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    • Keys White Reef Lights Being Replaced

      As reported by Adam Linhardt in, Alligator Reef Light (Islamorada), American Shoal Reef Light (Big Pine Key), Carysfort Reef Light (Key Largo), Sand Key Reef Light (Key West) and Sombrero Key Reef Light (Marathon)are scheduled to be replaced by brighter, more powerful LED lights.

      New reef lights being installed
      BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff

      Saturday, February 7, 2015
      Florida Keys maritime historians can breathe a sigh of relief as the Coast Guard has no plans to remove the historic reef lights throughout the island chain.
      But they are scheduled to go dark this year.
      The Coast Guard Sector Key West Aids to Navigation Team (ANT) is in the process of installing new, more powerful LED lights on single steel pilings near every historic reef light in the Keys. The cost to taxpayers will be about $100,000.
      That cost should be negligible in the coming years as the ANT crews have been spending about $2 million the last few years repairing and maintaining the existing lights at Alligator Reef Light (Islamorada), American Shoal Reef Light (Big Pine Key), Carysfort Reef Light (Key Largo), Sand Key Reef Light (Key West) and Sombrero Key Reef Light (Marathon).
      The problem has been the ANT crews have had to contract out the work needed to be done to the old historic lights to keep them up to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards at a high cost. The new, modern lights will be much more efficient in terms not only cost, but also operationally, said Coast Guard ANT Chief Jeff Hunter.
      The old historic light structures are not going to be taken down, but they will go dark when the new lights are installed.
      The new lights are going up very close to the old structures, Hunter said. They will leave a smaller environmental footprint and were approved by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as per the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
      “The old lights project about nine miles out to sea and, in our opinion, we just don’t need them to project that far anymore,” Hunter said. “Things like modern GPS and navigational tools make that possible. The new lights will project about seven to eight miles out, just past the marine sanctuary.”
      Ships larger than 164 feet (or 50 meters) cannot legally transit sanctuary waters outside of the main shipping channel, and the reef (warning) lights are intended for those vessels more than smaller recreational boats, Hunter said.
      The white reef lights are not to be confused with green and red navigational lights more commonly seen throughout the island chain.
      “That’s really what our reef lights are for — to keep the big ships out there and let them know there’s a hazardous reef nearby,” Hunter said. “As long as the light is projected past the boundary, those ships know they need to avoid the area.”
      The ANT crews have put up new lights at Carysfort and Sand Key reef lights. The rest are scheduled to be completed by the end of this year, Hunter said.
      “Obviously, weather is always a concern when working out on the water,” Hunter said.
      Hunter stressed that the old reef lights — some are 100 years old or more and as much as 80 feet tall — aren’t going anywhere.
      “Don’t think we’re abandoning them or that they’re going to fall into the reef anytime soon,” Hunter said. “They’re just not up to our structural standards when we have to work on them. I would add that the historical lenses were removed on the old lights years ago and what’s up there now is just a traditional beacon and not the historic light.”
      Meanwhile, a system of offshore weather stations previously attached to the historic reef lights that once provided information to mariners, anglers and scientists has been defunded, said Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Superintendent Sean Morton.
      The program was called Sustained Ecological Research Related to the Management of the Florida Keys Seascape, or SEAKEYS. The station once provided real-time weather, tide and current data to the public free of charge via the Internet, but those days appear over.
      “Funding for that program came through a grant and (it) ran out,” Morton said.
      Whether the program will come back remains dim.
      “I doubt it,” Morton said. “We tried and basically the message we got was that it most likely will not be funded. Attempts were made to a different part of NOAA in Miami collecting some information, but not like we had at each of the lights.”
      Hunter added the Coast Guard has been having problems with people climbing the old reef lights, which is a federal trespassing offense.
      “The Alligator Reef Light (Islamorada) is the worst,” Hunter said.
      Residents need to know that they will be arrested and forced to appear in federal court if seen climbing the lights, Hunter said.


      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. jules robinson -  March 3, 2015 - 4:44 pm

        On hot summer nights I would sleep in the cockpit at Carysfort. Last summer I spent a night there and had a hard time sleeping with that bright flashing light down close to the water. Night time was more pleasant with the old light up high.

        Reply to jules
    • No Name Harbor, Praised and Reviled! AICW Statute Mile 1096

      No Name Harbor Anchorage is on the waters of the tadpole-shaped harbor which indents the westerly banks of south Key Biscayne, near Cape Florida. Few anchorages on the Waterway elicit such a range of opinions.

      NO NAME HARBOR SUCKS now cause of a few local old large boats docking at the seawall the entire day even blocking the ladder for us snow birds, is charging $8.00 to tie to the seawall thank you miami river old boats for cause the park to enforce this and also pending $25.00 to moor in the middle of the harbor which sucks cause the bottom is mud and the anchors do not hold.

      We stayed in No Name this past year for several days waiting out weather and enjoyed this stop’¦never saw any problems with holding in strong winds either. But did have issue with seawall being taken up which made it impossible to go and get pump out’¦don’t know why they have it if that area is not free from the local loud boaters. We had one incident where 5 local boaters were told to get off the wall well after dark, (rules are off at dark) and they proceeded to come off about 10 feet and do a 5 boat raft late evening playing loud music and forcing a sail boat who had been anchored for two days to have to pick up anchor and move to avoid being hit’¦no authourity did a thing about it nor did anyone pay to stay the I guess the locals control the area. We learned one thing, never go there on a weekend. During the week it was less problematic and a beautiful place to be. Loved walking aroung the park and going to the beach. Also enjoyed a very old large manatee that stays in that harbor.
      S/V Colleen Mae

      Partly it’s a cultural thing, the loud music and rafting is fun to them, `party time’!!! To those of us who like to sit reading in the cockpit while our sailboats bob gently, not so much 🙂
      It’s also a money thing, it’s cheaper to go from Miami to No Name than to zoom over to Bimini or wherever. They can’t afford the gas to actually GO anywhere anymore. At least they not zooming along waking us as WE slowly go somewhere.
      As to the authorities, I have never seen them there, I’ve seen people in golf carts removing garbage but that’s about it. They don’t seem to get involved, but if they did, I bet they would side with the locals after all, they are locals too!
      My pet peeve is the GENERATORS and their godawful noise! People stay at home in your condo or buy a solar panel, please!
      Ok, rant over!
      Susan Kennedy

      Awesome anchorage! We could not use the local mooring fields because of our 51 ft length & weight so No name was our only choice to avoid strong winds from ALL DIRECTIONS.Yes the bottom is soft mud however properly set hooks will hold at least to 30 mph no problem. In regards to the weekend party this is Miami’s back yard and should be expected near any large boating community. The actual fee is $20.00 per night to anchor and $8.00 to tie up to the wall until 11 P/M. Our personal comment is No Name Harbor is if not the best anchorage we have been in it comes close.
      Our Lord’s Blessing to All
      Ed & Bonnie S/V Almost Heaven 01/20/12

      And a question:

      Is there free water at No Name? I forget. Thanks!!

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For No Name Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of No Name Anchorage

      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Mo -  February 5, 2015 - 11:14 am

        No water. Dinner lousy to be truthful. Smoking permitted. $4.75 for a domestic beer. Menu high priced we thought. Oh well. It’s so crowded here we must leave – good stop to provision at the most expensive Winn Dixie I’ve ever been in. Had everything we needed though and only 3/4 of a mile away. Pizza at same strip mall below grocery store is outstanding. That’s my report sir!
        Maura Mulcahy s/v Mi Amante
        Sebago Sailing, Inc.

        Reply to Mo
      2. anne -  January 26, 2015 - 9:21 pm

        No name harbor is for all to enjoy so snowbirds contact the park ranger or call tallahassee parks and complain about the problems.

        Reply to anne
    • More Abuse by Florida Wildlife Commission Enforcement Officers

      Skipper Starling’s report comes in response to an earlier posting on the heavy-handed practices of some FWC patrol officers, /?p=133874. Despite numerous complaints filed by experienced and law abiding boaters, Florida seems unable to control the over-zealous enforcement present in the FWC enforcement division, practices definitely not limited to the Keys.

      Predatory practices by FWCC toward boaters in Key West
      Being shadowed by a boat with no lights while underway to the dock at sunset is unnerving , but when it turns out to be FWCC , it is worse.
      Now pulled over by FWCC, they mention running lights so I mention the sunglasses they still have on. No matter that it is literally moments after sunset. Their intention is to write a citation and generate income for FWCC and at the moment I have become that revenue resource.
      Minor infractions that should warrant a verbal warning are tickets.
      Worse yet , a few weeks later I receive a certified letter from FWCC .
      Inside, a citation for a non operational anchor light , which was issued in my absence from the vessel. It was issued at 6:32 , just after sunset when the ambient light was bright enough to keep the photo cell on my Davis auto anchor light from activating. This anchor light is an industry standard and turns on and off automatically . My vessel was not anchored in State waters but Navy bay bottom and not in navigable waters.
      I have lost any respect for the newly inducted Officers, as they lack the skills necessary to gain the confidence of the Citizens and form relationships that would benefit the FWCC and boating community. Older Veteran Officers do not operate in this manner and know that it creates animosity and results in the boating community not helping FWCC in investigations of serious violations due to bad experiences and distrust.
      FWCC wonders why the boating community doesn’t trust them , and refuses to cooperate . This is one example of their perception of boaters as a income revenue resource.
      Lee Starling

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Rick Emerson -  January 30, 2015 - 7:29 pm

        Sorry, but never ever not ever tell any officer something like “you’re wearing sunglasses after sunset”. Your ticket for the anchor light was, no doubt, payback for the comment.

        Reply to Rick
    • Advice on Sailboat Chartering in the Keys

      Charmaine Smith Ladd is a longtime contributor to SSECN, as well as a good friend to Claiborne Young. Her expert advice below was in response to a reader from the UK wanting to bareboat charter a sailboat (34-35ft, 5ft or less draft) in the Keys. The quality of Charmaine’s advice is such that it calls for sharing with all of you who dream of cruising the Keys in a charter or in your own boat. Thank you Charmaine!

      If you’re wishing to charter, you need to hone in on where you want to do your sailing as that will dictate from where you’ll want to charter the vessel. People tend to think that getting from Virginia Key to Key West is no big trip or problem, but I’m sure you don’t want to spend your entire 6 days/5 nights going in circles and then have to get the boat back on time. Weather can change. Tides need to be considered. You need a plan. So, recommending you look at charts of the Keys (you can find them online) and figure out from where you wish to charter. Then you can branch out your sail and overnighting (be it on the hook or at a marina) from there.

      `Mod cons,’ you say? Modern conveniences’¦ have mercy. That’s like telling a realtor you want a house with modern conveniences. That’s quite relative and subjective to each individual. It depends. I had satellite phone, satellite television, watermaker, inboard diesel generator, freezer, etc., things that many others would not want on a charter but that some others wouldn’t leave the dock without them. LOL Okay, so I admit to being somewhat of a prima donna when it came to `mod cons.’ Bottom line: please be specific in requesting what you desire.

      A draft of 5′ or more is probably too drafty for someone on a 6 day vacation and never having sailed the Keys. That is, not unless there is a solid plan of where and how one wishes to sail. People come down to the Keys all the time from up north where there’s deep water everywhere (especially Canada) and run aground constantly. They are used to having lots of water beneath them and are not adept at chartplotting. It’s necessary in the Keys to either know the lay of the land beneath the water or know how to read charts! The only way you know the seafloor is by reading charts.

      You’d be surprised how the adage, `ignorance is bliss’ gets tested time and time again when people come down to sail the shallower waters of the Keys. It can be a rude wakeup call to those who thought they knew all the ins and outs of sailing. Getting in and out can be a problem too, depending where you are! But it can be done. One simply needs do some homework.

      You’ve made it clear you wish to sail both sides of the Keys: Florida Bay/the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic sides. Most locals of the Keys rarely take their sailboats on the Bay/Gulf Side, though I did all the time during my eleven years there. It’s actually some of the most pristine and fabulous backwaters in all of the Keys. However, it comes down to reading charts and having your course plotted BEFORE you leave the dock or hook (depending on where you wish to go)’¦ tides and currents can move you around and some areas are very tight for passage if you have much of a draft beneath you. Hurricanes have changed the seafloor and areas get silted in’¦ before you know it you’re hailing Tow Boat U.S. No one wants to spend much time on their vacation doing that!

      You want have to fun on your vacation and do all the sailing you can. And that, with due preparation, can most certainly happen! And when it does, it is a glorious thing!

      Fair Winds and Calm Seas!

      Charmaine Smith Ladd
      Hard Aground in West Central FL (Yikes! I’m a Landlubber!) (Author of `Shake Hands with Yourself’ Amazon Books)

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Phillip Werndli -  January 23, 2015 - 9:55 am

        Those chartering in the Florida Keys also should be advised that the area is a National Marine Sanctuary and to run aground on reefs or grass beds could lead to civil penalties for repair of the damage. These costs can be very high, so your advice about following charts and careful planning are essential for a successful cruise there.

        Reply to Phillip
    • Good Words for Crandon Park Marina and Key Biscayne, Statute Mile 1094

      Located on the eastern shore of Biscayne Bay, Crandon Park Marina at 4000 Crandon Boulevard, Key Biscayne, FL, is a Miami-Dade County facility associated with Crandon Park Beach. The location looks very inviting and they do take transients on a space-available, no advance reservations, basis.

      We live on Key Biscayne. Just a tip. There is good provisioning in Key Biscayne on Crandon Blvd in the village. Take the bus, every 20-30 minutes southbound right at the marina. Every third bus goes down Harbor Drive and is less convenient. There is grocery, restaurants and every sort of shopping just 5 miles away. Best beaches in Crandon Park and Bill Baggs State Park. I believe moorings are only for sailboats. Enjoy.
      Gregory Han

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Crandon Park Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Crandon Park Marina

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Sue ward -  December 24, 2014 - 6:22 pm

        Definitely no trawlers on the mooring although they were half empty when we tried to get in 2 years ago. They do not monitor VHF and were very unfriendly towards us. Very disappointed after going right up the channel and nowhere is it clear that sail boats only on moorings. Expensive to dock so we went to Dinner Key. Would not bother there again.

        Reply to Sue
    • Questions about Garrison Bight/Fleming Key Mooring Field, Key West

      Skipper Petra posed the questions below for a contributor who had commented on the Garrison Bight/Fleming Key mooring field (see /?p=144908) which lies along a broad swath of water between Fleming Key and Sigsbee Park, north-northwest of Garrison Bight and is managed by Key West City Marina. SSECN is happy to facilitate the following exchange. Skipper Petra would welcome your input as well.

      Hi James,
      Are there any docks, balls or cheap marinas from Big Coppitt Key to the Boot Key Ball area? I am going to be working in a music duet in that area while also a novice captain of a 38′ Morgan w 3.6 draw. I would want to avoid that North wind chop and also rely on a bicycle due to knee problems. My more secure alternative now only seems to be the Boot Key Balling area. Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
      Charly Petra

      Hi Larry,
      I have been in the Key West Garrison Bight Mooring Field for seven years. There is a 3′ wave during heavy North Eastern Cold Fronts that last two to three days and then it’s flat. These fronts are not a problem for me since I am in a 45′ Gulfstar S/V and should not be a problem for a 38′ Morgan. If there is a wind generator on board he will get plenty free electric that keeps my refrigeration and Satellite Dome humming. The cost is $323/M free water, parking, bath house, and parking for dinghy and car. The cheapest Marina I believe is on Stock Island and I am not sure of it’s name. It is next to 3D boat yard. I would guess the docking fee around a $1,000 a month. The facilities are brand new and it is nice with Restaurant and bar. In Key West it would cost closer to $2,000 + per month. There are some spots to anchor free that his draft would handle. One is in Key West by Christmas Tree Island which is a zoo, west of Fleming Key in KW., another would be Cow Key Channel which is between Key West and Stock Island. There could be some spots near Boca Chico Island north of the air base. You would need to search these out, but I have heard of some spots near there.

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Key West – Fleming Key Mooring Field

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Key West – Fleming Key Mooring Field

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Key West City Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Key West City Marina

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    • Lost Stove at Boca Chita Key Marina and Visitors’ Center, AICW Statute Mile 1106

      Skipper Perez is looking for a lost stove. Can you help? Boca Chita Key is a smallish island surrounded by the waters of Biscayne Bay, south of Miami. It is part of Biscayne Bay National Park, and the Park Service maintains a small harbor and “marina” here. For more details and nice photos from Boca Chita Key, see /?p=136873

      I love BOCA chita, my husband left the campchef stove , if someone found it and wants to return it please e mail 305-740-9522 ext 158
      Carmen Perez

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Marina Directory Listing For Boca Chita Key Marina and Visitors’ Center

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Boca Chita Key Marina

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    • More Good Words for Garrison Bight/Fleming Key Mooring Field, Key West

      The Garrison Bight/Fleming Key mooring field lies along a broad swath of water between Fleming Key and Sigsbee Park, north-northwest of Garrison Bight and is managed by Key West City Marina.

      An affordable alternative to a marina in Key West or Stock Island are the mooring balls at Garrison Bight Marina in Key West. The overnight rate is in the neighborhood of $20, I’ve ball parked that because I always go for the monthly rate $323. and change. You need a dinghy for a 10 to 15 minute ride in to the dinghy docks. Included in the fee is a: bathhouse with laundry facilities, showers and restrooms, parking space for car and dinghy. There are bicycle racks, bikes not included in fact it is a dangerous place to leave a bike cabled and locked. Best to sleep next to bike I have had four stolen. It is a mile walk into town and the bus station and stop is two buildings to the north.
      James T. Holtzinger

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Key West – Fleming Key Mooring Field

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Key West – Fleming Key Mooring Field

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Key West City Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Key West City Marina

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    • Monroe County to Expand Pumpout Services, Boot Key, Marathon, FL

      This expansion of pumpout services in the Marathon area is certainly good news for cruisers. Our thanks to Chuck Baier and Susan Landry for forwarding this article by William Axford in

      The city of Marathon is looking to expand wastewater services for boats by providing Monroe County with a location to receive vessel waste for the Middle Keys.
      Should a location be provided, the city will most likely be working with Key Colony-based company Pumpout USA, which is contracted with the county to remove vessel waste.
      Chuck and Susan

      The Great Book Of Anchorages
      Navigation Notices
      Our Blogs
      Trawler Beach House
      Voyages of Sea Trek

      Marathon to expand wastewater services for vessels
      Boaters are not charged for pumpouts
      waxford@keynoter.comSeptember 24, 2014
      The city of Marathon is looking to expand wastewater services for boats by providing Monroe County with a location to receive vessel waste for the Middle Keys.
      Should a location be provided, the city will most likely be working with Key Colony-based company Pumpout USA, which is contracted with the county to remove vessel waste.
      At Tuesday’s city council meeting at the Marathon Government Center, council members were expected to approve a resolution amending the city’s wastewater utility fees and rates, implementing a $112 a month fee to dispose of waste at a city facility.
      There is also a 14-cent-per-gallon surcharge.

      `The city is trying to make sure we have a way for vessels to remove their untreated sewage within the areas of the Keys,’ said Zully Hemeyer, head of the city’s utility department. `We do not want to discharge waste near shore waters because of the potential health risks. This is just another way we can ensure the water is kept clean.’

      For the full article, go to:

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Marathon, Fl

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    • Faro Blanco Resort to Re-Open, Marathon, FL

      Our thanks to Chuck and Susan for sending this notice of the re-opening of Faro Blanco Resort and Yacht Club. Open the link below for more on this beautiful resort.

      For those of you familiar with Marathon in the Florida Keys, you know that Faro Blanco Resort has been closed for a very long time. It has been announced that the all new Faro Blanco Resort and Yacht Club is scheduled to open in December. The Great Book Of Anchorages <> Navigation Notices <> Our Blogs Trawler Beach House <> Voyages of Sea Trek <>">
      Chuck Baier and Susan Landry

      The Great Book Of Anchorages
      Navigation Notices <>
      Our Blogs
      Trawler Beach House <>
      Voyages of Sea Trek <>

      Comments from Cruisers (2)

      1. Ted Guy -  October 6, 2014 - 8:54 pm

        I docked our family live aboard motor yacht there for a number of months in 1980 and was employed as their night auditor. What a delightful place!

        Reply to Ted
      2. Dawn -  October 6, 2014 - 9:36 am

        Exciting news for boaters, land yachties & residents. Marathon is going to explode as I hear two major hotels are going in near the same part of town.

        Reply to Dawn
    • Seventh District False Flare Cases are Costly Events

      As detailed in this article by Adam Linhardt in, this is a real No-Brainer, and surely no SSECN reader would ever be guilty of abusing the use of emergency flares. However, it is a good topic of conversation to have in public places where some of the less-informed might overhear!

      False flare cases plague Coast Guard
      BY ADAM LINHARDT Citizen Staff

      Misuse of emergency marine flares is giving the Coast Guard headaches and costing taxpayers a ton of money, the agency said last week.
      Since June, the Coast Guard Seventh District headquartered in Miami, of which Sector Key West is included, reported more than 60 flare sightings. Watchstanders then launched air and boat crews in every instance at a total cost of more than $5 million, according to the Coast Guard.
      Each search typically costs between $60,000 and $90,000 when fuel and manpower needs are totaled, according to data released by the Coast Guard.
      “Shooting a flare in a nondistress situation is no different than dialing 911 and hanging up,” said Capt. Todd Coggeshall, chief of response management for the Coast Guard Seventh District.

      To read more, go to:

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    • Vessel Insurance in Florida

      One of our readers is looking for recommendations for an insurer for a 40ft trimaran while in Florida. While SSECN is happy to pass along this request for advice, we cannot serve as a broker or even a kiosk for various insurers. Please offer Skipper Laletin your suggestions via a personal phone call to the number listed below or by email at Thanks!

      I recently relocated my 40 foot trimaran from the Chesapeake to Florida for this winter. Enough freezing snow last year and I don’t want my baby freezing again. Progressive Insurance will not renew my policy in Florida since i’m over 35 feet. Boat US wants 10% of my policy value as a premium. Any suggestions on an insurance company that will insure a 40 foot trimaran. I have never made a claim and never used my Boat US towing. JAZ is presently stored on the hard in Saint Augustine. I can be contacted directly by text or voice call at 808 seven seven two 2133.
      Chris Laletin

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    • High Praise for Marathon Marina and Boat Yard and Staff, Boot Key Harbor, Marathon, FL

      Marathon Marina and Boat Yard lines the northern banks of the western Boot Key Harbor approach channel, west of the now permanently open bascule bridge.

      Great Marina! We have pulled our trailerable Macgregor Sailboat from Atlanta to the Marathon Marina for the past 3 years. Each visit is a great one. The staff takes such good care of us, even though we are not a mega sailboat. Wifi works well throughout the marina. There is a great restaurant with wonderful food right on the premises. They have updated their pool to a lovely saltwater pool (no more blood shot eyes from chlorine). There are grocery stores, a West Marine, and plenty more restaurants, well within driving distance or a $5 taxi drive.
      On our last visit we needed a haul out due to engine trouble. The crew operating the machinery were very professional. They took such great care of our boat and the rate was reasonable.
      On our first visit to the Marina, my wife was getting ready to toss me a stern line when she fell into the cockpit of our boat and broke her foot. Judy from the office was such a help. She instructed us where we could get medical attention and offered to help in any way we needed.
      For those who wish to attend a worship service on Sundays, there is a great church just down the road called Marathon Baptist Church. The Pastor is very caring and the congregation of locals are welcoming and warm hearted.
      We continue to return knowing we will enjoy every day of our visit to this wonderful marina.

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Marathon Marina and Boat Yard

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Marathon Marina and Boat Yard

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    • Buttonwood Sound Mooring Field Scuttled, Key Largo, Inside Route Mile 1143

      Sunset Cove is one of the most popular anchorages in the northern Florid Keys. This haven is located on the waters of southeastern Buttonwood Sound, in charted Sunset Cove, near statute Mile 1143 off the Florida Keys Inside Route. Opposition to the mooring field in Sunset Cove has been voiced since the mooring field was first proposed in 2012. See /?p=95529

      Mooring field for Buttonwood Sound in Key Largo now looks to be off the table

      kwadlow@keynoter.comAugust 6, 2014
      Concerns from on-shore residents seem to have scuttled Monroe County’s preferred site for a new Upper Keys mooring field.
      “There is no Plan B,” County Mayor Sylvia Murphy said Tuesday.
      In March, county commissioners named Key Largo’s Buttonwood Sound, off the bayside at mile marker 99, as the anchorage most suitable to accommodate a new mooring field for liveaboard residents and cruising visitors.
      But two nearby businesses that had expressed interest in serving as a land base for the Buttonwood Sound mooring field have now decided against it.

      For the full article, go to

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Sunset Cove

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Sunset Cove Anchorage

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    • Possible Threat to Manatees by Protected Status Change

      This article/opinion by Katie Tripp of highlights how this ruling to reduce their protected status might affect manatees on the East Coast and the Florida Keys.

      Odds already stacked against manatees in federal study for possible downlisting

      In response to a lawsuit by the Pacific Legal Foundation, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has decided downlisting manatees from endangered to threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act may be warranted, and the agency is embarking on a five-year status review as part of the process.
      Let me be very clear about the seriousness of the situation.
      From 2010 to 2013, 2,441 manatees died in Florida waters, which is 48 percent of the highest minimum population ever recorded (5,077 in 2010), but we’d have to wait until after 2015 to be able to include this data. However, ignoring this information would also constitute a substantial and unacceptable bias.

      For the complete story, go to:


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    • Night-Time Speed Restrictions Sought for Biscayne Bay, South Florida

      Following the deadly crash off Dinner Key, see /?p=143395, several groups are seeking regulations to curb speeding after dark in these popular and congested waters. Our thanks to Chuck Baier for bringing this article to SSECN.

      Safe boating efforts build after tragic crash on July 4th
      There’s momentum building to how recreational boating can be made safer after the tragic Fourth of July crash on Biscayne Bay.
      Since the Fourth of July boating crash on Biscayne Bay ‘” the worst in Miami-Dade County in recent memory ‘” members of the recreational boating community have launched an informal but passionate campaign to try to prevent similar tragedies.
      Four people died and several others were seriously hurt when a 32-foot Contender broadsided a 36-foot Carrera, then struck a Boston Whaler following holiday fireworks. The skipper of the Contender, 23-year-old Andrew Garcia and two of his passengers, Kelsie Karpiak, 24, and Victoria Dempsey, 20, were killed, along with Carrera passenger Jason Soleimani, 23.
      The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, which is in charge of the investigation, said evidence of alcohol was found aboard the Contender. No charges have been filed.
      The accident happened about 10:30 p.m. off Coconut Grove’s Dinner Key, despite a heavy on-water law enforcement presence. Witnesses described a chaotic scene, as hundreds of boats zig-zagged across the bay in a race to reach local boat ramps and marinas after the fireworks.

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    • Report from Hawk’s Cay Resort Marina, Hawk Channel, Florida Keys

      Hawk’s Cay Resort Marina entrance canal system lies off the southerly banks of Duck Key, at the southern end of Long Key Viaduct, some 2.7 nautical miles north-northeast of Hawk Channel’s marker #45.

      This has been my 4th time, first time without children, need tq be see [sic], the only bad things the showers are not really clean, but the place have every thing, pools, lake, this is a quiet place not to party, a little expensive but that the price to pay.

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Hawk’s Cay Resort Marina

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    • Good Report from Tarpon Basin, Key Largo, FL Keys Inside Route, Mile 1139.5

      Tarpon Basin is crossed by the FL Keys Inside Route, just south of Blackwater Sound and Dusenberry Creek. There are at least 3 good spots to drop the hook here, and creative skippers will find more. Our thanks to Skipper Reeves for this report and photos.

      On our cruise North to Jekyll Island from Marathon we used several anchorages and found some interesting free city docks. Tarpon Basin is a good stop over anchorage with a free dingy dock. Going North exit the creek and head for marker R48. Turn in to basin before R48A stay near north side of basin. Close to shore we found 5-7 ft. On in towards anchored boats we found 7-9 ft and stayed to the north of city docks.
      Sonny Reeves

      Tarpon Basin from Dinghy Dock

      Tarpon Basin from Dinghy Dock

      Park at Tarpon Basin

      Park at Tarpon Basin

      A Quiet Anchorage

      A Quiet Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Northern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Southern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Florida Keys Anchorage Directory Listing For the Tarpon Basin Interior Anchorage

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    • More on Depths on Sister Creek, Marathon (Alternate Passage from Hawk Channel to Boot Key Harbor)

      Sister Creek is an alternate entrance to Boot Key Harbor, which runs, more or less, north from Hawk Channel. In the “sagging utility lines posting (/?p=84316)” both Claiborne and our very special Florida Keys correspondent, Captain Charmaine Smith Ladd, cautioned that boats drawing more than 4 feet should not attempt to use Sister Creek to access BKH.

      At normal high tide I have entered with 6’2 draft and no bumping, several times seeing depths once inside in the teens.

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Sister Creek

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    • Good Words for Garrison Bight/Fleming Key Mooring Field, Key West

      The Garrison Bight/Fleming Key mooring field lies along a broad swath of water between Fleming Key and Sigsbee Park, north-northwest of Garrison Bight and is managed by Key West City Marina.

      The mooring field is a nice security versus anchoring.
      The second plus plus is the showers at the dinghy dock.
      But no security, gate does not lock at the dinghy dock. This is the second year that I witnessed this problem. Second there is no fuel.
      Bram Clement

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Key West – Fleming Key Mooring Field

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Key West – Fleming Key Mooring Field

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