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    • Myrtle Beach Yacht Club Awarded Clean Marina Certification, AICW Statute Mile 346

      Myrtle Beach Yacht Club is unmatched for its Lowcountry charm and gracious hospitality. Myrtle Beach Yacht Club on Coquina Harbor has been a great stopping place and a friend to cruisers for years and now they are a friend to the environment. Naturally, they are a Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net Sponsor!

      Cruising News:
      We are proud to announce that Myrtle Beach Yacht Club is now a Certified Clean Marina Destination in the state of South Carolina. MBYC was presented with the Clean Marina Certification and Flag by the South Carolina Marina Association on Saturday, June 11th.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s South Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Myrtle Beach Yacht Club

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Myrtle Beach Yacht Club

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    • New Idea for “Anchoring Permits” Proposed in Regards to the Sarasota, Florida Pilot Mooring Field Project

      Captain Ken DeLacy is a fellow live-aboard cruiser who has been working very had for several years in concert with other Sarasota boaters to bring about sensible mooring field/anchorage regulations which both preserve the rights of cruisers to anchor, yet address the problem of derelicts and “live aboard hulks.” In our collective opinion, his idea, outlined below, for Sarasota “Anchoring Permits” goes a long way towards solving these twin concerns. In a nutshell, as you will read, there is no time limit set for anchoring in Sarasota waters, as long as the vessel in question can pass a simple USCG Safety Inspection. This one simple act, will quickly cut out the derelicts and “live aboard hulks.”
      We believe this is an idea WELL WORTHY OF CAREFUL CONSIDERATION!

      Cruising News:
      Being a resident in Sarasota, one of the Pilot Program sites, and a concerned cruiser I made the drive down to Key Largo last Tuesday to attend the Public Workshop meeting. While I noticed about 40 cruisers in attendence only about 5 spoke. I did pitch the idea of Anchroing Permits as an alternitive to buffer zones and time limits to sort of test the waters. Some positive feed back was received by 2 cruisers, 1 condo resident who previously spoke supporting more mooring fields, and the FWC. We are looking for further thoughts on the idea and so I thought I’d paste it below.
      Thanks for any input and a special thank you to Claiborne and this network.
      Ken DeLacy

      Sarasota Anchoring Permit – draft 2
      The City of Sarasota will issue 90 day and Annual anchoring permits to all vessel owners who meet the following requirements. (90 day for cruisers and Annual Permits for cruisers/locals)
      1. a. Vessel shall obtain a USCG Aux. Vessel Safety Check (VSC) and receive either a “Yes” or “N/A” in order to receive the VSC decal. (Inspects Marine Sanitation Device, life jackets, fire extinguishers, navigation lights, etc.)
      b. Vessel shall also be required to receive a “Yes” for Items I – VI under “Recommended and Discussion Items” of the VSC. (Inspects anchors and line, bilge pump, marine radio, 1st aide kit, etc.)
      c. Vessel shall be required to navigate under it’s own power to a USCG facility, or other location which still demonstrates vessel’s ability to navigate, for VSC inspection. (USCG Aux. has assured willingness and ability to perform inspections at their dock at Centennial Park. They are volunteers – no cost to City.)
      d. Vessel shall display an up to date decal at all times. (Issued by USCG Aux. upon a passing inspection)
      2. All anchoring permit holders will be required to use pump-out services. (The VSC will require a functioning Marine Sanitation Device. The City pump-out boat which is currently servicing anchored vessels will report non compliant vessels to Marine Police.)
      3. Annual anchoring permit holders will be required to have a licensed diver inspect their anchoring system once their boat is anchored. The permit holder will be responsible for all these associated costs, and the diver must check off the following requirements. (Keeps costs away from City and placed upon the Anchoring Permit holder.)
      a. Vessel in location not adversely effecting seagrass, navigation, or another anchored vessel.
      b. Appropriate type and size line / chain used with no obvious defects.
      c. Appropriate amount of scope deployed.
      d. Anti chafe gear in place and in good condition.
      e. (1). Two anchor system set approx. 180 degrees apart. (2). Three anchor system set approx. 120 degrees part. (3). Four anchor system set approx. 90 degrees apart. (4). One anchor system not permitted.
      4. Applicant responsible for presenting VSC and Diver Inspection to Marine Police in order to receive the Anchoring Permit. Failure to do so within 30 days of arrival may result in violation of City Ordinance 07-4711(x)(x)(x).

      Shouldn’t short-term anchoring be permitted for at least a week without requiring a permit? Or will adequate moorings be available for rent? Last I heard, work had been stopped on expanding the very small mooring field.
      Will White

      The mistake I see in all of this is buying into their argument that a problem exists. The Sarasota proposal does that on steroids.

      What isn’t clear is what does this mean to someone who might want to anchor for a week. To go through all this rigamarole and expense for a short stay is a non-starter for us. The rules for clearing in and out of Cuba are simpler.

      This could be the way to go as it will help with the derelict vessel problem but needs a little tweaking. the diver inspection would be a problem because if no diver corps have the right permitting they just will not offer the services which will make all the rest obsolete. there should be no third party involved but city and state otherwise there will be price gouging and corruption and we have all had enough of that
      Dave C.

      Terrible idea! You might as well just outlaw anchoring. Why should those who wish to anchor have to submit to this sort of drastic limit on their freedom? I for one consider having to fill out forms and taking tests to be totally against the spirit, and for that matter, established law of anchoring. It would absolutely guarantee I won’t visit Sarasota by water. I wouldn’t want to waste the time and money. This is a very slippery slope. Once one town gets a law like this on the books, the others with mooring fields will institute similar laws, but with different requirements. Before long we will have to register and submit forms, and of course pay fees to administer and enforce all this, to anchor anywhere. Other problems: a USCG auxiliary inspection requires equipment above what is required by law’“unenforceable, and I suspect someone could have the ticket thrown out of court for this reason. Many of us don’t use holding tanks and don’t require pumpouts’“I have a composting system. Having a licensed diver inspect your anchor = $$. Having someone else determine how I should be anchored is something I will not submit to. I have anchored thousands of times and I know how to anchor. This is obviously just a way to make it so much hassle that it will drive the anchorers away.
      John Kettlewell

      You HAVE to be kidding! We just spent 10 days anchored off Island Park in Sarasota. The bum boats are mostly gone already, lots of anchoring room, police towed two remaining abandoned boats away while we were there. We really enjoyed our stay, spent lots of money in their stores downtown, restaurants, etc. If this `anchoring permit’ idea goes into effect we will NEVER again stop in Sarasota!!!
      I would not be willing to waste my time going into an inspection station even though my vessel meets all of the requirements just so I could anchor for a short time in Sarasota. This `anchor permit’ will deter all cruisers who just want to spend a few days enjoying Sarasota from ever stopping there again. BAD idea, might as well just ban all anchoring in Sarasota waters. I would rather deal with a time limit (even a short one) than to submit to all this bureaucratic nonsense!!
      Larry Sherman

      Cruisers who want to anchor for less than 90 days don’t and shouldn’t need a permit to limit their freedom to do so.
      Non-cruisers, local residents or NOT, who want to STORE their boats at anchor for more than 90 days should be subject to oversight to protect the other cruisers using adjacent waterways from becoming victims of their neglect. An anchoring permit is a reasonable solution if you cannot STORE your boat on land.
      If the permit is a device to get derilect boats removed from sight, it will fail because you can comply with all the requirements of the permit and still have an unsightly boat.
      David Burnham

      Not sure why a two anchor system is preferred over a single good anchor. Two anchors will lead to different swing patterns and will not increase holding as the weakest link in the chain is still the worst anchor. For the transient cruiser it is a major hassle to deal with the `multi’ anchor folks.
      Stop increasing regulations and start enforcing the existing rules. Most derelicts do not have current registration or sanitation devices. Enough to violate existing regulations.
      S/V Endeavor

      I personally think USCG Aux. Vessel Safety Checks are a great idea, and we do one every year as a routine, ongoing safety program. I can support that idea in principle, and I ass/u/me it would also include the equivalent check from the US Power Squadron. One issues is that the stickers are based on a calendar year and expire in December. There needs to be a grace period recognizing that the program is an annual calendar-based program.
      I also agree with the idea that there needs to be a short term exclusion. It *is not* reasonable to require a permit for short stays; perhaps less than 14 days.
      One poster does raise an interesting point. What happens if one anchors in violation of a permit? Penalty? Fine? I wonder if a permit violation based on requirements that exceed state law and CG regulations would be enforceable? That criteria would just waste everyone’s time and energy, generate enormous dissatisfaction and resentment, and seems like it would be contrary to the spirit test.
      Finally, I agree that any ordinance needs to have a clearly defined statement of purpose and objective. If Sarasota’s is about derelict boats and derelict boats are not a problem, then there should be no ordinance.
      Jim Healy, aboard Sanctuary
      Monk 36 hull 132

      Not sure why a two anchor system is preferred over a single good anchor. Two anchors will lead to different swing patterns and will not increase holding as the weakest link in the chain is still the worst anchor. For the transient cruiser it is a major hassle to deal with the `multi’ anchor folks.
      Stop increasing regulations and start enforcing the existing rules. Most derelicts do not have current registration or sanitation devices. Enough to violate existing regulations.
      S/V Endeavor

      I too do not agree with over regulation. Particulerly when one of the city of Sarasotas complaints is the cost of enforcing current laws. However Ken’s proposal is much more cruiser frindly then plans that state no longer then 72 hours on anchor in city waters. That require the use of the proposed Marina Jacks managed mooring field after 72 hours. The city has been chosen as a state pilot program site. There will be regulations put in place. I would perfer the people pushing the mooring field not write them. To add to all of this the city claims that after there last mooring field failure. They are to invested to permenently abandon the plan. At the same time they will not rent showers, laundry facilitys, WiFi, or parking passes to cruisers or resident boat owners. Opening these services to boaters (not on Marina Jack’s docks) who can prove they have a safe navigable vessel. Could recover there loss with out adding to there debt. Aswell as bringing in more of the cruisers who would pay for those on shore luxuries. On the anchoring topic I do not care how you anchor. Just dont hit me and dont swing in that horried 200 ft 1 anchor ark. However when you pull up a ball of lovely Sarasota bay muck. Dont cry when you hit the beach or worse yet me.
      Bryan Makepeace
      S/V Albatross

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    • Interesting Article on Ocracoke, NC (off the AICW, on Pamlico Sound)

      What a great report from Captains Greg and Susan concerning one of the North Carolina’s most popular ports of call. Note that this cruising duo note the same shoaling in the Big Foot Slough Channel, on which we reported last week, but they also reflect a later report of dredging here. Follow the link provided below to check out this earlier article.
      Even if you don’t plan on visiting Ocracoke this summer, Greg and Susan’s account of the “movie” in Ocracoke, plus the offshore research trip, is well worth a read!

      Allegria is spending and extended weekend at the USNPS docks in Ocracoke, NC. This idyllic village on the outer banks is the perfect place to enjoythe summer’s heat with a cooling breeze. The docks were only half full and we got a great spot along with enough power to be comforable with our A/C. Since we are over 62 years old we can use our Golden Passports here to get a 50% discount on the dockage, quite a bargain. The channel entering the Silver Lake anchorage was extremely shoaled with barely 6′ on the green side and seabirds walking around on the red side. Fortunately, there is an USACOE dredge working there right now.
      Last night in Ocracoke, there was a feature movie played right behind our boat on a big inflatable screen, of a Disney from 2009 entitled Oceans. It had some of the most spectacular wildlife footage I have ever seen. One scene in Alaska had a pod of grey whales herding bait fish into a ball using air bubbles. Then a dozen full grown grey whale exploded to the surface en-mass from deep down. The slow motion showed their mouths, which sieve out the fish from the water, bloated and distended with their catch as they fell back. Truly do not miss this film, it is unlike anything else I have ever seen. See some clips at
      There is an 85′ NOAA research vessel in residence which is working on a project to locate and photograph wrecks that are offshore from the Battle of the Atlantic, the extended battle between U boats and merchant and US Navy ships that resulted in dozen of sinkings in the early part of WWII. They have a sophisticated free ranging, self propelled side scan sonar device that they release to run track lines along the bottom. When retrieved, the data can be downloaded and reviewed. This is much easier than towing the device behind a ship and running track lines. The National Geographic has a film crew documenting the project so look for a future piece on TV and in print. This is related to the Marine Sanctuary program of NOAA surrounding the Monitor archeological site just offshore.
      Greg and Susan Han
      USCG 100GT Master, Near Coastal
      Key Biscayne, FL
      Allegria — Krogen Whaleback #16

      Click Here To Read An Earlier Article About Shoaling and New Dredging on Ocracoke’s Big Foot Slough Channel

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Ocracoke’s National Park Service Docks

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Ocracoke’s Anchorage Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Ocracoke’s Silver Lake Harbor and Its Approach Channels

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    • Elizabeth City Gets Better and Better, Dismal Swamp Route, Statute Mile 50.5

      Click to learn more about our Carolina Loop program Elizabeth City and the Rose Buddies have been charming cruising visitors to the City Docks since 1983. Over 15 years ago, my family and I were privileged to meet the original Rose Buddy, Fred Fearing, who passed away in 2007, and we got the same warm greeting and assistance as did Ken and Francie. Isn’t it wonderful that some things do not change! The city docks are officially called Mariner’s Wharf City Docks and dockage is free for 48 hours, although we were once allowed to stay for three days when high winds prevented the Alligator River Bridge from opening. We are proud to report that Elizabeth, NC is A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      Elizabeth City has major improvements for boaters since our last stop a few years ago, thanks to former mayor Atkinson who now owns a trawler. Enjoy Saturday morning farmer’s market at mariner wharf May – October. Farm Fresh market, a great new grocery store, picks boaters up at the wharf with a phone call. We enjoyed First Friday gallery walk and new art center downtown. The new library and Albermarle museum exhibits are terrific. We highly recommend Elizabeth City to anyone cruising the area.
      Capt. Wendy Young aboard “Blue Crab” 32′ Island Gypsy, Punta Gorda FL

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Elizabeth City’s Mariners’ Wharf City Docks

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Elizabeth City Waterfront

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    • Lyme Disease May Be a Danger to Cruising Pets in the Bahamas

      Cruising News:
      While cruising the Staniel and Sampons Cays in Dec. Our dog Andale came down with Lyme disease. We heard reports at Long Is. and Gearge Town and later were told by June the weather lady her friend’s dog died. Well we turned and got back to the states and dog in for test. Never did we find a tick, I checked paws and pads, ears and belly. She swims daily,but on the beach she got into some briar patch that drew blood. Maybe that is the link, I just don’t know. Test confirmed Lyme and medications saved her. I suggest having the meds on board and watch for signs. Good Luck and beware for your pets sake.
      Kat Luchene

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    • Reports on AICW/Jekyll Creek Problem Stretch (Statute Mile 683)

      The AICW/Jekyll Creek Problem Stretch has had shoaling for some time now with reports of depths below 5ft at low tide. Mid to high tide passage is recommended.

      I followed my usual path thru Jekyll but found less water than on previous trips with as little as 5′ mlw in spots. Either I messed up on that run or shoaling got worst over winter. I’ll keep playing the tides’¦
      Captain Pascal

      We traveled this stretch on 4/27/11 at 1 hr.before low tide mid channel and saw no less then 7′. Follow the range markers listed as RW on the charts around the curve past Jekyl Wharf Marina.
      Capts.Steve & Di Koch

      May 2011: came thru northbound and 7′ MLW was the lowest reading i found mostly near G19 and along the range. I passed about 150′ off G19 then turned right on the range. Stayed on the range till past R16 (passed about 75′ away).
      No depth issue between the bridge and the wharf. You just have to take it slow and found the best water as the `channel’ is very shallow. On a previous run in April, I did find some 5′ spots around G19 not far from where i passed on this trip.
      Pascal aboard MY Charmer, 70′ 6+ draft

      May 28, 2011. Northbound on a 50′ trawler with 5 foot draft. Passed marker 20A at 4:56 pm. Passed marker 10 at 5:19 pm
      20A depth 14.1 feet
      20 depth 13.3
      19 depth 13.4
      17 depth 13.7
      16 depth 14.1
      13 depth 14.5
      11 depth 17.6
      10 depth 22.3
      I hope this is useful.
      Darrel Peters Aboard `Present Moment’

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For Jekyll Creek

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • Important – Definitive Info on Little Mud River, Georgia AICW Problem Stretch (near Statute Mile 655)

      It is almost universally acknowledged that the Little Mud River section of the AICW, some 21 statute miles north of Brunswick, Georgia, is the single worst stretch of the “ditch” between Norfolk, VA and Miami, Florida. Well, Captains Chuck and Susan’s observations below certainly tend to bear out that theory.
      As you may recall from other recent postings here on the Net, Captain Chuck Baier and Captain Susan Landry are the former general manager and editor, respectively, of Waterway Guide. They are now cruising south on the AICW on their way to a new home in Fort Myers, Florida. Chuck and Susan are being kind enough to forward very detailed reports to the Cruisers’ Net about concerns they encounter, particularly AICW Problem Stretches.
      With this dynamic duo’s vast cruising experience, we can take their observations below as gospel. And, as you will see, just give up on the idea of traversing Little Mud River at anything but high tide.

      We transited the Little Mud River on Tuesday 5/17/2011 and we thought your readers would be interested in what we found. I hope they also appreciate us transiting all of the problem areas on the ICW at or near low tide so we could get accurate depth readings. We transited the Little Mud at 2 hours before low tide. Based on this the following depths would be at low tide. At Red “192” depth of 5 feet. At Crooked Creek, depth of 4 1/2 feet. Approaching Green “193” 4 feet, then 3 feet very near “193”. Just past Green “193” 3 1/2 feet. At Red “194” 3 1/2 feet and just past Red “194” 3 feet. From Red “194” to the turn onto the Altamaha is all about 4 feet. Fortunately there were no other fools except us transiting at this low of a tide. We hope this will help others STAY AWAY at anything less than 2 to 3 extra feet of tides. We will send more as we find it.
      Chuck and Susan

      We have transited this area with our Tayana 37, `Dream Seeker’, twice and had no problems. Of course it was at 1/2 tide rising through 1/2 tide falling. With the tidal range in GA you can carry 6′ but you have to know your onions as they say.
      Kevin McPadden

      We transited the Little Mud River on May 4, 2011 about 1/2 hour before low, northbound. The mud banks extending into the river were visible on both sides. While we didn’t risk going aground to sound each marker, we stayed in the middle between the visable mud sides. We draw four feet and were obviously dragging through the mud a couple of times based on how the steering responded. Otherwise we saw no less than 4.5 feet and generally 5 feet plus on the sounder.
      Again, this was in mid-visible water, not necessasarily mid channel, although our course always honored the daymarks. The depths reported by the sounder might not have been accurate because of the soupy mud bottom.
      Bob McLeran and Judy Young

      I really appreciate all the info on the ICW. I will be making the trip to Tampa next week from Washington DC. Thanks again.
      Safe Seas,
      Captain Lisa Alexander

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For Little Mud River

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • Channel Key Pass (Fl. Keys ICW through Channel Key Banks) – Navigational Conundrum Resolved

      Captain Charmaine’s article below is a follow-up to her earlier story here on the Cruisers’ Net, entitled, “Channel Key Pass ‘“ Navigational Conundrum (Florida Keys Inside Route, Statute Mile 1179.5).” If you have not yet red this article, please do so by following this link ( BEFORE delving into Charmaine’s story below. This account will be far more meaningful once the background has passed before your eyes.

      May 18, 2011

      Channel Key Pass (ICW through Channel Key Banks) – Navigational Conundrum Resolved
      N 24 48.768 W 80 54.708 (Green #5 & #7 and Red #8)
      by Charmaine Smith Ladd

      The navigational conundrum posed in my article of May 11th has been resolved. Love when that happens! LOL

      To quickly refresh your memory, see the illustration below. This is in the waters of Florida Bay, which average 7-9 feet. While traversing the Bay between Channel Five and the Seven Mile Bridge, we aboard September Sea came across what seemed to be an unusual navigational aid configuration along the ICW at Channel Key Pass:

      Channel Key Pass (ICW through Channel Key Banks) N 24 48.768 W 80 54.708 (Green markers #5 & #7 and Red marker #8)

      It seemed as per the chart, going outside Red marker #8 would keep my 5’8 draft in consistently deeper water and away from the shoals. I wondered why the marked channel was so narrow, seemed to come so very close to the southern shoal of Channel Key Bank, and was in a slight “S” configuration. That’s a lot more to think about than merely opting to go outside Red Marker #8 and be in what the chart shows as 7 ft. waters. Then I thought about the possibility of navigating this area at night or in foul weather! I had to know more about this area before either of those scenarios ever became a reality. Therefore, being daytime, I decided to follow the marked channel. With good daylight it was easier to see the shoals. Yet still, when passing through the marked channel, my keel was in only inches of water. That’s when I began to doubt whether I had made the correct decision.

      Since that time, I have researched to view satellite images of the area (seen side-by-side below). The images show distinctly lighter colored areas outside Red marker #8. This is an obvious indication of inconsistent depths. The black and white image on the left reflects a yellow ring I have drawn around the questionable depth area. The Google Earth image on the right, being in color, does not show that contrast as clearly. The yellow pins I’ve drawn flank the northern and southern boundaries of Channel Key Pass per NOAA charts. It is apparent the yellow ringed area lies within those boundaries.

      Satellite Image Comparisons of Channel Key Pass

      In the future, I will take the marked channel through Channel Key Banks. It is my belief that while navigating the “S” curve, I allowed the stern to swing a bit off the centerline. This would explain why my depth sounder went off and showed only inches of water. I was a bit too close to the shoal of Green Marker #7. When navigating this Pass, be sure to stay in the center of the passage. It is quite narrow and confusing, but it is totally accurate. The chart does show that a bit of shoal overlaps the Pass. Stay a bit more north when passing Green Marker #7 and you’ll be just fine.

      Most boats in Florida Bay do not have the worries about depth as we who draw 5’8 or more. The other sailboat observed that day which decided to pass to the North of the marked Channel (outside of Red Marker #8) was more than likely as confused as we were. His choice was probably decided as per the chart showing enough depth within that course. His thinking was to not risk any dealings to the shoal off Green Marker #7. But now that I have seen the satellite images, it is clear that is not the safest course to take. The satellite images also reveal the logic behind the configuration of the Channel Key Pass markers.

      My next trip there will include going out in the dinghy and taking some depth soundings of the yellow ringed area with a handheld sonar. Even though the satellite images indicate some shoaling there (enough at this point to avoid the area with my 5’8 draft); this writer’s curious nature would love to know what truly lies beneath!

      The NOAA satellite image used here was obtained from a fellow cruiser who has a program on his chartplotter which allows him to overlay such images. Google Earth images were easily obtained by downloading the resources directly from Google Earth. However, the side-by-side comparison shows that the contrast images on Google Earth are not always clear enough to be used for detecting navigational hazards at sea. It is evident that in this case, the NOAA satellite image most clearly reveals the answer to what once was the Channel Key Pass navigational conundrum.

      Cruisers helping Cruisers = Conundrum Resolved!

      Charmaine Smith Ladd
      SSECN Special Correspondent, Florida Keys
      “Bringing you the low down from down low!”

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    • Important – Boat/US Releases Revised Summary of Florida Anchoring Rights!!!!

      Our good friends at Boat/US have asked the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net to help get the word out that they have just released an updated statement of Florida Anchoring Right, which are specifically designed for the use of cruisers, while they are underway. Boat/US has rendered the Cruising Community a GREAT service by formulating this document. May we humbly suggest that one and all make as much use of it as possible!

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    • Incorrect Charted Height at Broadway Bridge, Daytona Beach, Statute Mile 830.5, 5/13/11

      Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory has this bridge listed as 62ft and care needs to be taken at high tide as Almost Heaven relates below. The Broadway Bridge (E International Speedway Blvd) crosses the ICW at Statute Mile 830.5, south-southeast of unlighted daybeacons #33 and #34.

      This Bridge is 62′! on a high tide we would not clear this bridge.(63.5 + Antennas) The Markers on the bridge clearly showed 63′ with the tide down 1 foot. Please consider the tide range when passing under the Broadway Bridge. The chart is INCORRECT as it shows 65′.
      Almost Heaven

      This bridge needs a proper clearance board. ie: measurement. I crept under this spring with the board reading 63. My antenna usually hits at a 64 reading. Antenna did not hit.
      Skipper Paul Eckenroth

      Our mast height is also 63.5′ + antennas, we passed under this bridge @ 8pm Sunday May 13th, 2012. The Bridge clearance guage showed 62′ but as we had previously cleared this bridge in the fall we gave it a very slow go weaving between the nav light. As far as we could tell not even our antenna touched (unlinke many other bridges on the AICW) which means there is at least 66+’ in the middle of the span.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To A “Navigation Alert” Position at Broadway Bridge

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Dave Bell -  October 13, 2013 - 9:08 am

        The clearance boards indicate MINIMUM height. Run down the middle of the span and you add at least 1 1/2 feet. We confirmed this on October 11, 2013. After waiting seven hours to pass under using the range board, going under the center our ant. did not even touch.

        Reply to Dave

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