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    • Important – Alternative to AICW/Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff Problem Stretch, Statute Mile 517

      Boaters are our business and our only business. We are located directly on the ICW, and offer Exceptional Lowcountry facilities and hospitality. The Beaufort/Port Royal area is a beautiful and historiCaptain Constant’s (dockmaster at SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Port Royal Landing Marina) report below is yet another confirmation of the many reports we have posted on the SSECN about AICW shoaling in the Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff Problem Stretch (see /?p=120036). And, just last Friday we appealed to the Cruising Community, for help in lobbying the South Carolina US Congressional delegation for a “supplemental appropriation” that would allow the US Army Corps of Enginners to dredge the Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff, and the AICW, north of Charleston, where it passes behind shallow Breach Inlet (see /?p=120893).
      Captain Constant’s suggested alternate route to avoid the Cutoff seems valid, and his is Local Knowledge – always good to have! Cruising south, the “bypass” would begin by turning southeast on the Ashepoo River (downstream), at the southern end of Fenwick Cut, then continuing downstream to Combahee Bank in St. Helena Sound. After CAREFULLY bypassing the “Combahee Bank” shoals, this route then turns northwest and heads for the Coosaw River, rejoining the Waterway near statute mile 519.5, west of marker #186.
      Unfortunately, both the route around the “Combahee Bank” shoals, and the AICW route near the point of rejoining the Waterway west of #186, are very sparsely marked, and the open waters from St. Helena Sound could kickup with an outgoing tide and easterly wind. THE USE OF A WELL FUNCTIONING GPS CHARTPLOTTER IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED WHILE TRAVERSING THIS ALTERNATE ASHEPOO-COOSAW CUTOFF BYPASS ROUTE!
      In spite to these challenges, until and if dredging is accomplished in the Ashepoo – Coosaaw Cutoff, this alternate passage may be preferable to the shallow depths in the Cutoff, particularly at low water.
      SSECN would like to hear from ANY other cruisers who have made use of this Ashepoo – St. Helena Sound – Coosaw River alternate route. PLEASE share your experiences with our fellow cruisers. You can use the “Comment” function below, or send e-mail directly to Thanks in advance!

      I’m the dock master at Port Royal Landing Marina in Port Royal, SC. The shoaling going on just north of Beaufort at the Ashepoo-Coosaw cutoff is too low to navigate at low tide now with most trawlers and virtually all sailboats. How the dredges get through I don’t know.
      One alternative to dredging this area is to move the ICW one inlet closer to the ocean. If you go east out the Coosaw River to the Ashepoo River you will see its inlet at Otter Island. This inlet is a natural river with fresh water influx and is about 20′ in depth at the mouth at one point is about 15′ then back to 20′ at the Fenwick Cut. If traveling south you would take a left when clearing the Fenwick Cut and travel close to Otter Island into the Coosaw River.
      I live across the sound from this water and it is the way us locals travel now.
      Tony Constant

      Captain Constant offers further advice on the Ashepoo/Coosaw Rivers junction at Combahee Bank.

      When entering the Ashepoo River From the Coosaw River you should be closer to the beach at Otter Island than to the port channel marker. The shoal is shoaling there as well but not near as hard. As a rule I use, when north bound, if I see 12′-15′ of depth I will steer to starboard until I see about 20′.
      The Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff’s bottom is V shaped, meaning the channel is in the middle of the cut. 6-8 months ago it was much deeper with 9′-10′ of depth last year. Capt Ted took a 45′ trawler through about a month ago and only found 3′ of depth.
      Tony Constant

      Well this is a bad thing with the cut off! But, it would be nice if reporting vessels would post the state of the tide in their reports. If Capt. Ted had 3′ at low water very bad, but if there is 5′ at high water, not so bad. Cygnus ll draws 3’4’³
      Capt. Mike Wright

      We did take this alternate route a couple of years ago when heading north at low tide. We decided to avoid the cutoff and go the long way around. It worked well with our 6′ 3’³ draft. The only advice I would give is to give the Combahee Bank plenty of respect. It would appear to be shoaling further southeast.
      Captain Richard

      Does this alternate route turn up the coosaw river north of combahee bank or do yu have to go around the bank on the southeast end?
      Jake Smith

      In answer to Captain Smith’s question above, we recommend rounding Combahee Bank, by carefully passing to the east and south of this shoal, staying well south of the one unnumbered, but lighted marker which denotes its position. Then, set a course to the northwest, passing southwest of marker #12. Use your chartplotter to keep to the wide channel while continuing northwest to rejoin the AICW, west of marker #186. Hope that helps to answer your question!

      Fenwick Cut - Click for Chartview

      Combahee Bank - Click for Chartview

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Fenwick Cut

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Combahee Bank

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    • Tender Woes at Little River Swing Bridge, AICW Statute Mile 347, Myrtle Beach, SC

      Little River Bridge - Click for Chartview

      With a closed vertical clearance of 7ft, Little River Swing Bridge crosses the Waterway at Statute Mile 347 just north of the Marina at Dock Holidays.

      Upon arrival at the swing bridge at approximately 11:00 pm on August 10, 2013, our boat could not make it under the swing bridge. We waited patiently for approximately 10 minutes while we watched the `swing bridge’ worker walk around in his operations office as well as look out the window at us. Although even knowing that he saw us waiting, we gave him the benefit of the doubt and politely touched our horn one quick time to try to make certain that he saw us. Well, as soon as we did that, he turned off his lights in his office as if he didn’t exist! So, we were at a loss as what to do and luckily I had my phone to try to locate a website with information about the bridge. Fortunately, I found the site with a contact number and we called it only to get harassed by the man working that night. He told us to put the top of our boat down’¦which we could not do because it is a permanent metal frame’¦then he preceded to asking multiple questions as our boat name and where we were from’¦but what really was unprofessional was the comment from him and I quote, `This is the last thing I need at midnight!’ What a very bad and frustrating ending to what was a perfect day. I would hope the inconsiderate, unprofessional, and very rude man will be dealt with according!!!
      Sharon Walker

      And, just in case you thought that cruisers could not make a difference by posting their experiences here on the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net, SSECN Senior Editor, Captain Larry Dorminy, forwarded Captain Walker’s note above to Michael.B.Lieberum, USCG Chief of Operations Section, Bridge Branch. We received this very encouraging response:

      I will advise the bridge owner of this unprofessional behavior. If the vessel owner would like to make a formal complaint, they can email me with the details, this would allow this office to formally issue a complaint to the State of South Carolina, the bridge owner.
      Michael Lieberum
      Seventh Coast Guard District
      Bridge Branch
      Chief of Operations Section

      I hope they do file a complaint. We have been cruising the ICW for many years and this bridge/bridge tender has always been a problem. Nastiness has been the order of the day here!
      Bobbie Blowers

      We have cruised through the Little River Swing Bridge many, many times north and southbound and it has always been pleasant passage. Sunday, April 13, 2014 being the latest passage. There have also been times when i have heard Boaters not being so pleasant with the Bridge Tenders causing them to get a little agitated with the Boater. A `10’³ for the Little River Swing Bridge. Keep up the good work.
      The `Fire Dog’ & Crew
      Raymond W Smith

      Click Here To View the South Carolina Cruisers’ Net Bridge Directory Listing For Little River Swing Bridge

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Little River Swing Bridge

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Paul russell -  September 21, 2014 - 4:06 pm

        The swing bridge tenders have to deal with licencesed professional captains as well as the weekend warriors who think they are captains and quite often under the influence from the many surrounding bars accessible by water in the area. They are responsible not only for the vessels but motor and pedestrian traffic as well. If your lucky enough to be on the water slow down and enjoy it.

        Reply to Paul
    • Good Words for Sunset Marina – Key West/Stock Island

      Sunset Marina - Click for Chartview

      Even though Sunset Marina is located on Stock Island, this facility lies within sight of the Fleming Key/Key West Mooring Field, and within a short automobile ride of downtown Key West. Thus, we usually think of Sunset Marina as being part of the Key West array of pleasure craft facilities, as opposed to the Stock Island marinas located a bit farther east, and on the ocean (Hawk Channel) side of the isle.

      Sunset Marina on Stock Island just sold to a local developer July 1, 2013. We were there from November through July and loved the marina. The drawbacks are location and amenities. We overcame those with a car. It’s a $20 cab ride to/from Duvall St, but worth it if you’re drinking anyway. It’s about a 20-25 minute bike ride Downtown.
      I recommend Sunset Marina, it’s 1/3 the price if you stay a month or more. For just [same as] 2-5 days stay at A&B or Galleon.
      Bill Borchert

      Click Here To View the Florida Keys Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Sunset Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Sunset Marina

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    • News from Burnt Store Marina and Country Club, Charlotte Harbor, Gulf Coast

      Burnt Store Marina - Click for Chartview

      Burnt Store Marina overlooks the eastern end of the charted channel, east of marker #6 on the eastern shore of Charlotte Harbor, south of Punta Gorda.

      We have been hurricane free so far and hope it continues that way. We have had a particularly heavy rainy season so the water is “high” in many places. Water had to be let out of the Okeechobee Waterway which has made some of our beaches look more like lakes. But other than that we are having a great summer here at Burnt Store Marina.

      Our new ship’s store has opened and is now named the “Trading Post”. Capt. Will and his wife Lisa also own the “Calusa Queen’ which is the tour boat that does sunset cruises as well as trips up and down and across the harbor. The “Trading Post” is open from morning to evening serving breakfast and lunch and stocks most of your basic needs while cruising.

      Enterprise Car Rental is still available for your transportation needs. We hope that you will make your reservations before coming to the marina in order to expedite their delivery. I have been told that they will be able to bring the car here and have it ready for you when you arrive which will eliminate the wait time and transport time.
      Peggy Wark
      Burnt Store Marina

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Burnt Store Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Burnt Store Marina

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    • More Reports of Shoaling on “AICW North of Ben Sawyer Bridge to Isle of Palms Bridge” Problem Stretch (Statute Mile 460)

      It’s no accident that the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Association is pushing very hard to have this Problem Stretch dredged (which they term as “behind Breach Inlet”), and, along with the AICW’s passage through the Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff (see /?p=5480 and /?p=119918), the US Army Corps of Engineers in Charleston, SC have made dredging these stretches their #1 priority. Now, we just have to find some money/”supplemental appropriate” to get the job done!

      We traveled this section 8-2-2013 leaving McClellanville just as the tide started back up at the marina dock. Traveling on plane in an express cruiser we saw 8 to 11 ft under our hull most all the way. The last mile or so going into Isle of Palms I did see readings down to 5 and 6 ft. Keep in mind we traveled mid channel by the `sticks’ paying no mind to any `pink lines ‘ on the chart plotter. Magneta lines can be a good guide but nothing beats eyes on the sticks and following the marked channel.
      David Doyle

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For the AICW North of Ben Sawyer Bridge to Isle of Palms Bridge

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

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    • Good Words for Leland Oil Company, McClellanville, SC, AICW Statute Mile 430

      Leland Oil Company - Click for Chartview

      Recently renovated Leland Oil Company sits on the northern shores of Jeremy Creek, in the heart of McClellanville, hard by the stream’s charted turn to the west.
      Like Captain Dick, we find McClellanville, to be one of the most delightful stops on the AICW, and, yet, it’s known to only a few cruisers. Stop for awhile and make the acquaintance of this village that time has forgotten. You won’t be sorry!

      Came in to McClellanville to get out of the rain. The Leland Oil Company was empty as this is not the time that Cruisers go north. the attending Dock master, Rutledge, was wonderful. Loaned his truck to us to go to the diner for lovely fish/shrimp dinner. we were to leave the next morning but the radar showed nothing but big thunder storms. We decided to enjoy this lovely place for another day and do some engine oil change. Found a problem which led a series of folks that found the right guys to fix the situation. Such good and talented people in the small out of the way places. When I commented to the young man working on the problem I asked him how he learned to do these things his comment was `we are in the middle of nowhere so we have to know.’
      I highly recommend this stop to all. floating docks are wonderful as well with the huge tides.
      Capt Dick

      Click Here To View the South Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Leland Oil Company Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Leland Oil Company Marina

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    • New Cumberland Island, Georgia Anchorage (near Statute Mile 711.5)

      Paradise Yacht SalesThis really useful article on a previously undiscovered (at least by us) southern Georgia anchorage comes to us from Captains Mike and Mary Dicken’s, owners of SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Paradise Yachts ( The cruising blogs recorded by this well-oiled nautical team usually result from helping new boat owners deliver their recently purchased craft to home port. Wow, talk about service AFTER the sale – it doesn’t get any better than this. You will be seeing LOTS of excerpts from Captains Mike and Mary’s web blogs here on the SSECN. This is superb info, and we are glad to have it available to our readers.
      This particular blog entry deals with a little used anchorage, hard by one of our very favorite places to visit throughout the Southeastern USA, Cumberland Island. This little piece of paradise features a colorful history, rich maritime forests, and a beach second to none! Truly, fellow cruisers, it doesn’t get any better than this!
      While we usually anchor in the “Dungeness Greyfield Channel Anchorage,” that is referred to as “Anchorage A” in Mike and Mary’s account below, their “new” anchor down spot looks to be well worth a try!
      Has anyone else anchored here? If so, we would like to hear from you. Please share your experiences by e-mailing us at

      The State of Georgia offers some excellent cruising if you will take the time to explore. One of the finest places is Cumberland Island, which is Georgia’s southeast most barrier island.
      The purpose of this blog post is to make you aware of a rarely used anchorage at the island.
      The anchorage that is commonly used, [noted as] “A” on the photo, is on the western side of the island itself not far from the shore. This anchorage is often crowded with motor yachts, trawlers and sailboats, especially on holiday weekends. The anchorage offers a good holding mud bottom in about 12 feet at low tide. The anchorage offers good protection from NE winds.
      The other anchorage that is rarely used is located [labelled as] “B” on the photo. It offers protection from westerly winds in about 17 feet at low tide. In the past 10 years I have never seen a boat in there besides myself. This anchorage also offers you protection from the frequent run abouts that love to throw wakes while you are at anchor in anchorage “A.”
      To navigate to anchorage B, cruise until you are just off of the Dungeness docks then turn N-NW. You will see a marker about 100 meters ahead with a sign reading “wreck”. Proceed forward keeping the marker on the starboard side about 50 feet. You will have from 12-15 feet of depth. Once clear of the marker, remain about 150 feet off the shore where you will have plenty of water.
      Mary and Mike Dickens

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For the Dungeness Greyfield Channel Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Dungeness Greyfield Channel Anchorage

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    • Important – Shoaling WORSENS on Southwestern End of the AICW/Ashepoo Coosaw Cutoff Prolem Stretch (Statute Mile 517)

      On 7/28/13 (a weekend no less), the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net received a telephone call from Captain Mike Verdolini, (Civil Engineering Technician, Navigation Branch, South Atlantic Charleston), at the Charleston, SC branch of the US Army Corps of Engineers. Captain Mike informed us that the Corps had just finished an official survey of the AICW from Charleston, SC to Beaufort. Two patches of severe shoaling had turned up, which he thought (quite rightly) should be brought to the IMMEDIATE ATTENTION of the cruising community.
      By the way, before going further, let me just say how honored we are that the US Army Corps of Engineers turned to the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net as their FIRST MEANS to get this important information into the hands of cruising captains.
      One patch of NEW shoaling appeared at the NORTHEASTERN tip of the Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff, near marker #177. We have put up a separate posting/Navigational Alert, about these shallows at /?p=119918.
      The other area of concern appeared on our old friend, the “AICW Problem Stretch,” at the southwestern tip of the Ashepoo-Coosaw Cutoff (Statute Mile 517), between markers #180 and #185.
      As you will see in the below graphic, supplied to the SSECN by the USACOE, low water depths on the southern-southeastern side of the channel, from the interior reaches of the Ashepoo – Coosaw Cutoff, to a point southwest of marker #185, run from 5.6 to as little as 2.6 feet. SOMEWHAT BETTER DEPTHS CAN BE MAINTAINED BY FAVORING THE NORTHERN AND NORTHWESTERN SIDES OF THE CHANNEL, but even with this plan of action, low water depths of as little as 4.7 feet are quite possible.
      WE ASK THE HELP OF THE CRUISING COMMUNITY TO HELP US DISTRIBUTE THIS VITAL INFORMATION TO OUR FELLOW CRUISERS. If you belong to other nautical lists or forums, please direct members of such associations to this posting at /?p=120036. Both year round Palmetto State cruisers, and those cruising south on the AICW this fall, need to be well aware of this new hazard long before they actually arrive on these waters.
      The entire Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net team promises to keep a very CLOSE EYE on this developing situation as we move into the fall, 2013 transient season. We will bring you fresh info just as soon as it is available. In the meantime, everyone take care on these waters, and, again, please let us hear about your experiences at #177!!!!

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

      In response to your call for feedback from cruisers who recently traversed the Ashepoo Coosaw cutoff:On Monday, 24 June 2013, I traversed this area southbound at dead low tide. I encountered very shallow water, around 3.5 feet, all the way from marker 180 to 185. My sailboat with a wing keel is aground when my sounder reads 4.3 feet, but the bottom seemed to be soft mud and I was able to plow through it, although at severely reduced speed because of the viscosity. (I had increased the engine speed to maximum rpm.) My position was the “magenta line” which travels down the middle of the cut in this area. Having passed marker 185 and into the Coosaw River, the water deepened and I was out of trouble. The tide tables predicted water depths to be 1 foot below mean low tide on this day.
      Peter Denoncourt
      S/V Kite

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    • Northern Gulf ICW Partially Reopens Between Panama City/West Bay and Choctawhatchee Bay (near Statute Mile 265)

      On July 7, 2013, the SSECN published an extensive posting, inspired by information received from Captain Rich Gano, to the effect that the Northern Gulf ICW (a. k. a. the GIWW) had been closed between Panama City and Choctawhatchee Bay/Fort Walton Beach, due to the almost 20 inches of rain dumped along the Gulf Coast, [which] collapsed a levee alongside the cut. We are pleased to report that two dredges are now on-site, working 24/7 to return the channel to normal width and depth, and as of 7/24/13, the Waterway has been “partially” reopened.
      How can a Waterway be “partially reopened,” you may ask, as did we. Well, seems that some sort of narrow channel has already been restored by dredging operations, BUT, we strongly advise one and all (see below) to follow the USCG’s advice, and contact the dredge operators via VHF, for advice on how best to bypass their operations, while still maintaining the best depths. Hopefully, within another week or so, the dredges will have finished their work, and this “closure” will be only a bad, short-lived memory!

      The 11 July 2013 Mobile COE Nav note states the dredge Integrity will be on site and expected a week to clear the blockage.
      Now I have word from Stan Reynolds, who intends to move his trawler from Panama City to Destin, that the USCG says via a phone call that the “ditch” is partially opened to pleasure vessels. Just contact the dredge for passing instructions.
      Rich Gano
      Calypso (GB42 Hull # 295)
      Panama City area, FL

      Stan Reynolds got Morning Star through the ongoing dredging operation yesterday. He had previously called the USCG and had been told that the area was partially open for pleasure vessels. He was instructed to call the dredge for passing instructions. However, when he got there at about 11 AM, he found two dredges with both operators at lunch and no communications. He successfully eased on through and also found a significant shoal area on the south side of the canal at mile 270.
      The last update of the COE Mobile District’s Navigation Notes page is the 11 July comment that there is a dredge working the area.
      Rich Gano
      Calypso (GB42 Hull # 295)
      Panama City area, FL

      And, here’s some less welcome news just received from Captain Gano on 7/24/13:

      Local news reporting tonight reports the Corps of Engineers has cleared the mile marker 265 bank collapse enough to allow a barge to pass, but there is not enough money in the remaining fiscal year budget to completely clear all debris. They may be having to wait until November to complete repairs.
      Begging to be answered is the question of how the canal will fare through the rest of hurricane season. Significant rainfall in a short period of time could easily exacerbate the current problem.
      Rich Gano
      Calypso (GB42 Hull # 295)
      Panama City area, FL

      Click Here, Or on Chartlet Above, To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of The “Partially Reopened” Section of the Northern Gulf ICW

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    • Elizabeth City, NC – Harbor of Hospitality, Captains Chuck and Susan Report (Statute Mile 50.5)

      Elizabeth City, NC, A SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, is indeed one of the most cruiser friendly ports of call anywhere in the Southeastern USA. Many mariners stop here while transiting the AICW Dismal Swamp Canal Route, which are the next waters to which our aces reporters, Susan and Chuck will turn their attention. However, it’s well worth the time of year round Tar Heel cruisers to simply cruise up Pasquotank River from Albemarle Sound, or captains in the Norfolk, VA region, to cruise the Dismal Swamp Route south, for the express purpose of visiting Elizabeth City. It’s really that special a destination!
      Susan and Chuck do a wonderful job laying out many of EC’s attractions and services below. I might just add that one of the nearby marinas that they speak about, Lambs Marina, is currently the only place you can purchase fuel on the entire Dismal Swamp route. That’s worth remembering if you need to fill those hungry tanks.
      We are once again greatly indebted to Captains Susan Landry and Chuck Baier, owners of Beach House Publications, publishers of “The Great Book of Anchorages,” ( for providing the superb, in-depth article and copious photographs, contained in the article below. THANKS CHUCK AND SUSAN! Please read on!

      Elizabeth City, North Carolina
      Captains Chuck Baier and Susan Landry

      Any cruiser that has transited the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway more than once has at least heard of the hospitality offered to mariners in this sleepy North Carolina town perched on the Pasquotank River. Most boaters are also familiar with the tradition of the Rose Buddies, [and while there have been some changes, the Rose Buddie “receptions” are still taking place when enough boats are docked at Mariner’s Wharf on any given night – Editor insertion]. A short detour off the traditional waterway on the Albemarle Sound will bring you to this friendly harbor, and you will still be met at the town docks by a fellow named Gus that has made himself the unofficial greeter and historian at Mariner’s Wharf. Gus will help you tie up in one of the 14 slips at Mariners Park, give you the latest on the town and direct you to wherever you might need to go. It seems that many boaters don’t know that the 14 slips at the park are not the only free facilities offered by the town.

      Approaching Elizabeth City

      Just off to port from the slips at Mariner’s Wharf is a long bulkhead at Waterfront Park. The bulkhead is available for tie up also, but neither has power or water. At Mariners Wharf, there is a faucet hook up for a hose under a blue cover just behind the water fountain. There is another bulkhead just on the other side of the bridge, northbound, with a sign that says “Dock and Dine” where boaters can tie if everything else is full. At the Mariner’s Wharf slips, the town provides free Wifi; we aren’t sure if it is attainable at the other docks. There are no restroom facilities other than a Port-A-Potty at Mariner’s Wharf, but there is some good news for the future. The town plans to put restrooms and a laundry for boaters in an existing building just off the slips. It should be completed by next season.

      The grocery store and coin laundry is about a mile and a half from the town docks. A taxi or a bike is the best way to resupply or do laundry. The Post Office is about a half mile away. In the downtown area you will find small shops, boutiques, a book store and restaurants. The Cypress Creek Cafe is across the street from the docks and is a local favorite. A short walk of a few blocks and you will find Quality Seafood, a restaurant and market. Have a great seafood lunch and buy some fresh fish to take back to the boat. After lunch, stop in the Museum of the Albemarle and experience the history and culture of the Albemarle region either by self or full guided tours. If you happen to be lucky enough, as we were, to be at the docks on a Saturday, you can enjoy the fresh produce, vegetables, baked goods and homemade wares of the open air market from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This is not your average Farmers Market.

      "The Sign Says It All"

      Elizabeth City holds several Festivals and Events each year. July is full of activities beginning with Mariner’s Wharf Film Festival, a Fourth of July Celebration, Music and Arts Festivals, First Friday, and many more, just in July. During other months try the Coast Guard Harbor Nights Concert, First Friday Artwalk, Music on the Green with Classic Country Bands, and even a tractor pull. There is so much more to Elizabeth City than free dockage. You will meet some of the most friendly people found anywhere along the waterfront. If you are a dog person, this is a very popular place for the local dog-walkers. The dogs are as friendly as their owners. So often someone would stop by the boat and strike up a conversation. We felt like we had lived here for a long time and everyone did their utmost to make us feel welcome.

      There is a downside, and that is the weather, if it happens to be blowing strongly from the south or southeast. Heavy winds can create a strong surge, and waves coming up the river cannot only make the water levels rise, but make the docks uncomfortable to downright dangerous under severe conditions. This also doesn’t appear to be a no-wake zone and boats speeding up and down the river do create a lot of wakes on occasion. A nearby boat ramps adds to the problem. Under strong conditions from the south, the bulkhead on the other side of the bridge or anchoring beyond the bridge would be preferable. There is a boatyard in town with haul-out facilities, but service is very basic. There are no real services for boaters in the area, so major repairs will need to be done elsewhere. The boatyard does have a surveyor onsite.

      Elizabeth City Waterside Farmer's Market (every Saturday in season)

      If you might be looking for a marina, there are two in the area. Pelican Marina has dockage with a pump out and a restaurant onsite. It is across the harbor from town. Just a little farther north on the river is Lambs Marina, in a very protected basin. The channel to Lambs has been recently dredged to make access easy. It is some distance from town. There is plenty of space to anchor, but keep in mind that the harbor itself is deep. Dinghy access is available at any space along the town bulkheads or at the boat ramp near Waterfront Park, next to the small highway bridge.

      The Visitor Center offers free loaner bikes to boaters for those long trips for groceries or laundry. The Visitor Center is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The gym at the adjacent Fitness Warehouse offers showers to boaters for a fee of $5.00, if a long hot soak is needed. Gus has a small pick-up truck that is a two-seater, but he will often offer lifts to the store if you might need lots of supplies. Don’t be tempted to tie up for the night and move on. Stay awhile and enjoy true southern hospitality and a town that prides itself in welcoming boaters and cruisers. You won’t see 24-hour limit signs on the pilings. Elizabeth City wants you to come, visit and enjoy. We sure did and we can’t wait to go back. From Elizabeth City, we headed north to explore the Dismal Swamp and all it has to offer.

      Chuck Baier and Susan Landry
      Trawler Beach House
      Beach House Publications

      Click Graphic Below to Check out ALL of Chuck and Susan’s Excellent Elizabeth City Photos:

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For the Mariner’s Wharf Elizabeth City Docks

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Pelican Marina

      Click Here To View the North Carolina Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Lambs Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Elizabeth City, NC

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    • Question re St. Petersburg Beach Anchorage, Gulf ICW, Statute Mile 116

      St. Petersburg Beach Anchorage - Click for Chartview

      St. Petersburg Beach anchorage is on the east side of Long Key just off the Gulf Waterway in Boca Ciega Bay. If you know of a dinghy landing near this anchorage, let us hear from you.

      Is there a ramp for dingy anywhere at this location?


      Find ramps in Florida here’¦
      It shows that there is a ramp at the Gulfport Marina.
      Don Million

      I’m surprised that this area is charted as an anchorage on the chart. It has less than 6 feet of depth at low tide although it is more protected from the south than the area south of 55th Avenue where the water is deeper.
      The closest public boat ramp to this anchorage is at the Gulfport Municipal Marina but it doesn’t even show up on Google Maps. There used to be a boat launch ramp at the end of Corey Avenue just south of the drawbridge north of this anchorage but that area is fenced. I’ll have to check it for no trespassing signs.
      If you want to visit St. Pete Beach, a better anchorage is the one shown on the chart south of the Pinellas Byway where you could dinghy to the Don Ceasar launch ramp.
      David Burnham

      I checked out this mooring [St. Pete Beach] and found a few places to come ashore if you decide to anchor here.
      The first is a very small dinghy dock on the south side of the Mary Lou Sheckler causeway on 59th Avenue.
      The alternative is the seawall on 55th Avenue. There are 4 places on the south side of 55th Avenue where your dinghy can rest on the seawall and you can secure it to any of several palm trees. However, if the wind is from the south, these would be an undesireable option except for the most rugged and well fendered dinghy.
      There are resturants and a 7/11 nearby on Gulf Ave.
      The last alternative for landing your dinghy from this anchorage would be just south of the Corey Causeway drawbridge some distance to the north. There are 3 docks there at the end of Corey Avenue with only the one with the white metal shack having a NO Trespassing sign.
      David Burnham

      Capt. Burnham has sent photos of the docks mentioned above:

      Causeway dock

      Drawbridge dock

      Bridgeshack dock

      Corey Ave. dock

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For St. Petersburg Beach Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of St. Petersburg Beach Anchorage

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    • Excellent Cruising Advice from Brunswick, GA to Thunderbolt, GA.

      Thanks to our good friend, Captain Jim Healy, for this summary of cruising tips and recommendations covering the long trek north or south on the AICW between Brunswick and Thunderbolt, Georgia. Captain Jim’s excellent article below is reprinted from the AGCLA Forum (

      Brunswick (Morningstar’s Golden Isles Marina) to Thunderbolt (Thunderbolt Marina) is 93.9 StM miles, which we do, nominally, in 10-11 hrs, depending on tides. Not too bad in July, with longer hours of daylight. Requires planning in November, with shorter hours of daylight. It would be around 100 StM miles from Brunswick Landing Marina in downtown Brunswick to Thunderbolt.
      This stretch has some of the shallowest water on the entire US East Coast at low tide. The tidal range in the region is 6 – 7 feet. At 4-1/2 ft, you won’t have a problem, but it would be most desirable for you to make the transit with high tide at mid-day. That way, you depart on a rising tide, travel with good water, and arrive before low tide. Said another way, avoid the Little Mud River +/- 2 hours of “neap,” low tide, and +/- 3 hours of “spring” low tide; in English, that’d be +/- 3 hrs around new moon/full moon.
      There are many, many exquisite anchorage options along that route, including the Duplin River, Crescent River and Walburg Island. There are just a few marina choices. Marina reviews are all fair-to-good, but navigation for a larger boat, particularly near low tide, *may* be tricky, so call ahead to whichever on you select if marinas are your thing. Just north of Brunswick is Hidden Harbor on Troup Creek. Across the Ogeechee R. as you come through Hell Gate, northbound, is Delegal Creek with Delegal Marina (pronounced: deli-gal). There is a sandbar at the entrance of Delegal Creek, and Delegal Marina will send a boat out to meet you and guide you in. At approx MM613 is Kilkenny Creek with Kilkenny Creek Marina. Kilkenny has a reputation for being a particularly “quaint” stop in rural outback Georgia. And just 45 min-to-an-hour south of Thunderbolt is Isle of Hope Marina. There are several Marinas in Thunderbolt; we use
      Thunderbolt Marina for easy access, good facilities and daily Crispy Creme donuts delivered to the boat in the morning by 07h00. Both Isle of Hope and Thunderbolt Marina are good places to stop longer for a visit to the City of Savannah. THERE IS A LOT TO SEE AND DO IN SAVANNAH. DO NOT SKIP SAVANNAH! My admiral prefers the Thunderbolt locale to the Savannah City docks, which she feels are too public, although I prefer the City Dock for excellent convenience to downtown. (As I said, we stay at Thunderbolt Marina. Admirals outrank Captains except when the ship is under way on the water.)
      Hope this is useful.
      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Morningstar Golden Isles Marina

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Duplin River Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Crescent River Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Anchorage Directory Listing For Walburg Creek Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Brunswick Landing Marina

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Hidden Harbor Marina

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Delegal Creek Marina

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Kilkenny Creek Marina

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Isle of Hope Marina

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Thunderbolt Marine

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Savannah City Docks

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    • Palatka, FL Dining, St. Johns River

      Boathouse Marina - Click for Chartview

      Palatka is the first major port of call on the beautiful St. Johns River, south of Jacksonville, Florida. You can anchor off the city waterfront, and dinghy into the city dock, or pick up a wet slip at Boathouse Marina.
      Boathouse overlooks the St. Johns River’s shoreline, west-southwest of Palatka City Dock and marker #1. Cruisers berthing here will find themselves within easy walking distance of the shops and restaurants in downtown Palatka

      The City Cafe has closed, but Angel’s Diner and the Subway sandwich shop are within an easy walk of the Marina. Beef’O’Brady’s has opened in the Quality Inn just north of the bridge on the west side of the river. Exercise extreme care crossing Highway 17 or use the long boardwalk beneath the bridge. Arrive on the 3rd Friday or 4th Saturday of the month for maximum activities provided by the City of Palatka.
      David Burnham

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s Eastern Florida Marina Directory Listing For Boathouse Marina

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Boathouse Marina

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    • WELCOME Dredging and Marina Rebuilding Project Begins at Boca Grande Marina (near Statute Mile 28.5)

      Click Chartlet to Open A Chart View Page Centered on Boca Grande Marina

      Those who have read my earlier SSECN comments concerning Western Florida’s Pine Island Sound, or the portion of my “Cruising Guide to Western Florida” describing Gasparilla Island, already know that the village of Boca Gande is one of our very favorite places on earth.
      This is Florida at its very best. There are no fast food restaurants, no strip shopping centers and no high rise condos. Instead, visitors to Boca Grande will discover a quaint village atmosphere replete with GREAT places to dine (particularly the Gasparilla Inn), good provisioning and plenty to see and do. It’s the sort of place where you can quickly fill the memory card on your digital camera, and have to haul out that backup card you’ve never used before.

      Until now, cruisers have had some difficulty taking advantage of Boca Grande’s many charms due to a building shoal jutting out from the entrance channel’s northeasterly point, as you swing south to visit Boca Grande’s primary pleasurecraft facility, known, appropriately enough, as “Boca Grande Marina” (formerly Millers Marina).
      New owners took over here several years ago, and improved the on-site facilities, adding a new restaurant and downstairs bar. Everything was accomplished in an absolutely first-class fashion.

      Gasparilla Bayou and Gasparilla Inn Clubhouse

      Almost from the first day that the marina changed ownership, the management has been seeking the necessary permits to dredge the entrance channel, and remove the aforementioned shoal. This process has seeming taken forever, BUT WE ARE VERY PLEASED TO REPORT THAT ALL PERMITS ARE NOW IN PLACE, AND DREDGING HAS BEGUN!
      The far sighted owners have also taken the opportunity to completely rebuild their docks while the dredging is going forward. Now, that’s the sort of improvements we LOVE to hear about at the Salty Southeast Cruisers’ Net!
      In a telephone conversation yesterday (7/16/13) with Garrett Lown, Boca Grande Marina’s Operations Manager, the SSECN was informed that the marina and on-site restaurant would close while the dredging and dock rebuilding were in progress. The restaurant will probably reopen around the middle of October (2013), with a grand reopening of the marina scheduled near Thanksgiving, 2013.
      The truly “on-the-ball” marina management plans to post regular project progress reports and photos on their web site at Interested cruisers should monitor this site for the latest info!
      We know that we speak for the entire cruising community when we say how much we all look forward to the new, improved and deeper version of Boca Grande Marina this coming fall and winter. This will be a superb addition to the Western Florida cruising scene, and one which many of us will make use of on a very regular basis.
      The article and photo below are reprinted from (, a new resource which we highly recommend to one and all who are interested in what’s happening with dredging projects around the nation. This publication’s scope is international, so you have to pull through the weeds a bit to pluck out the USA dredging news, but the format makes that an easy exercise, and the effort will be more than justified!
      The SSECN will keep you apprised of Boca Grande Marina’s dock building and dredging project as progress goes forward. Makes your plans now to visit this newly minted facility this fall and winter. See you there!!!

      USA: Boca Grande Marina Dredging Kicks Off
      Posted on Jul 15th, 2013
      Boca Grande Marina, Eagle Grille and Miller’s Dockside, will be closed for renovations beginning today, and it will be reopened in the fall of 2013.
      Construction plans include:
      – New docks ‘“ the new layout will eliminate the `stern to’ docks and allow us to accommodate larger vessels (up to 150 feet),
      – Dredging of the entrance channel ‘“ allowing for an approximate 7 foot depth at low tide.
      The Coast Guard, Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Environmental Protection and Lee County have all signed on to the project, which will see a channel dredged from 5 feet deep at mean low water to 7 feet 6 inches.
      `Now boats won’t be stuck in the Harbor waiting for high tide to get out,’ said Jerry Taylor, the marina’s general manager. `It will benefit the whole community.’

      Click Here To View the Western Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For

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    • Derelict/Sunken Vessels A Real Problem on the Palatka Waterfront, St. Johns River, Palatka, Florida

      Capt. Burnham’s comments below are a postscript to his earlier warning of a sunken vessel in these waters, a warning that resulted in an SSECN Navigation Alert (see /?p=108736).
      Derelicts (abandoned vessels) and “live aboard hulks” (so-called “vessels” on which people “live” that will never move again, unless it’s straight down to the bottom) are indeed a very real problem, not only in Florida, but throughout the Southeastern coastal regions. We agree wholeheartedly with Captain Burnham’s thoughts that many of these situations could be solved simply by enforcing MSD regulations and marine salvage laws ALREADY ON THE BOOKS!

      Sunken Buccaneer Sailcraft, Palatka Waterfront - Photo Courtesy of Captain David Burnham

      The Palatka riverfront is becoming a graveyard for boats whose irresponsible owners neglect their anchored vessels. A third vessel is now a navigational hazard between the Palatka city dock and the Highway 17 Memorial Bridge. This unlit hazard has only its bowpulpit showing above the water surface. This 27′ Bucanneer sailboat does not have a mast so it can be hard to spot. Unlike Kevin’s sloop that was allowed to sink south of the Boathouse Marina with only its mast above water and west of the sunken Houseboat that only has the top two feet of the roof exposed at high tide.
      If you plan to anchor at Palatka it is currently hazardous to do so except with a full moon or in daylight.
      The mastless 27′ Bucaneer [see attached photos – editor] was a hazardous sinking vessel on the 5th of July. It sank on the 13th and there was plenty of time to prevent it from sinking…The Houseboat has been underwater for months…Kevin’s sloop sank two weeks ago and it was obvious that it was in hazard of sinking yet no action was taken. Is the owner the only person responsible when authorities refuse to act to correct an obviously hazardous situation?
      David Burnham

      I am a property owner, a sailor and have at one time had my 32′ sloop in the Palatka Marina for 3 years. I beg to differ with the good captain! The vessels and the places he describes are accurate; however, NONE are in the channel, they are in places where when the winter winds occur, they are in relatively SAFE positions. If the good captain wants to wander around exploring the area, excellent. Do so at your own risk, . Anytime its not daylight, anywhere you do so at your own peril. A real seaman would not chance a night anchorage in a strange place.
      Gene Koblick

      Sunken Houseboat (in the middle of the photo, beyond the two sailcraft), Palatka Waterfront - Photo Courtesy of Captain David Burnham


      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the Palatka Waterfront

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    • Passage through the Brickhill River, off the AICW Statute Miles 696 to 704

      Brickhill River Southern Entrance - Click for Chartview

      Brickhill River Northern Entrance - Click for Chartview

      The Brickhill makes a pleasant, parallel detour east of the Waterway, with a north departure at Waterway marker #40 and rejoining the Waterway at Cumberland Dividings, markers #62 and #63. There are two anchorage recommended in the Brickhill – see links below. As Capt. Winters relates, Plum Orchard Mansion provides a good day-time stop, and you anchor within sight of this historic homplace – see link for the “Southern Brickhill River Anchorage” below.

      We just came thru here and took the Brickhill all the way thru after docking at the Plum Orchard pier for a couple of hours, and agree with this posting. Go slow and your depth finder will tell you which way to go. The Brickhill was easy all the way using normal navigation techniques (chart watching and outside of curves)
      John Winter

      Click Here To View the Georgia Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Northern Brickhill River Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Brickhill River Northern Anchorage

      Click Here To View the Eastern Florida Cruisers’ Net Marina Directory Listing For Brickhill River Southern Anchorage

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of Brickhill River Southern Anchorage’Ž

      Plum Orchard Mansion on Cumberland Island

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    • A Possible AICW/St. Andrew Sound Shortcut (near Statute Mile 690)

      Image Courtesy of Jim and Peg Healy

      One of the most discussed topics here on the SSECN concerning the Georgia portion of the AICW for the past two years, has been the passage through St. Andrew Sound, south of Brunswick, GA and Jekyll Island. First of all, to follow the Waterway, you must journey rather far out into the Atlantic Ocean, and, if that weren’t cause enough for concern, there are marker numbering issues and shoaling near marker #32 to worry with. We have had an SSECN Navigational Alert in place for this portion of the Waterway since 8/10/12 (see /?p=104973).
      Of course, there is a “way around” this difficult passage. Cruisers can opt for the so-called, “Umbrella Cut” alternate route, BUT this passage adds length to your cruise, and most importantly, it is narrow and SHALLOW in places at low water.
      In regards to the posting below from Captains Jim and Peg Healy, their message conveys an intriguing alternative. On the one hand, it avoids the shallow depths, of the Umbrella Cut Alternate AICW route, and it also bypasses the long cruise seaward to marker #32. And, Captains Jim and Peg are highly experienced cruisers who have a knack and a reputation for delivering accurate information.
      HOWEVER, there is NO guarantee that the eastern tip of Horseshoe Shoal will not have built farther to the east by the time of your transit, and it is certainly possible that you might encounter shallower depths than what Jim and Peg, or the NOAA charts, report.
      Therefore, we advise that ONLY adventurous mariners, and those whose vessel is equipped with a well functioning GPS chart plotter, undertake this shortcut, and, even then, be sure to proceed with the greatest caution!

      Attached is a screen shot of what we do in transiting St. Andrews Sound. Sanctuary draws 4-1/4′ and we find this route carries 7′ or more at low tide. The red lines on the screen shot are various transits of St. Andrews Sound before we established the black “route” in 2009. There are several more tracks buried under the route line.
      You can see that we went all the way out to R32 one time, early on. Too rough. We don’t do that any more.
      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary

      And some additional data just received from Jim and Peg:

      So, anyway, here’s some additional info for our previous message. The date of the red GPS track line for our trip out past R “32” on the .jpg I sent you yesterday is April 9, 2007. For the other red track lines – those that “short-cut” across Horseshoe Shoal – dates were: April 23, 2008, May 16, 2009, November 9, 2011, April 24, 2012, November 27, 2012 and April 24, 2013. This gives you some season-to-season and year-to-year history on that track across the tail of Horseshoe Shoal.
      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary

      Hi Capt.’s,
      We have taken your route in our sail boat and now our trawler, both draw 4 ft. since we first saw it recorded. Don’t recall when? Last time was four crossings in May and two in June 2013. The Floyd Creek, Umbarella Cut will work. We have never used it in our trawler but have taken the dingy, an 11 ft Boston Whaler to survey the creek. The cuts are hard to follow at high tide and do have skinny water in several places. The path you advise still is not for the faint of heart if the wind is out of the East and over 15 KTS. Watch the tide and stay safe.
      Sonny Reeves

      Unless seriously constrained by draft or schedule, a 6 kt boat passing through Jekyll Creek at high tide can cross the outer end of Horseshoe Shoal well to the west of both #31 and #32. We made our first transit of this area 30 minutes after high tide at the Jekyll Marina Station and never saw less than 12 feet on the shoal with wave conditions moderated.
      Heading south, when the magenta line crossed Latitude 31 on the chart, we turned for the old tower on Little Cumberland Island. When the water depth plummeted (west of #32 by 0.6 nm) we turned to intercept the magenta line off #33. This became our standard route.
      Caveat, we are unhurried cruisers with 5.5 foot draft. We arrange our days to pass Jekyll, Crooked River, Amelia River # 1, and Sawmill Creek #49, each, an hour before high tide.
      Chris & Janet

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of the AICW/St. Andrew Sound Channel

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    • Manteo, NC – A Great Port of Call (off Roanoke Sound), Captains Susan and Chuck Report

      Shallowbag Bay and Manteo - Click Chartlet to Open Chart View Page Centered on These Waters

      Manteo Waterfront Marina is now run by the Town of Manteo. It boasts 53 slips that can accommodate boats up to 140 feet. The marina is situated right next to historic downtown Manteo on a boardwalkManteo has always been our very favorite port of call on the North Carolina sounds. We even liked to dock here many years ago when the only wet slips available sat right behind the town septic tank, now the position of the restored lighthouse which looks out over the intersection of the Shallowbag Bay channel and Doughs Creek. Fortunately, that old system is now long gone!
      Back to the many good qualities about Manteo, there is excellent dockage here, particularly at SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR, Manteo Waterfront Marina (on Doughs Creek), a reasonably good anchorage with a plethora of nearby dinghy dockage, and plentiful shopping and dining within easy walking distance. What’s not to like!
      In regards to the outdoor drama, “The Lost Colony,” first of all we highly recommend taking advantage of superb outdoor production, in which the late Andy Griffith once acted. Motorized transportation is need to reach the outdoor theater, as it is located several miles to the north. You can take a taxi, or pick up a rental car.
      In the article linked below, Chuck and Susan state that the “mystery” of the Lost Colony remains unsolved. I have no doubt that is what they heard from all the locals in Manteo, but, as a matter of fact, historians pretty much know what befell this intrepid group of colonists. But, that’s another story for another day.
      So, take Susan and Chuck’s advice, don’t dare miss a turn to the east and south from the AICW’s traversal across often rough Albemarle Sound, and visit this shining gem of a port of call. Be sure you have the latest charts aboard, and loaded into your chartplotter! Proceed with caution, and before you know it, your bow will slip quietly and safely into the calm waters of Doughs Creek.
      SEE YOU THERE!!!!
      We are once again highly indebted to Captains Susan Landry and Chuck Baier, owners of Beach House Publications, publishers of “The Great Book of Anchorages,” ( for providing the superb, in-depth article and copious photographs, contained in the article below. THANKS CHUCK AND SUSAN! Please read on!

      Please visit:


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    • Advice for Navigating AICW/Cumberland Dividings Problem Stretch and Brickhill River, Statute Miles 696-704

      Cumberland Dividings - Click for Chartview

      The Brickhill makes a pleasant, parallel detour east of the Waterway, with a north departure at Waterway marker #40 and rejoining the Waterway at Cumberland Dividings, markers #62 and #63. Captain Conrad’s advice on entering the Brickhill refers to the southern entrance. Cumberland Dividings has been a Problem Stretch for several years due to constantly shifting shoals and an erroneous magenta line on many chartplotters.

      After watching a sailboat go hard aground yesterday and laying on its side most of the afternoon, I would like to offer an alert for the AICW mile marker 703 near Cumberland Island and its intersection with Brickhill River. When northbound, stay well to the eastern, outside edge of the marked channel including going between a charted marshland and G59A. That is well off the magenta line but it is deep water, a minimum of 11 feet. It is also a major safety issue to go through these waters at a mid to rising high tide. If going into Brickhill River, stay on the northern edge of the junction as yesterday’s sailboat found bottom only a few feet from where we found 10+ water depth.
      Stay safe,
      Tom Conrad
      Nordic Tug 42 True North
      Currently in Brunswick, Georgia

      Very good advice Capt Tom. You can also call Boat US and they will give you local knowledge as you travel about a specific location problem or best practice for the current conditions. We cruise that area and shoaling can be a problem.
      Sonny Reeves

      We just came thru here and took the Brickhill all the way thru after docking at the Plum Orchard pier for a couple of hours, and agree with this posting. Go slow and your depth finder will tell you which way to go. The Brickhill was easy all the way using normal navigation techniques (chart watching and outside of curves)
      John Winter

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s “AICW Problem Stretches” Listing For the Cumberland Dividings

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To This AICW Problem Stretch

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Henry Thorpe -  October 21, 2015 - 12:54 pm

        I have been going through this stretch for ten years at all tide stages in a coastal passenger ship 240′ long drawing 9 feet…coming South staying to the left (GPS will show you actually going through the marsh) will carry 20+ feet all the way. Forget that the red markers exist!

        Reply to Henry
    • Good Advice from St. Andrew Sound, AICW Statute Mile 690

      Marker #32 - Click for Chartview

      As long as I can remember, the Waterway’s infamous R32, between Cumberland and Jekyll Islands, has been one of those “hold your breath” portions of the day’s run. Captain Conrad offers suggestions and also requests information about a possible alternate route.

      After reading your navigational alert [ /?p=104973 ] last night, I took good notes today as we crossed northbound St Andrews Sound near Jekyll Island and mile marker 690. You are correct, R32 is getting a shoal running near its eastern side and taking it on your port side when northbound will be dangerous. This route is also way out into the Atlantic where any wind and waves make a smooth passage a rare event. What I have done in my dozen or so crossing is make certain to arrive at a mid tide or higher. This is a good strategy with much of the Georgia ICW. With that advantage, I will line up next to G35 and run a line to the eastern most of three water towers on Jekyll Island (it is a small water tower). Until it is moved again, that is the same as lining up on R30. Today, with a slight rising tide, we saw nothing less than 10 feet of water depth while cutting across the eastern end of Horseshoe Shoal.
      Another interesting alternative that I have never tried is leaving the ICW just north of R34 and heading west toward the Satilla River using a junction point just south of G7 and R8. If any of your readers have tried this route, I would be interested in learning about their success. It would certainly be an easier route into Jekyll Island channel.
      Stay safe,
      Tom Conrad
      Nordic Tug 42 True North
      Currently in Brunswick, Georgia

      Do you mean the `tank’ more or less at the same latitude as #19 in Jekyll Creek?
      Chris and Janet

      I suppose but it is hard to tell since chart updates don’t do a good job of land based nav aides like water towers. If visibility is good, the eastern most of the 3 water towers on Jekyll Island will be apparent. If visibility is bad, use R30 or wait for a better day.
      Stay safe,

      Image Courtesy of Jim and Peg Healy

      In regards to the posting below from Captains Jim and Peg Healy, their message conveys an intriguing alternative. On the one hand, it avoids the additional length and, at places, shallow depths, of the Umbrulla Cut Alternate AICW route, and it avoids going all the way out to #32 in the briny blue. And, Captains Jim and Peg are highly experienced cruisers who have a knack and a reputation for delivering accurate information.
      HOWEVER, there is NO guarantee that the eastern tip of Horseshoe Shoal will not have built farther to the east by the time of your transit, and it is certainly possible that you might encounter shallower depths that what Jim and Peg, or the NOAA charts, report.
      Therefore, we advise that ONLY adventurous mariners, and those whose vessel is equipped with a well functioning GPS chart plotter, undertake this shortcut, and, even then, be sure to proceed with the greatest caution!

      Attached is a screen shot of what we do in transiting St. Andrews Sound. Sanctuary draws 4-1/4′ and we find this route carries 7′ or more at low tide. The red lines on the screen shot are various transits of St. Andrews Sound before we established the black “route” in 2009. There are several more tracks buried under the route line.
      You can see that we went all the way out to R32 one time, early on. Too rough. We don’t do that any more.
      Peg and Jim Healy aboard Sanctuary

      Click Here To Open A Chart View Window, Zoomed To the Location of R32

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