seapath in WrightsvilleBeach and although I like their docks and the ease of getting in and out I can attest that their not really transient oriented. Their bathroom/shower is one single room. The dock hands are great and regardless the current or wind the face dock is easy to mate to and never rocks too much. Their wifi is very poor though if you are not right up close to their dock office. Last night the Waterway Guide people spent the night there and seem like nice people but of course they were right up next to the office! Seapath also has a nice courtesy car that always works.
      Pat Banyas
      s/v Marguerite

      Click Here For More Information On Seapath Yacht Club

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    • Thoughts On Cruising the Dismal Swamp Canal

      What a GREAT account of cruising the historic Dismal Swamp Canal by Patty, Robert and Maggi! (copied from the AGLCA list). Other fellow cruisers also add to this discussion!

      ORINOCO had the privilege to float on the waters of the Dismal Swamp.  This was an experience akin to walking quietly through the woods on a nature trail.
      The waters splashed in rhythm to the soft hum of the engines propelling mere mortals along in this pristine area of trees and water.  The quietness of the journey in a trawler seems in contradiction ,but quiet it was. The slow speed and gentle splash was hardly noticed by the loud and sometimes frenzied call of the birds, unaware of the travel by mariners this cool morning.  As I sit out on the bow breathing in the cool, damp air, I feel as the ancient boaters of long ago.   The trees are not the same ones, but grew from those same seeds, the dogwood in various shades of pink and white are of the same strands as the first Americans saw on the journey.
      The waters at first wind slowly with houses alongside the banks but are soon replaced by the deep woods and very straight and narrow paths of waterway as we head North to a destination.  Is this not the destination in itself?  The wonder and privilege of travel on a vessel through the swamps and marshes and the hardwood forests makes the act of actually being tied to a dock or anchored just a function ,not the destination. The Dismal Swamp ended too soon with the ancient locks with the old buildings and even older lock operators who drive from the bridge to the lock with no hurry.  We are not hurried only transformed by this experience.
      Patty Mitchell and Robert with Maggi wonder dog

      I am so happy to hear positive reports of experiences travelling through the Dismal Swamp.  We too thought it was magnificent – a truly unique portion of the whole loop. Take it slowly and savour every minute.

      A beautiful trip as all have said. We passed through in a N to S direction last year but had the unsettling experience of bumping several somethings during the journey. We never saw anything but the boat actually lifted up a bit with each of the bumps and we draw no more than 4 ft. We were going dead slow the whole way and the water wasn't low, a bit unnerving, but, no damage!
      David and Anne Scott

      One of the very special experiences of the swamp is if you get the opportunity to meet Robert the lock master at the north end Elizabeth lock. He is a charming and special person dedicated to the canal as a piece of history.  Also he plays a mean conch!

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    • Great Times in Elizabeth City (Dismal Swamp Route, Statute Mile 50.5)

      It’s getting almost commonplaced for us to post messages here on the Net’s “North Carolina” section about good cruising experiences in Elizabeth City, NC (a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR). Those who decide to “do the Dismal,” should put a big, red circle around Elizabeth City. Those who bypass with wonderful port of call, are simply missing the best that these waters have to offer!

      Subject: Elizabeth City
      Cruising News: As one of the early boats heading north on the ICW. It was refreshing to find the hospitality of the Elizabeth City Mayor.
      On April 1, at about 4:30 in the afternoon we arrived at the Elizabeth City Dock.
      A short time later the City Mayor approached us and offered the hospitality of the city. Explaining all that was available in town from dinner theater, great places to eat, museaums, Post Office and Library as well as free wi fi at the dock.
      What a great feeling being made so welcome after a long days cruise.
      Cudos to Elizabeth City
      John and Dottie on the DAR SEA

      Click Here For More Information On the Mariner’s Wharf – Elizabeth City Docks

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    • Southport Marina (Statute Mile 309)

      Southport Marina is “the” place to stay, as you make your turn to the south from Cape Fear River, and, these good folks are a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      We stayed at Southport Marina. Very nice place with new docks and facilities and next to Cat dealer for service on engines and oil. Wakes rock a bit in the marina. $1.75/ft no discount
      Patty Mitchell

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    • Dudleys Marina A Good Deal (Statute Mile 229)

      Dudleys actually sits across the White Oak River Causeway/Bridge from downtown Swansboro, so it can be an interesting walk into the business/historic district, where you will find ALL the MANY wonderful restaurants, including Captain Charley’s Seafood Paradise (perhaps the best FRIED seafood in NC).

      Subject: Marina
      Cruising News: Dudley’s Marina in Swansboro,NC is a good deal! Not in the cruising books but has docks for .75/ft and free electric 50a.They have clean restrooms and a van for going to store, etc.
      Patty Mitchell

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    • Joseph’s Bistro at South Harbor Village Marina (Statute Mile 311)

      Wow, sounds really good Captain Jane. After that linguini with white wine and garlic sauce, I guess you were safe from vampires for awhile!

      We did . . . eat out the next evening further north at Joseph’s Italian Bistro. It is at South Harbor Village Marina and has not failed to serve up excellent, real Italian food since the day we ate there shortly after Hurricane Isabel when it first opened. This is no chain; it’s a “real” restaurant owned by a guy who truly knows how to cook.
      I love their linguini with white wine and garlic sauce with clams or frutti di mare. For meatball lovers, Joseph’s mom makes a mean meatball. It’s not only just like mama used to make– it’s a real Italian mama making it right now.
      Their desserts look great but the dinner portions are so generous, I don’t think we’ve ever partaken.
      S/V Lady Jane

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    • New AICW Marina Near Carolina Beach (near Statute Mile 295)

      As Captains Jackie and Lynn note below, Joyner marina has risen from the one-time location of Oceanic Marina. This location is found almost due east of the AICW's easterly entrance into Snows Cut.

      For those who are planning on coming up the ICW through NC, the old Oceanic Marina has been totally rebuilt and very modern with new floating docks, fuel, pump out, marine supplies, free Wi-Fi, cable, etc. The marina is now named Joyner Marina and the phone number is 910-458-5053. Their web site is . If you dock there, I would recommend that you not dock on the fuel dock as considerable boat traffic goes by but they have good access to well protected docks inside the bulkhead and rock jetty.
      I have no association with the marina but with the Carolina Beach State Park Marina not operational this year, Joyner marina and Federal Point Yacht Club would be good choices.
      Hope the info is helpful.
      May you have fair skies and calm seas,
      Capt. Jackie and Capt. Lynn Millikin
      Nauti Dreams

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    • Praise for McCotters Marina and Repair Yard (Pamlico River, Washington, NC)

      McCotters Marina, Washington, NCMcCotters Marina and Repair Yard is located on Broad Creek, a few miles downstream of the Washington, NC waterfront. McCotters is one of the largest marinas in North Carolina, and its repair capabilities, as you will see below, are impressive. And, they are a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      Hello Claiborne:
      Just want to let you and everyone know that we just had some repair work done at McCotters Marina in Washington, NC. We could not be happier with the work, Everything was finished on time, and the price was fair. That’s a good recommendation for any repair yard. These good folks receive our hightest recommendation.
      Skipper Fowler

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    • Galley Stores Marina (New Bern, NC – Neuse River)

      New Bern’s newest pleasure craft facility, Galley Stores Marina, is located on the Neuse River side of New Bern. And, I’m also glad to note they are a SALTY SOUTHEAST Galley Stores, on the Trent River in New BernCRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      Announcing the opening of Galley Marina at Skipjack Landing, New Bern, N.C. We are now open specializing in transient boaters and we wanted to let all you know. We have more then 900 feet of protected dockage, pump out at 10 slips, fuel, a full market for provisioning and shower facilities. We also have decided to lease 12 slips of 45 our slips for permanent dockage. If you are interested in moving your boat for long term or for just a few days let us know. Additionally we have a unique opportunity for groups. We have on our staff, an executive chef who can cater on the dock group meals or individual get always, great for day trips or larger gatherings. Give us a call or contact us at

      Click Here For More Information On Galley Stores Marina

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    • GREAT Hardware Store in Morehead City, NC

      The "Ace Hardware" store described below is within easy walking distance of Morehead City Yacht Basin (A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS' NET SPONSOR), or several other marinas along the downtown Morehead City waterfront. I agree with Captains Ron, Peg and Jim. This is an excellent hardware/marine store, in a very advantageous location for cruisers.

      There is an amazing Ace Hardware [in Morehead City, NC] which is really a marine store. Perhaps the phrase "commercial chandlery" is more appropriate as they appear to support the local fishing trawlers."
      Ron Rogers

      Business's name is "Ace Marine and Rigging."  Their "primary" business is 1/2" and bigger wire rope and fittings for commercial fishing, workboats and dredges.  Manager is Mel Smith.  Business location is 600 Arundel Ave, MC, NC, 28557.  Contact number is (252) 726-6620, or (800) 622-7592.  Excellent stock of 316 SS connectors at the best prices I've seen anywhere; i.e., 5/8" 316 SS bolt 'n pin shackle for $25 bucks.  Also great prices on large boat cable in 2-0 and 4-0 sizes, Racor filters ($6 for the 500 size) and oil diapers.  They have excellent stock and pricing on bulk 3-strand nylon line for anchor rode and homebrew dock lines, and on chain.  It's also a full line ACE Hardware, complete with very large size tap and die in stock.  Call them if you know what you want, and Mel will ship.  He's a superb guy.  Ron is right!  It's a unique and amazing place!!!  By far the best on the east coast.
      No connection; just a very happy customer. 
      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary,

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    • Spooners Creek Marina (Statute Mile 210.5)

      The message below comes to us from Captain Keith Mackey, owner of CC Yacht Delivery (A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, ). PLEASE patronize Captain Mackey’s service whenever possible.
      Spooners Creek Marina (252) 726-2060 - new condominiums, DEEP WATER SLIPS Spooners Creek is my OLD home base on the North Carolina coastline. The facility is very different now than it was in the days when Bruce, Rene and John Fetzer manned the bastions here, but the new icarnation is very nice as well, and they are also a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR (! Spooners Creek’s entry channel lies off the southern flank of the AICW’s run through Bougue Sound, as short hop west of the Atlantic Beach high-rise bridge. See you there!

      I did a short little delivery trip on the ICW this past Sunday (1/24/09) from Morehead City to Wrightsville Beach. I had my first opportunity to visit Spooners Creek Marina. While I picked the boat up from a private residence back in Spooner?s Creek, I did have an opportunity to check out the marina before I departed. This is a class “A” facility. The entrance is deep and well marked. The yacht basin is also very deep and the docks and facilities are new and top of the line. While the marina is not on the main strip in Morehead City, it is a very reasonable walk (about a mile or so through the neighborhood) up to HWY 24 where the Super WalMart is located and an Outback Steakhouse is just another 2 or 3 blocks. The marina is directly off the ICW and is well protected.
      I hope this is helpful. With kind regards,
      Capt Keith

      Click Here For More Information On Spooners Creek Marina

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    • Wintering Aboard on the NC Coastline

      Wow, check out the attached photo. I bet Bob and Becky wish they were in Florida at this point!

      Hi Claiborne:
      Bob & Becky Webster on SUNCATCHER. This is @ Sea Gate Marina Chipped ice for 2 days finally put table salt on the deck etc. so we did not get hurt coming off our boat. Thank you for your great web site. I still keep passing it along.

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    • New B&B In Elizabeth City, NC

      Sounds like a great place for those who want to rest ashore, with solid ground under their feet, for a night or two!

      We opened the newest B&B in Elizabeth City (NC), the Grice-Fearing House Bed and Breakfast, in the oldest house in the City, ca. 1798.  Our website is: and we are located at:
      200 South Road Street
      Elizabeth City, NC  27909
      We are just five blocks from the waterfront, convenient to boaters.  We offer the only B&B in Elizabeth City with suites and jacuzzis. 
      We would appreciate your listing us in your accommodations section.
      Thanks!  Georgene and Vidal Falcon, Innkeepers
      Grice-Fearing House B&B

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    • Why We Cruise

      Captain Scott Bulger has graciously allowed me to copy his note below from the T&T (Trawlers and Trawlering) list. His thoughts are truly one of the reasons that many of us are so hooked on the cruisng life!

      As I sit in Ft. Lauderdale waiting for Alanui to ship to Seattle I'm caught up reflecting on what a wonderful voyage it's been.  Without a doubt the most rewarding part of the journey has been the people you meet along the way.  From the other Nordhavn and trawler owners to the crew on various sailboats along the way, we have met some of the most amazing people in our lives. 
      I'm particularly in awe of those young families that choose to take their children on these adventures.  One family we met along the way is the Besemers.  David, Kathryn and Alya are telling their story on the internet via blogs and video. is the url where you can follow along.  I'm only mentioning this because so many on the list are considering these voyages and I can't think of a better way to see what it's like then through the eyes of a 12 year old.
      Anyway, to all of those we have met along the way, please accept our wishes for a joyous and safe 2009.
      Scott and Marian Bulger

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