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    • New Marina in New Bern, NC (Neuse River)

      Many thanks to Captain Dayo for his brief report below on this new Neuse River facility near New Bern, NC. Can someone else please provide some additional details about this new marina, and particularly a telephone number. If so, PLEASE click the “Comment on This Posting/Marina/Anchorage/Bridge” link below, and share your information. Many thanks in advance!

      Subject: new marina in Bridgeton, NC
      Cruising News: There is a new marina in Bridgeton, NC, on the Neuse River. It is a short distance up river from New Bern on the Bridgeton side of the River. It is the Bridgeton Harbor. It is located immediately down river from the railroad crossing.
      Ed Deyo

      My Google Map does not have the name of the river that is to the east of New Bern, NC, but if you look it up, you will find rt. 17 bridge that crosses this river to the right. If you look left on the approaching shore you will see sailboat mast up a-ways. This is Bridgeton Harbor Marina, 252-349-1194,,, and his name is Tom. This is apparently a 5 Star marina that was built before the condos were and they aren’t getting done until the economy improves so there it sits. It has, floating docks, marina, car available, 5 washer/dryers, 5 seat type shower that never run out of hot water and it was $300 a month dockage last summer for a 50′ boat. Plus the man who told me about this Ted, who is now in Core Creek like we are, said there was a great breeze all the time at this place that stuck out in the water. So, put that in your places to check out book.
      This is from my sister Sarah and is second hand from me. But, she consorts with a salty crew, so there probably is some truth to her advice.
      Clint and Lori Wadsworth

      Ask and you will receive ‘¦’¦ something
      I had just sent this information to my brother Clint Wadsworth heading south on ESCORT, yesterday. We are on ACADIA and soon to head south, but are hauled out in Beaufort, NC.
      Two days ago I heard from a fellow `yard-bird’, who had been at this marina for the summer and couldn’t say enough nice things about it. He said it was a beautiful 5 Star type marina and that he had been there for the summer. His monthly was very reasonable, the floating docks jutted out far enough in the river to catch a breeze, no bugs and the tie ups were accessible and large. There is a huge shop building, I am not sure who runs that. There are 5 gorgeously tiled showers with benches in them, lots of hot water plus 5 washer/dryers and a car to borrow. The dockmaster’s name is Tom 252-49-1194, ,
      Sarah Schroeder

      Comments from Cruisers (1)

      1. Captain Colin Day. M/V LILY MARIA -  February 5, 2011 - 1:58 pm

        Bridgeton Harbor Marina. Dock master: Thomas Wynn. Phone 252 349 1194 or 252 514 6728. Location. 35:07:555N by 77:01:747W. On Neuse River, south and east of rail road bridge at Bridgeton.
        Off the north / south migration route but an ideal, safe location to rest awhile or to leave your vessel while attending to shore side commitments. New Bern Airport is convenient to the marina.
        Wide, stable floating docks. each with electricity, water and TV hook ups. Shore side facilities include a clubhouse, which incorporates lounge with wide screen TV, large tiled bathrooms and cooking facilities also a computer for use of guests. Special feature are the free washer/ dryers.
        Outside is an extensive deck fully equipped with comfortable chairs, tables and LPG grills and smoker for dockside cook outs. There is also a large workshop area which can be used with the Dock Masters approval.
        A courtesy car is freely available. Family type restaurant with in walking distance, a pizza store that will delver and a fully stocked Food Lion and pharmacy within 5 minutes drive.
        The Dock Master Tom Wynn is an experienced boat owner who understands and is able to meet the needs of his customers. Tom recently retired as a boat builder and can, when asked, offer solution for most shipboard problems.
        We came for a month , stayed for two and are totally satisfied and will break ourfuture migrations here again.

        Reply to Captain
    • Sea Gate Marina (AICW – Core Creek Canal, near St. M. 194)

      Sea Gate Marina guards the Waterway’s western banks, just north of the Core Creek bridge. This facility has a well sheltered harbor, but we’ve noted some thin depths here in the past.

      We have been shopping marinas. We like Seagate because of it’s price and closeness to the beach. We looked over Seagate in March 2010. They have remodeled the inside of their marina lounge, and seem to be improving the facility. My wife and I were surprised to find they remodeled the old plastic-walled dingy bathrooms with hard tile. Great job!
      For some pretty cheap money, they should add some coverage trees (Leyland Cypress grow fast!) and some shrubs to eliminate that barren look they have. They still have a `last outpost’ feel about the place. Nice marina, but still feels a bit sparse on atmosphere. Improving though, keep it up!

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Sea Gate Marina

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    • Whittaker Creek Yacht Harbor (Neuse River – at Oriental, and near St. M. 181)

      The only real problem we have ever had while berthing at Whittaker Creek, is that downtown Oriental, with all its wonderful dining attractions (including, Tucans and Village Food Emporium, both SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSORS) is a bit far for walking.

      Shopping marinas to put our boat. We like Whittaker Creek, for a good neighborly feel, but here’s what we saw in March 2010. Piers in rougher shape than average. Some disaster happened to the clubhouse/pool, can’t figure what. Also, Whittaker seems to be specializing in selling really badly-treated boats. There are many of them about.
      Knute (bright spot) is very friendly, but the poorly treated boats that sprinkle the marina are a bad omen. Seems like a marina in decline. I’d repair some boards in the piers and segregate the bone-yard boats away from the general population. Not sure when the clubhouse gets wiped clean or rebuilt. Very friendly place, friendly boaters there though. We thought they were priced higher than the market for long term slips and their general condition.

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    • Matthews Point Marina

      Matthews Point Marina is one of our favorite facilities on the North Carolina coastline. If you are looking for a shoreside restaurant, go elsewhere. Otherwise, you could not possibly do better than make the acquaintance of Jet Matthews and his fine staff at this beautiful facility!!!

      We love this place. We shopped about 4-5 marinas in March 2010 to put our for-us-new boat and Matthews Point is well-maintained, friendly, casual, beautiful, and well-loved. They take care of the facility like I take care of my home. Dockmaster Paul is helpful and friendly. Making it there our boat-home.

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    • New Bern Grand Marina (Trent River – Neuse River)

      Interesting that dockage rates have dropped at this facility.

      Called there in March 2010 about long term slips. Many amenities (A fitness center, New Bern, hotel, restaurants). Competitive rates for what you get, but was also told they had dropped their rates in the past year because they were losing (long term) boaters due to the economy. Very tempting but too far away from the ocean for us. I love this marina, it’s always in top shape.

      Click Here To View the Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For New Bern Grand Marina

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    • Alternate North Carolina Route, that Avoids the Alligator – Pungo Canal

      The route outlined below by Captains Chris & Alyse Caldwell is certainly do-able, and an interesting alternative to the AICW. The advantages are you can depart from a straight track and visit, Ocracoke, Hatteras village, Engelhard, and, particularly, Manteo, a wonderful port of call on Roanoke Island. The down side is that for much of this cruise you will be traversing wide and relatively shallow Pamlico Sound. When the wind gets its dander up, the sound’s long fetch, coupled with depths of only 8 to 15 feet, can produce a chop that can jar the fillings out of your teeth. Choose times of fair weather and winds under 12 knots when cruising Pamlico Sound!

      The ICW is a wonderful journey, north and south BUT if you’re tired of the slow zones, bridges (Alligator River bridge closure?) and constant overtaking of slower boats consider this shortcut around the entire Alligator – Pungo Canal in NC. This is an open water passage from the Neuse River mouth to Croatan Sound up to Coinjock, NC. You only save 18 miles BUT the time savings is incredible in a 7knot boat. You can run on autopilot in open water instead of traversing narrow cuts and canals. Unfortunately the fixed bridge crossing to Roanoke Island is only 45 feet air draft preventing most sailboats from using this route. Still want to try this in a sailboat? Run east of Roanoke Island in Roanoke Sound Channel where there is a 65 foot bridge. Marshes Light is a new marina that looks interesting. Tell ’em Captain Chris sent you.

      After departing Adams Creek or Oriental, NC follow the ICW northward in the Neuse River to the opening into the bay. The ICW veers west at marker NR into the Bay River.
      Use these landmarks as references to open water towards Coinjock, NC. These are not guaranteed waypoints for navigation. I used MapTech Chartkit Region 6 Seventh Edition for reference. and created initials NC 1 thru NC 8 to enter in my GPS. North Carolina 1-8. Remember to check my coordinates against the newest charts for accuracy.

      1. Marker, 24 ft, NR (Neuse River), intersection of Neuse River and Bay River (ICW veers west).
      NC1 N35.06.6 W76.28.5

      2. Brant I Shoal, Marker 40 ft. BI
      NC2 N35.07.8 W76.17.4

      3. Bluff Shoal, marker 41 ft. BL Caution, chart shows 10 ft water here.
      NC3 N35.12.9 W76.04.4

      4. Long Shoal, Marker 15 ft. LS2
      NC4 N35.33.8 W75.43.7

      5. Stumpy Point, Marker 35 ft. N
      NC5 N35.42.9 W75.37.7

      6. Roanoke Marshes, Marker 42 ft. RM
      NC6 N35.48.6 W75.42.0

      Go through Croatan Sound and under two fixed bridges. The older bridge is only 45 ft air draft preventing most sailboats from passing underneath. Some older charts (year 2000?) may not show the newer 65 ft bridge so be aware you will see two bridges on the horizon as you near them. Yes, you are in the correct location.

      7. Reeds Point, Marker 42 ft. Red #3
      NC7 N35.56.7 W75.46.6

      Cross Albermarle Sound to entrance of North River at Camden Point. Coinjock is north up the river.

      8. Camden Point, Marker 16 ft. Green #173
      NC8 N36.08.5 W75.53.6

      Depending on your speed, weather and available daylight we have used a few anchorages along this route.
      – Adams Creek at the 90 degree turn just before entering the Neuse River.
      – Oriental, NC. We go under the bridge and anchor to the left. This is a more open area and no sailboats can pass beneath the low fixed bridge.
      – Bay River just after turning west from the Neuse River ICW at marker NR.
      – Anywhere along the lee side of Croatan Sound near either bridge.
      – Just above Camden Point in the lee.

      Great Prime Rib Diner for two at Coinjock Marina. We recommend you stop here and enjoy this huge delicious dinner. Leftovers for days afterward.
      Chris & Alyse Caldwell
      Captain Chris Yacht Services

      Just completed that transit today 10/26 in a power boat with 39’³ draft. Passed several sail boats. no problem with depths. Bridge clearance board read 65′
      Dead head at entrance outside the channel southbound. Favor the green
      Roy Adler

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    • Wrightsville Beach to New Bern

      Captain Beesley’s note below is GOOD news. Looks like recent dredging at the AICW/New River/New River Inlet and the AICW/Browns Inlet intersections have done the job!

      Subject: New River to Swansboro
      Cruising News: Claiborne,
      Did a delivery yesterday from Wrighstville Beach to New Bern. Glad to report that we never saw less than 12 ft at the New River intersection, favoring the red side, at 1 ft above low tide. In addition, we went straight through Brown’s Inlet and never saw less than 15 ft. All of the temporary navigation aids there have been removed. The above news should be welcome for all the northbound cruisers over the next couple of months.
      Capt. Richard Beesley

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    • GREAT List of “Friendly” Mooring Places

      Captain Jim Quince has done the cruising community a HUGE favor by putting together a list of “Friendly Mooring Places,” which are usually, but not always, free. Of course, Captain Jim’s list goes beyond the Southeastern USA waters we deal with here on the Cruisers’ Net, but there’s plenty of info here concerning “friendly” places from North Carolina to New Orleans.

      The list of free docks, etc. is now the Friendly Moorings List online at :

      Thanks to all of you that have provided input to the list. It has been updated almost daily since I first posted it and has had many additions and revisions. If I already have sent you a copy of the list, I suggest you delete that list as an out of date list and use this one. You can cut and paste it into a new document if you prefer….no strings attached!
      I will continue to add to the list as new information is provided and as we are lucky enough to visit many more places on the list. Please do send any information you think is valuable to other cruisers. I am also including good value stops with relatively low costs like some FL State Parks and Mooring Fields. (Note that we rarely eat at restaurants due to Vaughn’s food allergies. If you know of restaurants with dock space, tell me so I can include them too.)
      This Friendly Mooring List will hopefully be a good outcome from the change of status for the Venice “free” (overnight) dock!!
      Thanks, Jim

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    • Praise for Core Creek Marine (Jarrett Bay Marine Industrial Park, near St. M. 197)

      Core Creek Marine is located on the grounds of Jarrett Bay Marine Industrial Park. This complex, in turns. overlooks the Waterway’s eastern banks between Neuse River and Beaufort/Morehead City. I know from personal experience that Jim Flynt, the owner of Core Creek Marine, does nothing except top quality work, at very fair prices. Give them a try! You won’t be sorry!

      Subject: yard work
      Cruising News: I just finished having Core Creek Marine work on my boat, a 1973 48\’ Meridian. They installed new throttles and shifts (control head and cables) as well as some interior carpentry and bottom painting. I was very pleased with the work. I wanted to do some things myself and have them do other parts, a very difficult arrangement with some yards. They were agreeable to any arrangement and charged 2/3rds of what it would have cost in my own yard near Annapolis. They are located in the Jarrett Bay Industrial Park and use Jarrett Bay’s travel lifts.
      John Walsh

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    • Wharf Landing Marina Now Open – Lies off the southern mouth of Chowan River, at the southeastern foot of the Edenhouse Bridge

      90 Luxury Condominiums · 100 Private Boat Slips · Full Service Marina · Protected Harbor · Convenient to the Intracoastal. 800-783-8289A brand, new facility, Wharf Landing Marina has recently opened on the waters of Albemarle Sound, and the Chowan River, just west and a bit north of Edenton. The harbor will be found a short hop south of the fixed, high-rise Chowan River – Edenhouse – Highway 17 bridge, along the easterly banks.
      And, Wharf Landing Marina is our newest SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR! Please patronize Wharf’s Landing whenever possible, and don’t forget to tell the marina personnel that you appreciate their support of the cruising community, by way of their support for the Salty Southeast Cruisers” Net!
      And, note Captain Jeff’s special weekend getaway deal for boating and yacht clubs!

      Come visit Historic Edenton’s newest full service, deep water marina and waterfront restaurant. Wharf Landing is a short 10 minute boat ride from Edenton’s downtown docks located at the foot of the Chowan River bridge. Wharf Landing Marina offers 90 deep water boat slips with shower and bath facilities. Gas and diesel is available on site. Our waterfront restaurant, Mac’s Backdoor Oyster Bar and Grill is an easy walk from marina. Located directly on the waterfront Mac’s offers exceptional views of the Albemarle Sound and Chowan River. A full menu with nightly specials and oyster bar Mac’s offers something for everyone.
      Boaters and yacht clubs schedule a weekend getaway with us. Reserve our extra large pier, including cooking equipment, tables, chairs, umbrellas for an incredible sunset social.
      Package deals are available. Call for info.
      Check us out at and We look forward to seeing you!!
      Jeff Powell
      Wharf Landing Sales

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    • Bridge Tender Marina (Wrightsville Beach, Statute Mile 280)

      Moving south on the AICW, Bridge Tender Marina will come abeam to the west, immediately south of the Wrightsville Beach swing bridge. These waters are a marina rich environment, with many choices that cruisers may pick from.

      Stayed there 3/17. Nice people. Showers are in a public restroom and not available after 5PM. Only about a half mile walk thru a very safe neighborhood to a grocery, general hardware store, and a West Marine. Also, about a block from the marina is a shop that sells model boats with some of the best you have ever seen on display.
      SV Aquarius

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    • Southport and Southport Marina (Statute Mile 309)

      Well, you can’t go by me in any discussion of Southport, as I spent many a boyhood summer here, whiling away the hours along the old harbor waterfront, crabbing under the docks, and fishing the Frying Pan Shoals offshore. I love this place. And, let’s not forget, Southport Marina is a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      We were there on 3/19/2010. Nice people and facilities. Spent a good bit of time walking around town and have never seen any town where every house was is supurb condition. They take a lot of pride in their town!
      Also, check out their maritime museum.
      Don’t think there is a real great restaurant around. We did eat at Loco Jo’s which is where it seems everyone gathers after work for a drink. Their fresh fish was well prepared, but the place is nothing fancy
      SV Aquarius

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    • Manteo Waterfront Marina (off Roanoke Sound)

      Manteo Waterfront Marina is now run by the Town of Manteo. It boasts 53 slips that can accommodate boats up to 140 feet. The marina is situated right next to historic downtown Manteo on a boardwalk Like Captain, we adore Manteo, and when we are docked at Manteo Waterfront Marina, it’s even better. There’s generous shopping and great dining with an easy stop of the docks, and dockmaster Carl is simply one of the very best. And, let’s not forget, this facility and the city of Manteo is supporting the cruising community by being a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      We really love this little town! It’s only a short jog off the ICW and a great stop. We have brought our 44 ft boat here from Baltimore for the winter months for the last few years. As noted by others, the turn into Shallowbag Bay can be a little confusing, but take it slow and you should find plenty of water in the channel. There are lots of big boats that make it in without problems. There was a 100 footer here at the town marina last week.
      Jim Milner

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    • Big Trout Marina (Pamlico Sound, Mainland Shore)

      Big Trout Marina is the only cruising craft friendly marina on the mainland shores of mid-Pamlico Sound. It is located in the tiny but friendly and commercial fishing craft rich village of Engelhard, NC. There is a little cafe at Big Trout, open for breakfast and lunch only, and a small grocery store is within walking distance of the docks. Glad to hear (below) that the Far Creek entrance channel, which serves Big Trout Marina and Engelhard, is in good shape!

      Hi Claiborne
      We just arrived at Big Trout after calling Edna and Frank at home (they did not answer the Marina number, but it is very early in the season ‘“ March 14). Frank met us at the dock when we arrived at 6:30 PM and was very accommodating.
      The Channel in was never less than 10 feet ‘“ we stayed about 30 feet off the green markers as one of the posters suggested.
      Thanks for the recommendation ‘“ we found it in your book and then went to the website. We had planned to go to Manteo, but a 5 hour bridge closure yesterday at the Onslow bridge kept that from happening.
      Fair Sailing
      PS: Verizon service is fine, ATT is non-existent.

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    • Mile Hammock Bay Anchorage (Statute Mile 244.5)

      Miles Hammock Bay is really the ONLY secure anchorage between Swansboro and New River. Its entrance is subject to shoaling, and don’t dare go ashore. This is US Marine Corps property, and part of Camp Lejeune.

      Spent a very calm night here on 21 Feb 2010. We were the only boat in the anchorage as would be expected this time of the year. Leaving the next morning we found two dredges at the New River Inlet. We did bump going past them but after calling the lead dredge, we found the right path and never saw less than 10 feet.
      Larry Morrow

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Anchorage Directory Listing For Mile Hammock Bay Anchorage

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    • Seapath Yacht Club (Wrightsville Beach, off AICW via Motts Channel, near St. M. 280)

      To easily access Seapath Yacht Club (transient dockage is usually readily available), you must leave the AICW just south of the Wrightsville Beach Bridge, and traverse Motts Channel. This passage can get shoally between dredging cycles. Call Seapath for the latest channel info.

      This was our 3rd stay at Seapath. It is an easy marina to dock at and use of the courtesy car is a plus. We might have hit them on an off day, but I found the crew not as friendly and helpful as our last visits. Bought fuel ( diesel ) for $2.99/gal.
      Larry Morrow

      Click Here For The Cruisers’ Net’s North Carolina Marina Directory Listing For Seapath Yacht Club

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    • St. James Plantation Marina (Statute Mile 315)

      Sounds like things are really looking up at this facility, located directly off the AICW, south of Southport. The last I heard, there was no restaurant here, and no provisioning either. Has anyone else had good luck at St. James Plantation?

      I can’t believe I’ve never stopped here before. We heard about St. James from several friends and had to try it ourselves. All I can say is that this place is not to be missed by cruisers. At $1.05 per foot and a great restaurant, grocery store/deli, easy access fuel dock and very helpful staff ‘¦’¦ it’s a steal !!!!! We will stay here for sure on our trip back north and hope to be able to enjoy the Tiki bar in warmer weather.
      s/v twomorrows
      Larry Morrow

      St. James Plantation “IS” a very nice stop. Great walking all over the roads next to the marina and viewing the beautiful homes. Four 18 hole Golf Courses right on the property.
      We stayed there in late Nov for a week then left for home for the month of Dec. Arrived back after New Years 2010 and headed for FL. Very secure place to leave a boat, and great monthly rates.
      Bob Wilkins
      Ocean Rose
      KK 44

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    • Caspers Marine, Swansboro, NC (near St. M. 229)

      Caspers Marine is the closest facility offering transient dockage to the Swansboro downtown historic/shopping/dining district. And, it’s only a quick walk from Caspers to Captain Charleys Seafood Paradise, home to possibly the best fried seafood in the world!

      We have stayed at Caspers a number of times on both our Endeavour 42 Sloop and our current Eagle 40 Pilothouse, and we cannot say enough about the marina and the town. Admittedly the marina is a bit exposed, but the docks and skill of the owner have always made us feel safe and secure. We were `stuck’ at Caspers with our sailing club for two days of gale force winds, gusting to 60, and everyone had a great time and never felt threatened. The owner is a real professional!
      Capt Durl and Debbie aboard
      m/v Season Ticket

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    • Dowry Creek Marina (Feb. 2010 Report, near St. Mile 131.5)

      Dowry Creek Marina guards the northern shores of the AICW/Pungo River upstream of Belhaven, NC. This facility is consistently praised as one of the friendliest marinas in North Carolina.

      Stopped at Dowry Creek Marina on Feb. 18th. We were greeted at the fuel dock by 2 liveaboards who expertly tied our dock lines. Mary, the owner, was very friendly and made us feel very welcome. The water is turned off because of the cold weather and the diesel was $2.65 gallon. We were able to watch the Olympics that night due to great reception on the dock.
      Larry Morrow

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    • River Dunes Marina (off the Neuse River, near Statute Mile 173.5)

      River Dunes is part of a sumptuous, low impact development. It is accessible by water from Neuse River, by way of Broad Creek, east of Oriental. Just to be clear on this, River Dunes is one of the very best marinas in North Carolina, and I’m not just saying that because they are a SALTY SOUTHEAST CRUISERS’ NET SPONSOR!

      We are staying at River Dunes as I write this note. Just got back from a fantastic dinner at the restaurant and a long hot shower in one of the most superb showers I have ever been in, complete with a steam bath in the shower itself. Docking was a snap with all the room afforded in the fairways and basin. Dock hand, Meredith, was great and made us feel special. There was a golf cart for us to use to get around the grounds which are nothing less than beautiful. The water has been turned off at the docks but there is a faucet in the pool area that can be used with your jerry jugs. We will be sure to stop here again on our way north in the Spring.
      Larry Morrow

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